cant execute command stored in txt file in bash successfully - linux

I have to make ssh request for different nodes based on given IP.
different ssh commands are stored in node.txt as below a ssh -t user# sudo -u node0 /path/ b ssh -t user# sudo -u node1 /path/ c ssh -t user# sudo -u node2 /path/
I try to grep the needed ssh command like this
comm=$(grep node.txt | grep c | cut -f3)
when I run
the following error appears:
/path/ not found
while if I hard coded the command in the script itself it work correctly,
comm='ssh -t user# sudo -u node2 /path/'
what could be the problem here?

#Karim Ater
Try the following at your system:
    comm=$(grep node.txt | grep c | cut -f3)
    $ echo $comm
Hence I tried
    comm=$(grep node.txt | grep c | sed "s/.*ssh/ssh/;")
    $ echo $comm
I cannot confirm the contents of node.txt to know related delimiter.
Hence I used sed instead of using cut.


Testing active ssh keys on the local network

I am trying currently to achieve a bash script that will validate if SSH keys on a server are still linked to known hosts that are active on the local area network. You can find below the beginning of my bash script to achieve this:
cat /etc/passwd | grep /bin/bash > bash_users
cat bash_users | cut -d ":" -f 6 > cutted.bash_users_home_dir
for bash_users in $(cat cutted.bash_users_home_dir)
ls -al $bash_users/.ssh/*id_* >> ssh-keys.txt
for known_hosts in $(cat cutted.bash_users_home_dir)
cat $bash_users/.ssh/known_hosts | awk '{print $1}' | sort -u >>
sleep 2
hosts_known=$(wc -l hosts_known.txt)
echo "We have $hosts_known known hosts that could be still active via SSH
# TIME TO TEST WHICH SSH servers are still active with the SSH keys
# Would love to have bash script that could
# ssh -l $users_that_have_/bin/bash -i $ssh_keys $ssh_servers
# Would also be very nice if it could save active
# SSH servers with the valid keys in output.txt in the format
# username:local-IP:/path/to/SSH_key
Please feel very comfortable to edit/modify the bash script above if it can serve better the goals described.
Any help would be very appreciated,
The following works cool:
</etc/passwd \
grep /bin/bash |
cut -d: -f6 |
sudo xargs -i -- sh -c '
[ -e "$1" ] && cat "$1"
' -- {}/.ssh/known_hosts |
cut -d' ' -f1 |
tr ',' '\n' |
sed '
s/\[\(.*\)\]:\(.*\)/\1 \2/;
s/$/ 22/;
' |
sort -u |
xargs -l1 -- sh -c '
if echo "~" | nc -q1 -w3 "$1" "$2" | grep -q "^SSH"; then
echo "#### SUCCESS $1 $2";
echo "#### ERROR $1 $2";
' --
Start with /etc/passwd
Filter all "bash_users" as you call them
Filter user home directories only cut -d: -f6
For each user home directory sudo xargs -i -- run
Check if the file .ssh/known_hosts inside the user home directory exists
If it does, print it
Filter only hosts names
Multiple hosts signatures may share same key and are separated by a comma. Replace comma for newline
Now a sed script:
If a line starts with a [ that means it has a format of [host]:port and I want to replace it with host port
If the line does not start with a [ I add 22 to the end of the line so it's host 22
Then I sort -u
Now for each line:
I get the ssh version from ssh echo "~" | nc hostname port returns smth like "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.0" + newline + "Protocol mismatch".
So if the line returned by nc hostname port starts with SSH that means there is ssh running on the other side
I added timeout for unresponsive hosts, but I think nc -w timeout option may also be used. Probably also nc -q 1 should be specified.
Now the real fun is, when you add the max-procs option to the last xargs line, you can check all hosts simultaneously. On my host I have 47 unique addresses and xargs -P30 checks them ALL in like 2 seconds.
But really there are some problems. The script needs root to read from all users known_hosts. But worse, the known_hosts may be hashed. It would be better to firstly know the list of hosts on your network, and then generate known_hosts from it. It would look like ssh-keyscan -f list_of_hosts > ~/.ssh/known_hosts or similar. Generaly ssh-keygen -F hostname should be used if a host exists in known_hosts, sadly there is no listing command. known_hosts file format may be found in ssh documentation.

Multiple ssh in a Single command

I need to pipe multiple ssh commands in order to run commands on a remote machine.
The commands are working fine with a single ssh but not after piping ssh.
ssh "a=hello ; echo \$a"
return hello
ssh ssh"a=hello ; echo \$a"
produces no output.
ssh "mountedDir=\$(df \tmp | grep -vi filesystem | rev | cut -d ' ' -f 1); mount | grep -w \$mountedDir"
Is working fine producing the following output :
/dev/sda2 on / type xfs (rw,relatime,attr2,inode64,noquota)
ssh ssh "mountedDir=\$(df \tmp | grep -vi filesystem | rev | cut -d ' ' -f 1); mount | grep -w \$mountedDir"
is throwing the following error:
Usage: grep [OPTION]... PATTERN [FILE]...
Try 'grep --help' for more information.
Note: Passwordless ssh is established from my machine to and from to
If for some reason you do not want to modify your ssh_config file, you need to use ssh -t which will cause a real TTY to be allocated on machine 2, like so:
ssh -t ssh"a=hello ; echo \$a"
Be wary, as using this method implies that all the SSH login authentication procedures will happen at, so if you have security concerns, you are better off with #allo 's answer.
ssh ssh"a=hello ; echo \$a"
Looks wrong. If you want to jump from remotemachine1 to remotemachine2 have a look at the ProxyJump option in the ssh config. You can give it on the command line using the -o option of the ssh binary.
It finally worked after I added multiple escape characters
ssh " ssh \" a=hello ;echo \\\$a \" "
ssh " ssh \" mountedDir=\\\$(df /var | grep -vi filesystem | rev | cut -d ' ' -f 1); mount | grep -w \\\$mountedDir | grep -vi 'noexec' \" "

SED in remote SUDO ssh script

I am trying to disable RHN check when running yum on 1000 servers. It is done by:
Editing this file /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/rhnplugin.conf
enabled = 0
I wrote a script to do this remotely. We are using individual accounts and I need to execute this command using SUDO:
for HOST in $(cat serverlist ) ; do echo $HOST; ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no $HOST -t 'sudo cp /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/rhnplugin.conf /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/rhnplugin.$(date +%F) ; sudo sed -i -e "s/1/0/g" /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/rhnplugin.conf ' ; done
I know it is a long line but why does it not work?
All individual commands work on their own
sudo cp /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/rhnplugin.conf /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/rhnplugin.$(date +%F)
sudo sed -i -e "s/1/0/g" /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/rhnplugin.conf
have tried escaping the special chars:
sudo sed -i -e "s\/1\/0\/g" /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/rhnplugin.conf
But I get an error all the time:
sed: -e expression #1, char 1: unknown command: `?'
Thanks for your help.
The sudo(1) command expects a pseudo-teletype (pty) and fails if it does not see one. Rewrite your command line to use su(1) instead. Use your local sudo(1) configuration to limit access to this script so only the select few can execute the script.
I actually found the answer to this question, or rather workaround. See the snippet below, where I got to -as root- ssh as me (szymonri) to other host, then invoke sed command as root in order to edit /etc/hosts file. All thanks to base64 magic.
ME=`echo -e "$(hostname -I | awk '{print $1}')\toverlord"`
B64ENC=`echo "sed -i 's/.*overlord/$ME/g' /etc/hosts" | base64`
su - szymonri sh -c "ssh jetson bash -c \\\"echo $B64ENC \| base64 --decode \| sudo bash \\\""
line: I"m obtaining m yown IP address as an /etc/hosts line
line: I'm base64 encoding sed command with the first line in it.
line: I'm invoking the SSH shenannigan, where I su as regular user, ssh to another box as the user, and use power of sudo to edit the file.

Command wont run in script

I am trying to run a command in a shell script but it is not working.
Out side of the script in the shell I can run the following command on the needed host. The file is created with the correct information inside.
sudo cat /etc/shadow | cut -d: -f1,8 | sed /:$/d > /tmp/expirelist.txt
When the command is run in my script I first ssh over then run the command but I get the following error.
[batch#testserver01 bin]$
/usr/local/bin/ line 7: /tmp/expirelist.txt: Permission denied
Here is a part of the script. I have tried using ssh -o
for SERVER in `cat /admin/lists/testlist`
echo $SERVER
ssh $SERVER sudo cat /etc/shadow | cut -d: -f1,8 | sed /:$/d > /tmp/expirelist.txt
What is causing the Permission denied error?
Don't use hardcoded temporary filenames -- when you do, it means that if one user (say, your development account) already ran this script and left a file named /tmp/expirelist.txt behind, no other user can run the same script.
tempfile=$(mktemp -t expirelist.XXXXXX)
ssh "$SERVER" sudo cat /etc/shadow | cut -d: -f1,8 | sed /:$/d >"$tempfile"
By using mktemp, you guarantee that each invocation will use a new, distinct, and previously-nonexisting temporary file, preventing any chance of conflict.
By the way -- if you want the file to be created on the remote system rather than the local system, you'd want to do this instead:
ssh "$SERVER" <<'EOF'
tempfile=$(mktemp -t expirelist.XXXXXX)
sudo cat /etc/shadow | cut -d: -f1,8 | sed /:$/d >"$tempfile"
I'm not sure about this, but you could be running into an issue with having the 'sudo' within your script. You could try removing the 'sudo' from the script, and running it like this:
$ sudo

remote ssh command not working properly

The following local command on host xyz provides the following correct output
taskset -p `ps -ef | grep ripit | grep -v grep| awk '{print \$2}'`
pid 21352's current affinity mask: 1
When I run the following command and ssh to xyz host I also get correct output
ssh xyz "ps -ef | grep ripit | grep -v grep |awk '{print \$2}'"
However When I add the taskset command and run remotely on host xyz host i get this incorrect output.
ssh xyz "taskset -p `ps -ef | grep ripit | grep -v grep | awk '{print \$2}'`"
sched_getaffinity: No such process
failed to get pid 27599's affinity
bash: line 1: 32127: command not found
I tried many different single and double quote combination and I used escape character all over the place to no avail. Can anyone help?
I haven't tested with your exact commands, but
ssh host 'lsof -p $(pgrep program)'
worked for me
For running commands remotely:
#Your commands
sshpass -p<pass> ssh -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -p <port> user#host "$SCRIPT"
When I add the taskset command and run remotely on host xyz host
ssh xyz "taskset -p `ps -ef | grep ripit | grep -v grep | awk '{print \$2}'`"
Here, the command substitution between `` is executed on the local host and yields a local process ID - no wonder that there is No such process on the remote host. If you escape the backquotes like
ssh xyz "taskset -p \`ps -ef | grep ripit | grep -v grep | awk '{print \$2}'\`"
the command substitution is executed on the remote host and yields the correct process ID.
