Encountered a StorageException while trying to fetch the diagnostic events - azure

Out of nowhere started seeing this error when opened function apps, Application is working though.
Unable to retrieve diagnostics and error information for your function app.
Encountered a StorageException while trying to fetch the diagnostic events.
Please make sure the connection string in the app setting "AzureWebJobsStorage" has the permissions to access Azure Table Storage
Storage account network access is set to "Enabled from selected virtual networks and IP addresses". Even with this settings there was no error before.
but now the above error message is gone only when changed to "Enabled from all networks".
Recently updated functionapp to dotnet 6.0 and v4 runtime even after, there was no error. Not sure if this has anything to do with this.
How do I fix for this?

This was caused by a platform level alert raised by a diagnostic component, and although it had no impact on the production workloads, the verbiage wasn't clear and the level misleading. The event has been disabled and you should no longer see this come up.
To expand, this error was reported by the control plane for the diagnostic component, which is meant to surface diagnostic events raised by production components to the portal, but not involved in any production workload flow and had no impact on the App's functionality.

We noticed the same issue in several of our functionapps. We also have configured the functionapp to be able to access the storage account via a subnet in a vnet, which worked fine until a few days ago. The functionapp itself is still working as intended, but it started showing this message a few days ago. As a test we did 'Enable from all networks' on the storage account, which resolved the warning message. I suspect there is some other service besides the functionapp which needs access to the storage account to read the functionapp diagnostic information. If I would know which service we could grant it access to the storage account without needing to 'Enable from all networks'

I raised a support ticket with Microsoft regarding this issue and was told that there seems to be a platform issue for App Services in West Europe region and they are currently investigating.


Error "Subscription was not found" when trying to create Azure Function App in VS Code

I'm gettting rather weird error when attempting to create new Azure Function App with Azure Functions VS Code extension:
Subscription MY_SUB_GUID_HERE was not found.
No matter what I've tried: reloading VS Code, re-installing Azure Functions extension (incl. older versions), logging out from my MS account in browser, restarting PC, clearing TenantId in VS Code Azure Account extension, removing Azure Functions extension completely including its folder in C:\Users\USER_NAME\.vscode\extensions, signing out and back in via Azure Account extension, creating Azure Function application through the Azure portal incl. new resource group (I've found some old issue on GitHub which supposedly got fixed and one workaround was to create Azure func app through the portal first) - still the same error message, which occurs after selecting location, but actually in VS Code Log (Window) I can see that it fails immediately after 1st step (error code is SubscriptionNotFound + error message above) when you provide a unique name for the application.
At the same time, creating App Service, Resource Group, Static Web App all works like a charm through the corresponding extensions. Of course I see my subscription on Resources pane in VS Code and hence I'm saying that the error is a weird one.
OS: Windows 10 Pro x64 21H1, build 19043.1826
VS Code: 1.69.2
Azure Functions extension: 1.7.4
Azure subscription: free trial
Azure Functions version: ~4
.NET: 6.0
I cannot understand for love of god where the problem is - friend of mine tried it with his Visual Studio Enterprise subscription and it worked without any problem, so perhaps this is an account-related issue? Strange though that other things like App Service seem to work fine. I have "Owner" role for this subscription so it should not be due to the lack of rights or something similar.
Have you updated the az-cli?
e.g. az login or az logout?
What does az account show shows you?
You will be facing this issue because the Azure subscription is absolutely completely empty and the environment could not able to pick up your subscription.
Restart your environment after deploying a sample resource to your subscription.
Now that the subscription is not empty, It will be able to identify your subscription id. Additionally, confirm that your Azure free trial membership has not expired.

Azure: Microsoft.Compute resource provider stuck 'Registering' for about a day

I've tried un-registering and re-registering and it just keeps getting stuck. No logs I can see so I'm not really sure what to do...
Has anyone experienced this before?
It appears that there was some issue, which is now mitigated. Check your Service Health/Resource Health page.
The ‘Service Health’ - Service issues view shows any ongoing problems in Azure services that are impacting your resources. You can understand when the issue began, and what services and regions are impacted. You can also read the most recent update to understand what Azure is doing to resolve the issue.
Resource health helps you diagnose and get support when an Azure issue impacts your resources. It informs you about the current and past health of your resources and helps you mitigate issues. Resource health provides technical support when you need help with Azure service issues.
If its a brand new subscription i always like to deploy a new Resource manager VM to register all the required resource provider. Once the VM deploys OKs then you can try the AKS (Kubernetes) deployment.
Note: you might still need to register Microsoft.ContainerService for AKS
While you wait for support you can try that an see. Don't forget to delete the VM.
This appears to be an issue that pops up on occasion. As far as I can tell there's no self-service way to fix this when it happens, and your only recourse is to file a support request via the Azure Portal here: https://portal.azure.com/#blade/Microsoft_Azure_Support/HelpAndSupportBlade/overview

What does "Autoscale could not be enabled for [cloudservice]" in Azure Portal mean?

