Names with single quotes in Template Haskell - haskell

Normally, when using Template Haskell, names of bindings and data constructors are quoted by prefixing them with a single quote:
showName, justName :: Name
showName = 'show
justName = 'Just
Unfortunately, this doesn't work for names whose second character is a single quote, because two single quotes with a single character between them are interpreted as a character literal. How can I work around this?

Edit: It seems the user's guide is wrong about there not being an escape mechanism! You can just add a space after the initial single quote. So... don't use the below hack.
It's possible to work around this limitation using expression quoting and a bogus Quote instance.
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
module ExtractName (extractName) where
import Data.Functor.Identity
import GHC.Stack
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
extractName :: HasCallStack => Id Exp -> Name
extractName m = case unId m of
VarE x -> x
ConE x -> x
_ -> withFrozenCallStack $ error extractNameError
newtype Id a = Id {unId :: a}
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad) via Identity
-- This is bogus, but good enough for what we're doing.
instance Quote Id where
newName _ = withFrozenCallStack $ error extractNameError
extractNameError :: String
extractNameError =
"extractName: the argument must be an expression quote containing a\n"
++ "single bare name, such as [| f'1 |]"
Now you can write, for example,
f' :: Int
data Foo = B'ar
f'Name, b'arName :: Name
f'Name = extractName [| f' |]
b'arName = extractName [| B'ar |]
How does this work? An expression quote will produce an Exp in an arbitrary monad implementing Quote. In general, desugaring expression quotes may require the newName method, to desugar things like lets and lambda expressions. However, it does not need newName to desugar a plain old binding or data constructor. So we can write a bogus Quote implementation for an Identity-like type that will work for the sorts of quoted expressions we need. Once we've unwrapped the expression, we can extract the name from it.


How to pattern match an abstract data type when the data constructor isn't in scope?

I'm writing a parser library using Parsec combinators, and I want to unit test some of my parsers. So I have a simple parser:
dash :: GenParser Char st Char
dash = char '-'
I'd like to write some tests for it. The positive test is pretty easy:
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "dash" $ do
it "parses a dash" $
parse dash "N/A" "-" `shouldBe` (Right '-')
I'd like to write a negative test as well. When the parser doesn't match, it returns Left of a ParseError. I'd like to write a test that validates the exact message that the ParseError contains. So what I'd really like to do is something like
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "dash" $ do
it "doesn't parse an underscore" $
parse dash "N/A" "_" `shouldSatisfy` (hasErrorMessage "not a dash")
hasErrorMessage (Left (ParseError _ msgs)) expected = msg == expected
hasErrorMessage _ expected = False
But I'm having trouble writing this sort of code, since the ParseError data constructor isn't exported from Text.Parsec.Error.
Is there any way to use pattern matching on types where no data constructor for the type is in scope?
I know I could write hasErrorMessage something like
hasErrorMessage :: String -> (Either ParseError a) -> Bool
hasErrorMessage expected (Left pe) = elem expected $ fmap messageString (errorMessages pe)
but I'd like to understand this nuance, too.
Although the data constructor isn't exported, functions to access its parameters are. You can use these in combination with view patterns to sort of get what you want. In your case, the pattern (errorMessages -> msgs) can stand in almost perfectly for (ParseError _ msgs), with two caveats:
You need {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} to use this feature.
errorMessages sorts the messages, which a pattern match on the data constructor wouldn't do.
You can even use this technique with pattern synonyms to make a fake data constructor, so you can use the exact same syntax you would otherwise:
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms, ViewPatterns #-}
pattern ParseError pos msgs <- ((,) <$> errorPos <*> errorMessages -> (pos, msgs)) where
ParseError pos msgs = foldr addErrorMessage (newErrorUnknown pos) msgs

How to return a polymorphic type in Haskell based on the results of string parsing?

