How to buil an app like google pdf viewer? [duplicate] - android-studio

So the idea is to make an encryption software which will work only on .txt files and apply some encryption functions on it and generate a new file. To avoid the hassle of user having to drag-and-drop the file, I have decided to make an option similar to my anti-virus here.
I want to learn how to make these for various OS, irrespective of the architecture :)
What are these menus called? I mean the proper name so next time I can refer to them in a more articulate way
How to make these?
My initial understanding:
What I think it will do is: pass the file as an argument to the main() method and then leave the rest of the processing to me :)

Probably not exactly the answer you were hoping for, but it seems that this is a rather complicated matter. Anyway, I'll share what I know about it and it will hopefully prove enough to (at least) get you started.
Unfortunately, the easiest way to create a context menu using Java is editing the Registry. I'll try to summarize the milestones of the overall requirements and steps to achieve our objective.
See at the end of the post for links to sample code and a working demo.
What needs to be done
We need to edit the Registry adding an additional entry (for our java-app) in the context menus of the file-types we are interested in (e.g. .txt, .doc, .docx).
We need to determine which entries in Registry to edit, because our targeted file-extensions might be associated with another 'Class' (I couldn't test it on XP, but on Windows 7/8 this seems to be the case). E.g. instead of editing ...\Classes\.txt we might need to edit ...\Classes\txtfile, which the .txt Class is associated with.
We need to specify the path to the installed jre (unless we can be sure that the directory containing javaw.exe is in the PATH variable).
We need to insert the proper keys, values and data under the proper Registry nodes.
We need a java-app packaged as a .JAR file, with a main method expecting a String array containing one value that corresponds to the path of the file we need to process (well, that's the easy part - just stating the obvious).
All this is easier said than done (or is it the other way around ?), so let's see what it takes to get each one done.
First of all, there are some assumption we'll be making for the rest of this post (for the sake of simplicity/clarity/brevity and the like).
We assume that the target file-category is .TXT files - the same steps could be applied for every file-category.
If we want the changes (i.e. context-menus) to affect all users, we need to edit Registry keys under HKCR\ (e.g. HKCR\txtfile), which requires administrative priviledges.
For the sake of simplicity, we assume that only current user's settings need to be changed, thus we will have to edit keys under HKCU\Software\Classes (e.g. HKCU\Software\Classes\txtfile), which does not require administrative priviledges.
If one chooses to go for system-wide changes, the following modifications are necessary:
In all REG ADD/DELETE commands, replace HKCU\Software\Classes\... with HKCR\... (do not replace it in REG QUERY commands).
Have your application run with administrative priviledges. Two options here (that I am aware of):
Elevate your running instance's priviledges (can be more complicated with latest windows versions, due to UAC). There are plenty of resources online and here in SO; this one seems promising (but I haven't tested it myself).
Ask the user to explicitely run your app "As administrator" (using right-click -> "Run as administrator" etc).
We assume that only simple context-menu entries are needed (as opposed to a context-submenu with more entries).
After some (rather shallow) research, I have come to believe that adding a submenu in older versions of Windows (XP, Vista), would require more complex stuff (ContextMenuHandlers etc). Adding a submenu in Windows 7 or newer is considerably more easy. I described the process in the relevant part of this answer (working demo provided ;)).
That said, let's move on to...
Getting things done
You can achieve editing the Registry by issuing commands of the form REG Operation [Parameter List], with operations involving ADD, DELETE, QUERY (more on that later).
In order to execute the necessary commands, we can use a ProcessBuilder instance. E.g.
String[] cmd = {"REG", "QUERY", "HKCR\\.txt", "/ve"};
new ProcessBuilder(cmd).start();
// Executes: REG QUERY HKCR\.txt /ve
Of course, we will probably want to capture and further process the command's return value, which can be done via the respective Process' getInputStream() method. But that falls into scope "implementation details"...
"Normally" we would have to edit the .txt file-class, unless it is associated with another file-class. We can test this, using the following command:
// This checks the "Default" value of key 'HKCR\.txt'
// Possible output:
(Default) REG_SZ txtfile
All we need, is parse the above output and find out, if the default value is empty or contains a class name. In this example we can see the associated class is txtfile, so we need to edit node HKCU\Software\Classes\txtfile.
Specifying the jre path (more precisely the path to javaw.exe) falls outside the scope of this answer, but there should be plenty of ways to do it (I don't know of one I would 100% trust though).
I'll just list a few off the top of my head:
Looking for environment-variable 'JAVA_HOME' (System.getenv("java.home");).
Looking in the Registry for a value like HKLM\Software\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment\<CurrentVersion>\JavaHome.
Looking in predifined locations (e.g. C:\Program Files[ (x86)]\Java\).
Prompting the user to point it out in a JFileChooser (not very good for the non-experienced user).
Using a program like Launch4J to wrap your .JAR into a .EXE (which eliminates the need of determining the path to 'javaw.exe' yourself).
Latest versions of Java (1.7+ ?) put a copy of javaw.exe (and other utilities) on the path, so it might be worth checking that as well.
3. So, after collecting all necessary data, comes the main part: Inserting the required values into Registry. After compliting this step, our HKCU\Software\Classes\txtfile-node should look like this:
|_____MyCoolContextMenu: [Default] -> [Display name for my menu-entry]
|_____Command: [Default] -> [<MY_COMMAND>]*
*: in this context, a '%1' denotes the file that was right-clicked.
Based on how you addressed step (1.2), the command could look like this:
"C:\Path\To\javaw.exe" -jar "C:\Path\To\YourApp.jar" "%1"
Note that javaw.exe is usually in ...\jre\bin\ (but not always only there - recently I've been finding it in C:\Windows\System32\ as well).
Still being in step (1.3), the commands we need to execute, in order to achieve the above structure, look as follows:
REG ADD HKCU\Software\Classes\txtfile\Shell\MyCoolContextMenu /ve /t REG_SZ /d "Click for pure coolness" /f
REG ADD HKCU\Software\Classes\txtfile\Shell\MyCoolContextMenu\Command /ve /t REG_SZ /d "\"C:\Path\To\javaw.exe\" -jar \"C:\Path\To\Demo.jar\" \"%%1\" /f"
// Short explanation:
REG ADD <Path\To\Key> /ve /t REG_SZ /d "<MY_COMMAND>" /f
\_____/ \___________/ \_/ \_______/ \_______________/ \_/
__________|_______ | | |___ | |
|Edit the Registry | | _______|________ | _______|_______ |
|adding a key/value| | |Create a no-name| | |Set the data | |
-------------------- | |(default) value | | |for this value.| |
| ------------------ | |Here: a command| |
_______________|______________ | |to be executed.| |
|Edit this key | | ----------------- |
|(creates the key plus | ____|_________ _________|_____
| any missing parent key-nodes)| |of type REG_SZ| |No confirmation|
-------------------------------- |(string) | -----------------
Implementation Considerations:
It is probably a good idea to check if our target class (e.g. txtfile), does already have a context-menu entry named "MyCoolContextMenu", or else we might be overriding an existing entry (which will not make our user very happy).
Since the data part of the value (the part that comes after /d and before /f) needs to be enclosed in "", keep in mind that you can escape " inside the string as \".
You also need to escape the %1 so that it is stored in the Registry value as-is (escape it like: %%1).
It is a good idea to provide your user with an option to "un-register" your context-menu entry.
The un-registering can be achieved by means of the command:
REG DELETE HKCU\Software\Classes\txtfile\Shell\MyCoolContextMenu /f
Omitting the /f at the end of the commands may prompt the "user" (in this case your app) for confirmation, in which case you need to use the Process' getOutputStream() method to output "Yes" in order for the operation to be completed.
We can avoid that unnecessary interaction, using the force flag (/f).
Almost, there !
Finding ourselves at step (2), we should by now have the following:
A context-menu entry registered for our files in category txtfile (note that it is not restricted to .TXT files, but applies to all files pertained by the system as "txtfiles").
Upon clicking that entry, our java-app should be run and its main() method passed a String array containing the path to the right-clicked .TXT file.
From there, our app can take over and do its magic :)
That's (almost) all, folks !
Sorry, for the long post. I hope it turns out to be of use to someone.
I'll try to add some demo-code soon (no promises though ;)).
The demo is ready !
I created a tiny demo-project.
Here is the source code.
Here is a ready-to-go JARred App.


