The certificate could not be generated IBM blockchain - hyperledger-fabric

I have configured my hyperledger fabric network using the ibm operator, at this moment I have my kubeternes cluster that is running in eks ready and I am trying to associate an identity, but when trying to do so it shows me the following message: the certificate could not be generated
Doing some validations and searching the pod logs I can't find any additional information. The version of hyperledger installed is 1.5.5-1


IBM Blockchain Platform V2, API and chaincodes

IBM Blockchain Platform V1 has(had) a nice API to interact with the blockchain itself. Here is the link to the swagger:
Among others, we could install and instantiate chaincodes (thus, we could have some kind of automation for chaincode deployment).
However, based on this documentation for IBM Blockchain Platform V2, there is not API to install/instantiate chaincode. We can only manage the network.
So my questions are:
Is it not possible to manage chaincodes via API with IBP2?
If it is possible, where is the documentation?
If it is not possible, why has it been removed and it it planed to be added in the future?
It is possible to manage chaincodes via API in IBP2.
According to the documentation that you posted above, there is a big yellow block that says Important: Also, you can use the Fabric Node SDK or peer CLI commands to install and instantiate smart contracts.
This means that you can use the Hyperledger Fabric APIs to install / instantiate your chaincode.
For example, one of my peers that is running in IBM Blockchain platform has the following URL, according to the connection profile:
Thus, to install a chaincode on this peer, we would do the following command:
CORE_PEER_ADDRESS=grpcs:// peer chaincode install -n mycc -p -v v0
Note that we have to do this command from inside the CLI container. So before we run this command we would have to do docker exec -it cli bash. You can see the documentation here

Can I get state/information of an "Updating" Service Fabric cluster?

I have created a new Service Fabric cluster in Azure via ARM template, and this works fine. But now if I switch to the Azure portal, I get in the "Overview" only the information "Updating".
I use the Service Fabric version: 6.4.637.9590.
In the "Activity log" is written only "Create or Update Cluster" for 2 hours. Now it looks to me as if there are some issues, but I don't know where I can get more information.
Is there a way I can get some deploy / create information via Azure CLI?
You can get the health information for a Service Fabric cluster by using Get-ServiceFabricClusterHealth command. Service Fabric reports the following health states:
OK. The entity meets health guidelines.
Error. The entity does not meet health guidelines.
Warning. The entity meets health guidelines but experienced some issue.
You can also use Service Fabric Explorer to visualize your cluster. Service Fabric Explorer (SFX) is an open-source tool for inspecting and managing Azure Service Fabric clusters. Service Fabric Explorer is a desktop application for Windows, macOS and Linux.
After long research work I get my solution.
You can connect to you service fabric cluster nodes if they were created successfully. Use the public IP which you can find in the overview of the "VM scale set" and use Remote desktop connection (RDP) to connect to a VM.
How to set up this is described here
Check the event log, check log in the Service fabric installation directory - it is on D:\SvcFab\Log\ check all directories for log.

Deployment of hyperledger fabric on production

i have done a PoC of hyperledger fabric for KYC now it's time for deployment.I have been through several tutorial for the deployment of hlf project.What i found is to deploy on amazon using instances.Hyperledger being a decentralised app how can it be deployed to a centralised server in this case Amazon cloud.Where should i supposed to Deploy my project in order to make it fully decentralised.

How to connect to existing hyperledger network

I am trying to deploy a business network archive (.bna) file to an existing hyperledger fabric network. I have started the network using the fabric samples/first-network as a hyperledger network by following the guide But I dont have any clue to import the .bna into the hyperledger network.
Any help would be appreciated.
If you are using v1.0.x of fabric you will need Composer v0.16.x and you can go through this tutorial to understand the steps though your experience will be a little different as you have your own Fabric already running.
If you are using fabric v1.1.0-alpha then you will need Composer v0.17.6 and an updated tutorial.
You don't say if you have created the .bna file from the Playground or from the CLI. If you have created from the Playground then you will need to install the Composer CLI to follow the tutorial commands. The CLI install information can be found here for v0.16.x or here for v0.17.6.

Unable to run service fabric actors application

I have installed latest service fabric 2.3.311 runtime and when I run actor application. I see the error attached. Please help!. I'm stuck here.But I'm able to run all the stateless and state ful services.
