Passing attributes to chef via command line - string

This is driving me nuts, any help is massively appreciated.
Currently using a recipe to run an ssh command whereby the command takes in args and then uses that.
The escaping of the string string quotes is quite literally sending me insane; please help me SO, you're my only help. :D
This is the literal string that I need for my ssh:
ssh -i /home/ec2-user/.ssh/Test-Key.pem -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ec2-user#ipAddress echo '{\"attr\":\"value\"}' | sudo chef-client -o solr-restart -j /dev/stdin
it's wrapped in a command within the recipe like so:
command "ssh -i /home/ec2-user/.ssh/Test-Key.pem -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ec2-user#ipAddress echo '{\"attr\":\"value\"}' | sudo chef-client -o solr-restart -j /dev/stdin"
no matter how I try and manipulate the string I cannot get the output to be correct, it either removes the escaped characters in the json, or adds in additional ones.
I've tried to echo '#{madness}'
where madness = madness = '{\"portAttribute\":\"'+"#{portNumber}"+'\"}'
but still no luck, thanks for any help.

IMHO your string interpolation looks fine but as you want to run the following command on remote machine:
echo '{\"portAttribute\":\"#{portNumber}\"}' | sudo chef-client -o solr-restart -j /dev/stdin
Command should tweaked a bit more and be passed in recipe as:
command "ssh -i /home/ec2-user/.ssh/Test-Key.pem -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ec2-user#ipAddress 'echo \'{\\\"portAttribute\\\":\\\"#{portNumber}\\\"}\' | sudo chef-client -o solr-restart -j /dev/stdin' "

This works

You reeeeeeally probably don't mean to be using -j, that totally overwrites whatever data is on the node already and is only intended for inital bootstrapping. After that, you don't pass data in on the command line, it comes from Chef Server.


how to cat file from local to remote while using sudo without typing password

I'm trying to cat the local file to remote file and use diff to compare the difference of the two files.
I need to use sudo to run the command and hope it can run automaticall wihtout typing password manually.
The followings are my code now.
cat password.txt | sshpass -p ${USER_PASSWORD} ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o "ConnectTimeout 5" -tt ${USER_NAME}#${PEER_IPADDRESS[${i}]} "sudo cat > ${DIR_SET}${FILE_NAME}.txt"< ${DIR_SET}${FILE_NAME}.txt
DIFF=$(diff ${DIR_SET}${FILE_NAME}.txt <(cat password.txt | sshpass -p ${USER_PASSWORD} ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o "ConnectTimeout 5" -tt ${USER_NAME}#${PEER_IPADDRESS[${i}]} "sudo cat ${DIR_SET}${FILE_NAME}.txt"))
At first, I try to use pipeline to cat and diff the local file to the remote one.
However, it seems that to use sudo without typing password also need to use the vertical pipe.
My question is:
1.Is it possible to use two pipeline in one line code, and how to run them seperatley to make my code work.
2.Are there any way to use sudo without typing password or to use cat/diff without useing pipeline.
Thank you very much.

How do i make my bash script on download automatically turn into a terminal command? [duplicate]

Say I have a file at the URL http://mywebsite.example/myscript.txt that contains a script:
echo "Hello, world!"
read -p "What is your name? " name
echo "Hello, ${name}!"
And I'd like to run this script without first saving it to a file. How do I do this?
Now, I've seen the syntax:
bash < <(curl -s http://mywebsite.example/myscript.txt)
But this doesn't seem to work like it would if I saved to a file and then executed. For example readline doesn't work, and the output is just:
$ bash < <(curl -s http://mywebsite.example/myscript.txt)
Hello, world!
Similarly, I've tried:
curl -s http://mywebsite.example/myscript.txt | bash -s --
With the same results.
Originally I had a solution like:
timestamp=`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`
curl -s http://mywebsite.example/myscript.txt -o /tmp/.myscript.${timestamp}.tmp
bash /tmp/.myscript.${timestamp}.tmp
rm -f /tmp/.myscript.${timestamp}.tmp
But this seems sloppy, and I'd like a more elegant solution.
I'm aware of the security issues regarding running a shell script from a URL, but let's ignore all of that for right now.
source <(curl -s http://mywebsite.example/myscript.txt)
ought to do it. Alternately, leave off the initial redirection on yours, which is redirecting standard input; bash takes a filename to execute just fine without redirection, and <(command) syntax provides a path.
bash <(curl -s http://mywebsite.example/myscript.txt)
It may be clearer if you look at the output of echo <(cat /dev/null)
This is the way to execute remote script with passing to it some arguments (arg1 arg2):
curl -s http://server/path/ | bash /dev/stdin arg1 arg2
For bash, Bourne shell and fish:
curl -s http://server/path/ | bash -s arg1 arg2
Flag "-s" makes shell read from stdin.
curl -s -L URL_TO_SCRIPT_HERE | bash
For example:
curl -s -L http://bitly/10hA8iC | bash
Using wget, which is usually part of default system installation:
bash <(wget -qO- http://mywebsite.example/myscript.txt)
You can also do this:
wget -O - | bash
The best way to do it is
curl http://domain/path/to/ | bash -s arg1 arg2
which is a slight change of answer by #user77115
You can use curl and send it to bash like this:
bash <(curl -s http://mywebsite.example/myscript.txt)
I often using the following is enough
curl -s http://mywebsite.example/myscript.txt | sh
But in a old system( kernel2.4 ), it encounter problems, and do the following can solve it, I tried many others, only the following works
curl -s http://mywebsite.example/myscript.txt -o && sh && rm -f
$ curl -s someurl | sh
Starting to insert crontab
sh: _name}.sh: command not found
sh: line 208: syntax error near unexpected token `then'
sh: line 208: ` -eq 0 ]]; then'
The problem may cause by network slow, or bash version too old that can't handle network slow gracefully
However, the following solves the problem
$ curl -s someurl -o && sh && rm -f
Starting to insert crontab
Insert crontab entry is ok.
Insert crontab is done.
curl -sL https://.... | sudo bash -
Just combining amra and user77115's answers:
wget -qO- | bash -s -- -v -v
It executes the distant script passing it the -v -v options.
Is some unattended scripts I use the following command:
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL <URL>)"
I recommend to avoid executing scripts directly from URLs. You should be sure the URL is safe and check the content of the script before executing, you can use a SHA256 checksum to validate the file before executing.
instead of executing the script directly, first download it and then execute
curl $SOURCE -o ./
chmod +x
This way is good and conventional:
qx>source <(curl -Ls Lord Jesus Loves YOU
Remote script test...
Param size: 4
arch>cat just4Test
echo Remote script test...
echo Param size: $#
If you want the script run using the current shell, regardless of what it is, use:
${SHELL:-sh} -c "$(wget -qO - http://mywebsite.example/myscript.txt)"
if you have wget, or:
${SHELL:-sh} -c "$(curl -Ls http://mywebsite.example/myscript.txt)"
if you have curl.
This command will still work if the script is interactive, i.e., it asks the user for input.
Note: OpenWRT has a wget clone but not curl, by default.
bash | curl
actual example:
juan#juan-MS-7808:~$ bash | curl
Oh, wow im alive

