I'm learning Rust and am messing around with conversions of types because I need it for my first program.
Basically I'm trying to convert a singular string of numbers into an array of numbers.
eg. "609" -> [6,0,9]
const RADIX: u32 = 10;
let lines: Vec<String> = read_lines(filename);
let nums = lines[0].chars().map(|c| c.to_digit(RADIX).expect("conversion error"));
println!("Line: {:?}, Converted: {:?}", lines[0], nums);
I tried the above and the output is as follows:
Line: "603", Converted: Map { iter: Chars(['6', '0', '3']) }
Which I assume isn't correct. I'd need it to be just a pure array of integers so I can perform operations with it later.
You're almost there, add the type ascription to nums:
let nums: Vec<u32> = ...
and end the method chain with .collect() to turn it into a vector of digits.
I would like to know which is the most idiomatic Rust way to print the elements in a vector in a contigously manner. For example, in the following code:
fn main() {
let vector = vec![0x54, 0xaf, 0x5c];
println!("{:2x?}", vector);
I would like to print: 54af5c and not [54, af, 5c].
If you want to do this in one line without multiple calls to the print! macro you could do it like so:
fn main() {
let vector = vec![0x54, 0xaf, 0x5c];
println!("{}", vector.iter().map(|n| format!("{:x}", n)).fold(String::new(), |acc, arg| acc + arg.as_str()));
Here is the Playground.
This also has the added benefit, that there can be differently formatted hexadecimal numbers in your vector and you can always format them as either LowerHex or UpperHex.
I have an application where I am receiving a string with some repetitive characters. I am receiving input as a String. How to remove the characters from specific index?
fn main() {
let s:String = "{\"name\":\"xx/yyyy/machine/zzz/test_int4\",\"status\":\"online\",\"timestamp\":\"2021-06-11 18:20:42.231770800 UTC\",\"value\":7}8668982856274}".to_string();
println!("{}", s);
how can I get result
"{\"name\":\"xx/yyyy/machine/zzz/test_int4\",\"status\":\"online\",\"timestamp\":\"2021-06-11 18:20:42.231770800 UTC\",\"value\":7}"
instead of
"{\"name\":\"xx/yyyy/machine/zzz/test_int4\",\"status\":\"online\",\"timestamp\":\"2021-06-11 18:20:42.231770800 UTC\",\"value\":7}}8668982856274}"
String indexing works only with bytes, thus you need to find an index for the appropriate byte slice like this:
let mut s = "{\"name\":\"xx/yyyy/machine/zzz/test_int4\",\"status\":\"online\",\"timestamp\":\"2021-06-11 18:20:42.231770800 UTC\",\"value\":7}8668982856274}";
let closing_bracket_idx = s
.position(|&x| x == b'}')
.map(|i| i + 1)
.unwrap_or_else(|| s.len());
let v: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_str(&s[..closing_bracket_idx]).unwrap();
println!("{:?}", v);
However, keep in mind, this approach doesn't really work in general for more complex cases, for example } in a json string value, or nested objects, or a type other than an object at the upmost level (e.g. [1, {2: 3}, 4]). More neat way is using parser capabilities to ignore of the trailing, as an example for serde_json:
let v = serde_json::Deserializer::from_str(s)
.expect("empty input")
.expect("invalid json value");
println!("{:?}", v);
This question already has answers here:
How to get the byte offset between `&str`
(2 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
Given a string and a slice referring to some substring, is it possible to find the starting and ending index of the slice?
I have a ParseString function which takes in a reference to a string, and tries to parse it according to some grammar:
ParseString(inp_string: &str) -> Result<(), &str>
If the parsing is fine, the result is just Ok(()), but if there's some error, it usually is in some substring, and the error instance is Err(e), where e is a slice of that substring.
When given the substring where the error occurs, I want to say something like "Error from characters x to y", where x and y are the starting and ending indices of the erroneous substring.
I don't want to encode the position of the errors directly in Err, because I'm nesting these invocations, and the offsets in the nested slice might not correspond to the some slice in the top level string.
As long as all of your string slices borrow from the same string buffer, you can calculate offsets with simple pointer arithmetic. You need the following methods:
str::as_ptr(): Returns the pointer to the start of the string slice
A way to get the difference between two pointers. Right now, the easiest way is to just cast both pointers to usize (which is always a no-op) and then subtract those. On 1.47.0+, there is a method offset_from() which is slightly nicer.
Here is working code (Playground):
fn get_range(whole_buffer: &str, part: &str) -> (usize, usize) {
let start = part.as_ptr() as usize - whole_buffer.as_ptr() as usize;
let end = start + part.len();
(start, end)
fn main() {
let input = "Everyone ♥ Ümläuts!";
let part1 = &input[1..7];
println!("'{}' has offset {:?}", part1, get_range(input, part1));
let part2 = &input[7..16];
println!("'{}' has offset {:?}", part2, get_range(input, part2));
Rust actually used to have an unstable method for doing exactly this, but it was removed due to being obsolete, which was a bit odd considering the replacement didn't remotely have the same functionality.
That said, the implementation isn't that big, so you can just add the following to your code somewhere:
pub trait SubsliceOffset {
Returns the byte offset of an inner slice relative to an enclosing outer slice.
let string = "a\nb\nc";
let lines: Vec<&str> = string.lines().collect();
assert!(string.subslice_offset_stable(lines[0]) == Some(0)); // &"a"
assert!(string.subslice_offset_stable(lines[1]) == Some(2)); // &"b"
assert!(string.subslice_offset_stable(lines[2]) == Some(4)); // &"c"
assert!(string.subslice_offset_stable("other!") == None);
fn subslice_offset_stable(&self, inner: &Self) -> Option<usize>;
impl SubsliceOffset for str {
fn subslice_offset_stable(&self, inner: &str) -> Option<usize> {
let self_beg = self.as_ptr() as usize;
let inner = inner.as_ptr() as usize;
if inner < self_beg || inner > self_beg.wrapping_add(self.len()) {
} else {
You can remove the _stable suffix if you don't need to support old versions of Rust; it's just there to avoid a name conflict with the now-removed subslice_offset method.
