where is ipc_namespace.h in linux - linux

I need to study something and change in the ipc_namespace.h but I cannot find it. Can someone please specify the correct path to it and also let me know if I can some thing in that file and restart my OS will the changes take place?

For me: /usr/src/linux-headers-3.5.0-27-generic/include/linux/ipc_namespace.h and for you possibly depends on you kernel version.
Use: apt-file search ipc_namespace.h to locate it.
About changing it, no a simple restart will not do the trick, you will need to recompile highly possibly your kernel for the changes to happen. (And I'm not an expert in this area :( )


Compilation issues for Autodock GPU installation

I am the definition of a beginner with Linux. I need to install Autodock GPU and I hit a wall when I reached the compilation stuff.
I was able to add the following environmental variables: GPU_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/cuda/lib64 as well as GPU_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/lib/cuda/include. Furthermore, I was also able to add DEVICE=GPU. All of these show up when I use the "printenv" command.
However, I am unable to make "DEVICE=GPU" and the NUMWI one. Supposedly I need to make a makefile, which I have no idea how and I hoping to obtain some guidance today. There is also an option at I need to look for the makefile.CUDA. I don't know which one I should do or honestly how to do either.
I am in need of help.

How to avoid cmake to read in its "system cache" $HOME/.cmake/

When I run cmake with some projects such as caffe or gflags, it writes some information at the system level. Specifically, on a linux system, it generates some directories such as $HOME/.cmake/Caffe and $HOME/.cmake/gflags
My problem is that this information is hereafter used for any project I compile. As a consequence, the programs referenced in $HOME/.cmake are (partially) found, even if I do not want it (as far as I am concerned, I define external variables to control with external programs cmake is allowed to consider for a given compilation).
y current solution is to delete the directory $HOME/.cmake when needed (i.e before compiling my new program). I consider to add a rm -rf $HOME/.cmake in .bashrc but this not fully satisfactory (nor sophisticated!). Could anyone propose a better solution ?
NB: the expression "system cache" in the question is probably wrong. I would be grateful to get a better term. Thank you for any feedback on this (actually, if I knew the correct expression, I may have already found the solution on the web...)
Once you know the "system cache" is actually the User Package Registry the answer is easy. See below...
The directory $HOME/.cmake is the User Package Registry. To avoid find_package() to search in this directory, use option NO_CMAKE_PACKAGE_REGISTRY. See point 6 of its documentation:

What is /snap/bin directory in $PATH? Can I remove it from $PATH?

I am working with environment value, $PATH. And I found that $PATH includes /snap/bin directory which does not exist. What does the path work? Can I remove it from $PATH or should I leave it?
Please give me your suggestion. Thank you very much?
It is a new-new Canonical thing to bundle and distribute applications.
See for example this developer link by Canonical.
Personally, I also find it somewhat odd that they went into the top-level via /snap but Oh well.
I may yet come to use it one. So far plain docker serves me well, besides of course building .deb package the old-fashioned way.
As for removing the PATH entry: it only saves you a few bytes, plus nanoseconds in lookups and may break a future deployment involving snaps. Your box, your call. I left mine.

Autotools: Find out how the configure script was called

I have a rather large component, that is built with GNU autotools. Assuming that the configuration step was already done by somebody (by the build server, in this case), can I somehow find out afterwards, how exactly the ./configure script was called? I mean, with which options?
Thanks, Georg
Ah found it. It's in the beginning of config.log. Was just too simple for me...

How can I include a revision of a file in a Change Package after it was checked in

This happens occasionally in some projects I'm involved in that are using MKS as version control tool. A file is checked-out, modified and then checked-in but it was forgotten to be included in the related Change Package.
Is there a way to achieve this after the fact?
Delete revision (yes, the command exists), and then check in again, this time tied to the CP. Make sure you preserve the working file in the meantime.
If you've new revisions on top of it, you're out of luck.
I don't think that what SzG said really exists ( if so, I'd like to know too :) )
Once any operation is done without a CP, that operation can't be associated to a CP.
A solution for the future would be, to make using the CP mandatory in the project setup.
