How to access getbbox on a svg element in a cypress test - svg

I have a SVG which includes text elements. I can get the text of the elements in my cypress test, but when I try to call getbbox() I get the error 'TypeError: text.getBBox is not a function'. If I understand correctly cypress is returning text as a htmlELement, and I need an SVGElement to call getbbox() on, but whats best practice to do that in the context of a cypress test?
cy.get('svg#osmdSvgPage1').get("text").each(textElement => {
var text = textElement.text(); //successful
//do some stuff
var bbox = textElement.getbbox(); //throws 'TypeError: text.getBBox is not a function'
//do more stuff

WRT to getBBox(), it must be called on the native SVGGraphicsElement, but you have called it on the jQuery object passed into .each().
Just add an index like this to unwrap the jQuery object:
var bbox = textElement[0].getBBox()
WRT cy.get('svg#osmdSvgPage1').get("text") I think you want this instead
assuming the text elements are within the svg.
If there's only one svg, you can just use
but if there are several svg on the page cy.get('svg#osmdSvgPage1').get("text") will return all the text from all svg, because .get("text") scans the whole page by default.


Focus, blur, focusin, focusout, don't work with D3 and SVG Elements? Is there an alternative?

I'm using the d3 library to create a widget within a SVG. Within the SVG I'm trying to do the following:
There are small rectangles that are clickable. Once clickable, they should "enlarge" and show some input fields. When I click outside the rectangles I want them to "un-enlarge" and remove the input fields again.
Small rectangle:
Once clicked, they enlarge (no input fields yet):
When I click outside of the white rectangle, I want it to revert back to picture 1:
I trigger the enlargement with an on click event:
let whiteRect = node.append("g")
.on('click', function(a) {
// Trigger enlarge function
return a;
And I would like to trigger the "click outside" using a blur or focusout event. But this doesn't seem to work for SVG. Something like this:
let whiteRect = node.append("g")
.on('blur', function(a) {
// Trigger "un-enlarge" function
return a;
I've been doing some searching, and it seems that in SVG 2 this might be supported, but this doesn't seem to be implemented by any browsers.
Anyone have an idea how I could implement this? I know I can add an onclick event listener for the whole SVG and write some logic there to identify if I'm clicking on an enlarged rectangle. But I'd prefer using something easier like blur or focusout if possible. Any ideas?
Shortly after posting I found this tutorial on focusing svg elements:
Turns out if you add a focus event to an element it becomes focusable and also gets a blur event. So what I did was add an empty focus event to be able to use the blur.
let whiteRect = node.append("g")
.on('click', function(a) {
// Trigger enlarge function
return a;
.on('focus', function(a) {
// Empty focus event
return a;
.on('blur', function(a) {
// Trigger un-enlarge function
return a;
Which worked for me.

How to use .contentDocument in a .hover variable path?

I have an SVG loading like this:
<object id="svg-object" type="image/svg+xml" width="1400px" height="900px" data="media/1.svg?"></object>
I then have a function that works calling out one element in this svg and apply a style to it just fine. Here is the onload event that is working for getting me the element properly:
window.onload=function() {
var svgObject = document.getElementById('svg-object').contentDocument;
var element = svgObject.getElementById('sprite1');
But how do I set a .hover even in for this same element? I've tried:
$('#${element}').hover(function(e) { }
But no luck.
Also, how can I apply the svgObject variable to a whole class like path or polygon? I use this on a local inline SVG and it works fine:
$("polygon, path").hover(function(e) { }
I would like this to work on the object embedded in the svg also.
Sorry, I am not able to put an external svg in snippet (or at least I don't know how) as external URL will not load in an object. And it needs to load as an object for you to see the issue.
Any help?
Also, here is code that works defining element color from script but mouseover not working either. (tried instead of hover)
window.onload=function() {
var svgObject = document.getElementById('svgEmb').contentDocument;
var element = svgObject.getElementById('left'); = "blue"; ="blue";
element.addEventListener("mouseover", function() { = "red"; ="red";

