In my .vimrc file located in my home directory, I have already added set nu and every time I open a file in gvim, I get line numbers displayed at the extreme left.
But whenever I open a folder in gvim using :Vex (vertical split and open explorer) or :Te(open a new tab with explorer) commands or for that matter open a directory using gvim, I don't see line numbers, in spite of having set nu in my .vimrc and I have to again do :set nu manually.
I am using cent os 7 and netrw 149 and vim 7.4
How to get line numbers always whenever I open explorer using netrw in gvim?
Assuming your vim directory is ~/.vim, You could try adding
set nu
in ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/netrw.vim
ftplugin files are loaded every time a buffer is opened with the corresponding filetype. In this case the filetype is netrw so the file is called netrw.vim. You can check the file type of any buffer with :echo &filetype.
Hi I'm a new user to vim text editor (love it) and would like to save my preferences in VIM ie font and size and background colour, ive searched and the only things i can find say modify the rc file however they do not specify how except to advise on customisations such as line spacing. Please could someone advise?
On a Linux machine, you can start making a .vimrc file in your home folder by running the following in the terminal:
vim ~/.vimrc
This is the "rc" file that they are talking about.
Regarding the formatting of this file, you can put every setting on a separate line:
" This line is a comment, the following 2 lines are settings:
colorscheme desert
set history=500
While still in vim, save with :wq.
The next time you start vim, it will use the settings that you just specified in your ~/.vimrc.
Here is the $ vimtutor section dedicated to that very subject:
** Enable Vim features **
Vim has many more features than Vi, but most of them are disabled by
default. To start using more features you have to create a "vimrc" file.
1. Start editing the "vimrc" file. This depends on your system:
:e ~/.vimrc for Unix
:e ~/_vimrc for Windows
2. Now read the example "vimrc" file contents:
:r $VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example.vim
3. Write the file with:
The next time you start Vim it will use syntax highlighting.
You can add all your preferred settings to this "vimrc" file.
For more information type :help vimrc-intro
I find myself in the position where I want to create a new file in the same directory as the one that the open file is in. How do I create a new file in the directory of the open file in vim? Also, is there a a place where I can learn these things on my own? Googling didn't help.
From within Vim, new files are created like existing files are edited, via commands like :edit filename or :split filename. To persist them to disk, you need to (optionally type in contents and) persist them via :write.
Like a command prompt, Vim has a notion of current directory (:pwd lists it). All file paths are relative to it. You don't need to duplicate the path to your current file, there are some nice shortcuts for them: % refers to the current file, :h is a modifier for its directory, minus the file name (cp. :help filename-modifiers). So,
:e %:h/filename
will create a new file named filename in the same directory as the currently open file, and write it.
Alternatively, some people like Vim to always change to the current file's directory. This can be configured by placing
:set autochdir
into your ~/.vimrc file (which is read on Vim startup). Then, above becomes simply
:e filename
Finally, Vim has a great built-in :help. Learn to navigate and search it!
you should have a try with "nerdtree" plugin.
In the nerdtree window, you typed key m, and file operation choices will display to you
If you want to create a new file and also show it in the window next to your current file, you can try this:
:vsp newfile
The vsp stands for vertical split, and it splits the screen in half, one showing your current file, the other showing your new file (also works with just sp, which is a horizontal split).
Per #MartinLyne's comment above, this will create the file in the directory of the file in which you opened vim. To adjust for this, you can change the current working directory as follows:
:cd %:p:h
This command changes the current working directory to the directory of the active file, meaning that running the vsp command (or any of the commands above) will create the file in that directory.
I usually use:
:tabnew my-file
Then add some content and:
It will create new tab with new file.
(I use Vim 8)
When you have opened vim in non existent location like
$ vim /etc/<some_folder/<next_folder>/file.cfg
then to create a new directory while being inside vim, just run in normal mode
:! mkdir -p /etc/<some_folder/<next_folder>
next save your doc as usual :w :x ZZ (whatever you like)
that's it
I'm quite late to the party, but another option is to open NERDtree with :E or :Explore (or its splitting alternatives :Vexplore/:Sexplore == :Vex/:Sex).
