Dataframe Nested Dict inside List - retrieve 'id' value - python-3.x

['{"data":{"attributes":{"title":"Contract 1","AnnualValue":0},"id":1,"type":"contract"}}',
'{"data":{"attributes":{"title":"Contract 2","AnnualValue":0},"id":2,"type":"contract"}}',
'{"data":{"attributes":{"title":"Contract 3","AnnualValue":0},"id":3,"type":"contract"}}']
I have the above data frame and need to 'pull' the 'id' value. tried converting to json etc but struggling to get the value. Is anyone able to point me in the right direction - 5 hours of googling has just led me up the garden path!!

import json
json_list = [
'{"data":{"attributes":{"title":"Contract 1","AnnualValue":0},"id":1,"type":"contract"}}',
'{"data":{"attributes":{"title":"Contract 2","AnnualValue":0},"id":2,"type":"contract"}}',
'{"data":{"attributes":{"title":"Contract 3","AnnualValue":0},"id":3,"type":"contract"}}'
ids = [
for json_body in json_list
[1, 2, 3]

This is how you can display that data in a dataframe:
import pandas as pd
import json
data_list = ['{"data":{"attributes":{"title":"Contract 1","AnnualValue":0},"id":1,"type":"contract"}}',
'{"data":{"attributes":{"title":"Contract 2","AnnualValue":0},"id":2,"type":"contract"}}',
'{"data":{"attributes":{"title":"Contract 3","AnnualValue":0},"id":3,"type":"contract"}}']
new_data_list = []
for x in data_list:
new_data_list.append((json.loads(x)['data']['id'], json.loads(x)['data']['type'], json.loads(x)['data']['attributes']['title'], json.loads(x)['data']['attributes']['AnnualValue']))
df = pd.DataFrame(new_data_list, columns = ['Id', 'Type', 'Title', 'Annual Value'])
Which returns:
Annual Value
Contract 1
Contract 2
Contract 3


Replace element with specific value to pandas dataframe

I have a pandas dataframe with the following form:
cluster number
Robin_lodging_Dorthy 0
Robin_lodging_Phillip 1
Robin_lodging_Elmer 2
... ...
I want to replace replace every 0 that is in the column cluster number with with the string "low", every 1 with "mid" and every 2 with "high". Any idea of how that can be possible?
You can use replace function with some mappings to change your column values:
values = {
0: 'low',
1: 'mid',
2: 'high'
data = {
'name': ['Robin_lodging_Dorthy', 'Robin_lodging_Phillip', 'Robin_lodging_Elmer'],
'cluster_number': [0, 1, 2]
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
df.replace({'cluster_number': values}, inplace=True)
name cluster_number
0 Robin_lodging_Dorthy low
1 Robin_lodging_Phillip mid
2 Robin_lodging_Elmer high
More info on replace function.

Python3 multiple equal sign in the same line

There is a function in the python2 code that I am re-writing into python3
def abc(self, id):
if not isinstance(id, int):
id = int(id)
mask = self.programs['ID'] == id
assert sum(mask) > 0
name = self.programs[mask]['name'].values[0]
"id" here is a panda series where the index is strings and the column is int like the following
data = np.array(['1', '2', '3', '4', '5'])
# providing an index
ser = pd.Series(data, index =['a', 'b', 'c'])
self.programs['ID'] is a dataframe column where there is one row with integer data like '1'
import pandas as pd
# initialize list of lists
data = [[1, 'abc']]
# Create the pandas DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = ['ID', 'name'])
I am really confused with the line "mask = self.programs['ID'] == id \ assert sum(mask) > 0". Could someone enlighten?
Basically, mask = self.programs['ID'] == id would return a series of boolean values, whether thoses 'ID' values are equal to id or not.
Then assert sum(mask) > 0 sums up the boolean series. Note that, bool True can be treated as 1 in python and 0 for False. So this asserts that, there is at least one case where programs['ID'] column has a value equal to id.

Python - Pandas: perform column value based data grouping across separate dataframe chunks

