node js - How do I create build for commercial usage? - node.js

I am working on node js application and it is now ready to use. I want to make exe of this application so that it can be used for commercial usage.
Up to now I have used enclose module using which I have compiled the code of application but I have found some issues in that (app got crash on idle condition). App is running good without enclose or compiled code.
I have searched on google and found some alternate modules like JXcore, Node webkit and Electron etc. but JX core giving error same as in SO question.
In node web-kit, it's functionality is not looking suitable as we need its executable and some dll's along with our code, which makes our package bulky.
I have also tried jxcore. The main problem with the exe's and with modules that we use is their ability to work with native modules, in my case the Kinect.node module. This module cannot be compiled. We need a workaround to package only this along with our .exe file. Enclose provides this workaround in its inbuilt functionality.
Also looking a response from EncloseJS, which is actually run by just one person who gives further instructions upon purchase. A purchase is needed for commercial usage.
In case of Electron, It is supporting only Electron-based application source code. So If I choose this then I have to modify my application code.
So can any one suggest me what can I do to make exe file from node js code there?
Thank you!

I had the same issue before, the node js application close when running in background. now i am using process manager2 (pm2), it is working fine and if the application is crash due to any other reason it is automatically started again.

I have gotten my answer:
First, reason was DiskDB database, it was not compatible with the node webkit so that is why I was getting error of native modules.
Now I am using sqlite3 module for local database. It is better than DiskDB.
Second, One reason was free version of enclose, Paid version of Enclose JS module ignores the timeout issue which I was getting.
This way I have resolved my question.


Could i use differents node versions between my project and specific library?

i will try to give you a little of context.
With my team we are trying to migrate MUI v3 to v4 in a reactJs project. We did it with the project itself and it works! but, some kind of problems came up when we navigated to certain windows that use a certain library to work.
This library was developed by other guy that is not in the company anymore and we are not in touch neither, but, we have access to the library GitHub repository, them are two actually.
i've never had to do this so, i decided to clone the project then install the dependencies and run it.
I'm using nvm so in that moment i was working with node v12 and i got some errors when i executed the npm start ("start": "webpack --watch").
If i use node 10 the scrips runs perfectly but in the entire project we are using node 12 so i'm not sure what is the problem here.
i'm wonder if it could be a problem when i'll try to migrate from MUI v1 to v4 and use the modified library into my project again, or in first place, why its working rigth now?
Anyway i just wanted to know, just if i need it, Could i use different versions of node in a library and then use other newer version into the entire project?
Could this make some negatives effect into my entire project?
Which is the best way to migrate MUI into this library and put it in my project again?
Each nodejs process (including all the modules/libraries it loads) has exactly one version of nodejs running. It isn't possible to have two separate versions of nodejs in the same process each running different parts of the code.
You could make two separate nodejs apps that each run under a different version of nodejs that communicate with each other via some interprocess communication, but they have to be two separate applications/processes.
If you want to run everything in one process (on one version of nodejs), then you will need to test and fix all your libraries to run on that one version of nodejs.

React NodeGUI - Question about technology. Choosing Desktop Platform

I estimate possibility to write Report Desktop Application using React NodeGUI. There is some questions what I need to find answer before starting to develop by NodeGUI. Could you help me to figure out.
What way is to load program extension dynamicaly in React NodeGUI. For example: If I want to change business logic and visualization of my program without compile code. Is it possible?
What way is to load program extension dynamicaly in React NodeGUI. For example: If I want to change business logic and visualization of program adding some program module code of other developers. How way is it possible to do?
What way is to work with XML files in React NodeGui?
Is there possibility to run other program code written by C/C++ or other languages? What restriction of running non-native JS modules?
What way is to connect to SQL or NoSQL DB (PostgreSQL, Oracle, Mongo and etc)?
What are reasons yet to write or not write Desktop Applications by React NodeGUI?
React NodeGui is just another npm module that you would install in a nodejs program. It is a pure javascript library. It depends on NodeGui which is another regular npm module. NodeGui contains C++ code which acts as a nodejs addon. But for all purposes think of nodegui and react nodegui as regular npm modules. An app built with these libraries is a regular nodejs app.
What way is to load program extension dynamicaly in React NodeGUI. For example: If I want to change business logic and visualization of my program without compile code. Is it possible?
All business logic is written in javascript so any change in those would follow the same flow of how you would in a nodejs app.
What way is to load program extension dynamicaly in React NodeGUI. For example: If I want to change business logic and visualization of program adding some program module code of other developers. How way is it possible to do?
Yes you can use all npm modules available in npm that works with nodejs.
What way is to work with XML files in React NodeGui?
You can find a lot of npm modules you can use to parse and work with xml files in the npm registry.
Is there possibility to run other program code written by C/C++ or other languages? What restriction of running non-native JS modules?
Yes it is possible to run non js code by building them as NodeJs addons.
What way is to connect to SQL or NoSQL DB (PostgreSQL, Oracle, Mongo and etc)?
You have a lot of modules available in the npm registry for these which work with NodeJs.
What are reasons yet to write or not write Desktop Applications by React NodeGUI?
Reasons to use:
- NodeGui apps are native apps so they get all the benefits of native apps. They are snappy, they are accessible and run with low memory and cpu usage.
Reasons not to use:
Its under development so is only recommended for hobby projects as of Dec 2019.
PS: I am the author of the library