When I login to "Windows Azure Management Portal" I get the following warning in the notification tray:
Autoscale could not be enabled for [cloudserivce]"
When I click I'm redirected to the Scale tab for the specified cloud service, with no more info.
The cloud service is configured to autoscale based on CPU (60-80 target) and between 2-10 instances.
Everything looks OK to me, so why do I get this warning, and what does it mean?
It's likely you've exceeded the quota for roles with autoscale enabled. If you share your subscription and deployment IDs with me (tabrezm[at]microsoft[dot]com), we can take a look. We're working on making the error messages exposed in the portal better for this.
After talking to Ilya and Tabrez we found the problem.
It turned out that the error message was misleading, and that it actually meant "auto-scale job failed to perform scale action". According to Ilya this is fixed (but not deployed)
I've tried to scale manually and got the following error:
The certificate with thumbprint XXXXXXXXXXXXX was not found.
A few days ago I've changed the SSL certificate thumbprint directly on the configuration tab of the Cloud Service, and then deleted the old certificate. This was reflected correct on our website. But we was also using this certificate for Remote Desktop. The running instances already had the old certificate installed, but Auto Scale was not able to install this certificate on new instances.
Thanks to Ilya and Tabrez for helping... great support.

Azure Preview Portal reporting error configuring storage

I'm trying to use the Azure Preview. When I try to configure my storage account I receive the following error:
Monitoring Failure: The server encountered an error while retrieving the metric selection. Retry the operation.
This has been occurring since yesterday. I see the error on both ie10 and Chrome.
I tried to create a new storage account and see the same error.
When I run the app the application fails to connect to the storage account with the following error (from node.js):
Config: C:\DWASFiles\Sites\mychild\VirtualDirectory0\site\wwwroot
Creating Blob Service profile
Creating Blob ...
As you're not the only one seeing this problem (myself included), I don't think this is anything to do with what you've done. I suspect that this is a general problem that Microsoft are having. I'd recommend logging a support call with the Azure support team if you need this problem resolved.

Published Web app to Azure, how do I browse to it, monitor it?

I have created my first app for azure. It's has an MVC3 web role which writes some data to table storage.
It also has a worker role that does some work behind the scenes to the same data.
It all works fine in the emulator.
I've uploaded it all to Azure as a staging deployment, the hosted service it is reports all roles as "ready". The health for all roles is "healthy", though the worker role appears to crash and goes to "degraded" and then resets itself (I assume this is what is happening).
So what now? I have found a "DNS Name" on my Web Role in the form "http://{guid}.cloudapp.net/"
Clicking on that link just gives me a network access error, http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/ can't find it either.
What am I missing? Where can I see diagnostics similar to the emulator? I've set "Enable Diagnostics" to use my Azure storage account in each role. How do I get into the storage to see if it has traced anything? Can this be done through the Management Portal?
I've tried searching through MSDN, but I can't find a page that says "and then you click the DNS name link and your website will launch. I'm sure there is a lovely page like that but I can't find it.
thanks in advance!
In August 2011, the Windows Azure role templates were updated to work with the ASP.NET Universal Providers. As such, when you create a new project, the session state provider is backed by SQL Express by default. If you don't change this to SQL Azure or Cache (or disable session state), you'll run into issues.
I'm not sure this is exactly the issue you're running into, but it's a common one. See Nate Totten's blog post for more information about this (Nate calls out this issue a few pages down, under IMPORTANT NOTE).
You can access diagnostics data directly from Visual Studio Server Explorer.
Here you have all necessary information: Browsing Storage Resources with Server Explorer http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windowsazure/ff683677.aspx
Personally I use Azure Diagnostics Manager from Cerebrata http://www.cerebrata.com/products/AzureDiagnosticsManager/ that is easy and has a good dashboard
