Can I increase the size of the column "Statement" in Azure Log Analytics - azure

I have a KLOG statement used to extract some data from Azure Log Analytics. My problem is related to the fact that Azure Log Analytics seems to truncate the SQL statements longer than 4000 characters. For the audited server, I have more queries written by the users longer than 4000 characters. Can I increase the size of the column "Statement" somehow?
Thank you

Can I increase the size of the column "Statement" somehow?
Azure has a limitation of collecting log messages size.
If you want to add a custom property message with large no of length you can use the trackTrace. It has the capacity to have max length up to 8192 characters.
# it will add more than 4000 character in AI Logs
telemetryClient.TrackTrace(<telemetry with more than 4000 character >);
The highest max allowed message limit is 32768 characters for items in the property collection have limit of 8192. (Max key length 150 value length 8192 characters)
Refer MS-DOC for length limits of Application Insights Data model with respective to the type of telemetry.
Follow the Steps given by #cijothomas to add large length of message (more than 8K) to application Insights


Find a specific index read

I'm having an issue with a roxie query when being called via an API. I've tested the query in HThor and the web service on 8002 and it runs perfectly. When calling it from an API I'm getting memory pool exhausted. The only clue I have in the logs is
Pool memory exhausted: pool id 0 exhausted, requested 1 heap(4095/4294967295) global(4096/4096) WM(1..128) (in Index Read 40)"
How can I find out which index read this is referring to?
The index read is indicated in the brackets - it is activity 40 in the graph.
The error message is indicating that all of the memory has been exhausted (4096 pages of 256K each). It is likely to be an index read that has a poor filter condition, returns a large number of rows and is feeding into an activity that needs all the input rows to process it (e.g. a sort).

What does rotate period, bufferlogsize, and synctimeout mean exactly in Winston Azur blob storage? Explanation with simple examples are appreciated

In our project we are using winston3-azureblob-transport NPM package to store Application logs to blob storage.
However due to increase in users we are getting an error "409 - ClientOtherError - BlockCountExceedsLimit|The committed block count cannot exceed the maximum limit of 50,000 blocks".
Could anyone tell us using rotatePeriod, bufferLogSize and syncTimeout helps us to stop the error "409 - ClientOtherError - BlockCountExceedsLimit|The committed block count cannot exceed the maximum limit of 50,000 blocks".
Also provide any another alternative solution. However Winston logger should not be replaced.
The error "The committed block count cannot exceed the maximum limit of 50,000 blocks" usually occurs when the maximum limits are exceeded.
Each block in a block blob can be a different size. Based on the Service version you are using, maximum blob size differs.
If you attempt to upload a block that is larger than maximum limit your service version is supporting, the service returns status code 409(ClientOtherError - BlockCountExceedsLimit). The service also returns additional information about the error in the response, including the maximum block size permitted in bytes.
rotatePeriod: A moment format ex : YYYY-MM-DD will generate blobName.2022.03.29
bufferLogSize: A minimum number of logs before sync the blob, set to 1 if you want sync at each log.
syncTimeout: The maximum time between two sync, set to zero if you don't want.
For more in detail, please refer this link:
GitHub - agmoss/winston-azure-blob: NEW winston transport for azure blob storage by Andrew Moss agmoss

Can retrieve only 20 documents from a folder

I have a Spring CM folder that has 1000s of small files in it. I'm doing retrieval this way:
GET /v201411/folders/{id}/documents
but when it executes, I get back only 20 files. The sum of all of their sizes is: 1.8 MB and the Content Length of the response -> content -> headers is only 3.8 MB.
I didn't find anything in their documentations that mentions the limit of retrieving documents via the api.
Is that really the limitation of spring CM?
From the documentation on API Collections:
Limit (integer): The maximum number of elements retrieved per request.
Default limit is 20. Maximum limit is 100
When there are more items in the collection than the specified limit,
the application can page through the collection, retrieving the
objects in chunks by specifying the limit and/or offset on the query
string when the collection is requested. The first, previous, next,
and last properties are added as a convenience by appending the
appropriate limit and offset to the URI and a GET request can be done
to this URIs specified by these properties to navigate the collection.
To minimize the number of sequential calls you need to make, you can adjust the limit property up to the max, 100.

Messages cannot be larger than 65536 bytes

I'm using Azure Queue to send emails. But for last time I'm getting exception about queue size limit up to 65536 bytes even after cheking the message size.
While it is true that the maximum size of a message can be 64KB however Azure uses UTF16 encoding to store the data thus for each byte of data that you provide, Azure Storage uses 2 bytes to store that data.
What this means is that you can essentially store up to 32KB of data in a message in an Azure Queue. Because you're exceeding this 32KB limit, you're getting this error.
A string message will be Base64 encoded before being sent thus increasing its length by about a third.
Therefore the maximum length of message string you can submit is 49152 which equates to 65536, the maximum allowed.
The formula for calculating the Base64 encoded length can be found here:

Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Table.CloudTable.ExecuteBatchAsync() truncates message

When I call this method with large EntityProperty (around 17Kb of text), it truncates the string.
I know that there is a limitation of 64Kb for a column and 1Mb for 1 entire row when it comes to Azure Table.
Any insights?
Apart from all these size restrictions, you forgot about the size restriction in an entity group transaction which is done by ExecuteBatchAsync method and that is:
The transaction can include at most 100 entities, and its total
payload may be no more than 4 MB in size.
Please ensure that your payload size is less than 4 MB.
