Using the replace function in Netsuite for components in assemblies - netsuite

Very new to Netsuite. I'm trying to use a saved item search to find all instances of {componentitem} entry is 800484 and replace them with component 516551302688
I'm using the REPLACE function in the saved item search but it doesn't like my formula REPLACE(800484, [, 516551302688]){componentitem}
I'm sure I am doing something wrong in the formula but unsure what it is.

The function signature for REPLACE is:
REPLACE(char, search_string, replacement_string)
char is the text to search in.
search_string is the text to search for.
replacement_string is the text to replace the search_string with, where found.
What you have appears to be more like
REPLACE(search_string, replacement_string)char
The text you want to search in is outside of the function altogether (outside the parentheses that enclose what the function will act on). You also have additional brackets and a comma in your formula.
Based you the information in your question, your formula should be
REPLACE({componentitem}, '800484', '516551302688')
I have wrapped the search and replacement strings in quotes as REPLACE deals with strings. If you leave the quotes off, the database will infer the string values of the numbers given and it will still work, but it's best practice to be explicit.
Note that this will only replace the values within the results of the saved search, and will have no effect on the underlying records. Hopefully you already know this, but I just mention it as the wording of your question makes it appear as if you're expecting it to substitute the actual components.


Extract part of a string in excel

"Department=Acc:2";"Classes=Accessoire";"Suppliers=xxx23";"Category=Décor";"Discount=no";Related_Carousel_Products=[23043]";"Accessory Type=Crinolines et Shorts";
My excel cells are filled with data like this and I want to extract a specific part of it, for example I would like to extract Accessory Type="Crinoline" into a new column so that I can edit them separately. I've tried this article it has many creative ways to extract the data but I cannot find a way to extract in the way I want, I want to extract part of the string, including the quotes.
UPDATED - screenshot showing breakdown of each key function
You can do this using mid + search as follows (screenshot below/this sheet refer):
B2: the raw text
F2 = 'Accessory Type' (or any other thing you specify that satisfies final bullet)
Entire string you want to return (with or without quotation marks) falls after 'Accessory Type' and before the very next semi-colon (;) - per your example/below screenshot/above link.
How does this work?
We need to find the part of text that starts with the selected word(s) (e.g. "Accessory Type" in this case) and ends after the description of that accessory type (in this case, it's made up "asdfhadhgk")
Working from inside out mid function (A) returns everything after the words "Accessory Type"
Great, now we just need to it 'stop' a bit sooner, i.e. after the semi-colon that first appears after the words Accessory. This is exactly what the outer Mid function (D) achieves (it returns the string starting with "Accessory Type" up to the semi colon)
Screenshots below refer.

Excel: Find words of certain length in string?

I have this file where I want to make a conditional check for any cell that contains the letter combination "_SOL", or where the string is followed by any numeric character like "_SOL1524", and stop looking after that. So I don't want matches for "_SOLUTION" or "_SOLothercharactersthannumeric".
So when I use the following formula, I also get results for words like "_SOLUTION":
How can I avoid this, and only get matches if the match is "_SOL" or "_SOLnumericvalue" (one numeric character)
Clarification: The whole strings may be "Blabla_SOL_BLABLA", "Blabla_SOLUTION_BLABLA" or "Blabla_SOL1524_BLABLA"
Maybe this, which will check if the character after "_SOL" is numeric.
Or, as per OP's request and suggestion, to include the possibility of an underscore after "SOL"
Here is an alternative way to check if your string contains SOL followed by either nothing or any numeric value up to any characters after SOL:
Just to use in an unfortunate event where you would encounter SOL1TEXT for example. Or, maybe saver (in case you have text like AEROSOL):
And to prevent that you have text like 123SOL123 you could even do:
=IF(COUNT(FILTERXML("<t><s>"&SUBSTITUTE(A1,"_","1</s><s>")&"</s></t>","//s[starts-with(., 'SOL') and substring(., 4)*0=0]")>0),"Yey","Nay")

Attempting to extract one of two possible words from a text string if matches a criteria, or input the string in it's entirety