I was handling a large csv file, and came across this problem. I am reading in the csv file in chunks and want to extract sub-dataframes based on values for a particular column.
To explain the problem, here is a minimal version:
The CSV (save it as test1.csv, for example)
Now, as you can see, if I read the csv in chunks of 5 rows, the first column's values will be distributed across the chunks. What I want to be able to do is load in memory only the rows for a particular value.
I achieved it using the following:
import pandas as pd
list_of_ids = dict() # this will contain all "id"s and the start and end row index for each id
# read the csv in chunks of 5 rows
for df_chunk in pd.read_csv('test1.csv', chunksize=5, names=['id','val'], iterator=True):
# In each chunk, get the unique id values and add to the list
for i in df_chunk['id'].unique().tolist():
if i not in list_of_ids:
list_of_ids[i] = [] # initially new values do not have the start and end row index
for i in list_of_ids.keys(): # ---------MARKER 1-----------
idx = df_chunk[df_chunk['id'] == i].index # get row index for particular value of id
if len(idx) != 0: # if id is in this chunk
if len(list_of_ids[i]) == 0: # if the id is new in the final dictionary
list_of_ids[i].append(idx.tolist()[0]) # start
list_of_ids[i].append(idx.tolist()[-1]) # end
else: # if the id was there in previous chunk
list_of_ids[i] = [list_of_ids[i][0], idx.tolist()[-1]] # keep old start, add new end
#print(df_chunk.iloc[idx, :])
#print(df_chunk.iloc[list_of_ids[i][0]:list_of_ids[i][-1], :])
skip = None
rows = None
# Now from the file, I will read only particular id group using following
# I can again use chunksize argument to read the particular group in pieces
for id, se in list_of_ids.items():
print('Data for id: {}'.format(id))
skip, rows = se[0], (se[-1] - se[0]+1)
for df_chunk in pd.read_csv('test1.csv', chunksize=2, nrows=rows, skiprows=skip, names=['id','val'], iterator=True):
Truncated output from my code:
{1: [0, 2], 2: [3, 6], 3: [7, 10], 4: [11, 14]}
Data for id: 1
id val
0 1 10
1 1 11
id val
2 1 12
Data for id: 2
id val
0 2 13
1 2 14
id val
2 2 15
3 2 16
Data for id: 3
id val
0 3 17
1 3 18
What I want to ask is, do we have a better way of doing this? If you consider MARKER 1 in the code, it is bound to be inefficient as the size grows. I did save memory usage, but, time still remains a problem. Do we have some existing method for this?
(I am looking for complete code in answer)
I suggest you use itertools for this, as follows:
import pandas as pd
import csv
import io
from itertools import groupby, islice
from operator import itemgetter
def chunker(n, iterable):
From answer:
>>> list(chunker(3, 'ABCDEFG'))
[['A', 'B', 'C'], ['D', 'E', 'F'], ['G']]
iterable = iter(iterable)
return iter(lambda: list(islice(iterable, n)), [])
chunk_size = 5
with open('test1.csv') as csv_file:
reader = csv.reader(csv_file)
for _, group in groupby(reader, itemgetter(0)):
for chunk in chunker(chunk_size, group):
g = [','.join(e) for e in chunk]
df = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO('\n'.join(g)), header=None)
Output (partial)
0 1
0 1 10
1 1 11
2 1 12
0 1
0 2 13
1 2 14
2 2 15
3 2 16
0 1
0 3 17
1 3 18
2 3 19
3 3 20
This approach will read first in groups by column 1:
for _, group in groupby(reader, itemgetter(0)):
and each group will be read in chunks of 5 rows (this can be change using chunk_size):
for chunk in chunker(chunk_size, group):
The last part:
g = [','.join(e) for e in chunk]
df = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO('\n'.join(g)), header=None)
creates a suitable string to be pass to pandas.

Python Passing Dynamic Table Name in For Loop

table_name = []
for year in ['2017', '2018', '2019']:
table_name[counter] = pd.merge(table1, table2.loc[table2.loc[:, 'year'] == year, :], left_on='col1', right_on='col1', how='left')
counter += 1
The print statement outputs are correct:
However, when I try to see what's in temp_df_2017, I get an error: name 'temp_df_2017' is not defined
I would like to create those three tables. How can I make this work?
PS: ['2017', '2018', '2019'] list will vary. It can be a list of quarters. That's why I want to do this in a loop, instead of using the merge statement 3x.
I think the easiest/most practical approach would be to create a dictionary to store names/df.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# Create dummy data
data = np.arange(9).reshape(3,3)
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['a', 'b', 'c'])
a b c
0 0 1 2
1 3 4 5
2 6 7 8
df_year_names = ['2017', '2018', '2019']
dict_of_dfs = {}
for year in df_year_names:
df_name = f'some_name_year_{year}'
dict_of_dfs[df_name] = df
dict_keys(['some_name_year_2017', 'some_name_year_2018', 'some_name_year_2019'])
Then to access a particular year:
a b c
0 0 1 2
1 3 4 5
2 6 7 8

Using non-zero values from columns in function - pandas

I am having the below dataframe and would like to calculate the difference between columns 'animal1' and 'animal2' over their sum within a function while only taking into consideration the values that are bigger than 0 in each of the columns 'animal1' and 'animal2.
How could I do this?
import pandas as pd
animal1 = pd.Series({'Cat': 4, 'Dog': 0,'Mouse': 2, 'Cow': 0,'Chicken': 3})
animal2 = pd.Series({'Cat': 2, 'Dog': 3,'Mouse': 0, 'Cow': 1,'Chicken': 2})
data = pd.DataFrame({'animal1':animal1, 'animal2':animal2})
def animals():
data['anim_diff']=(data['animal1']-data['animal2'])/(data['animal1']+ ['animal2'])
return data['anim_diff'].abs().idxmax()
I believe you need check all rows are greater by 0 with with test DataFrame.all and filter by boolean indexing:
def animals(data):
data['anim_diff']=(data['animal1']-data['animal2'])/(data['animal1']+ data['animal2'])
return data['anim_diff'].abs().idxmax()
df = data[].copy()
#alternative for not equal 0
#df = data[].copy()
print (df)
animal1 animal2
Cat 4 2
Chicken 3 2
