How can you detect bounce rate and reply rate with Gmail API? - gmail

I'm trying to use Gmail API to detect bounce rates and reply rates. Couldn't find if you are able to do it with that and if not what package could I use for it?


Google Postmaster Tools - Spam Feedback Loop graph is stuck at zero

We run a large newsletter and we use Google Postmaster to track feedback loops. We followed all instructions and correctly configured our domain in Google Postmaster. We also add a custom header to all emails sent:
Feedback-ID: $template:$domain:$email_to:$server
However, in Google Postmaster our FBL spam rate is always zero which is impossible because we send to over 100k subscribers so we usually get between 0% to 0.5% spam reports
But if I look at the "Spam Rate" graph (non-FBL) then I see non-zero values

Is there any way to check if the emails sent by my app are open?

Hello I have developed an application that works with React.js and Node.js.
I use AWS and SES (Simple Email Service) to send some emails.
My question is whether there is any way I can keep track of emails sent and opened by my users to prevent them from qualifying me as spam or that my SES account health will decrease too much.
I have seen that there are some browser extensions with which it marks the emails sent with a double tick if the user have read it, but I do not have a record such as in gmail.
Has anyone encountered any similar problems?
Is it possible via AWS or via Node to achieve this?
Greetings and thanks in advance.
I agree with #Ravi's answer above - SES does provide notifications - however in my experience the open notification is a lot less reliable than the delivered and bounce notifications.
Tracking opens is difficult as browsers, popup blockers/security software and email clients themselves can disable/break features like read-receipts and tracking pixels in the name or privacy. The most reliable way of tracking opens is to have a clickable link in the email body (and a compelling reason for your user to click on it) and include a unique id in the URL that you can capture server-side.
With the help of some simple configurations with SES and SNS. By creating a topic and doing the subscription like where you want to get the notifications. Through this, you can track the status of your emails whether they are opened or not. SNS will send you email notifications.

How can I send notification emails from prase to my users

I want to send notification email from parse to my users but I have spent too much time in it. Alas! I can't find path. Please anybody guide me how can I do it.
Sending notification emails is not a service that is offered by Parse. And given that in about 7 months, no services will be offered by Parse at all, this is a good time to start shifting to a different backend solution.

Nexmo - how to send messages to US/Canada based mobile numbers

I am trying to send SMS to the people all over the world using a non-registered short codes, but the sms cannot be delivered to US or Canada. How do I achieve this?
Is there an API to get information of the country using a phone number, so that I can know if the current number is of US or Canada's?
(Disclaimer: I work at Nexmo.)
To identify US vs CA numbers you can use Nexmo's Number Insight API. Besides the country you can also get lots of info, landline or mobile, carrier, reachable or not, etc.
If you you want to send to the US using short codes without needing a short code yourself, you can also use our US Short Codes API. If your use case fits into what we support (two-factor authentication, alerts, or marketing).

Maximum sending rate and daily quota for Gmail+Google Apps Script?

I wrote a small Google Apps Script to send out personalized e-mails (conference invitations) individually to recipients (i.e. one recipient per e-mail). As a workaround to the issue of e-mails sent using GmailApp.sendEmail not showing up in the Sent Mail folder, I have one script send the e-mails to itself (i.e. the sender and recipient are the same), then another script to forward those to the appropriate recipients. There are only about 100 (maybe less) verified recipients, but I'm concerned that sending out the e-mails as fast as the script executes might get them flagged as spam due to the rate at which they are being sent. My questions are the following:
If a Google Apps Script accesses a Gmail account to send and forward e-mails using GmailApp, does it incur a sending rate limit (e.g. in e-mails/second, kB/second, etc.)?
Which quota applies to said script? Is it Gmail's 500/day or Google Apps' 100/day?
P.S. I found this discussion about quotas, but I'm not sure if my case falls under either of the scenarios described therein.
There are no such limits. There is a limit on the body size per email - 20KB
It's 500 emails/day for Gmail users and free Google Apps users. Please note though that CCing and BCCing are all counted against your quota. So if you send one email and CC it to 500 hundred people you would have used up all your quota for that day. Also, there are additional quotas when sending emails within a domain.
Also, the method MailApp.getRemainingDailyQuota() will tell you how many more emails you can send that day.
All the quotas are described here:
How are e-mails sent using GmailApp.sendEmail not showing up in the Sent Mail folder?
