Express JS in Altassian Forge causing "process.cwd is not a function" error - node.js

I am new to development on Jira Cloud and am currently exploring creating apps using the Atlassian Forge. I was trying to use Express JS in the code as a middleware. Turns out that during deployment, it keeps giving this error "process.cwd is not a function."
The error received while deploying the app.
I tried installing process module (via npm i process; which was successfully done) and updating the webpack version but none of it worked.
Can someone please tell what could be causing this error?
If possible please suggest the alternative for using Express JS in Altassian Forge?
Thanks in advance.

From the documentation:
When a Forge app is invoked, the JavaScript code is executed within the app sandbox. This environment differs from a traditional Node.js environment you might already be familiar with.
You'll need to write your functions in a subset of Node.js. Some globals are not exposed, for example:
process (except for process.env)
which means that some NPM packages that depend on these may not function correctly.
If Express JS depends on process.cwd(), that would explain the error. You may be able to work around this if it depends on it in theory but not in practice:
If process.cwd() is only used in test cases or example code, you can delete it or make sure it's not bundled.
If it is used, but using a dummy string like "/" would work, you could stub out the call using DefinePlugin or similar.


This dependency was not found: * worker_threads

I previously tested and used worker_threads in my project.
Now when attempting to npm run serve or npm run build I'm getting the following error:
This dependency was not found:
I am running node --version v14.17.2 so I know that worker_threads are supported.
I have even created a clean project with Vue CLI and when adding the following code, I still see the same error.
const {
Worker, isMainThread, parentPort, workerData
} = require('worker_threads');
I've searched extensively, but all of the problems and solutions relate to earlier versions of the node that did not support it.
I'm at a loss as to how to solve this. Suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Edit: I've updated all possible modules in the project in case there might be some sort of conflict, but the problem still persists.
My mistake.
The code I wrote to use worker_threads was originally tested in a pure node.js (sever side) environment. The code ended up being required in a Vue component, which of course is browser based, so of course, worker_threads are not available as they are server side.
A solution would be to make a server API call to the code, or to use something such as threads.js which provides a unified API for worker_threads (sever side) and web workers which are browser based (client side).

crypto.getCurves is undefined

I am trying to use an oauth helper library called 'openid-client'. I am getting an error that reads in part '(TypeError): getCurves is not a function'. I poke around and find that getCurves is part of an inbuilt module of node.js 'crypto'.
If I console.log(typeOf(crypto.getCurves)) I get undefined. If I console.log(crypto) I see that crypto has many available methods but getCurves is not among them.
I am running node on my macbook and my project is a barebones npx create-react-app app with openid-client installed.
The node documentation outlines a way for determining if crypto support is unavailable, but that does not seem to indicate that crypto is unavailable for me.
I'm not sure why my version of node crypto does not have getCurves. Is there a way to install the correct version? Is there some sort of encryption restriction I am hitting due to OS? Any help appreciated.
node-openid-client is using APIs which are provided by Node and are missing in browser.
Node is being used by CRA as a development tool. App itself is running in browser and can't access Node's API-s, so it doesn't matter which Node version CRA is using.
When built, app is a set of JS files which can be served by a webserver (such as Nginx) directly without using Node at all.
So, this library can't be used with CRA apps.
As you said, crypto is a built-in module, which means that its functionality depends on the version of node.js you have installed (you can check it via node -v from the shell or via console.log(process.version) at runtime).
Node.js API docs say that getCurves() was added in v2.3.0, so make sure your node is more recent than that.

Single executable for React App and Express API

I have a React App and a Express API. I want to package those two components into one single executable. Is there a way to do this? I don’t want a solution to my problem I want a hint into the right direction if this is possible.
I believe what you mean is not to keep the bundler running as well as the express server, unfortunately that's not possible if you're in developer mode (and) you're expecting realtime updates in your browser, but if you were in production, then it's not even the case that you need to run your bundler, cause your main.bundle.js is already built and ready.
I think this is what you are looking for.
Electron or similar libraries help you to create an executable application which can be installed an run like a desktop application.
The only point you have to keep in mind is for accessing the database you will have to create a REST API and communicate via that.
Link for a simple tutorial.

node js - How do I create build for commercial usage?

I am working on node js application and it is now ready to use. I want to make exe of this application so that it can be used for commercial usage.
Up to now I have used enclose module using which I have compiled the code of application but I have found some issues in that (app got crash on idle condition). App is running good without enclose or compiled code.
I have searched on google and found some alternate modules like JXcore, Node webkit and Electron etc. but JX core giving error same as in SO question.
In node web-kit, it's functionality is not looking suitable as we need its executable and some dll's along with our code, which makes our package bulky.
I have also tried jxcore. The main problem with the exe's and with modules that we use is their ability to work with native modules, in my case the Kinect.node module. This module cannot be compiled. We need a workaround to package only this along with our .exe file. Enclose provides this workaround in its inbuilt functionality.
Also looking a response from EncloseJS, which is actually run by just one person who gives further instructions upon purchase. A purchase is needed for commercial usage.
In case of Electron, It is supporting only Electron-based application source code. So If I choose this then I have to modify my application code.
So can any one suggest me what can I do to make exe file from node js code there?
Thank you!
I had the same issue before, the node js application close when running in background. now i am using process manager2 (pm2), it is working fine and if the application is crash due to any other reason it is automatically started again.
I have gotten my answer:
First, reason was DiskDB database, it was not compatible with the node webkit so that is why I was getting error of native modules.
Now I am using sqlite3 module for local database. It is better than DiskDB.
Second, One reason was free version of enclose, Paid version of Enclose JS module ignores the timeout issue which I was getting.
This way I have resolved my question.

Node Js with Azure WebApp using VSCODE

Recently i have deployed a node.js server side app with budo and it works fine.. but after deploying to Azure(WebAPP) it is not working and throws error that 'require' is not defined. I have used VSCode to develop the project
After some research, I found that the bodu which is a browserify development server. So it looks like your app is in client-side JavaScript but the node.js app is in server-site, they are technically different. And require() does not exist in the browser/client-side JavaScript, so it raised your issue.
To fix this issue please try using a modular script loader like browserify to traverse all your sources and concatenate all required files into the bundle then including bundle.js in your HTML file. Finally, redeploy it and you will get it worked.
Any further concern or if I have any misunderstanding, please feel free to let me know.
