VS2012 methods organizing by drag-and-drop - visual-studio-2012

I work in VS2012 and would like to organize the order of members in a class by drag-and-drop, like I can in Eclipse.
However, the members outline in a right-top of the screen and also in a class view or in solution explorer do not give such an option.
Is there a way to do it?

Code Maid is a free Visual Studio extension that adds a digging window tool.
This will answer to your needs, I believe.
This tool also allow you to reorder code elements with drag & drop directly within this window.


Is there a way to keep Coded UI Test Builder tool from hiding Visual Studio?

One of the many "features" that annoy me about using CodedUI for test automation is that the Test Builder tool hides Visual Studio when you open it to try to spy an element. This is extraordinarily annoying when you're trying to maintain legacy scripts that aren't working correctly. How do I compare the existing location properties of an element to see if they are compatible with the current state of the application? Currently, I have take a snapshot of the CUITB window, close the tool and then paste the result into something else to compare.
This is especially infuriating because the properties found by the CUITB have little correlation with other spy tools like Inspect, Snoop, etc. rendering those tools unusable for hand coding Coded UI scripts.
Is there a way to configure VS or the test builder tool to NOT hide VS while spying on screen elements? If this is possible, I haven't been able to figure out how to do it.

How to enable grouping in the File Structure Window in VS2017

I recently installed Resharper 2017.1.3 on Visual Studio 2010 and 2017.
On 2010, the File Structure window has a nice grouping based on categories (private method, public methods, override, etc - see image below). However, in 2017 there is no grouping at all.
I'd like to know if anyone can show me how to enable that in 2017. I tried researching it but couldn't find any solution.
ReSharper's structure window doesn't have any grouping functionality as such - it always shows files in the order in which everything is defined. However, it does show regions as groups, as in your first screenshot. Those EqualsCore methods are both defined inside a region, and so get grouped by that.
(You'll also notice the little 'x' in the top right of the region grouping box. Click that and ReSharper will remove the region.)

Force Xamarin Studio view layout to stay the same

I'm currently using Xamarin Studio and have a comfortable enough setup so that I can put my various pads (output, unit tests, solution tree, etc.) on different screens. I like it and I'd like it to stay the same wether I'm debugging, running tests or coding.
But right now, xamarin studio handles it himself and switches to the Debug view layout when debugging, which changes everything to their default (since I've never really changed it).
Is it possible to tell Xamarin Studio to either :
- Never switch layouts?
- Set which layout is used for each situation (and I would just use my custom layout)
I've tried deleting all layouts and XS just recreates them. No dice here.
I've tried switching to my layout when debugging, hoping it would remember "this is my debug layout now". No chance either.
And I'm hoping I won't have to change each separate layout, because first it'll take a stupid amount of time, and also because if I ever decide to make a change, i'd have to set it up over 5 different view layouts which is just ridiculous.
Note : I'm using the latest version of Xamarin of the stable channel.
So, does anyone know a way to keep one single layout for all situations?
Unfortunately, no, it is not possible with the current version of Xamarin Studio.
I read through both the preferences as well as the documentation. I even tried to create my own custom layout by navigating to "View" -> "Save Current Layout". Then I selected my new custom layout when I started a debugging session, hoping it would persist to the next one. But alas, the "Debug" view was chosen automatically.
This would probably be something you could bring forth as a suggestion of improvement to the Xamarin team. You can do so using their bugzilla.

Android Studio/Intellij Idea: "Table of Contents" for a class

I have been messing around with Android Studio and so far I like most of what I have seen. One thing that has been annoying me though is this lack of "Table of Contents" for a class. I apologize for not knowing exactly what to call it. But what I am referring to is the dropdown menu in eclipse that lists all the methods, interfaces, classes and so on that are in that class file. This then allows you to jump to that position. This view is when you are in "Package Explorer" and click the arrow to the left of the class. This is one thing that makes me really miss eclipse. I know that you can easily search with Ctrl+F inside a document but I often forget the method names. I tried looking through here but to no avail. Just wondering if anyone knows some way to handle this.
IDEA has a tab called "Structure", which shows all the methods, fields, etc. of the currently-open class.
I've just got a Tip of the Day popup in Android Studio helping with exactly this problem.
You can quickly navigate in the currently edited file with
Ctrl/⌘+F12 (Navigate | File Structure).
It shows the list of members of the current class. Select an element you want to navigate to and press the Enter key or the F4 key. To easily locate an item in the
list, just start typing its name.
Also, as danny117 points out, you can use Alt/⌘+7 to show / hide the same content in a side panel view (shown above in Chris Jester-Young's answer).
View > Tool Windows > Structure
In addition to what Chris Jester-Young said, it's worth pointing out how to see the methods and properties of a class pointed by the cursor.
a) Type Ctrl + H in the class pointed by cursor.
b) In the class name, in the hierarchy window, double-click the class name. The system, upon confirmation, will decompile and open the class code.
c) Alt + 7 (Windows) or Command + 7 (MAC) to display the structure window.
d) One can now visualize properties, methods, derived classes, derived interfaces, and even include inherited items. All related to the class under the caret.
I'm currently using Beta 0.8.9 of the Android Studio and what you need to do is click on the settings icon in the Android Project View. If you select 'Show Members' then the Classes become expandable and you can navigate around the class using the project view.

Snap controls to grid?

Having just started some work in Infopath after doing a lot of work with .Net Winforms I find manipulating the design of my form a very frustrating experience.
Is there a method, option or addon to have my controls 'snap' into alignment like they do with Visual Studio and some other products?
As a commenter said - not really. Infopath is a fancy front end for HTML/XML/XSLT so it is more free form than the dev tools you are used to working with. You can tweak layout at a pixel level but as far as alignment your best option is multiple selection and setting location/dimensions manually.
