Gmail: Is there a way to delete email addresses? Or block yourself from accessing them/emailing with them? - gmail

I have some older email addresses of contacts which are invalid on Gmail. I would like to erase these so they stop populating autocomplete.
(1) How could I remove them so I cannot access them?
(2) Secondly, is it possible to "block emails" from the other direction, i.e. if I try to email with an email address, the email will not go through and throw an error?


PHPMailer bounce email address shows in sender mailbox

I am using a PHP script to send emails using PHPMailer (on an ovh web server).
With the following script :
$mail->addReplyTo('', 'Site');
$mail->SetFrom('', 'Site');
Emails get delivered to my gmail account BUT not to other addresses (e.g. my Business email).
With the following script :
$mail->addReplyTo('', 'Site');
$mail->Sender = '';
Emails get delivered to other addresses (e.g. my Business email) BUT not to gmail.
Also the sender appears as
bounce-id=D004=U58180. …… .net
which is not so friendly.
Is there a way to solve those issues ?
Using setFrom by itself will result in Sender being set to the same value as your from address (look at the code in the setFrom method). So in your second example you're setting the envelope sender, but not the from address, which is likely not what you want.
You may find it easier to use SMTP to localhost instead of isMail(); just changing that method to isSMTP() should be enough to do that. That way you can set SMTPDebug = 2 and see exactly what your local mail server is saying.
Separately, you don't need to set a reply-to address if it's the same as your from address – PHPMailer will simply ignore it if you try to set them to the same value anyway.

How to send the shipping email to multiple customer in Netsuite

I created a saved search that will search the sales order of every each customer and email the shipment status to tracking email created in SO field.
But it can be only 1 email I input to the field.
How can I send the email to multiple tracking emails .
Thank you in advance.
If you are using a standard Saved Search that sends an email, you can edit this on the search itself. If they are static email addresses of a contact or a user in NetSuite (Specific Recipients), you can add them this way:
If you need to derive the users from the results, you can add them this way:
One no-code way would be to replace the transaction's email address with an alias that forwards to some list of email addresses. A bit hacky in that you have to maintain the forwarding addresses independently of the customer (unless you code that)
The methods in the answer by #GimmeDatPP should work if you have contacts. You'd have to supress the normal send email flag on the item fulfillments.
finally this can be done by scripting the process and pulling the email addresses from a custom list on the customer or transaction.

BCC for email template not sending in Expresso Store

For some reason receipt emails are not being BCC'd to any address I enter in the email template. I've tried multiple addresses. Receipt comes through fine to customer, though.
Usually when this happens it's getting caught in a spam filter (e.g. many spam filters will catch mail if the "from address" and "to address" are the same). The BCC is sent exactly the same way as the customer email, so if the customer email is coming through it's highly unlikely to be Store/EE's fault.

Unable to send to unresolved email addresses although configured in settings

I want to send an email in a workflow from a hard coded email address and I have made sure that the option is set to allow this in system settings but I still cant get it work.
Have I missed another setting? Or does this option only allow unresolved emails in the "To" field?
I shouldnt have thought that would work from a hardcoded email address.
Crm doesnt send emails itself, it either uses the users outlook, or uses email router - both of which requrie a system user record.
In the case of the outlook it is really sent by the user, in the case of the email router it is generally sent from exchange.
Crm cant just pretend to be an email address.
The CRM usually takes 10-12 hours to send email to un-resolved email addresses after the setting has been turned on.
Maybe waiting helps

Why does email need an envelope, and what does the "envelope" mean?

What is the exact difference between the envelope and the email in smtp?
Why does the protocol need the envelope? In snail mail, the letter needs not contain addresses and is not visible to the postman (at least that's what you want to believe), so all the routing is made entirely based on the envelope and that is clear to me.
However in e-mail, the letter itself is parseable and has headers such as From: and To:. Why is that not enough to route email? Why do we need an envelope?
And what is the meaning of a divergence between the envelope and the email itself? Does it necessarily mean that someone is trying to game the system, or is it, under certain circumstances (what circumstances?), legal to have a difference between them.
Your clarifications are more than welcome.
Puzzled email receiver.
The recipient address in the SMTP RCPT TO: command is what mail transports use to determine the actual recipient of an email. The addresses in the To: and Cc: headers are there for mail readers to display to users who the recipients are, but they're not actually used by mail transports.
Most mail clients set the same addresses in SMTP RCPT TO: and MAIL FROM: commands that they insert in To:, Cc:, and From: headers, so the "envelope" addresses will be the same as the addresses in the headers.
Envelope and header addresses will usually agree for most legitimate mail. Notable exceptions are Bcc: addresses and mailing lists.
Spammers often forge header addresses to try to avoid spam filters.
The bottom line is that the overhead would be too great. When mail servers are processing millions of messages per day, it's much faster during the SMTP session (The Envelope) when the mail server can process individual commands.
If you didn't use an Envelope, you would have to push the entire message at the SMTP server, before you could find out if the message needs to be rejected. Some messages are quite large (I've seen 100+Meg messages working with GIS images).
By using an Envelope, we can issue specific 1 line commands against the mail server, and the mail server will tell us if we are successful or not, right then and there.
The envelope is used by the SMTP server and the message headers are used by a mail reader as everyone else has said.
What has not been said is that the RCPT TO: is used to route the message to a specific user regardless of where the user's name appears in the headers. The user does not necessarily need to appear in the To: or even the Cc: headers. Think of a Bcc: where the only thing that the receiver knows is who the message was from. In this case, the To: and CC: headers should be empty - hence the blind part of BCC. In another case, if an email message has the user mentioned in the CC list along with 10 other users, how can the SMTP routing pick the appropriate user. The answer is that it uses the RCPT line to route the message.
This is also used when routing via mailing lists. The To: header will contain the mailing list e-mail address. An SMTP system will generate separate messages for each user in the list each with a specific RCPT TO: user#host... envelope. In this case, the user's name will not even appear in any of the other headers.
An email message is very similar to a physical letter that you would send in the mail. There is an envelope, with To/From information, and there is the actual letter on the inside, with it's own To/From information. The envelope to/from information is the real information that is used for message delivery, for both email servers and post offices.
When an envelope comes into a post office, they inspect the To address on the envelope, and send it to the correct destination. The post office workers have no knowledge of the letter inside the envelope. The letting inside could have completely different To/From information than the envelope says. The Envelope could say the message is to Bob, but the letter inside may say it's for Alice. Or in real world: The envelope could say the message is to SomeCompanyName, and when secretary open envelope, letter inside say, it's is for Mr. Brown which work in SomeCompanyName.
Source: Email Envelope vs Email Header
