how to make the app which hide the phone apps with Flutter - hide

Im trying to make the application which is used to hide the application the phone applications with using the flutter. How to make this with flutter. Answers

use wechat_assets_picker: package . It will help you to pick the exact/original path. After getting the original path now you can do any sort of operation easily! You can read /write on external storage for further operations


How to extend WearableListenerService for WearOS on Handheld Application Side

I am attempting to develop a Wear OS app which is dependent on a paired Android phone to perform some higher complexity computations. To this end I have implemented on the wearable side the proper infrastructure to pass a PutDataMapRequest message to the phone app, where I am having trouble is extending the WearableListenerService class on the phone side. When I alt+enter to see the suggested actions menu, the option to add the requisite library is there. However when I select that option nothing happens and the option is still there afterwards (the error is not rectified). I will caveat this by saying I have only been developing for Android for about 2 weeks so some of this Android Studio and its' quirks are still a little new to me. Prior to this point I had attempted various incarnations of building this app. The first where I had built the apps separately, and on that attempt this same extension caused problems (the IDE didn't even offer any suggestions at that point). I also tried loading the data layer api sample to find an example of the wearable listener service but unfortunately it is only present on the wear side of the app. The original source of this approach was from this tutorial, which I know is a little old at this point (at least one of the calls on the wear side are deprecated which I already worked around). At about 2:00 in the presenter is able to extend WearableListenerService without any issue within his phone side app and I have no idea what I am missing to be able to do that. I also did look into just trying to add the support library manually but to no avail.
Ok so, for anyone who runs into a similar issue down the road. The solution appears to be that when you create a wearable app through the new wizard and attempt to add an application module to the project, you will need to manually add the following lines to your phone app side gradle file under dependencies.
implementation ''
implementation 'androidx.wear:wear:1.1.0'
This allowed the IDE to recognize the requisite classes and import them accordingly into the companion phone side application.

How do I implement Google fitkit in flutter?

I am implementing Google Fit kit in flutter, I use the client ID in the app folder and use the permissions inside app -> build but when I open the page it asks for permission and when I give permission the app crashes.
you can use fit_fit plugin to get fitness data from google fit it's much more easier.

Take panoramic photos in Android

I want to make an Android application that allows the user to take panoramic pictures... I have been searching for several hours for some library or some sample code or tutorial but I didn't find anything very interesting. Some applications like "Cardboard camera" or the standard Android camera can do this! Is there a way to call these application functions? Or some API? It still would be good if the app I want to make just would use an external app to take the photo. Please help me, thank you :)

Creating an app to provide user with offline map and offline routing using Android Studio

I am trying to create a mockup of application that will allow user to use the app to navigate in a city.
The reason the map needed to be online is that my application needs to modify the mockup traffic light in the map based on traffic.
Currently I tried to OSM since Google map doesn't provide any traffic light data.
My problem is I have no idea how to create an offline map, by using OSMAnd, I am able to create an OBF file using OsmAndMapCreator, after that I have no idea how to implement it (I cannot find any tutorial online).
I also don't know which offline routing service to used, I have find that OSMAnd can be used to provide navigation but I don't know how to implement it in a new app.
I am sorry if this is off topic or being a vague question, but I have no more choice.
Thank you.

Update an Android app That Is Not In Google Play

Hello i want to insert an "service" in my android project that allows users to update the app evry time that i relase a new update(sorry if i can't explain well but english its not my language and i have some limit using it) basic i just want a way that users can update my app evry time that i relase a new one directlly from my app.I have searched on google but no sucsess and i have not tryed anything.
I Have Read This Post But I Don't Understand It Because I'am a beginner In Android Developing This Post
If you're still having this problem, just use Google in-app updates. It's very easy and straightforward; no need for a service.