How can I write a function which is polymorphic in its return type? I'm working on an exercise where the task is to write a function which is capable of analyzing a String and, depending on its contents, generate either a Vector [Int], Vector [Char] or Vector [String].
Longer version:
Here are a few examples of how the intended function would behave:
The string "1 2\n3 4" would generate a Vector [Int] that's made up of two lists: [1,2] and [3,4].
The string "'t' 'i' 'c'\n't' 'a' 'c'\n't' 'o' 'e'" would generate a Vector [Char] (i.e., made up of the lists "tic", "tac" and "toe").
The string "\"hello\" \"world\"\n\"monad\" \"party\"" would generate a Vector [String] (i.e., ["hello","world"] and ["monad","party"]).
Error-checking/exception handling is not a concern for this particular exercise. At this stage, all testing is done purely, i.e., this isn't in the realm of the IO monad.
What I have so far:
I have a function (and new datatype) which is capable of classifying a string. I also have functions (one for each Int, Char and String) which can convert the string into the necessary Vector.
My question: how can I combine these three conversion functions into a single function?
What I've tried:
(It obviously doesn't typecheck if I stuff the three conversion
functions into a single function (i.e., using a case..of structure
to pattern match on VectorType of the string.
I tried making a Vectorable class and defining a separate instance for each type; I quickly realized that this approach only works if the functions' arguments vary by type. In our case, the the type of the argument doesn't vary (i.e., it's always a String).
My code:
A few comments
Parsing: the mySplitter object and the mySplit function handle the parsing. It's admittedly a crude parser based on the Splitter type and the split function from Data.List.Split.Internals.
Classifying: The classify function is capable of determining the final VectorType based on the string.
Converting: The toVectorNumber, toVectorChar and toVectorString functions are able to convert a string to type Vector [Int], Vector [Char] and Vector [String], respectively.
As a side note, I'm trying out CorePrelude based on a recommendation from a mentor. That's why you'll see me use the generalized versions of the normal Prelude functions.
import qualified Prelude
import CorePrelude
import Data.Foldable (concat, elem, any)
import Control.Monad (mfilter)
import Text.Read (read)
import Data.Char (isAlpha, isSpace)
import Data.List.Split (split)
import Data.List.Split.Internals (Splitter(..), DelimPolicy(..), CondensePolicy(..), EndPolicy(..), Delimiter(..))
import Data.Vector ()
import qualified Data.Vector as V
data VectorType = Number | Character | TextString deriving (Show)
mySplitter :: [Char] -> Splitter Char
mySplitter elts = Splitter { delimiter = Delimiter [(`elem` elts)]
, delimPolicy = Drop
, condensePolicy = Condense
, initBlankPolicy = DropBlank
, finalBlankPolicy = DropBlank }
mySplit :: [Char]-> [Char]-> [[Char]]
mySplit delims = split (mySplitter delims)
classify :: String -> VectorType
classify xs
| '\"' `elem` cs = TextString
| hasAlpha cs = Character
| otherwise = Number
cs = concat $ split (mySplitter "\n") xs
hasAlpha = any isAlpha . mfilter (/=' ')
toRows :: [Char] -> [[Char]]
toRows = mySplit "\n"
toVectorChar :: [Char] -> Vector [Char]
toVectorChar = let toChar = concat . mySplit " \'"
in V.fromList . fmap (toChar) . toRows
toVectorNumber :: [Char] -> Vector [Int]
toVectorNumber = let toNumber = fmap (\x -> read x :: Int) . mySplit " "
in V.fromList . fmap toNumber . toRows
toVectorString :: [Char] -> Vector [[Char]]
toVectorString = let toString = mfilter (/= " ") . mySplit "\""
in V.fromList . fmap toString . toRows
You can't.
Covariant polymorphism is not supported in Haskell, and wouldn't be useful if it were.
That's basically all there is to answer. Now as to why this is so.
It's no good "returning a polymorphic value" like OO languages so like to do, because the only reason to return any value at all is to use it in other functions. Now, in OO languages you don't have functions but methods that come with the object, so it's quite easy to "return different types": each will have its suitable methods built-in, and they can per instance vary. (Whether that's a good idea is another question.)
But in Haskell, the functions come from elsewhere. They don't know about implementation changes for a particular instance, so the only way such functions can safely be defined is to know every possible implementation. But if your return type is really polymorphic, that's not possible, because polymorphism is an "open" concept (it allows new implementation varieties to be added any time later).
Instead, Haskell has a very convenient and totally safe mechanism of describing a closed set of "instances" – you've actually used it yourself already! ADTs.
data PolyVector = NumbersVector (Vector [Int])
| CharsVector (Vector [Char])
| StringsVector (Vector [String])
That's the return type you want. The function won't be polymorphic as such, it'll simply return a more versatile type.
If you insist it should be polymorphic
Now... actually, Haskell does have a way to sort-of deal with "polymorphic returns". As in OO when you declare that you return a subclass of a specified class. Well, you can't "return a class" at all in Haskell, you can only return types. But those can be made to express "any instance of...". It's called existential quantification.
data PolyVector' where
PolyVector :: YourVElemClass e => Vector [e] -> PolyVector'
class YourVElemClass where
instance YourVElemClass Int
instance YourVElemClass Char
instance YourVElemClass String
I don't know if that looks intriguing to you. Truth is, it's much more complicated and rather harder to use; you can't just just any of the possible results directly but can only make use of the elements through methods of YourVElemClass. GADTs can in some applications be extremely useful, but these usually involve classes with very deep mathematical motivation. YourVElemClass doesn't seem to have such a motivation, so you'll be much better off with a simple ADT alternative, than existential quantification.
There's a famous rant against existentials by Luke Palmer (note he uses another syntax, existential-specific, which I consider obsolete, as GADTs are strictly more general).
Easy, use an sum type!
data ParsedVector = NumberVector (Vector [Int]) | CharacterVector (Vector [Char]) | TextString (Vector [String]) deriving (Show)
parse :: [Char] -> ParsedVector
parse cs = case classify cs of
Number -> NumberVector $ toVectorNumber cs
Character -> CharacterVector $ toVectorChar cs
TextString -> TextStringVector $ toVectorString cs

