application to replicate requests in python - python-3.x

I need to build an application that connects via web socket and replicate http requests. I looked for how to send a json/dict and send requests in some format, I didn't find anything in lib requests that was completely straight forward.


Identify Internal Request Nginx + NodeJS Express

I have an NodeJS API using Express Framework.
I use Nginx for Load Balancing betwween my NodeJS instances. I use PM2 to spawn NodeJS Instances.
I identified in the log that Ngnix makes some "dummy/internal" requests, probably to identify if the instance is on (heartbeat requests could be the appropriate name for this requests).
My question is: Which is the right method to identifiy these "dummy/internal" requests on my API?
I'm fairly certain that nginx only uses passive health checks for upstream servers. In other words – because all HTTP requests are assumed to result in a response, nginx says "If I send this server a bunch of requests and don't get responses for them, I'll consider the server to be unhealthy".
Can you share some access logs of the requests you're seeing?
As far as I know, nginx does not send any requests to upstream servers that are not ultimately initiated by a client.

Node.js: HTTP/REST requests using existing libraries over proprietary transport protocol

Given a standard Node.js HTTP library, or an existing REST client library, what would be the most feasible way to allow such a library to perform those HTTP requests over the top of my own protocol?
To put this another way: I aim provide a module which looks like a HTTP client. It accepts HTTP requests headers, and returns HTTP responses. What options should I consider to adapt an existing REST library to work with my 'pseudo' HTTP client module, as opposed to the standard Node library HTTP client?
Further background information
I wish to create a server application (based on Node.js) which makes HTTP REST requests to a remote embedded device. However, due to NAT, it is not possible for the application server to make client TCP connections directly to the remote device. Therefore, to get around NAT, I will devise my own proprietary protocol which involves the remote device initiating a persistent connection to the application server. Then, once that persistent connection is established, the Node.js application shall be able to make HTTP requests back over that persistent connection to the networked device.
My objective is therefore to create a Node.js module which acts as a 'bridge' layer between incoming socket connections from the networked devices, and the main application which makes REST requests. The aim is that the application would make REST requests as if it were making HTTP client requests to a server, when in fact the HTTP requests and responses are being conveyed on top of the proprietary protocol.
An option I'm presently considering is for my 'bridge' module to implement an interface that mimics that of http.request(options,[callback]) and somehow enforce a REST client library to use this interface instead of the Node HTTP client. Supposedly at minimum I'd have to lightly modify whichever REST client library I'd use to achieve this.
As explained above, I'm essentially trying to create my own form of NAT traversal using an intermediary server. The intermediary server would provide the front-end UI to users, and make back-end data requests to the embedded networked devices. Connections between embedded devices and application server would be persistent, and initiated from the embedded devices, to avoid the usual NAT headaches (i.e. the requirement to configure port forwarding).
Though I mentioned earlier I'd achieve the device-to-server connection using my own protocol over a raw socket connection, the mechanism I'm actually experimenting with right now is to use plain HTTP together with long-polling. The embedded device initiates a HTTP connection to the application server and delayed responses are used to convey data back to the device when the server has something to send. I would then 'tunnel' HTTP requests going in the reverse direction over the top of this.
Therefore, in simple terms, my 'bridge' layer is something that accepts HTTP connections inwards from both sides (outside device connections, and inside web application REST requests). By using long-polling it would effectively convey requests and responses between the connected clients.
Instead of replacing the http layer, create a man-in-the-middle. Create an http server in node that is the target for all of the rest requests. It then transfers the request onto the proprietary protocol and handles the response by translating back to rest.
This way you don't have to hack the rest code and can even swap it out for another library if needed.

How to scrape updates to a third-party site?

I basically want to know if its possible to use using the server-side only with no client side? BUT I want to know if my server-side can instead connect with a different site that I cannot use to connect to.
Use PhantomJS to load the third-party site and then inject your own javascript into the page to catch events and send those events back to your own server. is a two-way connection. Client <--> Server. You must have a endpoint at both ends to even establish a connection in the first place. And, then once you establish the connection, you must have agreed upon messages that can be exchanged between the two ends for it to do anything useful.
It is not useful to have a server-side that doesn't actually connect to anything and nothing connects to it. It wouldn't be doing anything, just sitting there waiting for someone to connect to it.
It is possible to have two cooperating servers connect to one another with (one server just acts like a client in that case by initiating the connection to the other server). But, again both endpoints must participate in the connection for the connection to even be established and certainly for it to do anything useful.
If you just want to download the contents of a site for scraping purposes, then you would not use for that. You would just use the nodejs http module (or any of several other modules built on top of it). Your server would essentially pretend to be a browser. It would request a web page from any random web server using HTTP (not That web server would return the web page via the normal HTTP request. Your receiving server can then do whatever it wants with that web page (scrape it, whatever). without running a node server

I have a web application that requires PUSH notifications. I looked into node.js and and have an example that's working. The question I have is, Is it possible to use only in my client side JS without running a node.js server?
Can a third party server just send requests to a proxy server and may be just listens to a port on the proxy server and sends back events to it?
You need a server side technology to send data back and forth via web sockets. is a communication layer. Which means, you need to have a server side method to send data.
You can use various third party services to use web sockets and notifications. They are relatively easy to use, and they have support for many other languages.
Check some of these out:
You don't need to run Node.js to have a real time push notifications. You can use a third party service that does it for you. Most of them are cheap, sometimes free for low traffic instances.

How to make Ajax calls to Node.js api on a different port without JSONP

I'm creating a new SPA web application in order to learn Node.js.
I want to use Node.js purely as a fast API to pass JSON data to and from the server. The front-end will handle all UI/templating etc.
The issue I have is that the Node api will listen on a different port to the front-end which means cross-domain ajax calls. I don't really want to use jsonp as it's a bit of a hack and all requests would have to be GET requests. I don't want the front-end to be on the same port as the Node api either as is not a nice web address.
Is there a common way overcoming this different port issue so that my site on port 80 can make normal json ajax requests to the Node api (which as I understand it cannot run on port 80)? It will be hosted on Azure or similar, not sure if that makes a difference.
