How to display databases values with fltk widgets - rust

I'm developing an application - written in rust, that registers items in a database, but I'm having trouble showing the data in a way that is visually good, I tried to use the Browser widget but it's not visually appealing. I have a struct Items that store name, quantity and price, and a vector of Items that stores the field values, how can I show the items stored in the database, and what is the best widget to do that?

Natural choice would be to use the Fl_Table and Fl_Table_Row classes in your project.
Greg Ercolano has an example how to use them at . In fact, he is the original author of these classes, later on they got into the FLTK itself...
Do not be confused with the screenshot when you see those buttons inside the table. - He just wanted to demonstrate that you can put any Widget in Fl_Table cells.


filtering/searching on a repeat control

In my application, i would like to replace a viewpanel with a repeat control.
However, part of the functionality is there is a UI aspect that allows users to select certain fields (that correspond to the view), and only display the documents that match. The view is doing a filter that allows users to select aspects of the view to create a search (the code is under search of the view) that allows the view panel to be updated with the results of the search.
one of the things that is curious is that the viewpanel has a value of "#{javascript:view2}" vice an actual view name.
The viewpanel defines the search view and the ...
I'd like to be able to apply that same functionality to the repeat control. I don't see those attributes on the repeat control... Any pointers? Its been a while since i've worked with xpages... long enough that I've forgotten a lot already....
Read this blog post I did a while back, it should explain what you need.
The view panel doesn't filter anything, it just displays rows from a datasource, same as a repeat control. Indeed you can add components to a ViewPanel's column, pulling from the current row by adding a var property to the dominoView datasource.
The view is bound to #{javascript:view2} (which would be better done by binding to #{view2} - there's no need to call SSJS here). view2 is a dominoView datasource somewhere on your page. The datasource is a wrapper that has properties to capture the settings for filtering and searching that you want to do. At runtime, they are calculated and changes the ViewEntries in the datasource.
Finally there's is the underlying Domino View object available also to LotusScript. This holds and will always hold all entries. The dominoView datasource queries that using the filtering and searching properties and retrieves a ViewEntryCollection or a ViewNavigator.
So whether you use a View Panel, Repeat Control, Data View or whatever else, those are just components to visually represent a collection of ViewEntries or Documents. All can be bound to a dominoView datasource. Where repeat controls and Data Views give you extra power is you can bind them to any kind of collection, not just a dominoView datasource (e.g. DocumentCollection, ViewEntryCollection, multi-value field, Java collection, etc).
I often find that doing the searches in Java and then passing the results to the repeat as a List work better and allow more options. I can get all the information I need in Java and load that into a Map or Tree. This gives me the ability to do custom sorting in the Java class and also to combine data from other views/databases easily. Since the data is now in memory it gets reloaded fast. The only thing you have to watch for is the size of the data. If you have a view with many entries (10K?) you might not want to load everything into memory...
I'm not sure if you've found a solution yet, but consider using jQuery dataTables. Oliver Busse wrote a very detailed blog post about integrating dataTables into XPages.
To get the specific formatting, I used a repeat control to include the "td", "tr" and "thead" attributes Oliver listed in his blog post.

Can i get all components of an xsp document in xpages?

I have a simple document with 3 fields and 1 rich text field. I also have an xpage with 3 simple edit box controls and 1 rich text. The name of my NotesXSPDocument is document1.
Question 1:
Can i get a vector with all the controls of the xsp document? for example, instead of using getComponent("fld1"), getComponent("fld2") ... etc, can i use something like getAllComponents() or document1.getControls()? These methods do not exist of course so i am asking if there is a way to do it. I know i can get all items of a document (not XSP) by calling document1.getDocument().getItems(). IS there anything similar for xsp?
Lets say we can get a vector as i described above. Then if i iterate through this vector to get each control's value, is there a method to check if it is rich text or simple text field?
Technically, yes, but not readily and this is one of those situations where there's likely a better way to approach whatever underlying problem it is you want to solve.
Nonetheless, if you're looking to get a list of inputs on the page, XspQuery is your friend: . With that, you could use "locateInputs" to get a List of all the inputs on the page, and then check their value method bindings to see if the string version is referencing your variable name. Error-prone and not pretty, but it'd work. Since they're property bindings, I don't think the startsWith filter in there would do what you want.
Alternatively, you could bind the components to something in a Java class from the start. I've been doing just such a thing recently (for a different end) and initially described it here: . The upshot is that, with the right cleverness for how you do your binding="" property, you could get a list of all the components that reference a property of a given object.
As for the second part of the question, if you DO get a handle on the components one way or another, you can check to see if it's a rich text control by doing "component instanceof".
A bit complex but yes. facesContext.getViewRoot() is an UIViewRoot object so it has List<UIComponent> getChildren() method which returns its children.
However, since it's a tree-structure, some of its children will have additional children components. You have to traverse the entire tree to build a list of components you want to see.
For types, you can decide what type a component is by its class. For instance, UIInput is a text box, etc.

