Counting all units aligned to an order number and returning the value - excel

I have a list of 25,000 orders. I want to find the total number of units in each order, and return that. Right now column A is the order number, and column B is the number of units broken down by line item as they were aligned to SKUs. So you will see order numbers repeat in column A based on how many SKUs were in that order. If there were 3 different SKUs ordered, such as in order 5, there will be three rows for order 5.
I want to write a function that checks column D for the order number, then searches column a for all the times that number is there and then sums the numbers aligned to that order in column B.
For example, cell D4 has order 3, and then searches column A for "3" and then finds and sums all the numbers in column B that are aligned to a "3" in column A. In this case that would return 47 as the answer.
I have been able to write a simple function to find that, but I wasn't able to increment it across all 25k orders.

in cell E2:

Try the following array formula-


Displaying a label, sorted in a third column pulled from the first column according to data in the second column? i.e. Ranking

Imagine you have spreadsheet with data in a fixed # of contiguous rows.. let's say row 1 through row 20
Now let's say you have 3 columns of interest.
A, B and C
Column A is a label column.. the data in there are just string labels.. let's say types of canned food.. Tuna, Spam, Sardines, etc.
Column B is our number column.. let's say it is prices. e.g. 2 for Tuna, 5 for Spam and 3 for Sardines. These prices can change often very rapidly.. ok so prices are not the best example but let's imagine that prices change rapidly.
Now Column C is where we want to put the formula.
I would like to have a formula in Column C that will pull the labels from Column A, based on their prices in column B and rank them from highest to lowest.. that is C1 would calculate to "Spam", C2 to "Sardines" and C3 to "Tuna"
right now there are 20 rows of data.. but maybe at some other point there might be 30 or 6 or 40, etc.
So can someone help me out with the formula or at least explain what functions I need to use and the general idea involved? thanks
You can simply use SORT formula. In this case =SORT(A1:B1000,2,-1) where A1:B1000 is range to be sorted, second parameter 2 is column number from range to sort by, 3rd parameter for order (-1 is desceding).
Place formula in C1 and you will get spilled array.

Match two names from a list in Excel, no repeats

I am creating a spreadsheet with a list of 90 names, these names need to match up for one to one meetings and this will be repeating many times. I need to randomize these pairings and not have any repeated matches.
There are only roughly 4000 combinations of numbers 1-90 giving you a rough total of 44 different rounds of meetings without duplicating any meetings.
I used the below website to generate the possible numbers and pasted them into an excel spreadsheet.!numbers=2&lines=5000&low=1&high=90&unique=false&order_matters=false&csv=&oddeven=&oddqty=0&sorted=false&sets=
You are not starting from the first row but from the second row in this example
After this you will have column A with numbers 1-90 going down rows.
Column B will have names.
Column C will have =MOD(ROWS($D$2:D2)-1,90)+1 formula to make numbers 1-90 appear and once you get to 90 they will start back at 1
Column D will have formula =VLOOKUP( LEFT(C3,SEARCH(" ",C3,1))+0, $A$3:$B$92, 2, FALSE) to extract first number that you got from the website.
Column E will have formula =VLOOKUP( MID(C3,SEARCH(" ",C3,1),LEN(C3))+0, $A$3:$B$92, 2, FALSE) to extract second number that you got from the website.
A picture has been attached for clarification.

Sum first five instances in Excel

I have an Excel table with three columns. Column A has a list of countries, Column B has a list of cities in each country and Column C has populations of those cities.
The way the table is structured makes it so that Column A will have repeated names of countries - as many times as the number of cities in each country, in column B.
I would like to sum the populations of the first five cities in each country.
I have tried using SUMIF and COUNTIF but haven't managed to do it. How can I sum the populations (in row C) of the first five cities appearing for each country?
Are you trying to sum the population of the first five cities in the list or the population of the top 5 most populous cities for each country (which if the list is sorted by population, these are the same)? If it's the latter you can do it with a one line array formula
(Ctrl+Shift+Enter after setting up the formula)
Where you replace "CountryName" with a reference to the country you want the sum of the top 5 populations for. I think the only issue with this is it will fail if there are less than 5 cities in a country on the list.
Here is a version of the formula that works when there are less than 5 cities but still caps at out at the top 5. Getting an array of 1-n values is kind of an ugly hack in Excel but this seems to work.
(Ctrl+Shift+Enter after setting up the formula)
Add a column D. In D2 write the following formula D2=COUNTIF($A$1:$A2,$A2) and drag it down.
Now what this will do is ranking the instances of a particular country.
Now it's a very simple formula for column E, where you will get the sum
E2=SUMIFS($C$2:$C$1000,$A$2:$A$1000,$A2,$D$2:$D$1000,"<=5") and drag it down
Now for each country you will have the sum of population of first 5 cities