Set and get data like a raphaelJS

I'm working with RaphaelJS.
I've noticed that you can add dynamic data to the elements, for example:
to assign a value:"key",value);
to get a value:"key")
How can I copy this behaviour using JQuery or Javascript?
Hi I'm trying a wild guess here: as I understand correctly you'd like to communicate from Rapahel to jQuery.
The best I've come up so far is to keep references of both and use them accordingly as Raphael seems not to insert data into dom directly (apart from ID attribute):
$(document).ready(function () {
var paper = Raphael("div", 400, 150);
var circle =, 80, 30).data('title', 'Red dot').attr({
fill: '#f00'
}); = 'my_circle';
$el_circle = $(circle[0]); // get DOM element out of Rapahel's object
$el_circle.on('click', function () {
// use Raphael reference:
alert("My is title: " +'title'));
the possibilities: raphael.js - custom attributes
the explanation: Where does Raphael.js store an element's data that is set with the method?
Combining Raphael and jQuery to achieve browser compatibility

Seelcting audio elements using classes and playing them

I have sound clip registered in html:
<audio class="aaa" id="sss"><source src="url/sound.wav"/></audio>
<script type="text/javascript">var sss = document.getElementById("sss"); sss.volume='0.1';</script>
This sound can be played with mouseenter event on the certain div:
$('#divid').mouseenter(function () {
How can this be achieved with audio class instead of id?
edit: solved
.play() is a method of the HTMLAudioElement object not the jQuery object, jQuery wrapper doesn't do anything here, as you are passing retuned value of the .play() method to it, you can select the element(s) using jQuery, gets DOM element object(s) from the collection and call the .play() method on it:
$('').get(0).play(); // works for the first matched element in the collection
If there are several elements, you can iterate through the collection using .each() method:
$('').each(function() {
// `this` keyword here refers the HTMLAudioElements;

yui How to make in tag image does not necessarily will been to specify its size?

Good day.
I use script Imagecropper
<img src="" id="yui_img" height="768" width="1024">
(function() {
var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom,
Event = YAHOO.util.Event;
var crop = new YAHOO.widget.ImageCropper('yui_img');
But if i do not specify the image size, then i get next(see image):
<img src="" id="yui_img">
And if i specify the wrong picture size, the window will increase the portion of the image:
<img src="" id="yui_img" height="333" width="500">
How to make in tag image does not necessarily will been to specify its size?
First of all I'd like to point you to YUI 3 since YUI 2 is no longer supported. You shouldn't write new code using YUI 2. There's an ImageCropper component I wrote for YUI 3 that works just like the YUI 2 version in the YUI Gallery: Since it copies what the YUI 2 ImageCropper did, it shares these issues with the older version.
What to do when the size of the image isn't specified
The reason why you're getting a small ImageCropper is that you're creating the widget before the image has been fetched and so the browser doesn't know its size yet. What you can do is wait for the image's onload event. You can listen to that event and create the ImageCropper after it fires:
(function() {
var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom,
Event = YAHOO.util.Event;
var yui_img = Dom.get('yui_img');
Event.addListener(yui_img, 'load', function () {
var crop = new YAHOO.widget.ImageCropper(yui_img);
Why the ImageCropper doesn't work with images with the wrong size
Neither the YUI 2 ImageCropper nor my YUI 3 version work with images when they don't have the right size. The reason is that both use the background: url() CSS style for showing the image inside the crop area (the non-darkened part of the widget). CSS backgrounds don't let you use a resized/zoomed image.
I plan on using another strategy at some point for the YUI 3 version that will fix the issue. However, you need to keep in mind that the ImageCropper component is designed so that you send the crop coordinates to the server for it to actually crop the image. That means that if you have the wrong size set to the image, the coordinates that the image cropper returns with its getCropCoords method wouldn't be the coordinates that match with the full sized image. Instead you'd also have to send the server the size of the image you've been using and do extra math to crop the image correctly.
In conclusion, you shouldn't use the image with the wrong size. You can fix the size of the image in two ways:
Use the HTML5 naturalWidth and naturalHeight attributes of the image. Those return the real size of the image even if it's resized. Unfortunately these attributes are not yet supported by all browsers.
Create a new image with JS, set it the same src as the image you're using, listen to its load event and get that image's size.
Something like this:
(function () {
var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom;
var yui_img = Dom.get('yui_img'),
new_img = new Image();
new_img.onload = function () {
yui_img.width = new_img.width;
yui_img.height = new_img.height;
// create the ImageCropper
new_img.src = yui_img.src;
A YUI3 version
You can easily do all this with YUI3:
YUI().use('gallery-imagecropper', function (Y) {
var img ='#yui_img');
img.on('load', function () {
var cropper = new Y.ImageCroper({
srcNode: img,
width: img.get('width'),
height: img.get('height')
Typo in code. Should be
var cropper = new Y.ImageCropper({
You missed a letter "p".