MFC: is it possible to to have view with multiple documents?

Is it possible to associate a view with different documents (not simultaneously of course)?
What I want to achieve: the application can have multiple documents of the same type, that can be added during runtime, and set of suitable views, the main of which is CFormview-based. The user can choose the number of the document to show per combobox in the toolbar. The views then associate themselves with this document and update with data from it.
Is it possible to achieve with CMultiDocTemplate?
If yes, how? especially is it possible to retrieve a document by it order number?
If not I'll probably have to abstain from using the templates altogether, which of course means more coding (and more questions to friendly community), but it will do what I want it to do and not Microsoft thought I should be doing
Yes, you could but not out of the 'box'. Instead I'd recommend a different strategy. Rather than trying to attach a View to an existing CDocument derived class LOAD the Views CDocument with the information you want. That could done by adding a simple Copy method to the CDocument or you could move your actual data into a separate class then just point the CDocument to 'data' you want.
Trying to change the CDocument instance for a CView is going against the MFC grain which normally means lot of ASSERTS.

NSArrayController that is sorted and unique (no duplicates) for use in a pop-up in a core-data app

I have core data app with an entity OBSERVATION that has as one of its attributes DEALNAME.
I want to reference through Interface Builder or by making custom modifications to an NSArrayController a list of unique sorted dealnames so that I can use them in a pop-up.
I have attempted to use #distinctUnionOfSets (and #distinctUnionOfArrays) but am unable to locate the proper key sequence.
I can sort the ArrayController by providing a sort descriptor, but do not know how to eliminate duplicates.
Are the #distinct... keys the right methodology? It would seem to provide the easiest way to optimize the use of IB.
Is there a predicate form for removing duplicates?
Or do I need to use my custom controller to extract an NSSet of the specific dealnames, put them back in an array and sort it and reference the custom array from IB?
Any help would be appreciated. I am astounded that other have not tried to create a sorted-unique pop-up in tableviews.
You need to take a look at -[NSFetchRequest returnsDistinctResults]. That is the level you need to be handling the uniquing of data.
Although I do not have a definitive answer for you, I think there are two ways you can go about it.
The way you already started. You need to bind the contents array of the PopUp button, not just against the arrayController.arrangedObjects, but continue on the path and somehow filter only objects with distinct "DealName"s. This means - the arrayController presents ALL the entities (and may sort them for you) but the PopUp button will have its contents filter via some sophisticated binding to the array controller.
Make your filtering at the ArrayController level (as suggested in another answer here). Here it depends how you set up the array controller. If It is set up to use an "Entity" (vs. "Class") which means the array controller will fetch CoreData entities directly - you can modify its "Fetch" to only bring a subset of the "OBSERVATION" entities with distinct values of "DEALNAME". I don't know how to control WHICH entities are filtered out in this case. Otherwise, you can setup the arrayController to work with "Class" objects, and then you can fetch the entities yourself (in code) and populate the arrayController programmatically, with just the entities you like.
In the second option, the Popup button should be bound normally to the arrayController's arrangedObjects.

