Compilation issues for Autodock GPU installation - linux

I am the definition of a beginner with Linux. I need to install Autodock GPU and I hit a wall when I reached the compilation stuff.
I was able to add the following environmental variables: GPU_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/cuda/lib64 as well as GPU_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/lib/cuda/include. Furthermore, I was also able to add DEVICE=GPU. All of these show up when I use the "printenv" command.
However, I am unable to make "DEVICE=GPU" and the NUMWI one. Supposedly I need to make a makefile, which I have no idea how and I hoping to obtain some guidance today. There is also an option at I need to look for the makefile.CUDA. I don't know which one I should do or honestly how to do either.
I am in need of help.


Is it possible to run a python script when another computer connects to the website?

Im trying to set up a prank for my coder friends(have to clarify its not something bad, its just a harmless joke) and they are much more experienced than me. They like to brag about it, so I wanted to make them look like they got hacked by getting a singular file from their computer. Is it possible to run a script to take a their file from their computer as soon as they click on a link that i can share on discord?
I got python script to get a file, but its only when you download the script and use it, it also requires you to have any python version 3+ to run the code. Tried to make a short link but couldnt get it work either.

Inno Setup - No constant on saved games

Greetings first time in here, I've got a question I'm making a simple installation on Inno, but I need some files to install on the default user/saved games folder, I'm unable to find a constant which fits this, anyone knows a turn around to do it?

Could someone explain why cmd's 'where' does not find this file please?

Boiled down issue:
I am trying to get opencv4nodejs to install and am running into errors like opencv2/core.hpp file not found.
Digging into this, knowing full well that I have installed the appropriate files in C:\tools, and added all the required paths and refreshed my cmd.exe to reflect this, I am still getting hit with errors.
Could someone please describe why the above commands would lead to cmd.exe being unable to find the file I need?
The first dir %OPENCV_INCLUDE_DIR%opencv2\core.hpp command clearly shows that it exists within the environment of the console. Note: This variable has been appended to PATH as %OPENCV_INCLUDE_DIR%
The where opencv2\core.hpp cannot find it, much like my other program cannot find it. I am a bit of a cmd noob, so I may be missing something obvious here, but how can this be the case?

How to setup with vim YCM

i want to move from using CMake to Premake for my current project, but im usig vim and the YCM plugin which is really great for making my setup like an IDE. However, the plugin needs compilation flags file which is produced when running CMake. Is there something for Premake to generate a file like that as well?
Premake does not do this in its current state (alpha 13). If you have some insights as to what is necessary for getting it to work, the best thing to do would be to submit a ticket in the issue tracker.
I'm afraid, if your new build system does not generate that compilation flags file (yet), you'll need to maintain your own (hand-crafted) one. You can find an example at
I would advice to have (at least) one per project rather than one generic one in your $HOME.
Although I have to admit, that it would be beneficial to get it created and in sync with the actual build system, I don't find it too troublesome to maintain it manually. At the end of the day it only contains the C++ standard you want to use, a set of preprocessor symbols and a set of both system and user include directories.

where is ipc_namespace.h in linux

I need to study something and change in the ipc_namespace.h but I cannot find it. Can someone please specify the correct path to it and also let me know if I can some thing in that file and restart my OS will the changes take place?
For me: /usr/src/linux-headers-3.5.0-27-generic/include/linux/ipc_namespace.h and for you possibly depends on you kernel version.
Use: apt-file search ipc_namespace.h to locate it.
About changing it, no a simple restart will not do the trick, you will need to recompile highly possibly your kernel for the changes to happen. (And I'm not an expert in this area :( )
