Could i install npm on cloud server? - node.js

Have cloud hosting on hetzner. Actually want to make laravel project. And i want to use laravel breeze and another packages and should install npm? I tried google it but i need your advice. please help me.

You can install all the packages on your local computer, then build your assets locally and ship the built assets to the server.
Whilst you can run npm run build on the server, you do not need to. You can do this locally then commit the built assets to your repository.


SPFx development setup offline

Is there anyway we can setup SharePoint framework development environment offline without internet connection?
Following this instruction,
It failed on the second step,
npm install -g yo gulp
If your node modules were already installed, then yes, you can develop offline. But the npm install command very specifically downloads and installs the package you specify.
If you can find a colleague who already has those modules installed and you can copy from their machine to yours, you could potentially get it setup without an internet connection, but you are going to have to get those SPFx packages (Yeoman Gulp and Microsoft Generator) from somewhere.

How to install just node modules without internet

There is a way to install npm package to a machine which doesn't have internet acccess is, using npm pack in machine with internet acces, copying it to machine without internet and running npm install <tar> in it. But npm pack, packs whole project.
But I want to manage and install the modules myself, without the opportunity for the developers to add/remove any modules. So I just want node_modules to be packaged. And then want to install it to machine without internet.
For example when developer push his/her commits to origin, I want to get node_modules from ftp etc. and codes from GitLab then go on continuous integration with this static node_modules.
How can I do that?
There is a solution to manage the modules yourself: you can store your node_modules in its own repo in which your developers will only be able to clone/get the repo and not contribute/modify it.
Hope this helped you
This can be done, please look at Installing a local module using npm? . You can FTP or whatever to get the packages and install them using npm.

Angular2 development Without node and npm

I am new angular2 development, and what i came to know is before starin the angular2 development, I must install the nodejs for server and npm to download dependencies from official documentation.
I succesfully deployed the source code in tomcat sever[by build]
So my Question is after installation and creating the new project, i got node_modules. By using these node_modules(can i start development of angular2 on another i.e a new machine where node & npm is not installed)
Basically my question is.. I want to start development of angular2 by using the project structure on new machine. Without the installation on node & npm
From Angular docs
Node.js and npm are essential to Angular development.
If you built/compiled the app and have all the modules installed (you have your node_modules) folder then its just javascript and html which you can run on any server you want.
For npm, if you need any modules/packages, I think you can manually download the package and add it to your development environment. But what if the process needs to be automated? You can't just sit there and download all the packages from github. So npm is really helpful when it come to this. You only need a file containing all dependencies, and run it at build time (package.json)
About nodejs, nodejs allows you to run javascript on the server when you need any interaction with the database. So why don't we just go with the easy way?

Node.js project deployment without internet

What is the best way to deploy Node.js project to the machine without access to the internet? For example in a private network? Is there any option to make one package containing all of dependencies for the project?
in order to deploy a project, you don't need to download anything from the internet- you need it only for running npm install when building the project. if all dependencies are already there, you can just run it.
if you need it also for building the project, you can create a local npm repository and put in there all relevant dependencies

meteor deploy npm packages

I use multiple npm packages in my meteor application, for instance the 'knox' package for amazon s3 access.
On my local system I don't have any problems, because I have the 'knox'- npm package installed on my system. But on the server this is obviously not the case.
I have read different suggestions what I could do:
Install the npm module into the /public folder of my application
- unfortunately I don't know how to do that.
I followed this tutorial:
NPM Deploy Tutorial
I created packages/knox/package.js packages/knox/knox.js and I am pretty sure I did everything as described in the tutorial but this is not even working locally
Use npm package from Atmosphere. See details on how to use it.
Did you remember to add the knox package to the .meteor/packages file?
The link you shared is pre Meteor 0.6.5, which loaded all packages in packages/ automatically. Now, you need to specify them individually.