Help to restructure my Doc/View more correctly

Edited by OP.
My program is in need of a lot of cleanup and restructuring.
In another post I asked about leaving the MFC DocView framework and going to the WinProc & Message Loop way (what is that called for short?). Well at present I am thinking that I should clean up what I have in Doc View and perhaps later convert to non-MFC it that even makes sense. My Document class currently has almost nothing useful in it.
I think a place to start is the InitInstance() function (posted below).
In this part:
POSITION pos=pDocTemplate->GetFirstDocPosition();
CLCWDoc *pDoc=(CLCWDoc *)pDocTemplate->GetNextDoc(pos);
POSITION vpos=pDoc->GetFirstViewPosition();
CChildView *pCV=(CChildView *)pDoc->GetNextView(vpos);
This seem strange to me. I only have one doc and one view. I feel like I am going about it backwards with GetNextDoc() and GetNextView(). To try to use a silly analogy; it's like I have a book in my hand but I have to look up in it's index to find out what page the Title of the book is on. I'm tired of feeling embarrassed about my code. I either need correction or reassurance, or both. :)
Also, all the miscellaneous items are in no particular order. I would like to rearrange them into an order that may be more standard, structured or straightforward.
ALL suggestions welcome!
BOOL CLCWApp::InitInstance()
return FALSE;
// Initialize the Toolbar dll. (Toolbar code by Nikolay Denisov.)
InitGuiLibDLL(); // NOTE: insert GuiLib.dll into the resource chain
SetRegistryKey(_T("Real Name Removed"));
// Register document templates
CSingleDocTemplate* pDocTemplate;
pDocTemplate = new CSingleDocTemplate(
// Parse command line for standard shell commands, DDE, file open
CCmdLineInfo cmdInfo;
// Dispatch commands specified on the command line
// The window frame appears on the screen in here.
if (!ProcessShellCommand(cmdInfo))
AfxMessageBox("Failure processing Command Line");
return FALSE;
POSITION pos=pDocTemplate->GetFirstDocPosition();
CLCWDoc *pDoc=(CLCWDoc *)pDocTemplate->GetNextDoc(pos);
POSITION vpos=pDoc->GetFirstViewPosition();
CChildView *pCV=(CChildView *)pDoc->GetNextView(vpos);
if(!cmdInfo.m_Fn1.IsEmpty() && !cmdInfo.m_Fn2.IsEmpty())
pCV->DoCompare(); // Sends a paint message when complete
// enable file manager drag/drop and DDE Execute open
m_pMainWnd->UpdateWindow(); // paints the window background
pCV->bDoSize=true; //Prevent a dozen useless size calculations
return TRUE;
Hard to give you good recommendations without knowing what your program shall do. I have only a few general remarks:
Your InitInstance does not look very messed up for me. It's pretty much standard with a bit of custom code in it.
Also the ugly construction to retrieve the first view from the application class (the chain GetDocTemplate -> GetDoc -> GetView) is standard to my knowledge. I actually don't know another way. You might think about moving it into a separate method like CChildView* CLCWApp::GetFirstView() but well, that's only cosmetic as long as you need it only at one place.
What you are doing and which data you are placing in your Document class and in your View class(es) is more a semantic question if you only have one view. (You have only one document anyway because it's an SDI application.). From a technical viewpoint often both is possible.
But to be open for (perhaps) later extensions to more than one view and to follow the standard pattern of a doc/view architecture there are a few rules of thumb:
Data which exist and have a meaning independent of the way to present and view them (a document file, a database handle, etc.) belong to the document class. I don't know what your pCV->OpenF1(cmdInfo.m_Fn1) ... and so on does but if it's something like a file or filename or a parameter to be used to access data in any way OpenF1 might be better a method of the document class.
Methods which do any kind of data processing or modification of your underlying data belong to the document class as well
Data and methods which are only needed for a specific way to display a document belong to a view class (for instance a selected font, colours, etc.)
On the other side: If you have a fixed number of views which open with the document it might not be wrong to put view specific data into the document, especially if you want to make those view parameters persistent. An example would be a file with some statistical data - your document - and a splitter frame with two views: one displays the data as a grid table and the other as a pie chart. The table has "view data" describing the order of and width of columns, the pie chart has data to configure the colours of the pie pieces and the legend location, for instance. If you want to make sure that the user gets the last view configuration displayed when he opens the document file you have to store these view parameters somewhere. It wouldn't be wrong or bad design in my opinion to store those parameters in the document too, to store and retrieve them from any permanent storage, even if you need them only in the view classes.
If your application allows to open an unlimited number of views for a document dynamically and those views are only temporary as long as the application runs, storing all view configuration parameters directly in the view classes seems more natural to me. Otherwise in the document you would need to manage any kind of dynamic data structure and establish a relationship between a View and an entry in this data structure (an index in an array, or a key in a map, etc.)
If you are in doubt whether to place any data in the document or view class I'd prefer the document because you always have the easy GetDocument() accessor in the View class to retrieve members or call methods of the Doc. To fetch data from the View into the Document requires to iterate through the list of views. (Remember: Doc-View is a 1-n relationship, even in a SDI application.)
Just a few cents.