How can you hide passwords in command line arguments for a process in linux

There is quite a common issue in unix world, that is when you start a process with parameters, one of them being sensitive, other users can read it just by executing ps -ef. (For example mysql -u root -p secret_pw
Most frequent recommendation I found was simply not to do that, never run processes with sensitive parameters, instead pass these information other way.
However, I found that some processes have the ability to change the parameter line after they processed the parameters, looking for example like this in processes:
xfreerdp -decorations /w:1903 /h:1119 /kbd:0x00000409 /d:HCG /u:petr.bena /parent-window:54526138 /bpp:24 /audio-mode: /drive:media /media /network:lan /rfx /cert-ignore /clipboard /port:3389 / /p:********
Note /p:*********** parameter where password was removed somehow.
How can I do that? Is it possible for a process in linux to alter the argument list they received? I assume that simply overwriting the char **args I get in main() function wouldn't do the trick. I suppose that maybe changing some files in /proc pseudofs might work?
"hiding" like this does not work. At the end of the day there is a time window where your password is perfectly visible so this is a total non-starter, even if it is not completely useless.
The way to go is to pass the password in an environment variable.

Zebra RFD8500 : How to use read in ZETI

I have a Zebra RFD8500 here and I connected to it via the terminal. I am trying to use the ZETI command read to access epc's, but it does not read anything.
But if I use the ZETI command inventory it finds all the tags around.
Anyone knows how to use the read command properly? Also is there some kind of filter per default on?
I am using the developer example on page 174 Link to PDF
Not sure if you solved this problem, but I couldn't find anything else via Google. I had the same problem with using read in ZETI (Zebra RFD8500). The Zebra tech support told me that to use access operations like read and write, you have to turn off dynamic power (which I think is on by default).
Unfortunately, I am not using the iOS API/SDK (writing a custom one for another device), but here's the gist of what you'd be doing:
Turn off dynamic power
Do an inventory
Read some memory bank, like the EPC bank. Optionally, you can also specify access criteria to single out a tag.
To test how this worked in ZETI, I screened into the RFD8500 (on my Mac, doing ls /dev/tty.RFD* lists several ttys, I chose the one ending in "-R"):
screen /dev/tty.RFD8500{long number}-R
Then I issued these commands:
dp .disable
dp = setdynamicpower
in = inventory
rd = read
After issuing "rd", you should be able to see the user memory banks (the default bank for the "rd" command).

Passing key material to openssl commands

Is it safe to pass a key to the openssl command via the command line parameters in Linux? I know it nulls out the actual parameter, so it can't be viewed via /proc, but, even with that, is there some way to exploit that?
I have a python app that I want to use OpenSSL to do the encryption/description through stdin/stdout streaming in a subprocess, but I want to know my keys are safe.
Passing the credentials on the command line is not safe. It will result in your password being visible in the system's process listing - even if openssl erases it from the process listing as soon as it can, it'll be there for an instant.
openssl gives you a few ways to pass credentials in - the man page has a section called "PASS PHRASE ARGUMENTS", which documents all the ways you can pass credentials into openssl. I'll explain the relevant ones:
Lets you pass the credentials in an environment variable. This is better than using the process listing, because on Linux your process's environment isn't readable by other users by default - but this isn't necessarily true on other platforms.
The downside is that other processes running as the same user, or as root, will be able to easily view the password via /proc.
It's pretty easy to use with python's subprocess:
new_env["MY_PASSWORD_VAR"] = "my key data"
p = subprocess.Popen(["openssl",..., "-passin", "env:MY_PASSWORD_VAR"], env=new_env)
This lets you tell openssl to read the credentials from a file descriptor, which it will assume is already open for reading. By using this you can write the key data directly from your process to openssl, with something like this:
r, w = os.pipe()
p = subprocess.Popen(["openssl", ..., "-passin", "fd:%i" % r], preexec_fn=lambda:os.close(w))
os.write(w, "my key data\n")
This will keep your password secure from other users on the same system, assuming that they are logged in with a different account.
With the code above, you may run into issues with the os.write call blocking. This can happen if openssl waits for something else to happen before reading the key in. This can be addressed with asynchronous i/o (e.g. a select loop) or an extra thread to do the write()&close().
One drawback of this is that it doesn't work if you pass closeFds=true to subprocess.Popen. Subprocess has no way to say "don't close one specific fd", so if you need to use closeFds=true, then I'd suggest using the file: syntax (below) with a named pipe.
Don't use this with an actual file to store passwords! That should be avoided for many reasons, e.g. your program may be killed before it can erase the file, and with most journalling file systems it's almost impossible to truly erase the data from a disk.
However, if used with a named pipe with restrictive permissions, this can be as good as using the fd option above. The code to do this will be similar to the previous snippet, except that you'll need to create a fifo instead of using os.pipe():
pathToFifo = my_function_that_securely_makes_a_fifo()
p = subprocess.Popen(["openssl", ..., "-passin", "file:%s" % pathToFifo])
fifo = open(pathToFifo, 'w')
print >> fifo, "my key data"
The print here can have the same blocking i/o problems as the os.write call above, the resolutions are also the same.
No, it is not safe. No matter what openssl does with its command line after it has started running, there is still a window of time during which the information is visible in the process' command line: after the process has been launched and before it has had a chance to null it out.
Plus, there are many ways for an accident to happen: for example, the command line gets logged by sudo before it is executed, or it ends up in a shell history file.
Openssl supports plenty of methods of passing sensitive information so that you don't have to put it in the clear on the command line. From the manpage:
the actual password is password. Since the password is visible to utilities (like 'ps' under Unix) this form should only be used where security is not important.
obtain the password from the environment variable var. Since the environment of other processes is visible on certain platforms (e.g. ps under certain Unix OSes) this option should be used with caution.
the first line of pathname is the password. If the same pathname argument is supplied to -passin and -passout arguments then the first line will be used for the input password and the next line for the output password. pathname need not refer to a regular file: it could for example refer to a device or named pipe.
read the password from the file descriptor number. This can be used to send the data via a pipe for example.
read the password from standard input.
All but the first two options are good.