In NerdTree you can create a new file with %, and type the name. It will automatically open the file, and create it after you :w/save it.
This is for Gvim!
Enter this to see the current directory.
then change it with
:cd desktop/somefolder
then save or make new file there
:enew asd.cpp
now again see the file
With NERDtree
I can :set number from within a file I'm editing but how can I have them always be on by default?
Add set number to your .vimrc file in your home directory.
If the .vimrc file is not in your home directory create one with
vim .vimrc and add the commands you want at open.
Here's a site that explains the vimrc and how to use it.
To change the default setting to display line numbers in vi/vim:
vi ~/.vimrc
then add the following line to the file:
set number
Either we can source ~/.vimrc or save and quit by :wq, now future vi/vim sessions will have numbering :)
set nu
set ai
set tabstop=4
set ls=2
set autoindent
Add the above code in your .vimrc file. if .vimrc file is not present please create in your home directory (/home/name of user)
set nu -> This makes Vim display line numbers
set ai -> This makes Vim enable auto-indentation
set ls=2 -> This makes Vim show a status line
set tabstop=4 -> This makes Vim set tab of length 4 spaces (it is 8 by default)
The filename will also be displayed.
Terminal > su > password > vim /etc/vimrc
Click here and edit as in line number (13):
set nu
If you don't want to add/edit .vimrc, you can start with
vi "+set number" /path/to/file
I did not have a .vimrc file in my home directory. I created one, added this line:
set number
and that solved the problem.
in home directory you will find a file called ".vimrc" in that file add this code "set nu" and save and exit and open new vi file and you will find line numbers on that.
I'm using Debian 7 64-bit.
I didn't have a .vimrc file in my home folder. I created one and was able to set user defaults for vim.
However, for Debian 7, another way is to edit /etc/vim/vimrc
Here is a comment block in that file:
" All system-wide defaults are set in $VIMRUNTIME/debian.vim (usually just
" /usr/share/vim/vimcurrent/debian.vim) and sourced by the call to :runtime
" you can find below. If you wish to change any of those settings, you should
" do it in this file (/etc/vim/vimrc), since debian.vim will be overwritten
" everytime an upgrade of the vim packages is performed. It is recommended to
" make changes after sourcing debian.vim since it alters the value of the
" 'compatible' option.
Add any command you want to have by default to your ~/.vimrc file (named _vimrc on Windows systems)
I'm using netrw to read directory listings in Vim, and I would like to display line numbers in my netrw tabs (so I can use :24 to navigate through directory listings faster). I'm using "set number" in my vimrc to enable line numbers when editing files, but this does not display line numbers in netrw.
When in netrw, if I type the command ":set number", the line numbers display, but as soon as I change directories the line numbers go away.
Is there a configuration option I can put in .vimrc that will make line numbers show up in netrw windows?
From autoload/netrw.vim in the runtime:
call s:NetrwInit("g:netrw_bufsettings" , "noma nomod nonu nobl nowrap ro")
s:NetrwInit overrides a variable only if it is not defined.
Therefore put let g:netrw_bufsettings = 'noma nomod nu nobl nowrap ro' into your vimrc and it should be ok.
When using the vim editor with the NERDTree plugin to navigate through the tree of your project, is there an easy way to create a new source code file under the currently highlighted directory?
Currently I go into my shell, add the file and then refresh the tree. There must be a better way.
Activate the NERDTree and navigate to the directory in which the new file should live. Then press m to bring up the NERDTree Filesystem Menu and choose a for "add child node". Then simply enter the file's (or directory's name) and you're done.
From vim you can run shell commands. So in this case I use:
:!touch somefile.txt
and then hit r to reload the nerdtree window.
The other thing to do is to just start the new file from within vim.
:e somefile.txt
One handy thing for this is that in my .vimrc I auto change the cwd to the directory my current file is in:
" Auto change the directory to the current file I'm working on
autocmd BufEnter * lcd %:p:h
This way if I'm editing a file and want another one in the same place the path is changed right there. Opening any file from NERDTree sets the directory to the one that file is in.