How to send the shipping email to multiple customer in Netsuite - netsuite

I created a saved search that will search the sales order of every each customer and email the shipment status to tracking email created in SO field.
But it can be only 1 email I input to the field.
How can I send the email to multiple tracking emails .
Thank you in advance.

If you are using a standard Saved Search that sends an email, you can edit this on the search itself. If they are static email addresses of a contact or a user in NetSuite (Specific Recipients), you can add them this way:
If you need to derive the users from the results, you can add them this way:

One no-code way would be to replace the transaction's email address with an alias that forwards to some list of email addresses. A bit hacky in that you have to maintain the forwarding addresses independently of the customer (unless you code that)
The methods in the answer by #GimmeDatPP should work if you have contacts. You'd have to supress the normal send email flag on the item fulfillments.
finally this can be done by scripting the process and pulling the email addresses from a custom list on the customer or transaction.


How to send email template multipe times to same list in Constant Contact?

I am running into an issue where I need to programmatically send the same email campaign to multiple people on a list that are the same via people(same email addresses) multiple times. Constant Contact is not letting me do this.
I want to use the same birthday campaign year after year and send it out once a year to everyone on my list. However according to the Constant Contact documentation I can only send the email campaign once too new email addresses.
Is there something in the API documentation that will let me do this?
So far all I have encountered is that I need to delete the email campaign, and recreate it using this API command:
Thank you in advance.
Via the Constant Contact api's there is no way to send the same email campaign to the same contact multiple times.
However for the example that you have given there is an automation platform within Constant Contact that will automatically send out a birthday email, but at this time there is no way to programmatically set that up.
If you need to do it programmatically I would create a new campaign for each year, especially since deleting and recreating just creates a new campaign anyway.

CRM 2011 - Email Router and Multiple Contacts with Same Email address

We use Email Router in our on premise CRM 2011 system. We have multiple contacts with the same email address and while that is a problem that we hope to fix as part of an upgrade, we have another issue here.
Let us assume I have more than one contact (Contact 1: John Reese and Contact 2: Not John Reese) with the same email address of
I now send an email from my email address which is to a particular queue's email address or user's email address. I add in the CC field.
The email record gets created in CRM but if I open the Email record in CRM, I find that it has populated the CC field with LookUps to both Contact 1 and Contact 2. We do not want that to happen. We simply want the email record to have the CC field unresolved (i.e, just have the text and not auto resolve it ALL contacts and organizations which have the email address).
I have tried identifying if there is a Plugin which does this and I am afraid I could not find any. :-(
Is this the email router and associated rules which are doing this or is there a plugin lurking behind the scenes which is doing this?
If we were to send an email from the address, it doesn't happen populate the From field with both the Contacts, instead it just leaves it as unresolved. So, where can I find the email router rules and replicate the functionality which is currently in place for the From field to the CC field as well?
All email addresses will be stored in EmailSearchBase table in CRM database for each record with email address + entity type & the email recipients will be resolved from here for each entry in this table like contact, lead, etc. This is what you are referring as rule.
This database table will have one record for dupe contacts also. You have to clean the data using duplicate detection & enforce detection rule. Merge the contacts will solve the issue too.
But you have to run update statements for these dupe records in Emailsearchbase also. Like updating email id into to keep the dupe contact (Not John Reese) but just avoiding him in email recipients list (auto resolving).
This is not documented or least documented, but you can explore & clean up this entity.

Send Information to Sharepoint via Email and integrate into a List

I have an Idea but could not find out if it is possible. I will line out, what I want to do and hope that someone can tell me, if it is possible.
I want to collect structured Information from many people within but also outside my organisation (LAN). The Information is very easy Say X = ?, Y = ? to M = ?. The Idea is to send out the request via Email and let the people respond to a SharePoint Email Address (I know that there is the possibility for example for document libraries to receive emails). Now the trick would be to extract the Information automatically into a SharePoint list which I can use further.
Is that possible? I found some Information on InfoPath and Form Libraries but I can't find a concrete example where a Information extraction takes place from an Email content.
Thanks a lot for your help!
I'd say create 2 lists, one for the email submission and another for the replies. The first list that handles the email submissions is going to hold all the information you want to tell your recipients. From there, you kick off a Visual Studios workflow that you deploy to your farm. In this workflow, you customize the Send Email From Address to the "incoming email" address to the second list. You then can take the replies and extract the information there. In summary:
List 1 - Email Submission
List 2 - Email Replies
List 1 has a Visual Studios workflow assigned to it called "Submit Request"
When a new List 1 item is created, the workflow uses the fields in the list item and puts it in your email inside the workflow.
"Submit Request" workflow customizes the Send From address to an email address (i.e.
Set the incoming email of List 2 as that email address (
You may be able to edit the from address using REST in sharepoint 2013 workflows. Check out this link:

Plugins for incoming and outgoing emails in CRM 2011

I need to create two plugins for CRM 2011
Whenever an email is incomging or outgoing I need to check if the email has any attachments in it. If yes I need to set one boolean value to true.
When user (user only, not workflow or automatic message etc.) answers some email I need to fire a plugin that checks incident's status (email is regarding to an incident) and depending on the status do some things.
I'm not really familiar with this whole email tracking concept. We have an email router configured, but that's all I can say.
What are the steps that I need to use in order to achieve plugins described?
For the first plugin I think "Create of email" is enough, right? What about the second plugin and how can I make sure that plugin is fired only when a real person sends an email?
For the first plugin:
To check for attachments for an email you will need to create a plugin which executes on create of the ActivityMimeAttachment entity, which is the entity which stores email attachments.
When an inbound email is processed by the Email Router (or tracked in the Outlook Client) the parent Email record is created first, and then an ActivityMimeAttachment record is created for each attachment.
If you try to check for attachments when an Email is created it will be executing before any attachments are created. However, you may also need a plugin to execute when an Email is created to set the 'Has Attachments' field to false.
The plugin on ActivityMimeAttachment will need to get the parent email activity and set the 'Has Attachments' field to true. This will handle both inbound and outbound emails.
Also note that for 100% accuracy you may need to consider the scenario of a user who is writing an email and adds an attachment, and then deletes it. This could be handled by a plugin running when attachments are deleted, but that logic can get complex (what if two attachments were added but only one was deleted?)
There is some useful sample code for dealing with the ActivityMimeAttachment entity here.
For the second plugin:
A plugin which executes on update of an email would then need to validate the following criteria:
The email direction is outbound (a user has answered an email, e.g. sent a reply)
The email status reason is Sent (the email has actually been delivered and is not saved as a draft)
The email sender and/or owner and/or created by is a real user (filter out automatic and workflow sent emails)
The regarding object is an incident
Then you can implement the required custom validation and logic.
The second item could potentially be achieved using a standard workflow, depending on how complex the custom logic is. If the logic is too complex for a standard workflow, a custom workflow activity might also be useful since additional logic or validation could be added without writing additional code.
For the 1. Plugin: Register on email create and on update (maybe users create the mail first and then update some attachments later)
For the 2. Plugin: Check the following:
plugin context depth should be 1 (this makes sure that no mail created by another plugin is processed)
Check the created by and created on behalf by fields on the email entity to be a non technical users and that no one is acting on behalf of another user creating this mail
Check that regarding object points to incident
If this is not sufficient enough and the users sends mails only via CRM Web GUI you can additionally set a special flag on the record via javascript to make sure that the mail was created using the gui. Than check this status flag in the plugin.

Jira, Component specific outgoing email address

I have some problem with the latest Jira (4.3.4). In this version you can set a specific outgoing email address in every project. That's a great feature. But I want to go even further and give every component a specific outgoing email address to. Why? Because we have our Support in one project and every different support customer has their own component representing them.
Every support customer have their own email address ex, support-customer#*.*. It is to this address we want them to email. But the Jira system as it works right now emails from a no-reply address. And a project specific address wouldn't do it either. Thats because we have a mailerdaemon which task is to modify the subject to JEMH (Jira Extentable Mail Handler) valid subjects. That mailerdaemon checks the To: address to add the right component.This works great and every issue gets their specific component.
Wanted scenario.
customer emails to address support-customer#*.*. Mailerdaemon picks the mail up and formats the subject. JEMH read the formatted email and creates the issue. Jira emails the customer that the issue is created using From: support-customer#*.*.
Same as commented and so on.
A potential approach would be to create a specific listener which sends a mail to the component lead.
An approach is using the script runner
Check out the example script to construct the email
Logic to retrieve the component lead is straightforward. Getting the email address from the component lead also.
The listener would only act on 'my-create-event'. the my-create-event is included in the workflow create transition ...