Perl program structure for parsing

I've got question about program architecture.
Say you've got 100 different log files with different formats and you need to parse and put that info into an SQL database.
My view of it is like:
use general config file like:
program1->name1("apache",/var/log/apache.log) (modulename,path to logfile1)
program2->name2("exim",/var/log/exim.log) (modulename,path to logfile2)
use something like a module (1 file per program) type1.module (regexp, logstructure(somevariables), sql(tables and functions))
fork or thread processes (don't know what is better on Linux now) for different programs.
So question is, is my view of this correct? I should use one module per program (web/MTA/iptablat)
or there is some better way? I think some regexps would be the same, like date/time/ip/url. What to do with that? Or what have I missed?
example: mta exim4 mainlog
2011-04-28 13:16:24 1QFOGm-0005nQ-Ig
<=** H=localhost
[]:51127 I=[]:465
CV=no A=plain_server:spam S=763 T="test" from
<> for
everything that is bold is already parsed and will be putted into sqldb.incoming table. now im having structure in perl to hold every parsed variable like $exim->{timstamp} or $exim->{host}->{ip}
my program will do something like tail -f /file and parse it line by line
Flexability: let say i want to add supprot to apache server (just timestamp userip and file downloaded). all i need to know what logfile to parse, what regexp shoud be and what sql structure should be. So im planning to have this like a module. just fork or thread main process with parameters(logfile,filetype). Maybe further i would add some options what not to parse (maybe some log level is low and you just dont see mutch there)
I would do it like this:
Create a config file that is formatted like this: appname:logpath:logformatname
Create a collection of Perl class that inherit from a base parser class.
Write a script which loads the config file and then loops over its contents, passing each iteration to its appropriate handler object.
If you want an example of steps 1 and 2, we have one on our project. See MT::FileMgr and MT::FileMgr::* here.
The log-monitoring tool wots could do a lot of the heavy lifting for you here. It runs as a daemon, watching as many log files as you could want, running any combination of perl regexes over them and executing something when matches are found.
I would be inclined to modify wots itself (which its licence freely allows) to support a database write method - have a look at its existing handle_* methods.
Most of the hard work has already been done for you, and you can tackle the interesting bits.
I think File::Tail is a nice fit.
You can make an array of File::Tail objects and poll them with select like this:
while (1) {
unless ($nfound) {
# timeout - do something else here, if you need to
} else {
foreach (#pending) {
# here you can handle log messages depending on filename
print $_->{"input"}." (".localtime(time).") ".$_->read;
(from perl File::Tail doc)

How to get the name of a file acting as stdin/stdout?

I'm having the following problem. I want to write a program in Fortran90 which I want to be able to call like this:
./program.x < > main.out
Additionally to "main.out" (whose name I can set when calling the program), secondary outputs have to be written and I wanted them to have a similar name to either "" or "main.out" (they are not actually called "main"); however, when I use:
The content of sInputName becomes "Stdin" instead of the name of the file. Is there some way to obtain the name of files that are linked to stdin/stdout when the program is called??
Unfortunately the point of i/o redirection is that you're program doesn't have to know what the input/output files are. On unix based systems you cannot look at the command line arguments as the < > main.out are actually processed by the shell which uses these files to set up standard input and output before your program is invoked.
You have to remember that sometimes the standard input and output will not even be files, as they could be a terminal or a pipe. e.g.
./generate_input | ./program.x | less
So one solution is to redesign your program so that the output file is an explicit argument.
./program.x --out=main.out
That way your program knows the filename. The cost is that your program is now responsible for openning (and maybe creating) the file.
That said, on linux systems you can actually find yout where your standard file handles are pointing from the special /proc filesystem. There will be symbolic links in place for each file descriptor
/proc/<process_id>/fd/0 -> standard_input
/proc/<process_id>/fd/1 -> standard_output
/proc/<process_id>/fd/2 -> standard_error
Sorry, I don't know fortran, but a psudeo code way of checking the output file could be:
out_name = realLink( "/proc/"+getpid()+"/fd/1" )
if( isNormalFile( out_name ) )
Keep in mind what I said earlier, there is no garauntee this will actually be a normal file. It could be a terminal device, a pipe, a network socket, whatever... Also, I do not know what other operating systems this works on other than redhat/centos linux, so it may not be that portable. More a diagnostic tool.
Maybe the intrinsic subroutines get_command and/or get_command_argument can be of help. They were introduced in fortran 2003, and either return the full command line which was used to invoke the program, or the specified argument.
