Can't evaluate at compile time - NIM - nim-lang

Hi I'm starting to play around with NIM
I get a "can't evaluate at compile time" error on this code:
import strutils
Matrix[x, y: static[int], T] = object
data: array[x * y, T]
var n,m: int = 0
proc readFile() =
let f = open("matrix.txt")
defer: f.close()
var graph_size = parseInt(f.readline)
var whole_graph: Matrix[graph_size, graph_size, int]
for line in f.lines:
for field in line.splitWhitespace:
var cell = parseInt(field)
whole_graph[n][m] = cell
m = m + 1
n = n + 1
Any help appreciated.

Unless you absolutely positively need array in this scenario while not knowing its size at compile-time, you may want to rather swap to the seq type, whose size does not need to be known at compile-time.
Together with std/enumerate you can even save yourself the hassle of tracking the index with n and m:
import std/[strutils, enumerate]
type Matrix[T] = seq[seq[T]]
proc newZeroIntMatrix(x: int, y: int): Matrix[int] =
result = newSeqOfCap[seq[int]](x)
for i in 0..x-1:
for j in 0..y-1:
proc readFile(): Matrix[int] =
let f = open("matrix.txt")
defer: f.close()
let graph_size = parseInt(f.readline)
var whole_graph = newZeroIntMatrix(graph_size, graph_size)
for rowIndex, line in enumerate(f.lines):
for columnIndex, field in enumerate(line.split):
let cell = parseInt(field)
whole_graph[rowIndex][columnIndex] = cell
result = whole_graph
let myMatrix = readFile()
echo myMatrix.repr
Further things I'd like to point out though are:
array[x * y, T] will not give you a 2D array, but a single array of length x*y. If you want a 2D array, you would most likely want to store this as array[x, array[y, T]]. That is assuming that you know x and y at compile-time, so your variable declaration would look roughly like this: var myMatrix: array[4, array[5, int]]
Your Matrix type has the array in its data field, so trying to access the array with that Matrix type needs to be done accordingly ([n][m]). That is, unless you define proper []and []= procs for the Matrix type that do exactly that under the hood.


Don't understand why I am getting list index out of range here

I wrote this to simulate studying for a test
#number of questions
qList = [] * q
#question numbers
for i in range(len(qList)):
qList[i] = i + 1
#questions studied
sList = [] * s
for i in range (0,s):
x = randint(0,len(qList))
sList[i] = qList[x]
#questions passed
pList = []
for i in range(len(sList)):
if i in sList and i in qList:
the line sList[i] = qList[x] gives me an index out of range error. I haven't used lists in a while and I can't figure out what is wrong here.
I am trying to get the output here as three lists
a list of questions
the questions that have been studied
the questions passed
randint includes both boundaries:
Return a random integer N such that a <= N <= b. Alias for randrange(a, b+1).
Change invocation to:
x = randint(0, len(qList) - 1)
# or
x = randrange(0, len(qList))
Also you are instantiating empty arrays, you need to pass some element so it can be repeated (or better use list comprehensions):
qList = [1] * q
sList = [1] * s

How to create idendical variables in MATLAB from an array of variable names?

I have the following code in Matlab:
a = zeros(23,1)
b = zeros(23,1)
c = zeros(23,1)
How can I write it more compactly? I was looking for a solution that is something like this:
str = {'a','b','c'}
for i = str{i}
i = zeros(23,1)
But I can't find a way to do it properly without an error message. Can someone help please?
Here is a compact way using deal :
[a, b, c] = deal(zeros(23,1));
You can also use a struct if the variable name is important:
str = {'a','b','c'};
data = struct
for ii = 1:numel(str)
data.(str{ii}) = zeros(23,1);
The struct is more efficient than the table. You can now address data.a, data.b, etc.
But if the name is not useful, it's best to put your data into a cell array:
N = 3;
data = cell(N,1);
for ii = 1:N
data{ii} = zeros(23,1);
or simply:
data = cell(3,1);
[data{:}] = deal(zeros(23,1));
Now you address your arrays as data{1}, data{2}, etc., and they're always easy to address in loops.
What you're tempted to do is very bad practise, but can be done like this
str = {'a','b','c'};
for ii = 1:numel(str)
eval( [str{ii} ' = zeros(23,1)'] );
Why is this bad practise?
Your code legibility has just gone way down, you can't clearly see where variables are declared.
eval should be avoided
You could use deal to make things a bit nicer, but this doesn't use the array of variable names
[a, b, c] = deal( zeros(23, 1) );
Even better, it's likely you can optimise your code by using a matrix or table instead of separate 1D arrays. The table option means you can still use your variable name array, but you're not using eval for anything!
% Matrix
M = zeros( 23, 3 ); % Index each column as a/b/c using M(:,1) etc
% Table, index using T.a, T.b, T.c
T = array2table( zeros(23,3), 'VariableNames', {'a','b','c'} );

