how to cat file from local to remote while using sudo without typing password - linux

I'm trying to cat the local file to remote file and use diff to compare the difference of the two files.
I need to use sudo to run the command and hope it can run automaticall wihtout typing password manually.
The followings are my code now.
cat password.txt | sshpass -p ${USER_PASSWORD} ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o "ConnectTimeout 5" -tt ${USER_NAME}#${PEER_IPADDRESS[${i}]} "sudo cat > ${DIR_SET}${FILE_NAME}.txt"< ${DIR_SET}${FILE_NAME}.txt
DIFF=$(diff ${DIR_SET}${FILE_NAME}.txt <(cat password.txt | sshpass -p ${USER_PASSWORD} ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o "ConnectTimeout 5" -tt ${USER_NAME}#${PEER_IPADDRESS[${i}]} "sudo cat ${DIR_SET}${FILE_NAME}.txt"))
At first, I try to use pipeline to cat and diff the local file to the remote one.
However, it seems that to use sudo without typing password also need to use the vertical pipe.
My question is:
1.Is it possible to use two pipeline in one line code, and how to run them seperatley to make my code work.
2.Are there any way to use sudo without typing password or to use cat/diff without useing pipeline.
Thank you very much.


Passing attributes to chef via command line

This is driving me nuts, any help is massively appreciated.
Currently using a recipe to run an ssh command whereby the command takes in args and then uses that.
The escaping of the string string quotes is quite literally sending me insane; please help me SO, you're my only help. :D
This is the literal string that I need for my ssh:
ssh -i /home/ec2-user/.ssh/Test-Key.pem -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ec2-user#ipAddress echo '{\"attr\":\"value\"}' | sudo chef-client -o solr-restart -j /dev/stdin
it's wrapped in a command within the recipe like so:
command "ssh -i /home/ec2-user/.ssh/Test-Key.pem -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ec2-user#ipAddress echo '{\"attr\":\"value\"}' | sudo chef-client -o solr-restart -j /dev/stdin"
no matter how I try and manipulate the string I cannot get the output to be correct, it either removes the escaped characters in the json, or adds in additional ones.
I've tried to echo '#{madness}'
where madness = madness = '{\"portAttribute\":\"'+"#{portNumber}"+'\"}'
but still no luck, thanks for any help.
IMHO your string interpolation looks fine but as you want to run the following command on remote machine:
echo '{\"portAttribute\":\"#{portNumber}\"}' | sudo chef-client -o solr-restart -j /dev/stdin
Command should tweaked a bit more and be passed in recipe as:
command "ssh -i /home/ec2-user/.ssh/Test-Key.pem -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ec2-user#ipAddress 'echo \'{\\\"portAttribute\\\":\\\"#{portNumber}\\\"}\' | sudo chef-client -o solr-restart -j /dev/stdin' "
This works
You reeeeeeally probably don't mean to be using -j, that totally overwrites whatever data is on the node already and is only intended for inital bootstrapping. After that, you don't pass data in on the command line, it comes from Chef Server.

Bash for loops on a remote server

I am attempting to run multiple commands via a bash script on a remote server. specifically, the for loop to be run on the remote server is giving me issues. I suspect it is because I don't know how to properly escape characters or use $().
Below is the code.
ssh (user)#(server) <<EOF
sudo su - (username)
'for e in $(`ls -lrt /usr/jboss/jbosseap | awk '{print $9}' | grep multichannel`);
echo "$e";
Removing user and server names for obvious reasons. Just concentrate on the for loop. when I run that for loop command line (without the $()) its works fine. Just not sure how to nest it in a remote call.
Thanks very much for any and all help!
If you've got a complex script that you're trying to run over ssh you're going to be better off putting that script in a file and piping that file into ssh like:
cat | ssh user#host
cat | ssh user#host sudo -u username
And now you don't have to worry about N levels of escaping.
You can run it as below .
here file "list " includes your list of nodes and script should be present in all nodes
for i in $(cat list ) ;do ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no $i "/path/your_script" ;done

Remote SSH commands not working in Linux

Regardless of why, I am trying to write a script that will let me send a command to various addresses. There is a shared key for the user, so there is no need for logging in. But this isn't working.
So, the following will not work...
cmd="ssh user#$ip -C $args"
If I execute it with the following:
./ /bin/ls -l /var
I get the error of "ls -l /var: No such file or directory"
If I run that command (ssh user# -C '/bin/ls -l /var'), it works fine.
What am I doing wrong? These are the same installs of RHEL6.
Apparently, the quotes were confusing bash. The following works...
$(ssh -o ConnectTimeout=1 User#$ip "$#")

Shell script to compare remote directories

I have a shell script that I am using to compare directory contents. The script has to ssh to different servers to get a directory listing. When I run the script below, I am getting the contents of the server that I am logged into's /tmp directory listing and not that of the servers I am trying to ssh to. Could you please tell me what I am doing wrong?
The config file used in the script is as follows (called config.txt):
The script is as follows
while read a b c
`ssh user#$SERVER1 'ls -l $COMPDIR'`| sed -n '1!p' >> server1.txt
`ssh user#$SERVER2 'ls -l $COMPDIR'`| sed -n '1!p' >> server2.txt
When I look at the outputs of server1.txt and server2.txt, they are both exactly the same - having the contents of /tmp of the server the script is running on (not server1 or 2). Doing the ssh +dir listing on command line works just fine. I am also getting the error "Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal". Adding the -t -t to the ssh command isnt helping either
Thank you
I have the back ticks in order to execute the command.
Backticks are not needed to execute a command - they are used to expand the standard output of the command into the command line. Certainly you don't want the output of your ssh commands to be interpreted as commands. Thus, it should work fine without the backticks:
ssh user#$SERVER1 "ls -l $COMPDIR" | sed -n '1!p' >>server1.txt
ssh user#$SERVER2 "ls -l $COMPDIR" | sed -n '1!p' >>server2.txt
(provided that double quotes to allow expansion of $COMPDIR are used).
first you need to generate keys to login to remote without keys
ssh-keygen -t rsa
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ remote-host
then try to ssh without pass
ssh remote-host
then try to invoke in your script but first make sanity check
var1=$(ssh remote-host) die "Cannot connect to remote host" unless $var1;

How to use tee with sshpass in shell script

I have a situation that I need to append several lines(ip and hosts) from a file to /etc/hosts.
If I execute the below command
sshpass -p password cat /tmp/hosts |sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
I am getting
sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified.
Sorry, try again.
sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified. Sorry, try again.
sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified. Sorry, try again.
sudo: 3 incorrect password attempts
Any alternatives to this?
How about
sudo -S sh -c 'cat /tmp/hosts >> /etc/hosts' <<< "password"
It's best to contain redirections for sudo within a subshell so that the elevated permissions are applied to opening the destination file.
ref: See
The error you face comes from the fact that sshpass tries to send the password to cat, not to sudo. Your command line should have, in theory, looked rather like this:
cat /tmp/hosts |sshpass -p password sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
but sshpass does not forward stdin to sudo so this is a dead end. (sudo does forward stdin though that is why something like sudo tee works)
You could do something like this
sshpass -p password sudo echo "Hello"
cat /tmp/hosts | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
so that the second call to sudo does not require a password.
Another option is to embed the cat and the redirection in a shell script and then just
sshpass -p password sudo ./
Or you can, as #glennjackman wrote, embed the cat and the redirection in a subshell:
sshpass -p password sudo sh -c 'cat /tmp/hosts >> /etc/hosts'
And of course, you can configure sudo to not require passwords.