Conditional Unique ID for each record excel

I have two values in different columns. Column A have Department name i.e. HR, Admin and Ops. and column be have date. I want Unique ID in column C based on Combination of Column A & B and Unique number at the end.
Unique ID: HR-Aug-16-1
this number will be repeat till the combination of Column A and B repeated 50 times after 50 times last value will be increased by +1. i.e.
Right now I am using formula,
In C1 as a standard formula,
=A1&"-"&TEXT(B1,"mmm-yy")&CHAR(45)&INT((SUMPRODUCT(--(A$1:A1&TEXT(B$1:B1, "mmm-yy")=A1&TEXT(B1, "mmm-yy")))-1)/5)+1
I've set this to repeat after 5 for an example. I'll leave it to you to change the modifier to 50. Fill down as necessary.

Ranking in Excel with multiple criteria

For example, I need to create a merit list of few student based on total marks (column C), then higher marks in math (column B) -
Student1 80 220 1
Student2 88 180 3
Student3 90 180 2
Expected merit position is given in column D.
I can use RANK function but I can only do that for one column (total number). If total number of multiple student is equal, I could not find any solution of this.
You can try this one in D1
and then copy/fill down.
let me know if this helps.
Your first criteria sits in column C, and the second criteria sits in Column B.
Basically, first it is counting the number of entries ($C$1:$C$99) that are bigger than the entry itself ($C1). For the first one in the ranking, you will get zero, therefore you need to add 1 to each result (+1).
Until here, you will get duplicate rankings if you have the same value twice. Therefore you need to add another argument to do some extra calculations based on the second criteria:
To resolve the tie situation, you need to sumproduct two array formulas and add the result to the previous argument, the goal is to find the number of entries that are equal to this entry with $C$1:$C$99=C1 and have a bigger value in the second criteria column $B$1:$B$99>B1:
you add -- to convert TRUE and FALSE to 0s and 1s so that you can multiply them:
the first array is to see how many ties you have in the first criteria. And the second array is to find the number of bigger values than the entry itself.
Note you can add as many entries as you like to your columns, but remember to update the ranges in the formula, currently it is set to 99, you can extend it to as many rows as you want.
Sometimes a helper column will provide a quick and calculation-efficient solution. Adding the math marks to the total marks as a decimal should produce a number that will rank according to your criteria. In an unused column to the right, use this formula in row 2,
Fill down as necessary. You can now use a conventional RANK function on this helper column like =RANK(D2, D$2:D$9) for your ranking ordinals.
Very simple (or, at least, much more simpler that the one provided by the best answer) 'math' solution: do a linear combination with weights.
Do something like
weighted_marks = 10*colC + colB
then sort weighted marks using simple rank function.
It does solve your problem, bulding the ranking you need.
If you don't like to limit the number of rows or the numbers used in the criteria, Jeeped's approach can be extended. You can use the following formulas in cells D2 to L2, assuming that there are three criteria, the first one in column A, the second one in column B, and the third one in column C:
The formulas have to be copied down. The result is in column L. Ties are broken using the row number.
If you like to add a fourth criterion, you can do the following after having the formulas above in place:
Add the new criterion between columns C and D.
Insert three new columns between columns I and J.
Copy columns G:I to the new columns J:L.
Copy column G to column M, overwriting its content.
Change the formula in column L to point to the new criterion.
The factor 2^27 used in the formulas balances the precision of 53 bits available in double-precision numbers. This is enough to cover the row limit of current versions of Excel.