Remote SSH commands not working in Linux

Regardless of why, I am trying to write a script that will let me send a command to various addresses. There is a shared key for the user, so there is no need for logging in. But this isn't working.
So, the following will not work...
cmd="ssh user#$ip -C $args"
If I execute it with the following:
./ /bin/ls -l /var
I get the error of "ls -l /var: No such file or directory"
If I run that command (ssh user# -C '/bin/ls -l /var'), it works fine.
What am I doing wrong? These are the same installs of RHEL6.
Apparently, the quotes were confusing bash. The following works...
$(ssh -o ConnectTimeout=1 User#$ip "$#")

Passing variable into sshpass command inside a script for loop

I am trying to create a script ( that logs on to another server and checks the disk usage of some different folders:
DIRS="dir_A dir_B dir_C"
for DIR in $DIRS
sshpass -p user_password ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no user_name#host 'cd /opt/app/$DIR;SIZE=$(du -s);echo "YVALUE="$SIZE > ../size_$DIR.txt'
However, the variable DIR never gets passed to the script. It is empty when I run the script. I have tried using {} around $DIR but still no success. What am I missing? Thanks for your help!
Basically, use double-quotes instead of single-quotes. You can still concatenate with single quotes if necessary:
sshpass -p user_password ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no user_name#host 'cd /opt/app/'"$DIR"';SIZE=$(du -s);echo "YVALUE="$SIZE > ../size_'"$DIR".txt
I just noticed something: du -s produces an output of two columns so probably it's not being used the proper way yet. Perhaps something like SIZE=${SIZE%$'\t'*} is still needed.
Another way is to send the directory by input and let the other end read it:
sshpass -p user_password ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no user_name#host 'read -r DIR; cd "/opt/app/$DIR"; SIZE=$(du -s); echo "YVALUE=$SIZE" > "../size_$DIR.txt"' <<< "$DIR"
This would be helpful if directories contain spaces or characters that may cause syntax errors. Using an array is also recommended for it:
DIRS=('DIR 1' 'DIR 2' 'DIR 3')
for DIR in "${DIRS[#]}"; do
sshpass ...
Wrapping a string in single quotes (') will stop any bash expansion taking place, you will need to use double quotes for $DIR to be evaluated, escaping any double quotes within the string that you want to send over SSH:
sshpass -p user_password ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no user_name#host "cd /opt/app/$DIR;SIZE=\$(du -s);echo \"YVALUE\"=$SIZE > ../size_$DIR.txt"

Error while using -N option with qsub

I tried to use qsub -N "compile-$*" in Makefile and it gives the following error
because $* equals to "compile-obj/linux/flow" in this case.
qsub: ERROR! argument to -N option must not contain /
The whole command which I am using is:-
qsub -P bnormal -N "compile-obj/linux/flow" -cwd -now no -b y -l cputype=amd64 -sync yes -S /bin/sh -e /remote//qsub_files/ -o /remote/qsub_files/
Any idea how to include slash in naming while running qsub?
I'm not familiar with qsub, but make just executes what command you supply it. So I suspect you constructed illegal qsub command.
Maybe Automatic-Variables section of GNU make can help you too.
Adding a whole rule to question can help.
I resolved the problem by manipulating the name passed to -N option by replacing / with -. It works for me. Thanks.
