how Can I I embed instagram code in flutter web project? - instagram

I am searching for a way in which I can include the embed code from Instagram to fetch public post and display it on my screen...I tried many packages from like flutter_html_view and in this package, you have to run the project without null safety so I skipped it.
I tried this method too ui.platformViewRegistry.registerViewFactory () but there is no response and nothing to display to the browser.
so how can I implement this embed code and show it on the screen of my browser? please help!
This is what is shown whenever I tried to fetch the embed code
This is the embed code that I meant which I want to implement


NodeJS Get Completely Rendered HTML Page

I want to get a html page content from a url using NodeJS after JavaScript is fully loaded and the page is completely rendered, or get the basic html then run all JavaScript files to achieve final content.
For example let's assume there is a website based on AngularJS, so the basic html is simple, but after loading all JavaScript codes in the page, page content is completely different. I want to get that final content on my server to find something in it. Any ideas?
After-Load is a NodeJS package that works like a charm :
var afterLoad=require('after-load');
then :
Maybe it's too late, but back in the day, PhantomJS solved my problem.

Corona net::ERR_CACHE_MISS comes when loading an external url in Corona

I am using Corona to make an app. I have implemented following code to open a website/a page inside my app view instead of browser:
function openLink(event)
if(event.phase == "ended")then
print("btn clicked")
local webView = native.newWebView( display.contentCenterX, display.contentCenterY, 320, 480 )
webView:request( "" )
local text1 = display.newText("",100,100,native.systemFontBold,20)
text1.text = "native should come"
btn:addEventListener("touch", openLink)
Its giving me following error on device when button is tapped:
Please help me out with this. Also, I have few questions regarding feasibility of this function.
Can I access full interactivity of website inside app view? i.e. scroll through pages, open other pages, navigate to other elements of website etc.
If I can't access complete website with ease, is there any possibility that I can open multiple pages one after another of same website on click of various buttons created by me inside app?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
The ERR_CACHE_MISS error comes from Chrome. To avoid it, check the following:
Make sure you can get to the URL from a browser on the mobile
device to ensure the issue isn't with your Internet connection.
Make sure that your build.settings file in your Corona app allows for Internet
permissions. For Android, this means including the following in build.settings:
-- Android permissions
androidPermissions = {

Invoking Browser via application Icon Like Youtube Application Without Showing My Application

i want to invoke browser with a specific url like youtube application. I've try using Navigator Invoke but, its show my application. i dont want to show my application just show browser when user click the application icon, can anybody help me please ..
Put this into your main() in main.cpp
But you MUST remove (comment) the following lines:
new ApplicationUI(&app);
return Application::exec();
Otherwise application will open anyway

Unable to create a new app on foursquare

I am trying to create an app on foursquare. I do fill all the required fields. By submitting the app form will result in 400 bad request with no message in the browser.
However the Response looks like this:
{"meta":{"code":400,"errorType":"param_error","errorDetail":"Value is invalid for pushVersion"},"response":{}}
Can it be a bug on their side, or am I missing something?
Was also just getting this error.... The pushVersion being posted to /v2/apps/create is blank and there is no visible user input for the field. The field is in the markup though so if you use Chrome dev tools or firebug you can find the version input's div wrapper and remove the style="display: none;", then fill in the field. I entered "20130115" and chose that I didn't want pushes and the app was created successfully.

web site scraping through Jsoup

I have spent few hours on signing in to web site by using jsoup. But it always gives same login page. To clarify the issue I tried with facebook site. It also gives same result.
Below I mentioned my code
String url ="";
Document doc;
doc = Jsoup.connect(url)
can anybody point me where I made a mistake and how can i fix this issue?
In data portion "email" and "pass" are input field id of facebook login page.
Thank you.
Try this:
String url ="";
Document doc;
doc = Jsoup.connect(url)
Anyway, Jsoup is not bad at all, you only need how to use it properly, but also you need to keep in mind that Facebook is expecting a lot more parameters to make a successfull login via POST emulating a web page navigation.
By example:
If you need to authenticate and get proper data I suggest that you must give a try to a Facebook SDK for Android:
