How to store content in a Hybris Media file? - sap-commerce-cloud

In my application we are getting media like photos and Videos from third party and I want to store it in Hybris as a media ?
How can we upload Photos/Videos through the java code in a Hybris Media?

You can check my simple example. Not forget to add exception block. Check CatalogUnawareMedia and CatalogMedia before your implementation. If you are not planning to synchronize third-party objects use CatalogUnawareMedia.
// folder optional
final MediaFolderModel folder = mediaService.getFolder("myfolder");
final CatalogUnawareMediaModel media = getModelService().create(CatalogUnawareMediaModel.class); //or CatalogMediaModel
mediaService.setStreamForMedia(media, myStream);


Document support (rtf, doc, docx) for UWP/Windows 10 Mobile

How can I display documents (doc, docx, rtf) in an UWP app? The WebView isn't able to do this.
Other options would be calling an external application with Windows.System.Launcher.LaunchUriAsync (e.g. Word) or using a 3rd party library. The requirement is to have the data in the app, because you don't have control over it, if it's handled to another one. Another option would be to convert it to another format (e.g. PDF) which UWP can handle (not really).
Any ideas?
If you would like to display word or pdf files in the UWP app you can use WebView control with Google Docs Viewer - I was using it for the online documents.
This is the code:
<WebView x:Name="MyWebView"/>
Code behind:
public WebViewPage()
void loadWebView()
var googleDocsViewer = "";
var pdf = "";
MyWebView.Navigate(new Uri(googleDocsViewer + pdf));
I did not test it with local files, but I think that should also work. Please try and let me know.
UWP can actually handle RTF files with RichEditBox - for more info about that see here in the official documentation (I don't know about RichTextBlock). For Docx support I can recommend a third-party library by Syncfusion, which you can get for free if you meet certain requirements.

Liferay Spring Rest services

Is there a way to expose a Java rest web service in Liferay but not in a portlet, that can receive JSON request and store the data in Journal Article?
Therefore when a user logs into Liferay they will be see web content
Yes there is : JSONWebServiceActionsManagerUtil.registerJSONWebServiceAction
For instance :
Class<?> serviceImplClass;
Method serviceMethod;
Object serviceImpl;
String path = jsonWebServiceMappingResolver.resolvePath(serviceImplClass, serviceMethod);
String method = jsonWebServiceMappingResolver.resolveHttpMethod(serviceMethod);
JSONWebServiceActionsManagerUtil.registerJSONWebServiceAction("/yourwspath", serviceImpl, serviceImplClass, serviceMethod, path, method);
You should then be able to see the new web service in http://SERVER/api/jsonws
Well yes, Liferay has a full API (even JSON-based, SOAP optional, no classic REST though) that you can use. A simple Stackoverflow answer is not the right place to give a full introduction on how to work with Liferay's API, but you might want to look up Servicebuilder (which is used to create Liferay's API) and then look at JournalArticleService and related services: The Web Content Management API is called "Journal" in Liferay (for historical reasons)

How to Upload images from local folder to Sitecore

`webClient.UploadFile("", #"E:\filesImage\Item.png");
I'm trying to upload images to sitecore using webclient.uploadfile() method by sending my sitecore address and the path of my local images.But I'm not able to upload it.I have to do this without any API's and Sitecore Instances.
The upload process would be the same as with any application. However, once the file has been uploaded you need to create a media item programtically. You can do this from an actual file in the file system, or from a memory stream.
The process involves using a MediaCreator object and using its CreateFromFile method.
This blog post outlines the whole process:
Adding a file to the Sitecore Media Library programatically
If you're thinking simply about optimizing your developer workflow you could use the Sitecore PowerShell Extensions using the Remoting API as described in this this blog post
If you want to use web service way than you can use number of ways which are as follows:
a) Sitecore Rocks WebService (If you are allowed to install that or it is already available).
b) Sitecore Razl Service(It is third party which need license).
c) Sitecore Powershell Remoting (This needs Sitecore PowerShell extensions to be installed on Sitecore Server).
d) You can also use Sitecore Service which you can find under sitecore\shell\WebService\Service.asmx (But this is legacy of new SitecoreItemWebAPI)
e) Last is my enhanced SitecoreItemWebAPI (This also need SitecoreItemWebApi 1.2 as a pre-requisite).
But in end except option d you need to install some or other thing in order to upload the image using HTTP, you should also know the valid credentials to use any of above stated methods.
If your customers upload the image on the website, you need to create the item in your master database. (needs access and write right on the master database) depend on your security you might consider not build it with custom code.
But using the Sitecore webforms for marketers module With out of the box file upload. Create a form with upload field and using the WFFM webservices.
If you dont want to use Sitecore API, then you can do the following:
Write a code that uploads images into this folder : [root]/upload/
You might need to create folder structure that represent how the images are stored in Sitecore, eg: your images uploaded into [root]/upload/Import/ will be stored in /sitecore/media library/Import
Sitecore will automatically upload these images into Media library
Hope this helps
Option: You can use Item Web API for it. No reference to any Sitecore dll is needed. You will only need access to the host and be able to enable the Item Web API.
Upload the files using it:
Enable Item Web Api:
I guess that is pretty much what you need, but as Jay S mentioned, if you put more details on your question helps on finding the best option to your particular case.
private void CreateImageIteminSitecore()
filePath = #"C:\Sitecore\Website\ImageTemp\Pic.jpg;
using (new SecurityDisabler())
Database masterDb = Sitecore.Configuration.Factory.GetDatabase("master");
Sitecore.Resources.Media.MediaCreatorOptions options = new Sitecore.Resources.Media.MediaCreatorOptions();
options.FileBased = true;
options.AlternateText = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath);
options.Destination = "/sitecore/media library/Downloads/";
options.Database = masterDb;
options.Versioned = false; // Do not make a versioned template
options.KeepExisting = false;
Sitecore.Data.Items.MediaItem mediaitemImage = new Sitecore.Resources.Media.MediaCreator().CreateFromFile(filePath, options);
Item ImageItem = masterDb.GetItem(mediaitemImage.ID.ToString());
ImageItem.Name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath);

What is metadata? How do I create a metadata and how do I associate it to a Cloud target using Vuforia?

I modified sample CloudRecog code for my own code. I created cloud database and get AccessKeys then copied this keys to CloudReco.cpp file. What should i use for metadata. I didn't understand this. Then when i was reading sample code i saw this line: private static final String mServerURL = "". How to get my metaData url?
The Vuforia Cloud Recognition Service enables new types of applications in retail and publishing. An application using Cloud Recognition will be able to query a Cloud Database with camera images (actual recognition happens in the cloud), and then handle the matching results returned from the cloud to perform local detection and tracking.
Also, every Cloud Image Target can optionally have an associated Metadata; a target metadata is essentially nothing else than a custom user-defined blob of data that can be associated to a target and filled with custom information, as long as the data size does not exeed the allowed limits (up to 1MB per target).
Therefore, you can use the metadata as a way to store additional content that relates to a specific target, that your application will be able to process using some custom logic.
For example, your application may use the metadata to store:
a simple text message that you want your app to display on the screen of your device when the target is detected, for example:
“Hello, I am your cloud image target XYZ, you have detected me :-) !”
a simple URL string (for instance “http://my_server/my_3d_models/my_model_01.obj”) pointing to a custom network location where you have stored some other content, like a 3D model, a video, an image, or any other custom data, so that for each different image target, your application may use such URL to download the specific content;
more in general, some custom string that your application is able to process and use to perform specific actions
a full 3D model (not just the URL pointing to a model on a server, but the model itself), for example the metadata itself could embed an .OBJ 3D model, provided that the size does not exceed the allowed limits (up to 1MB)
and more ...
How do I create/store metadata for a Cloud target ?
Metadata can be uploaded together with an image target at the time you create the target itself in your Cloud Database; or you can also update the metadata of an existing target, at a later time; in either case, you can use the online TargetManager, as explained here:
or you can proceed programmatically using the VWS API, as explained here:
How can I get the metadata of a Cloud target when it is recognized ?
The Vuforia SDK offers a dedicated API to retrieve the metadata of a target in your mobile application. When a Cloud target is detected (recognized), a new TargetSearchResult is reported to the application, and the metadata can be obtained using one of these methods:
Vuforia Native SDK - C++ API: TargetSearchResult::getMetaData() - const char*
Vuforia Native SDK - Java API: TargetSearchResult.getMetaData() - String
Vuforia Unity Extension - C# API: TargetSearchResult.Metadata - string
See also the API reference pages:
Sample code:
For a reference sample code in native Android, see the code in the in the "Books-2-x-y" sample project.
For a reference sample code in native iOS, see the code in the file in the "Books-2-x-y" sample project.
For a reference sample code in Unity, see the CloudRecoEventHandler.cs script (attached to theCloudRecognition prefab) in the Books sample; in particular, the OnNewSearchResult method shows how to get a targetSearchResult object (from which you can then get the metadata, as shown in the example code).
EDIT: this is in response to the first part of your question,: "What should i use for metadata" (not the second part about how to find the URL)
Based on their documentation (
The metadata is passed to the application whenever the Cloud Reco
target is recognized. It is up to the developer to determine the
content of this metadata – Vuforia treats it as a blob and just passes
it along to the application. The maximum size of the uploadable
metadata is 150kByte.
I added some debugging in their CloudRecognition app and saw that the payload (presumably the meta-data) they return when "recognizing" an image is:
"thumburl": "",
"author": "Karina Borland",
"your price": "43.15",
"title": "Cloud Recognition in Vuforia",
"average rating": "4",
"# of ratings": "41",
"targetid": "a47d2ea6b762459bb0aed1ae9dbbe405",
"bookurl": "",
"list price": "43.99"
The MetaData, uploaded along with your image-target in the CloudReco database, is a .txt-file, containing whatever you want.
What pherris linked, as payload from the sample-application, is in fact the contents of a .json-file that the given image-target's metadata links to.
In the sample application, the structure is as follows:
The application activates the camera and recognizes an image-target
The application then requests that specific image-target's metadata
In this case, the metadata in question is a .txt-file with the following content:
The application then requests the contents of that specific .json-file
The specific .json-file looks as the copy-pasted text-data that pherris linked
The application uses the text-data from the .json-file to fill out the actual content of the sample application

.NET: Package Part with ExtraData/Metadata?

Im using .NET Package and would like to store some extra data/metadata for each PackagePart. For now Im having a "shadow" file for each file. For myfile1.dat there is a myfile.dat.meta. In for instance SharpZipLib it is possible to add ExtraData (byte[]) for each ZipEntry but for some reasons I have choosen Package for this project. Is it possible somehow to add this functionality to (Zip)Package? I would like to be able to attach metadata to each PackagePart without using "shadow"-files. Is it possible to use ADS (Alternate Data Stream) for a ZipPackage? Any other options?