For an exercise I'm doing for Exercism (the minesweeper task), I need to convert an usize to a char in order to insert it into a std::string::String.
To describe the problem in minimal lines of code:
let mut s = String::from(" ");
let mine_count: usize = 5; // This is returned from a method and will be a value between 1 and 8.
s.insert(0, _______); // So I get: "5 " at the underscores I do:
The way I'm currently doing this as:
mine_count.to_string().chars().nth(0).unwrap(); // For example: '2'
Or see the full example in the Rust playground. Somehow this doesn't strike me as elegant.
I've also tried:
mine_count as char; // Where mine_count is of type u8
However, when adding mine_count to a std::string::String, it turns up as - for example - \u{2} and not simply '2':
let mine_count: u8 = 8;
s.insert(0, mine_count as char);
println!("{:?}", s);
The output:
"\u{8} "
Reproduced here.
Are there other ways to achieve the goal of converting an integer in the range of 1..8 to a single character (char)?
I suggest using char::from_digit together with a cast necessary to use it (as u32):
use std::char;
fn main() {
let mut s = String::from(" ");
let mine_count: u8 = 8; // or i8 or usize
s.insert(0, char::from_digit(mine_count as u32, 10).unwrap());
println!("{:?}", s);
However when adding mine_count to a std::string::String it turns up as - for example - \u{2} and not simply '2'.
This is the difference between the char containing the scalar value 2 and a char containing the actual character '2'. The first few UTF-8 values, like in ASCII text encoding, are reserved for control characters, and do not portray something visible. What made it appear as \u{2} in this context is because you printed the string with debug formatting ({:?}). If you try to print the same string with plain formatting:
let mut s = String::from(" ");
let mine_count: u8 = 8;
s.insert(0, mine_count as char);
println!("{}", s);
The output will contain something that wasn't meant to be printed, and so might either show a placeholder character or not appear at all (reproducible here).
In order to represent a single-digit number as the respective character: (1) First make sure that mine_count is within the intended limits, either by recoverable errors or hard assertions. (2) Then, transform the number by translating it to the numeric digit character domain.
assert!(mine_count > 0);
assert!(mine_count < 9);
let mine_char = (mine_count + b'0') as char;
s.insert(0, mine_char);
println!("{}", s);
Are there other ways to achieve the goal of converting an integer in the range of 1..8 to a single character
Use a lookup table:
const LABELS: [char; 9] = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8'];
fn main() {
Let’s do it this way:
let data = 10;
let result = char::from_digit(data as u32, 10);
println!("{}", result); // Using the println! macro from the standard library
I want to get the first character of a std::str. The method char_at() is currently unstable, as is String::slice_chars.
I have come up with the following, but it seems excessive to get a single character and not use the rest of the vector:
let text = "hello world!";
let char_vec: Vec<char> = text.chars().collect();
let ch = char_vec[0];
UTF-8 does not define what "character" is so it depends on what you want. In this case, chars are Unicode scalar values, and so the first char of a &str is going to be between one and four bytes.
If you want just the first char, then don't collect into a Vec<char>, just use the iterator:
let text = "hello world!";
let ch = text.chars().next().unwrap();
Alternatively, you can use the iterator's nth method:
let ch = text.chars().nth(0).unwrap();
Bear in mind that elements preceding the index passed to nth will be consumed from the iterator.
I wrote a function that returns the head of a &str and the rest:
fn car_cdr(s: &str) -> (&str, &str) {
for i in 1..5 {
let r = s.get(0..i);
match r {
Some(x) => return (x, &s[i..]),
None => (),
(&s[0..0], s)
Use it like this:
let (first_char, remainder) = car_cdr("test");
println!("first char: {}\nremainder: {}", first_char, remainder);
The output looks like:
first char: t
remainder: est
It works fine with chars that are more than 1 byte.
Get the first single character out of a string w/o using the rest of that string:
let text = "hello world!";
let ch = text.chars().take(1).last().unwrap();
It would be nice to have something similar to Haskell's head function and tail function for such cases.
I wrote this function to act like head and tail together (doesn't match exact implementation)
pub fn head_tail<T: Iterator, O: FromIterator<<T>::Item>>(iter: &mut T) -> (Option<<T>::Item>, O) {
(iter.next(), iter.collect::<O>())
// works with Vec<i32>
let mut val = vec![1, 2, 3].into_iter();
println!("{:?}", head_tail::<_, Vec<i32>>(&mut val));
// works with chars in two ways
let mut val = "thanks! bedroom builds YT".chars();
println!("{:?}", head_tail::<_, String>(&mut val));
// calling the function with Vec<char>
let mut val = "thanks! bedroom builds YT".chars();
println!("{:?}", head_tail::<_, Vec<char>>(&mut val));
NOTE: The head_tail function doesn't panic! if the iterator is empty. If this matched Haskell's head/tail output, this would have thrown an exception if the iterator was empty. It might also be good to use iterable trait to be more compatible to other types.
If you only want to test for it, you can use starts_with():
"rust".starts_with(|c| c == 'r')
I think it is pretty straight forward
let text = "hello world!";
let c: char = text.chars().next().unwrap();
next() takes the next item from the iterator
To “unwrap” something in Rust is to say, “Give me the result of the computation, and if there was an error, panic and stop the program.”
The accepted answer is a bit ugly!
let text = "hello world!";
let ch = &text[0..1]; // this returns "h"