Azure: Microsoft.Compute resource provider stuck 'Registering' for about a day - azure

I've tried un-registering and re-registering and it just keeps getting stuck. No logs I can see so I'm not really sure what to do...
Has anyone experienced this before?

It appears that there was some issue, which is now mitigated. Check your Service Health/Resource Health page.
The ‘Service Health’ - Service issues view shows any ongoing problems in Azure services that are impacting your resources. You can understand when the issue began, and what services and regions are impacted. You can also read the most recent update to understand what Azure is doing to resolve the issue.
Resource health helps you diagnose and get support when an Azure issue impacts your resources. It informs you about the current and past health of your resources and helps you mitigate issues. Resource health provides technical support when you need help with Azure service issues.

If its a brand new subscription i always like to deploy a new Resource manager VM to register all the required resource provider. Once the VM deploys OKs then you can try the AKS (Kubernetes) deployment.
Note: you might still need to register Microsoft.ContainerService for AKS
While you wait for support you can try that an see. Don't forget to delete the VM.

This appears to be an issue that pops up on occasion. As far as I can tell there's no self-service way to fix this when it happens, and your only recourse is to file a support request via the Azure Portal here:


Encountered a StorageException while trying to fetch the diagnostic events

Out of nowhere started seeing this error when opened function apps, Application is working though.
Unable to retrieve diagnostics and error information for your function app.
Encountered a StorageException while trying to fetch the diagnostic events.
Please make sure the connection string in the app setting "AzureWebJobsStorage" has the permissions to access Azure Table Storage
Storage account network access is set to "Enabled from selected virtual networks and IP addresses". Even with this settings there was no error before.
but now the above error message is gone only when changed to "Enabled from all networks".
Recently updated functionapp to dotnet 6.0 and v4 runtime even after, there was no error. Not sure if this has anything to do with this.
How do I fix for this?
This was caused by a platform level alert raised by a diagnostic component, and although it had no impact on the production workloads, the verbiage wasn't clear and the level misleading. The event has been disabled and you should no longer see this come up.
To expand, this error was reported by the control plane for the diagnostic component, which is meant to surface diagnostic events raised by production components to the portal, but not involved in any production workload flow and had no impact on the App's functionality.
We noticed the same issue in several of our functionapps. We also have configured the functionapp to be able to access the storage account via a subnet in a vnet, which worked fine until a few days ago. The functionapp itself is still working as intended, but it started showing this message a few days ago. As a test we did 'Enable from all networks' on the storage account, which resolved the warning message. I suspect there is some other service besides the functionapp which needs access to the storage account to read the functionapp diagnostic information. If I would know which service we could grant it access to the storage account without needing to 'Enable from all networks'
I raised a support ticket with Microsoft regarding this issue and was told that there seems to be a platform issue for App Services in West Europe region and they are currently investigating.

Can't create Local Network Gateway in Azure

When trying to create a new Local Network Gateway I'm getting an error for the submission saying 'This offer is not available for subscriptions from Microsoft Azure Cloud Solution Providers'.
My account is 'owner' of the subscription (so it has Microsoft.Network/LocalNetworkGateways create / write permissions) and the subscription itself has Microsoft.Network resource provider already registered (I created successfully vNet and a vNet Gateway).
No idea if missing something from subscription or some setting for CSP we work with? Subscription uses 'pay as you go' plan.
Any hints? TIA
I also contacted MS Q&A and they provided some workarounds (1st one worked for me), acknowledging the issue.
Thank you for reaching out. I just went through similar issues using our internal tooling and found that below work-arounds worked for the customer. Can you try the steps mentioned below and see if that fixes the issue.
Do a "Hard Refresh" (F5) on the page and see if that fixes the issue. (This helped resolve the issue for most of the customers.)
Create using the following URL:
Create using PowerShell: Connect your on-premises network to an Azure VNet: Site-to-Site VPN: PowerShellAzure VPN Gateway | Microsoft Docs
Looks like this is a known issue and the team is currently working on fixing it.