Single executable for React App and Express API

I have a React App and a Express API. I want to package those two components into one single executable. Is there a way to do this? I don’t want a solution to my problem I want a hint into the right direction if this is possible.
I believe what you mean is not to keep the bundler running as well as the express server, unfortunately that's not possible if you're in developer mode (and) you're expecting realtime updates in your browser, but if you were in production, then it's not even the case that you need to run your bundler, cause your main.bundle.js is already built and ready.
I think this is what you are looking for.
Electron or similar libraries help you to create an executable application which can be installed an run like a desktop application.
The only point you have to keep in mind is for accessing the database you will have to create a REST API and communicate via that.
Link for a simple tutorial.

Using NodeJS module in Titanium Studio

All, I am trying to using third party NodeJS SDK in Titanium Studio. However, I consistently encounter dependency issues, such as util.js, utils.js, ms.js, events.js etc. I tried to add the missing module manually, but it looks like it will become un-tractable as there are so many dependencies.
My questions are :
1. Is that possible to use NodeJS based SDK in Titanium Studio .
2. If so, what is the right approach to include the dependencies.
Thanks a lot!
Titanium can't get Coffee scripts to work natively (assuming you want to deploy the A possible solution you may want to try is hooking a plugin in order to pre-compile Coffee scripts.
You can also try to embed everything using a Tiwebview that wraps HTML to load mojio-js.js but you would still need to observe events mojio client (like replacing keys, login an user and create a few model instances).
Hope you find the info useful and can serve for further research.

Is there a way to compile node.js source files? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Is it possible to create desktop applications with node.js? [duplicate]
(5 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
Is there a way to compile a node.js application?
I maybe very late but you can use "nexe" module that compile nodejs + your script in one executable:
EDIT 2021: Nexe's latest release is from 2017 and it appears that development has otherwise slowed, so the more-widely-used alternative from Vercel should also be considered these days: pkg
Node.js runs on top of the V8 Javascript engine, which itself optimizes performance by compiling javascript code into native code... so no reason really for compiling then, is there?
You get a fully functional binary without sources.
Native modules also supported. (must be placed in the same folder)
JavaScript code is transformed into native code at compile-time using V8 internal compiler. Hence, your sources are not required to execute the binary, and they are not packaged.
Perfectly optimized native code can be generated only at run-time based on the client's machine. Without that info EncloseJS can generate only "unoptimized" code. It runs about 2x slower than NodeJS.
Also, node.js runtime code is put inside the executable (along with your code) to support node API for your application at run-time.
Use cases:
Make a commercial version of your application without sources.
Make a demo/evaluation/trial version of your app without sources.
Make some kind of self-extracting archive or installer.
Make a closed source GUI application using node-thrust.
No need to install node and npm to deploy the compiled application.
No need to download hundreds of files via npm install to deploy your application. Deploy it as a single independent file.
Put your assets inside the executable to make it even more portable.
Test your app against new node version without installing it.
There was an answer here: Secure distribution of NodeJS applications. Raynos said: V8 allows you to pre-compile JavaScript.
You can use the Closure compiler to compile your javascript.
You can also use CoffeeScript to compile your coffeescript to javascript.
What do you want to achieve with compiling?
The task of compiling arbitrary non-blocking JavaScript down to say, C sounds very daunting.
There really isn't that much speed to be gained by compiling to C or ASM. If you want speed gain offload computation to a C program through a sub process.
Now this may include more than you need (and may not even work for command line applications in a non-graphical environment, I don't know), but there is nw.js.
It's Blink (i.e. Chromium/Webkit) + io.js (i.e. Node.js).
You can use node-webkit-builder to build native executable binaries for Linux, OS X and Windows.
If you want a GUI, that's a huge plus. You can build one with web technologies.
If you don't, specify "node-main" in the package.json (and probably "window": {"show": false} although maybe it works to just have a node-main and not a main)
I haven't tried to use it in exactly this way, just throwing it out there as a possibility. I can say it's certainly not an ideal solution for non-graphical Node.js applications.
javascript does not not have a compiler like for example Java/C(You can compare it more to languages like PHP for example). If you want to write compiled code you should read the section about addons and learn C. Although this is rather complex and I don't think you need to do this but instead just write javascript.