how do i write multiple function outputs to single csv file

i am scraping multiple websites so i am using one function for each website script, so each function returns 4 values, i want to print them in dataframe and write them in csv but i am facing this problem, i may be asking something too odd or basic but please help
Either i will have to write whole script in one block and that will look very nasty to handle so if i could find a way around, this is just a sample of problem i am facing..
def a1(x):
r = x+2
print(z, r)
def a2(x):
print(y, t)
x = 2
3 4
6 5
data = pd.Dataframe({'first' : [z],
'second' : [r],
'third' : [y],
'fourth' : [t]
*error 'z' is not defined*
You may find it convenient to write functions that return a list of dicts.
For example:
rows = [dict(a=1, b=2, c=3),
dict(a=4, b=5, c=6)]
df = pd.DataFrame(rows)
The variables are only defined in the local scope of your functions, you'd either need to declare them globally or - the better way - return them so you can use them outside of the function by assigning the return values to new variables
import pandas as pd
def a1(x):
z = x+1
r = x+2
return (z, r)
def a2(x):
y = x+4
t = x+3
return (y, t)
x = 2
z, r = a1(x)
y, t = a2(x)
data = pd.DataFrame({'first' : [z],
'second' : [r],
'third' : [y],
'fourth' : [t]

MATLAB: Write Dynamic matrix to Excel

I'm using MATLAB R2009a and following this example:
I'd like to edit it so that I can write a matrix of unknown size into a column in an excel sheet, therefore not explicitly stating the range. I've attempted it this way:
%Put MATLAB data into the worksheet
Hop = [47; 53; 93; 10]; %Pretend I don't know what size this matrix is.
p = length(Hop);
p = strcat('A',num2str(p));
eActivesheetRange = e.Activesheet.get('Range','A1:p');
eActivesheetRange.Value = Hop;
However, this errors out. I've tried several variations of this to no avail. For example, using 'A:B' puts this array in columns A and B in excel and a NAN into every cell beyond my array. As I only want column A filled, using simple ('Range','A') errors out also.
Thanks in advance for any advice you can offer.
You're having issues because you're trying to use your variable p in a string directly
range = 'A1:p';
This isn't going to work, you want to include the value of p. There are a number of ways you can do this.
In the code you have provided, you have already set p = 'A10' so if you wanted to append that to your range, you'd perform string concatenation
p = 'A10';
range = strcat('A1:', p);
I personally prefer to use sprintf to place the number directly into my strings rather than concatenating a bunch of strings.
p = 10;
range = sprintf('A1:A%d', p)
So if we adapt your code to use this we should get
range = sprintf('A1:A%d', numel(Hop));
eActivesheetRange = e.Activesheet.get('Range', range);
eActivesheetRange.Value = Hop;
Also just to be a little explicit, I would use numel rather than length as length is ambiguous. Also, I would flatten Hop into a column vector just to make sure that it's the proper dimension to be written to the spreadsheet.
eActivesheetRange.Value = Hop(:);
Essentially, the idea is to replace xx in 'B1:Bxx' with the number of elements in your matrix.
I tried this:
e = actxserver('Excel.Application');
eWorkbook = e.Workbooks.Add;
e.Visible = 1;
eSheets = e.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets;
eSheet1 = eSheets.get('Item',1);
A = [1 2 3 4];
eActivesheetRange = e.Activesheet.get('Range','A1:A4');
eActivesheetRange.Value = A;
The above is directly from the link you shared. The reason why what you are trying to do is failing is that the p you pass into e.Activesheet.get() is a variable and not a string. To avoid this, try the following:
B = randi([0 10],10,1)
eActivesheetRange = e.Activesheet.get('Range',['B1:B' num2str(numel(B))]);
eActivesheetRange.Value = B;
Here, num2str(numel(B)) will pass in a string, which is the number of elements in B. This is variable in the sense that it depends on the number of elements in B.

Unpack multiple variables from sequence

I am expecting the code below to print chr7.
import strutils
var splitLine = "chr7 127471196 127472363 Pos1 0 +".split()
var chrom, startPos, endPos = splitLine[0..2]
echo chrom
Instead it prints #[chr7, 127471196, 127472363].
Is there a way to unpack multiple values from sequences at the same time?
And what would the tersest way to do the above be if the elements weren't contiguous? For example:
var chrom, startPos, strand = splitLine[0..1, 5]
Gives the error:
read_bed.nim(8, 40) Error: type mismatch: got (seq[string], Slice[], int literal(5))
but expected one of:
system.[](a: array[Idx, T], x: Slice[])
system.[](s: string, x: Slice[])
system.[](a: array[Idx, T], x: Slice[[].Idx])
system.[](s: seq[T], x: Slice[])
var chrom, startPos, strand = splitLine[0..1, 5]
This can be accomplished using macros.
import macros
macro `..=`*(lhs: untyped, rhs: tuple|seq|array): auto =
# Check that the lhs is a tuple of identifiers.
expectKind(lhs, nnkPar)
for i in 0..len(lhs)-1:
expectKind(lhs[i], nnkIdent)
# Result is a statement list starting with an
# assignment to a tmp variable of rhs.
let t = genSym()
result = newStmtList(quote do:
let `t` = `rhs`)
# assign each component to the corresponding
# variable.
for i in 0..len(lhs)-1:
let v = lhs[i]
# skip assignments to _.
if $v.toStrLit != "_":
result.add(quote do:
`v` = `t`[`i`])
macro headAux(count: int, rhs: seq|array|tuple): auto =
let t = genSym()
result = quote do:
let `t` = `rhs`
for i in 0..count.intVal-1:
result[1].add(quote do:
template head*(count: static[int], rhs: untyped): auto =
# We need to redirect this through a template because
# of a bug in the current Nim compiler when using
# static[int] with macros.
headAux(count, rhs)
var x, y: int
(x, y) ..= (1, 2)
echo x, y
(x, _) ..= (3, 4)
echo x, y
(x, y) ..= #[4, 5, 6]
echo x, y
let z = head(2, #[4, 5, 6])
echo z
(x, y) ..= head(2, #[7, 8, 9])
echo x, y
The ..= macro unpacks tuple or sequence assignments. You can accomplish the same with var (x, y) = (1, 2), for example, but ..= works for seqs and arrays, too, and allows you to reuse variables.
The head template/macro extracts the first count elements from a tuple, array, or seqs and returns them as a tuple (which can then be used like any other tuple, e.g. for destructuring with let or var).
For anyone that's looking for a quick solution, here's a nimble package I wrote called unpack.
You can do sequence and object destructuring/unpacking with syntax like this:
someSeqOrTupleOrArray.lunpack(a, b, c)
[a2, b2, c2] <- someSeqOrTupleOrArray
{name, job} <- tim
tom.lunpack(job, otherName = name)
{job, name: yetAnotherName} <- john
Currently pattern matching in Nim only works with tuples. This also makes sense, because pattern matching requires a statically known arity. For instance, what should happen in your example, if the seq does not have a length of three? Note that in your example the length of the sequence can only be determined at runtime, so the compiler does not know if it is actually possible to extract three variables.
Therefore I think the solution which was linked by #def- was going in the right direction. This example uses arrays, which do have a statically known size. In this case the compiler knows the tuple arity, i.e., the extraction is well defined.
If you want an alternative (maybe convenient but unsafe) approach you could do something like this:
import macros
macro extract(args: varargs[untyped]): typed =
## assumes that the first expression is an expression
## which can take a bracket expression. Let's call it
## `arr`. The generated AST will then correspond to:
## let <second_arg> = arr[0]
## let <third_arg> = arr[1]
## ...
result = newStmtList()
# the first vararg is the "array"
let arr = args[0]
var i = 0
# all other varargs are now used as "injected" let bindings
for arg in args.children:
if i > 0:
var rhs = newNimNode(nnkBracketExpr)
let assign = newLetStmt(arg, rhs) # could be replaced by newVarStmt
i += 1
#echo result.treerepr
let s = #["X", "Y", "Z"]
s.extract(a, b, c)
# this essentially produces:
# let a = s[0]
# let b = s[1]
# let c = s[2]
# check if it works:
echo a, b, c
I do not have included a check for the seq length yet, so you would simply get out-of-bounds error if the seq does not have the required length. Another warning: If the first expression is not a literal, the expression would be evaluated/calculated several times.
Note that the _ literal is allowed in let bindings as a placeholder, which means that you could do things like this:
s.extract(a, b, _, _, _, x)
This would address your splitLine[0..1, 5] example, which btw is simply not a valid indexing syntax.
yet another option is package definesugar:
import strutils, definesugar
# need to use splitWhitespace instead of split to prevent empty string elements in sequence
var splitLine = "chr7 127471196 127472363 Pos1 0 +".splitWhitespace()
echo splitLine
(chrom, startPos, endPos) := splitLine[0..2]
echo chrom # chr7
echo startPos # 127471196
echo endPos # 127472363
(chrom, startPos, strand) := splitLine[0..1] & splitLine[5] # splitLine[0..1, 5] not supported
echo chrom
echo startPos
echo strand # +
# alternative syntax
(chrom, startPos, *_, strand) := splitLine
echo chrom
echo startPos
echo strand
see for recent discussion