App Sevice on azure is down. Multiple errors which don't make sense to me

Out of the blue my App service ( core app) is down and nothing helps (e.g. restarting). Not my field of knowledge I have to say. Few noticeable things:
First it throwed 502.
Cannot even access kudu (advanced tools) on (also 502)
In Diagnose and solve problems and Web App Restarted I have found this:
In Diagnose and solve problems and Web App Down I have found:
2021-10-04T21:19:50.239475918Z Failed to get size of file [/home/site/wwwroot/BlazorApp.Server.deps.json]
2021-10-04T21:19:50.239515518Z Error initializing the dependency resolver: An error occurred while parsing: /home/site/wwwroot/BlazorApp.Server.deps.json
And also this console output:
2021-10-04T20:42:04.875817259Z Running oryx create-script -appPath /home/site/wwwroot -output /opt/startup/ -defaultAppFilePath /defaulthome/hostingstart/hostingstart.dll -bindPort 8080 -userStartupCommand 'dotnet BlazorApp.Server.dll'
2021-10-04T20:42:04.934145638Z Cound not find build manifest file at '/home/site/wwwroot/oryx-manifest.toml'
2021-10-04T20:42:04.941038071Z Could not find operation ID in manifest. Generating an operation id...
2021-10-04T20:42:04.941048571Z Build Operation ID: 1728b184-ac6f-47b3-a5fa-2ca5f55543ac
2021-10-04T20:42:12.944356612Z Agent extension
2021-10-04T20:42:19.058804845Z Before if loop >> DotNet Runtime Writing output script to '/opt/startup/'
2021-10-04T20:42:25.687081462Z Running user provided startup command...
2021-10-04T20:43:02.238418373Z Failed to get size of file [/home/site/wwwroot/BlazorApp.Server.deps.json]
2021-10-04T20:43:02.238447773Z Error initializing the dependency resolver: An error occurred while parsing: /home/site/wwwroot/BlazorApp.Server.deps.json
Well, thank you for any help you provide!
It is located in North Europe. Pay-as-you-go is my subscription. Graph about container crashes is added to the question.
The issue solved by itself after few hour. Is it possible to be related to that facebook outage?
To benefit the community posting our discussion from comments section.
"The issue solved by itself after few hour."
Firstly, apologies for the inconvenience with this issue. Glad to know the issue was resolved. Thanks for the update.
Review the Azure Service Health for any reported issues on your subscription.
Also, review Azure Resource Health and Azure Status.
Azure Service Health provides personalized alerts and guidance when Azure service issues affect you. It can notify you, help you understand the impact of issues, and keep you updated as the issue resolves. It can also help you prepare for planned maintenance and changes that could affect the availability of your resources.
Azure Resource Health helps you diagnose and get support for service problems that affect your Azure resources. It reports on the current and past health of your resources.
Azure status page is a global view of the health of all Azure services in all regions. Reports on service problems that affect a broad set of Azure customers.
You may post your question on Microsoft Q&A forum to receive swift help on such issues from our Microsoft SMEs/MVPs and the Microsoft Q&A community or file a support ticket for any urgent help.
Thanks for your patience.

Unable to Create web app bot from Azure portal using free subscription

Unable to Create web app bot from Azure portal.
Getting error like this "We're having problems communicating with the server. Click to contact Azure Support."
I have tried near 5 different location but the result is same.
Can anyone help me in this.
The issue was mitigated. Could you please re-try and let us know?
Kindly review the Service health page on the Azure Portal to find more details on this issue.
The ‘Service Health’ -Service issues view shows any ongoing problems in Azure services that are impacting your resources. You can understand when the issue began, and what services and regions are impacted. You can also read the most recent update to understand what Azure is doing to resolve the issue.

Azure error: Failed to swap web app slots: There was an error processing your request

I apparently can't swap the slots for my Azure Web App.
This is critical for me, because I can't release a new version to fix issues on our platform.
The Azure Portal doesn't give me any further info.
Anyone has this before? Any workarounds?
Since this is urgent for you, here's a workaround: you can create a new Web App so that you have separate endpoints to deploy Staging and Production. Make sure you update any custom domain entries so that your users can get to the correct URL each time.
To troubleshoot further, contact Azure Support ASAP to let them know that your slots aren't swapping for some reason. If you find the issue, please comment below in case it is helpful to others as well.
All the best!