I'm trying to bring back one of two possible words (Local or National) from a text string, and if neither of these words are in the text string, then bring back the string in the whole cell
The issue I have is that I can bring back either word when they appear, but I get an error when they do not
I'm currently using
However this obviously this doesn't bring back if the words not exist
I'm sure it's easy and I'm missing something, but I just cannot figure it out. any help would be great
Cheers all
You can use:
Formula in B1:
Drag down
Notice that your wildcards make it that even a string with 'international' in it will return 'national'. If this is not what you want, you should remove the wildcards.
You can also use INDEX/AGGREGATE:
This will allow one to replace the both hard coded arrays with a range of cells that contain the outputs. If Local and National were in D1:D2 then you can use:
That way if the list gets bigger the formula does not.
I'd suggest regular expressions.

Unable to keep a certain portion from a text and kick out the rest

Is it possible to create any formula in excel to kick out any certain portion from a string and keep the rest? If I consider this a string Utopia(UTP), my expected output is UTP. To be specific: I would like to grab the bracketed portion and strip the rest.
These are the texts I would like to apply formula on:
The output I wish to have:
FIND() will identify where a particular character first appears in a string. You can use this to find the parentheses in your text strings. Then plug those numbers into MID to extract the strings you want:

Sharepoint: Calculated Column replace all spaces

Seems like it would be a simple thing really (and it may be), but I'm trying to take the string data of a column and then through a calculated column, replace all the spaces with %20's so that the HTML link in the workflow produced email will actually not break off at the first space.
For example, we have this in our source column:
file:///Z:/data/This is our report.rpt
And would like to end up with this in the calculated column:
Already used the REPLACE, and made up a ghastly super nested REPLACE/SEARCH version, but the problem there is that you have to nest for EACH potential space, and if you don't know how many up front, it doesn't work, or will miss some.
Have any of you come across this scenario and how did you handle it?
Thanks in advance!
As far as I know there is no generic solution using the calculated-column syntax. The standard solution for this situation is using an ItemAdded (/ItemUpdated) event and initializing the field value from code.
I was able to solve this issue for my circumstances by using a series of calculated columns.
In the first calculated column (C1) I entered a formula to remove the first space, something like this:
=IF(ISNUMBER(FIND(" ",[Title])),REPLACE([Title],FIND(" ",[Title]),1,"%20"),[Title])
In the second Calculated column (C2) I used:
=IF(ISNUMBER(FIND(" ",[C1])),REPLACE([C1],FIND(" ",[C1]),1,"%20"),[C1]).
In my case, I wanted to encode upto four spaces, so I used 3 calculated columns (C1, C2, C3) in the same fashion and got the desired result.
This is not as efficient as using a single calculated column, but if SUBSTITUTE will not work in your SharePoint environment, and you cannot use an event handler or workflow, it may offer a workable alternative.
I actually used a slightly different formula, but it was on a work machine to which I don't have access at the moment, so I just grabbed this formula from a similar S.O. question. Any formula that will replace the first occurrence of a space with "%20" will work, the trick is to a) make sure the formula returns the original string unchanged if it does not have more spaces in it, and b) test, test, test. Create a view of your list that has the field you are trying to encode, plus the calculated fields, and see if you are getting the results you want.
so that the HTML link in the workflow produced email will actually not break off at the first space.
The browser only does this if you have not enclosed your link in quotes
If you wrap the link in quotes, it does not cut off at the first space
In a SharePoint Formula it would be:
="""file:///Z:/data/This is our report.rpt"""
becuase two quotes are the SP escape notation to output a quote
You can use this formula (Start trim for 1, in my case was 4):
=IF(ISBLANK([EUR Amount]),"",(TRIM(MID([EUR Amount],4,2))&TRIM(MID([EUR Amount],6,2))&TRIM(MID([EUR Amount],8,2))&TRIM(MID([EUR Amount],10,2))&TRIM(MID([EUR Amount],12,2))&TRIM(MID([EUR Amount],14,2)))*1)
