Filter Rider Explorer Solution View - jetbrains-ide

Does anyone know if Rider support filtering in its Explorer view?
I typically want my solution to include all projects, so when I search/build, I got everything. But in the meantime, the whole explorer tree is so overwhelming. I may focus on different subset of the solution in different time, hence I want to filter on a particular projects/folders that I am interested in.
I know in VSCode we could do filtering to show/hide certain items using settings in files.exclude. Does Rider have a way to achieve something similar?

Feel free to upvote this feature request:
Right now (2022 year) it is only possible to search in the explorer tree


How to enable grouping in the File Structure Window in VS2017

I recently installed Resharper 2017.1.3 on Visual Studio 2010 and 2017.
On 2010, the File Structure window has a nice grouping based on categories (private method, public methods, override, etc - see image below). However, in 2017 there is no grouping at all.
I'd like to know if anyone can show me how to enable that in 2017. I tried researching it but couldn't find any solution.
ReSharper's structure window doesn't have any grouping functionality as such - it always shows files in the order in which everything is defined. However, it does show regions as groups, as in your first screenshot. Those EqualsCore methods are both defined inside a region, and so get grouped by that.
(You'll also notice the little 'x' in the top right of the region grouping box. Click that and ReSharper will remove the region.)

VS2012 methods organizing by drag-and-drop

I work in VS2012 and would like to organize the order of members in a class by drag-and-drop, like I can in Eclipse.
However, the members outline in a right-top of the screen and also in a class view or in solution explorer do not give such an option.
Is there a way to do it?
Code Maid is a free Visual Studio extension that adds a digging window tool.
This will answer to your needs, I believe.
This tool also allow you to reorder code elements with drag & drop directly within this window.

How do I use Structure to output a select menu

I am working on a responsive site and need to output my Structure powered nav into a select menu for smaller screens. In looking at Structure's documentation this doesn't seem possible natively. Am I missing something?
After some digging it seems like the add-on Structure Entries is the ticket I need with one caveat. SE has quite a bit of overheard (in terms of queries) while using it to spit out custom nav. What's the best approach to minimize the impact performance for complicated menus?
I am doing this currently using Twitter Bootstrap's Button Dropdown javascript plugin.
I also use MX Mobile Device Detect to serve devices the dropdown while the desktop users get the full menu.
I think the Dropdown Button script only allows for a single level list, however since its mobile do you need more than one?
I know it's obviously preferable to do it in the template itself, but a JS alternative is TinyNav.js.
It will convert your nav to a select dropdown.

Can ReSharper ignore projects/tests in navigation

When using the various navigation and usage features of ReSharper, is there a way to make it hide some of the projects (with tests) in the solution?
Often when I'm browsing through the code, I'm not really interested in the tests, but only the production code.
I received this answer from the Resharper support team.
I have looked at "find usages" deeper and figured out that there is the
following item in filter dropdown -- "Show Unit Test Usages" (attached). So
if you uncheck this item -- usages from Test Projects won't appear in search
Well im not sure this works for the navigation and usage features but for analysis it does, tryto use the skip files and folders menu to add folders which should be excluded.
Under Optionmenu use Settings under the Code Inspection section and select "Edit Items to Skip" and select your folder.
Take a look at this Article too
First, there's no setting in ReSharper to "forget" a certain project in solution.
However, in some cases, navigation combos may help you out.
For example, when you search for types, files or symbols with ReSharper, you can restrict search scope with navigation combos. Say, in NHibernate, entering "dm spec " in Go to Type restricts search scope to Projects\Core\NHibernate.DomainModel\NHSpecific

Exactly matching search result pages for synonymous query terms in sharepoint

i work with sharepoint 2010 search optimization and I was wondering if there's a way to make query terms exactly synonymous with each other.
The option I found in the search center settings is a little off target with mandatory creation of a best bet. I want, for example, the search results pages for 'IE' and 'Internet Explorer' to be exactly the same.
Any idea how to go about it? thanks in advance!
You need to define a thesaurus file. It's laborious, but can be done.
There's a good post about it here:
The thesaurus is probably the way to go. Remember though that the thing with any version of Sharepoint Search except FAST is that synonyms are one way only, meaning when someone enters IE, it is a synonym for Internet Explorer. Internet Explorer is not a synonym for IE. (depending on which way you defined it of course). This means that any query for IE will include all content related to both and a query for Internet Explorer will render results for Internet Explorer content only.