Parsec returns [Char] instead of Text

I am trying to create a parser for a custom file format. In the format I am working with, some fields have a closing tag like so:
I am trying to grab the value between the </ and > and use it as part of the bigger parser.
I have come up with the code below. The trouble is, the parser returns [Char] instead of Text. I can pack each Char by doing fmap pack $ return r to get a text value out, but I was hoping type inference would save me from having to do this. Could someone give hints as to why I am getting back [Char] instead of Text, and how I can get back Text without having to manually pack the value?
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Data.Text
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.Text
-- |A closing tag is on its own line and is a "</" followed by some uppercase characters
-- followed by some '>'
closingTag = do
_ <- char '\n'
r <- between (string "</") (char '>') (many upper)
return r
string has the type
string :: Stream s m Char => String -> ParsecT s u m String
(See here for documentation)
So getting a String back is exactly what's supposed to happen.
Type inference doesn't change types, it only infers them. String is a concrete type, so there's no way to infer Text for it.
What you could do, if you need this in a couple of places, is to write a function
text :: Stream s m Char => String -> ParsecT s u m Text
text = fmap pack . string
or even
string' :: (IsString a, Stream s m Char) => String -> ParsecT s u m a
string' = fmap fromString . string
Also, it doesn't matter in this example but you'd probably want to import Text qualified, names like pack are used in a number of different modules.
As Ørjan Johansen correctly pointed out, string isn't actually the problem here, many upper is. The same principle applies though.
The reason you get [Char] here is that upper parses a Char and many turns that into a [Char]. I would write my own combinator along the lines of:
manyPacked = fmap pack . many
You could probably use type-level programming with type classes etc. to automatically choose between many and manyPack depending on the expect return type, but I don't think that's worth it. (It would probably look a bit like Scala's CanBuiltFrom).

Is there a polymorphic `toString` function that doesn't add quotes?

