NotJSONError("Notebook does not appear to be JSON: ''..." - jupyter-lab

I get the above NotJSONError("Notebook does not appear to be JSON: ''..." error when I try to open some, but not all, of my .ipynb files in Jupyterlab. I have read that this is due to a config.json file. However, I cannot find such a file in the .jupyter folder. I tried reinstalling a default config file; still cannot open the file. I understand from what I have researched that I need to remove commas from the config file ... but I cannot find it.

So it seems that the Dropbox backups were offline only; will leave this answer in case anyone else has similar issue. So check when opening files that they are on a local drive or available....


Android Studio Won't Open After Installing Plugins Supporting .csv Files

I had imported a .csv file in Android Studio, which after opening suggested me to install plugins supporting *.csv files. After the installation, I have not been able to load the IDE. I get the splash-screen but the program is stuck.
I have tried uninstalling/reinstalling the IDE, but the issue persists. Some solutions on stackoverflow suggest finding the CSV plugin folder and then deleting it, however, I cannot deduce which folder that is. I have also compared the plugins folder with a vanilla installation of AS on another computer.
Today I had same problem. I solved it with removing plugins from folders listed bellow. To be honest I am livid that something like this can happen.
General solution:
I went to this pc and searched "csv". then I went throught list of all results and found that android studio plugins are stored in following folders:
First I removed just CSV folder, but that wasn't enough so I deleted also RanbowCSV and all folders which were created at time of first occurance of the problem. I think that should be enough, but I was angry so I deleted everything from those folders.
I also went to folder:
C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\plugins
There I searched "csv" and deleted found file "".
Hope that helps to anybody who gets baited to installing csv plugin as did I.

How do i formulate file path for testsettings on the Runsettings file parameter <SettingsFile>

Whats the proper way to form relative file path/ or file path for the runsettings parameter
In my local environment this works but when i push it to build release agents it fails since
its looking for the file in a different directory which is my release folder
but instead its looking for this file in what appears to be in a folder directory.
This is the directory its looking at E:\Agent_work\r10\a\xxxxxxxxx.testsettings,
here is my current way i have it set
here is the error message
Error: The test settings file E:\Agent_work\r10\a\xxxxxxxxxx.testsettings, specified in the MSTestAdapter settings, is not available. Either access to the file is denied or the file does not exist. Ensure that the test settings file is available and try again.
instead of
E:\Agent_work\r10\a_XXXXX CI Build\drop\XXXXX_Automation_Test\bin\Release\xxxxxxxxx.testsettings
There is no documentation that states how to formulate the file path on msdn and didn't see
anything online.
I suggest you can add a Copy Files task to copy the missing file from .../bin/release folder(Use the browse option) to default working directory:
I suggest you resolve this issue via modifying your pipeline instead of settings file, so that you can also work well locally with the unchanged runsettings file.
In addition: Clean Target Folder input should be disabled(unchecked) cause our target folder is the default working folder. Deleting all files in that folder would cause unexpected issues.

FastReport.Mono fails to export reports to PDF due to fonts issues

I'm trying FastReport.Mono on Linux (CentOS 7) to see if I can make an app to generate reports from FastReport files. Example FastReport.Mono app seems to work, however there are problems with PDF export demo. I get the error message on attempt to export:
Could not find file "/root/.local/share/FastReport/font.list".
File name: '/root/.local/share/FastReport/font.list'
The path /root/.local/share/FastReport/ exists, but there's indeed no requested file inside.
I have installed truetype fonts mentioned in FastReport.Mono readme (they went into usr\share\fonts\msttcore), it did not change anything.
Creating an empty font.list file brought this error message:
Enumeration has either not started or has already finished.
How do I resolve this problem and make PDF export work?
Could not find file "/root/.local/share/FastReport/font.list". File name: '/root/.local/share/FastReport/font.list'
BTW, you are working as root - this is not good for security. Anyway, you have to check following directory: "/usr/share/fonts/truetype". Does it exist and TrueType fonts are there? If not, then you can define shell variable FONTDIR with following command:
$ export FONTDIR="/path/to/truetype/fonts"
At the time of first export to PDF format the FastReport.Mono check fonts in this directory and build font.list file. If font.list file present in "$HOME/.local/share/FastReport/" directory, then software checks that information in this file is an actual.
How do I resolve this problem and make PDF export work?
These issues should be fixes in next build.

