Prevent Google Drive to exclude cell protection parameters from Excel file - excel

I'm having some trouble in keeping protected ranges from Excel files in Google Drive.
In this link there is an original Excel file with a protected cell in OneDrive and in this other link is this very same file but in Google Drive. You can see that when I put the files in Google Drive it just kills the original protection from Excel. Is there a way to prevent it?

I am afraid that both features are completely different and not compatible yet. Microsoft's cell protection feature works only when using Office. If you upload and open the document in Google Drive, Google does not have a way to read the protection included by Microsoft as Google implemented their own cell protection feature as well.
For example, Google's protection feature works similar to the sharing permissions, based in users and email addresses, while Microsoft's protection gets implemented within the document itself.
Google added a compatibility mode for office documents not long ago, so it may be possible that this is available in the future, however at the moment there is no way to merge both protection features.
Work with Microsoft Office files
Edit Office files


Losing protected ranges when downloading excel from sheets and sheets to excel

I have been using excel documents containing protected ranges and hidden sheets, it seems like this can be circum navigated by importing into google sheets and likewise when doing the same in google sheets the functionality is lost when downloading as excel.
I understand the principles behind why this happens but I am curious as to whether there is any way of keeping this functionality?
I am afraid it is not possible since both are different technologies. Microsoft's protection works with the file itself while Google's protection checks the permissions from each Google account.
Not long ago Google added a compatibility mode for office files so you don't have to convert the files to Google Docs to open them, however this view still has limited features and it is not possible to work with the same type of protection in both platforms.
Work with Microsoft Office files
Edit Office files

Google Apps Script to open password-protected Excel?

Is there a way for Google Apps Script to open a password-protected Excel file if the password is supplied when getting the file? I don't see any DriveApp method that accepts a "password" parameter.
If not, then can this be implemented using the Google Drive API? Is there a "password" key I can use in an "options" object of a or a similar method?
No, that is not possible with Apps Script or Google APIs at this time.
You can always file a feature request in Google's Issue Tracker with something along the lines of "Support Excel Password functionality in Drive / Sheets API". From what I could see, there are no existing feature requests for this isssue.
The latest news that I could find, that Google have published about password protected files is this blog post, which mentions that now you can preview password protected items in Drive.
The guides Google provide here and here regarding Microsoft Office files detail the functionality that is available. Yet none of it refers to Apps Script, APIs or passwords.
The only possible workaround I can think of is to un-protect them with VBA or other language before they are uploaded to Drive, or send them to an app that can deal with them and send them back (I know, that may be painful).

Issue With Files Not Opening With Office365

My company uses a SharePoint site for our department where we share resources and documentation. We currently have a primary Excel sheet linked that contains a massive amount of our day to day info and our most common hurdles and pertains to about 80% of our workflow. This was created before the company switched (recently) to Office365 and the web based applications vs the standalone programs. Now it is not letting anyone open the the sheet because it is still trying to open in the Excel program and not the web app.
We previously used Office '13 and there was never any issue. The link is meant to open the Excel sheet right up in a read only capacity and not save the program because the content is being updated regularly with new information and regulations. With the "upgrade" from the older version of Office to the 365 web based standard version this link no longer opens the file directly, it saves to the PC and then needs to be loaded to the web app from the saved version which completely negates the ability for it to be dynamically updated. Inversely, we could import that into One Drive and update it to the new system and set the link to the view only shareable link but that would take an excessive amount of time to reformat and edit on top of everything else. If that is how we need to do it then that is how we need to do it, but is there anyway to just update the link already in the system so that it can allow the file to be opened in the web app as well as the stand alone for those not upgraded yet or with the advanced version (managers) that still uses the programs and not the web apps?
I expect the file to be able to be opened in Office365 Excel web app read only as opposed to being saved to the local machine and if possible also be opened directly in the standalone Excel program for those using the 365 Advanced version or who have not yet completed the upgrade process that the company is currently rolling out.
Thank you for your time with this.
We solved this by simply upgrading the whole department and to the Office 365 Advanced version circumventing the entire issue, thank you for your time regardless.

Embed Excel in a website to edit a locally stored document

Is it possible to embed google excel in my website to edit document stored locally?
My manager asked me if it is possible to integrate the Microsoft office webapp in my own website.
Clients have excel files stored on our website, we want to know if it is possible for them to open the file with a web excel page, edit the file and save the modifications. For now, they use SharePoint so it is easy for them but we intend to use an other platform.
Our client can have all the license we need.
I searched but I didn't find any solution.
I know you should be able to do this with ASP and the .Net Framework. SharePoint uses ASP pages, so you may try to do something simpler.
If you go over the Internet you'll see several solutions because people do this too.
e.g. a thing you can do is to use Open XML API to do this, and it is like reading / modifying a flat file on the server. A restriction is it has to be .xlsx / 2007 format onward.

Excel services snapshot removes page breaks

I am using Sharepoint Excel services to produce reports, and noticed that when users download their excel services workbooks as a snapshot, any page breaks set up in the original spreadsheet are lost. I cant seem to find any mention of this problem in any sharepoint forums or microsoft, just wondering if anyone else has experienced this or even has a solution? Thanks
A lot of information and functions of the workbook are not available in Excel Services.
Also the Snapshot does not "remember" such settings like page break or in my case landscape orientation for printing.
Here are some references for what is supported and what is not supported:
Difference Excel / Services