In most OO languages that I'm familiar with, the toString method of a String is actually just the identity function. But in Haskell show adds double quotes.
So if I write a function something like this
f :: Show a => [a] -> String
f = concat . map show
it works as expected for numbers
f [0,1,2,3] -- "0123"
but Strings end up with extra quotes
f ["one", "two", "three"] -- "\"one\"\"two\"\"three\""
when I really want "onetwothree".
If I wanted to write f polymorphically, is there a way to do it with only a Show constraint, and without overriding the Show instance for String (if that's even possible).
The best I can come up with is to create my own type class:
class (Show a) => ToString a where
toString = show
and add an instance for everything?
instance ToString String where toString = id
instance ToString Char where toString = pure
instance ToString Int
instance ToString Maybe
I think the root cause of your problem is that show isn't really renderToText. It's supposed to produce text that you could paste into Haskell code to get the same value, or convert back to the same value using read.
For that purpose, show "foo" = "foo" wouldn't work, because show "1" = "1" and show 1 = "1", which loses information.
The operation you want to be able to apply to "foo" to get "foo" and to 1 to get "1" is something other than show. show just isn't a Java-esque toString.
When I've needed this before, I have indeed made my own new type class and made a bunch of things instances of it, and then used that rather than Show. Most of the instances were implemented with show, but String wasn't the only one I wanted to customise so the separate type class wasn't completely wasted. In practice, I found there were only a handful of types that I actually needed the instance for, and it was pretty trivial to add them as I got compile errors.
The Pretty class and its corresponding type Doc have the needed behavior for Show. Your link shows a different use case, however; maybe you could edit the question?
You could do this:
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances, OverlappingInstances #-}
class Show a => ToString a where
toString :: a -> String
instance Show a => ToString a where
toString = show
instance ToString String where
toString = id
Prelude> toString "hello"
Prelude> toString 3
Note that this is probably a terrible idea.
You could use newtype with OverloadedStrings:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
newtype LiteralString = LS ByteString
instance IsString LiteralString where fromString = LS . B.pack
instance Show LiteralString where show (LS x) = B.unpack x
instance Read LiteralString where readsPrec p s = map (\(!s, !r) -> (LS s,r)) $! readsPrec p s
hello :: LiteralString
hello = "hello world"
main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn . show $! hello
hello world
The double quotes in the normal case are actually useful when reading a shown string back in the context of larger expression as they clearly delimit shown string values from values of other shown types:
x :: (ByteString, Int)
x = read . show $! ("go", 10)
-- string value starts --^^-- ends
y :: (LiteralString, Int)
y = read . show $! ("go", 10)
-- string value starts --^ ^ consumes all characters; read fails

How to include code in different places during compilations in Haskell?

Quasi-quotes allow generating AST code during compilations, but it inserts generated code at the place where Quasi-quote was written. Is it possible in any way to insert the compile-time generated code elsewhere? For example in specific module files which are different from the one where QQ was written? It would depend on hard-coded module structure, but that's fine.
If that's not possible with QQ but anyone knows a different way of achieving it, I am open for suggestions.
To answer this, it's helpful to know what a quasi-quoter is. From the GHC Documentation, a quasi-quoter is a value of
data QuasiQuoter = QuasiQuoter { quoteExp :: String -> Q Exp,
quotePat :: String -> Q Pat,
quoteType :: String -> Q Type,
quoteDec :: String -> Q [Dec] }
That is, it's a parser from an arbitrary String to one or more of ExpQ, PatQ, TypeQ, and DecQ, which are Template Haskell representations of expressions, patterns, types, and declarations respectively.
When you use a quasi-quote, GHC applies the parser to the String to create a ExpQ (or other type), then splices in the resulting template haskell expression to produce an actual value.
It sounds like what you're asking to do is separate the quasiquote parsing and splicing, so that you have access to the TH expression. Then you can import that expression into another module and splice it there yourself.
Knowing the type of a quasi-quoter, it's readily apparent this is possible. Normally you use a QQ as
-- file Expr.hs
eval :: Expr -> Integer
expr = QuasiQuoter { quoteExp = parseExprExp, quotePat = parseExprPat }
-- file Foo.hs
import Expr
myInt = eval [expr|1 + 2|]
Instead, you can extract the parser yourself, get a TH expression, and splice it later:
-- file Foo.hs
import Expr
-- run the QQ parser
myInt_TH :: ExpQ
myInt_TH = quoteExp expr "1 + 2"
-- file Bar.hs
import Foo.hs
-- run the TH splice
myInt = $(myInt_TH)
Of course if you're writing all this yourself, you can skip the quasi-quotes and use a parser and Template Haskell directly. It's pretty much the same thing either way.