sublime text 3 sidebar autoupdating not working

I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to make it so that sublime text 3 automatically updates the sidebar when i add a new folder/file to the current project in finder (osx).
Right now, I have to manually go to Project -> Refresh Folders
My user preferences are probably not the issue as they are very basic:
"color_scheme": "Packages/Color Scheme - Default/Solarized (Light).tmTheme",
"font_size": 18,
"tab_size": 2,
"translate_tabs_to_spaces": true
If anyone could help that would be great as I have tried googling, searching for an answer to this but havent found anything that works.
Thanks in advance.
I recently began experiencing this issue and it turned out to be DropBox related. Once I removed DropBox and restarted my machine the folder refreshing began working as before. Also, DropBox was affecting several other apps, specifically SourceTree and Transmit as well as Sublime Text 3.
I had this same issue. You could always bind the folder refresh to a hotkey. While this is not a complete fix for auto-updating, it still saves you from a more lengthy manual refresh. I believe this is how Dreamweaver works as well.
I had the same issue with ST3 (OSX 10.9.2). It was something wrong with the root folder of my projects. I created new folder Code1, moved all of my projects there, removed old Code folder and renamed new Code1 to Code. This bit of magic returned things back to normal.
Open the console and see if there are any errors. It logs when there are changes to the filesystem.
I've had this problem when I used disks that where mounted with samba. My best guess is that this has something to do with the OS or filesystem not triggering the correct events for sublime to realize that there's new stuff in the folders.
I'm guessing that the disk on which the project you're working on belongs to a mounted disk, that might have a different filesystem. Try moving the project and see if that helps. If that is the case maybe you ought to see over which flags and stuff you're using when mounting the disk on which the project was originally stored.
How you would go about fixing that however I have no clue about since I don't have any experience with OSX.
This could be the result of an error with the plugin SidebarEnhancements, as was the case for me. Using package control I removed the plugin. I couldn't package install the plugin back as it would not show up on the list of available plugins. So instead I followed this github issue in the repo and got it cloned into the correct directory.
Another side note, in sublime I clicked "Sublime Text" -> "Preferences" -> "Browse Packages". to open up the correct location to clone the repo in finder. If you click on the folder icon in the top bar of the resulting finder window you can actually drag this into iTerm2 so that you are in the proper location before running the git clone command included below.
git clone "SideBarEnhancements"
cd "SideBarEnhancements"
Finally, quit ST3 and reopen worked for me. Hope this helps.
I'm using Windows, so not sure if my solution is relevant to the exact question, but since I found this on Google, I figured it might just help somebody. My problem was specifically with the SideBarEnhancements plugin.
The dumb solution (try this first):
Close Sublime Text, go to the Packages directory (in Windows that's in %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3 (Win+R, paste that path, enter);
Rename SideBarEnhancements to something else and then back to its original name;
Reopen Sublime Text.
The nice solution (for Git Bash on Windows):
IF the dumb solution has not worked, there is no point in following on.
However, if it worked, you can automate the process.
Open %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%\.bashrc, or in other words: User\.bashrc (create the file if you don't have it);
Paste the following at the end of the file (preferably on a new line):
touchme() {
echo 'Killing Sublime Text process..';
taskkill -IM "sublime_text.exe";
cd ~/AppData/Roaming/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages;
touch SideBarEnhancements;
echo 'SideBarEnhancements folder touched;';
echo 'Returning to original directory..';
cd -;
echo 'Reopening Sublime Text..';
"/L/Program Files/Sublime Text 3/sublime_text.exe"&
Change the path to your sublime_text.exe (last line of the function);
If Git Bash is opened, execute source ~/.bashrc and go to 6;
If Git Bash is not opened, open it and go to 6;
Execute touchme without any brackets;
In case you use the touchme command for something else, or simply don't like it, feel completely free to rename the function (I just found it the easiest to write and remember :P).
I guess the code above can be adapted for Unix systems, too, with some small tweaks.
I had this problem after reinstalling Sublime Text 2 and symlinking.
A workaround I found was binding the refresh_folder_list command with cmd+s, since that's usually when we see the sidebar updating.
For this to work you'll need to install run_multiple_commands plugin.
Then you'll have to update your User Keymap telling it to refresh folder list every time you save. The syntax is fairly simple.
I also ran across Synced Side Bar after fixing the issue. I am not sure if this is a solution but sounds promising.
Hope this helps.
I don't have a solution but a theory on why this is happening. I noticed as well recently that it stopped refreshing. I've also noticed that when I use the finder to open folders or use the 'open' within any program, the OS would just show an empty directory when I know there are files in it. I would then have to select a few different folders to get it to recognize that I'm asking it to show me the contents in the folder. It's almost like that function is asleep and I have to nudge it awake.
It seems Mavericks is using some strong sleep agent and turning off any functions behind the scene that's not needed and perhaps it's also affecting the sidebar refresh.
Same issue for me with ST2 on OSX 10.7.5. I started by opening Finder to the folder where I had the issue and navigated to that folder in terminal as well. Then:
Create a blank file and observe if Finder refreshed.
echo "" > test.txt
If Finder didn't refresh, navigate to the parent folder in both Finder and terminal. Repeat step 1.
If Finder did refresh, rename the child folder you came from to anything and then back to the original name.
mv folder_name new_folder_name
mv new_folder_name folder_name
Auto refresh in Finder started working again as well as the Sublime sidebar for that folder and all child folders.
I don't have an explanation as to why this issue started. Prior to this solution, I attempted the following trying to figure it out. I don't know if these steps were necessary in resolving this issue.
I removed .DS_Store files from the folders with this issue.
Remove the Finder preferences file and restart Finder. As described here.
rm ~/Library/Preferences/ ; killall Finder
Exit Dropbox
Thanks to #peresleguine for the suggestion of renaming the folder.
I had the same issue with folders and files not showing up. No matter what folders I added it wouldn't work, refreshing folders didn't work, if I restarted Sublime, I would then see the folders I added but none of it's contents. I ended up going to File -> Close Window and then File -> New Window, after that when I added folders to the new window, it started working again. Seems like it's a corruption in the project file somehow. Anyways hope this helps someone.
Mac OSX Mavericks
Sublime 3 Build 3059
If you're using OS X with python version higher than 2.7.1, try downgrading python to 2.7. This fixed multiple issues for me:
brew update
brew install pyenv
echo 'if which pyenv > /dev/null; then eval "$(pyenv init -)"; fi' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
pyenv install 2.7
pyenv global 2.7
# now restart ST3
One of the sub-folders of my project contained a symlink to the project itself, making a loop. As soon as I've removed it and re-opened the project, the problem went away. However, that symlink was necessary for my project to function, so I created a simple .sublime-project file:
"folders": [{
"path": "/",
"folder_exclude_patterns": ["symlink-or-one-of-its-parents"]
The exclusion pattern made Sublime ignore the loop, and the sidebar went back to normal right away. Just note that folder_exclude_patterns accepts folder names, not paths. That means that it might exclude something you didn't want to exclude (i.e. if you write lib it'll exclude all lib folders in your project, regardless of where they are). Hope this helps somebody.
I had this issue after symlinking my project files to another partition on the hard disk. I fixed it by editing the path for each project from Project > Edit Project to the new location.
A bit late to the conversation, but I resolved this by turning off DropBox's Finder integration. There is a known issue with Yosemite 10.10.x
Click on the dropbox icon in your tool bar, click the gear and then open preferences. Un-check Enable Finder integration. Then restart your computer.
Hope that helps.
I just fixed this issue and I think the reason is because I use dropbox to sync my ST3 settings.
Somedays before I restarted with 'reopen windows when logging back in', and found sublime opened earlier than dropbox finished its initialisation, which caused some settings couldn't load properly.
The result was when I used subl . to open project, I found the side bar not working properly. At the first beginning, I just closed ST3 windows and re-run subl, but it didn't work.
Finally I quitted ST3 (cmd+q), and made sure dropbox was properly loaded, then subl again. This time it worked.
Hope it helps.

jd-gui stops working when I try to save all resources

I opened a jar file in jd-gui but when I try to save the all resources it stops working. I don't know where to look for the logs of jd-gui.
How can I save all the decompiled source files?
I met the same problem, and resoled it as below:
unzip the target jar file.
remove unnecessary folder
zip the remaining class files into a new-small jar file.
download the jd-cli project from here:
use jd-cli to de-compile the jar , and with the log option, e.g.
jd-cli target.jar -od jar_result -g ALL
check the output log and find out which block.class file block the de-compile proccess. if there is, then remove it from the target.jar and then re-run the jd-cli again. You can manually copy/paste the block.class source code from jd-gui.
Open "jd-gui.cfg" with a text editor. "LastUri", in section "Decompilation", contains the name of the CLASS file causing the crash. A workaround is to open the JAR file and remove or change extension of this CLASS file.
It seems a bug. I solved it simply trying to export sources to other folder ($home -using debian-)
