How to define a specific page template that will be used when displaying node--content-type--full.html.twig - twig

I'm new to Drupal and having a difficult time figuring out the file structure that I need to render my content correctly.
Here's what I have:
A content type called resource_library - with several resource items uploaded
A view called resource-library, which displays all resource library items.
A page template called page--resource_library.html.twig that currently has scaffolding (sidebar etc), then reffers to {{ page.content }} - which renders and loops the resource items from this file - node--resource_library.html.twig
Another file called node--resource_library--full.html.twig which displays full contents of the resource items.
The problem is that when I go to my /node/6 to view a single resource item I can see that it loads from page.html.twig, which does not have the same scaffolding similar to page--resource_library.html.twig.
My question is, is it possible to define the page template that will be used to display a single node? And if not, how do I achieve this? How do I make this specific content type node full views to look different/unique from any other nodes for content types?
Or am I going about this the wrong way? I'm working with Drupal9.


Druplal view in twig is not rendered

new to drupal.
I have created a view called "my_view_2".
Inside my twig templates I use {{ my_view_2}} to render that view but nothing appears on the page.
If I declare the display of the view as page and assign a node to the view, then the view is rendered. But this way the node template is lost.
The above happens only to some views not very view I have and I can not find the differences between those that working and those that does not working.
any help is appreciated.
Looks like you want to create a view with some kind of display then use twig template to style it. If that's the case, then decide which twig template you want override and copy it over to your /theme folder.
Locate the template you wish to override.
Copy the template file from its base location into your theme folder.
(optionally) Rename the template according to the naming conventions in order to target a more specific subset of areas where the template is used.
Modify the template as you want.
With respect to views look at the below location for which template to copy/override :
For example, if we want to override "views-view.html.twig" template for our view, the following template names are valid:
Once you copy a template file into your theme and clear the cache, Drupal will start using your instance of the template file instead of the base version.

Custom search result page in shopware5

I need to create a custom search result page for my Shopware site. As I know custom pages can be designed only for detail and list pages.
However, after creating custom list page for my site with the name of “custom_listing.tpl” my search result page is still looks like the default list page of the site. How can I get rid of this default list page template on my search result page?
I tried to change the fuzzy.tpl {include file='frontend/listing/listing.tpl'} to my “custom_listing.tpl” but that did not work.
What you need to do is to create your own theme/template and activate it in the Shopware backend. Further you need to create your own frontend/search/fuzzy.tpl in your theme folder.
Now let your own fuzzy.tpl extend from the original one like so:
{extends file='parent:frontend/search/fuzzy.tpl'}
After that you will have access to all the smarty blocks that are defined in the parent fuzzy file and even in the frontend/index/index.tpl of which the parent fuzzy extends from.
Make your changes, deploy it to your localhost or webserver and after clearing the cache the search controller should autoload the overridden fuzzy.tpl with your custom search results layout.

Global Content Block in Grav CMS

I'm using the Grav CMS and would like to have a block of global content present on each page. In other words, every page on the site will have this same block of content (near the footer). I'd like the content of this block to be editable similar to other pages, through a .md file. Instead of hardcoding the content of this block into the base.html.twig (or another) template the content should be editable through a .md file similar to other pages.
One option, use find() to pull the content of the page I want into each page. The downside to this is that I don't want this page to appear in the navigation. If there is a way to hide a page from the navigation this might work however.
What is the recommended way to accomplish this?
I solved this by creating a variable containing the page object from the page I wanted. Within the base.html.twig template I did the following:
{% set secondpage = page.find('/_page_url') %}
The _page_url is hidden due to the _, but still editable as a normal page.

How to name a cshtml file for displaying a content part that has been created from admin UI in Orchard cms?

Suppose that I have created a content part in Admin UI with name "aaa" and attached it to an existing content type with name "bbb".
Now I want to add a .cshtml file in View folder of TheThemeMachine for displaying and customizing view of this part, not the type.
I know I can add Content-bbb.cshtml for the ContentType but it isn't what I want because there may be several types use this part and I have to add single file for all of them.
What should I name the cshtml file?
I have been tested below names:, Parts-aaa, Parts_aaa,, Parts.bbb-aaa,,
and many more
I do appreciate for any help.
This is the link of this question in codeplex:

Orchard CMS create theme view for my content type

I am using orchard cms with the bootstrap theme.
I have created a content type: House
it contains FIELDS
image (media picker field)
Property Type (taxonomy field)
Location (taxonomy field)
It has PARTS
publish later
I want queries of houses and be able to choose the view/ layout for them
e.g. layout called HouseList (for sidebars mainly) which will render: title, image and link to house, possible location and type but with out the links as defaulted. And then a fullDetails layout and a image only layout (so i can show a jquery image reel a widget say in a quadzone) How can i do all this please, i have tried in view Content-House.cshtml etc but i cant access the details model.content to choose what to display.
Im sure when i get the idea of how to do 1 i should be able to sort the rest. I have read documentation etc but there are so many different ways, ie placement file, change the parts, contents, create classes to handle display etc. sureley i am missing something simple like create a view for each list i want eg. houue-list, house-details, house-imageONly and then manipulate content.
Please help i have been trying different things for getting this site running for weeks and not getting very far. Examples would be fantastic but i have searched google for hours and found similar but nothing with enough details for a meer beginer.
The standard way of doing that is placement to move things around and alternate templates for the different parts and fields. You can specialize placement and alternates with the display type, which is Summary when rendering in a list such as what a projection returns, and Detail for the detail view. More info on placement can be found here: and on alternates here:
Now if you prefer to completely take over the rendering and do without placement, here are a few posts that may help:
