Sympy: can I get an explicit print of a builtin function? - python-3.x

What I'm trying to do is basically ask sympy to tell me exactly what mathematical formula is behind some of its builtin functions, since I have been struggling quite a lot with naming conventions, and I'd like to check that I'm using the function I'm supposed to.
My case would be for example with the builtin Bessel functions jn: according to Wikipedia, j0(x)=sin(x)/x, and I'm inclined to agree having solved that simple-case differential equation by hand.
However, when I ask sympy if jn(0, x)-sin(x)/x==0 the query returns False.
Running simplify does nothing but take up time, and I wouldn't know what else to do since factor and expand at most move the x to be a common denominator and evalf gives back the function in terms of yet another builtin function.
Since higher-order functions tend to be a lot more complicated than this, it would be really useful to find out which builtins correspond to what I'm looking for.
I'll be grateful for any link to resources that might help.
Using python3.10.6, sympy 1.9, running on Kubuntu 22.04

You can use the built-in help() function to read the documentation associated to a given SymPy object, or you can explore the documentation.
By reading the documentation with help(jn), we can find the description and a few examples, one of which points out to what you'd like to achieve:
print(expand_func(jn(0, x)))
# out: sin(x)/x
Edit: looking back at your question, you used: jn(0, x)-sin(x)/x==0.
With SymPy there are two kinds of equality testing:
Structural equality, performed with the == operator: you are asking SymPy to compare the expression trees. Clearly, jn(0, x)-sin(x)/x is structurally different then 0, because at this stage jn(0, x) has not been "expanded".
Mathematical equality: generally speaking, two expressions are mathematically equivalent if expr1 - expr2 is equal to 0. So, with the above example we can write: expand_func(jn(0, x)) - sin(x)/x which will results to 0. Or, we can use the equals() method: expand_func(jn(0, x)).equals(sin(x) / x) which will return True. Please, read the documentation about equals to better understand its quirks.


Unclear why functions from Data.Ratio are not exposed and how to work around

I am implementing an algorithm using Data.Ratio (convergents of continued fractions).
However, I encounter two obstacles:
The algorithm starts with the fraction 1%0 - but this throws a zero denominator exception.
I would like to pattern match the constructor a :% b
I was exploring on hackage. An in particular the source seems to be using exactly these features (e.g. defining infinity = 1 :% 0, or pattern matching for numerator).
As beginner, I am also confused where it is determined that (%), numerator and such are exposed to me, but not infinity and (:%).
I have already made a dirty workaround using a tuple of integers, but it seems silly to reinvent the wheel about something so trivial.
Also would be nice to learn how read the source which functions are exposed.
They aren't exported precisely to prevent people from doing stuff like this. See, the type
data Ratio a = a:%a
contains too many values. In particular, e.g. 2/6 and 3/9 are actually the same number in ℚ and both represented by 1:%3. Thus, 2:%6 is in fact an illegal value, and so is, sure enough, 1:%0. Or it might be legal but all functions know how to treat them so 2:%6 is for all observable means equal to 1:%3 – I don't in fact know which of these options GHC chooses, but at any rate it's an implementation detail and could change in future releases without notice.
If the library authors themselves use such values for e.g. optimisation tricks that's one thing – they have after all full control over any algorithmic details and any undefined behaviour that could arise. But if users got to construct such values, it would result in brittle code.
So – if you find yourself starting an algorithm with 1/0, then you should indeed not use Ratio at all there but simply store numerator and denominator in a plain tuple, which has no such issues, and only make the final result a Ratio with %.

Computing numeric derivatives with pyomo

I need to repeatedly compute derivatives at a given point of nonlinear pyomo constraints. According to this post, there are basically two options: one symbolic approach (which uses sympy) and one numeric approach via the NL file generated by Pyomo.
I have tried the symbolic approach which looks like:
def gradient(constr, variables):
grad_num = np.array([value(partial) for partial in
differentiate(constr.body, wrt_list=variables)])
if (not (is_leq_constr(constr))):
grad_num = -grad_num
return grad_num
In principle, this approach works. However, when dealing with larger problems, the function call takes very long and I would expect the numeric approach to be much faster.
Is this true? If so, can anyone help me, to "translate" the above function to the gjh_asl_json approach? I am grateful for any hint.

If Non Terminals in Gene Expression Programming are mono-type functions, how to build complex Programs?

It just seemed to me studying GEP,and especially analyzing Karva expressions, that Non Terminals are most suitable for functions which type is a->a for some type a, in Haskell notation.
Like, with classic examples, Q+-*/ are all functions from 'some' Double to 'a' Double and they just change in arity.
Now, how can one coder use functions of heterogeneous signature in one Karva expressed gene?
Brief Introduction to GEP/Karva
Gene Expression Programming uses dense representations of a population of expressions and applies evolutionary pressure to make better ones to solve a given problem.
Karva notation represents an expression tree as a string, represented in a non-traditional traversal of level-at-a-time, left-to-right - read more here. Using Karva notation, it is simple and quick to combine (or mutate) expressions to create the next generation.
You can parse Karva notation in Haskell as per this answer with explanation of linear time or this answer that's the same code, but with more diagrams and no proof.
Terminals are the constants or variables in a Karva expression, so /+a*-3cb2 (meaning (a+(b*2))/(3-c)) has terminals [a,b,2,3,c]. A Karva expression with no terminals is thus a function of some arity.
My Question is then more related to how one would use different types of functions without breaking the gene.
What if one wants to use a Non Terminal like a > function? One can count on the fact that, for example, it can compare Doubles. But the result, in a strongly typed Language, would be a Bool. Now, assuming that the Non terminal encoding for > is interspersed in the gene, the parse of the k-expression would result in invalid code, because anything calling it would expect a Double.
One can then think of manually and silently sneak in a cast, as is done by Ms. Ferreira in her book, where she converts Bools into Ints like 0 and 1 for False and True.
Si it seems to me that k-expressed genes are for Non Terminals of any arity, that share the property of taking values of one type a, returning a type a.
In the end, has anyone any idea about how to overcome this?
I already now that one can use homeotic genes, providing some glue between different Sub Expression Trees, but that, IMHO, is somewhat rigid, because, again, you need to know in advance returned types.

How to find the optimal processing order?

I have an interesting question, but I'm not sure exactly how to phrase it...
Consider the lambda calculus. For a given lambda expression, there are several possible reduction orders. But some of these don't terminate, while others do.
In the lambda calculus, it turns out that there is one particular reduction order which is guaranteed to always terminate with an irreducible solution if one actually exists. It's called Normal Order.
I've written a simple logic solver. But the trouble is, the order in which it processes the constraints seems to have a huge effect on whether it finds any solutions or not. Basically, I'm wondering whether something like a normal order exists for my logic programming language. (Or wether it's impossible for a mere machine to deterministically solve this problem.)
So that's what I'm after. Presumably the answer critically depends on exactly what the "simple logic solver" is. So I will attempt to briefly describe it.
My program is closely based on the system of combinators in chapter 9 of The Fun of Programming (Jeremy Gibbons & Oege de Moor). The language has the following structure:
The input to the solver is a single predicate. Predicates may involve variables. The output from the solver is zero or more solutions. A solution is a set of variable assignments which make the predicate become true.
Variables hold expressions. An expression is an integer, a variable name, or a tuple of subexpressions.
There is an equality predicate, which compares expressions (not predicates) for equality. It is satisfied if substituting every (bound) variable with its value makes the two expressions identical. (In particular, every variable equals itself, bound or not.) This predicate is solved using unification.
There are also operators for AND and OR, which work in the obvious way. There is no NOT operator.
There is an "exists" operator, which essentially creates local variables.
The facility to define named predicates enables recursive looping.
One of the "interesting things" about logic programming is that once you write a named predicate, it typically works fowards and backwards (and sometimes even sideways). Canonical example: A predicate to concatinate two lists can also be used to split a list into all possible pairs.
But sometimes running a predicate backwards results in an infinite search, unless you rearrange the order of the terms. (E.g., swap the LHS and RHS of an AND or an OR somehwere.) I'm wondering whether there's some automated way to detect the best order to run the predicates in, to ensure prompt termination in all cases where the solution set is exactually finite.
Any suggestions?
Relevant paper, I think:
Also take a look at this:

Explanation of “tying the knot”

In reading Haskell-related stuff I sometimes come across the expression “tying the knot”, I think I understand what it does, but not how.
So, are there any good, basic, and simple to understand explanations of this concept?
Tying the knot is a solution to the problem of circular data structures. In imperative languages you construct a circular structure by first creating a non-circular structure, and then going back and fixing up the pointers to add the circularity.
Say you wanted a two-element circular list with the elements "0" and "1". It would seem impossible to construct because if you create the "1" node and then create the "0" node to point at it, you cannot then go back and fix up the "1" node to point back at the "0" node. So you have a chicken-and-egg situation where both nodes need to exist before either can be created.
Here is how you do it in Haskell. Consider the following value:
alternates = x where
x = 0 : y
y = 1 : x
In a non-lazy language this will be an infinite loop because of the unterminated recursion. But in Haskell lazy evaluation does the Right Thing: it generates a two-element circular list.
To see how it works in practice, think about what happens at run-time. The usual "thunk" implementation of lazy evaluation represents an unevaluated expression as a data structure containing a function pointer plus the arguments to be passed to the function. When this is evaluated the thunk is replaced by the actual value so that future references don't have to call the function again.
When you take the first element of the list 'x' is evaluated down to a value (0, &y), where the "&y" bit is a pointer to the value of 'y'. Since 'y' has not been evaluated this is currently a thunk. When you take the second element of the list the computer follows the link from x to this thunk and evaluates it. It evaluates to (1, &x), or in other words a pointer back to the original 'x' value. So you now have a circular list sitting in memory. The programmer doesn't need to fix up the back-pointers because the lazy evaluation mechanism does it for you.
It's not quite what you asked for, and it's not directly related to Haskell, but Bruce McAdam's paper That About Wraps It Up goes into this topic in substantial breadth and depth. Bruce's basic idea is to use an explicit knot-tying operator called WRAP instead of the implicit knot-tying that is done automatically in Haskell, OCaml, and some other languages. The paper has lots of entertaining examples, and if you are interested in knot-tying I think you will come away with a much better feel for the process.
