Vaadin 23 Grid component and pagination - pagination

I'm trying to implement pagination with Grid component. I may be wrong, but unfortunately I'm unable to find a pagination component for Grid in the official Vaadin documentation Is there any particular reason why Vaadin Grid component doesn't have a pagination component? I'm only able to see the laze load. But what in case I have 1000k rows, and I'd like to move to the page #100 without scrolling to it though the data set? How to properly implement it with Vaadin Grid?
Another question regarding the Looks like I have to implement two different methods in order to return the count and the actual content. But my business service method already returns Page object which contains size and content. How to properly implement DataProvider in such case? I'd like to avoid the second call to database for performance purpose.


Angular | Scale SVG in child component from parent

I've created a Star Rating component for use in feedback screens and views. Please check the Stackblitz URL that I've given here. I've put in some more notes in there.
I'm not very knowledgeable on SVG scaling and deep nest styling of Angular. I want to basically create a reusable StarRating component that can be used in several places but what basically changes is the size of the component (the size of the stars).
Let's say that I have a feedback form wherein I want the user to be able to choose rating by clicking on the stars. In this case, I want the stars to be large. At the same time I have a different component listing all reviews in which I want to show rating using this same component like maybe below the review comment.
Or in the other cases, I want the stars to resize based on different screen sizes.
Right now the size is fixed because I have it hard-coded in the HTML template. How do I make it dynamic
I'm using Angular v10.2.4 along with some Bootstrap styles.

Render Widget as HTML in Code Behind

I have come across a situation where I'm needing to retrieve the rich text content of a page type column, and return that data/HTML as it would appear on a rendered page. A custom web part then serves aggregated data as nodes of XML or JSON.
For the most part this was easy enough in the code behind using DocumentQuery, however the problem is with widgets that have been inserted into the content.
My question is: How do I "render" a widget purely in code? Or even, what process is Kentico doing to render a widget that I might be able to reproduce?
I am somewhat familiar with the widget/web part/user control relationship, so I'm thinking a web part would need to be instantiated (somewhere, somehow) using the properties on the widget, and then accessing the RenderedHTML property of the web part.
Due to the format that widgets are stored in the data, I was hoping that they could just be Resolved with the MacroResolver, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
For reference, here is an example of how the out-of-the-box DateTime widget shows up:
Any input is greatly appreciated!
Have you checked this article It is pretty old. But CMS.ExtendedControls.ControlsHelper.ResolveDynamicControls is available in newer Kentico versions. I think it might resolve you issue.

Implementing JavaScript/jQuery to control Repeater with Carousel in Kentico

I wanted to know if I can control or customise the web part repeater with carousel properties using a JavaScript/jQuery ? such as speed or easing or the way the images aligned
If you are using a repeater web part for a carousel in Kentico and you want to be able to set the values for the carousel properties in the repeater configuration you can clone the repeater web part, add the carousel properties into the cloned repeater web part code, and into the Fields in the web part properties. Then you would pass those properties to the front end as javascript variables using RegisterClientScriptBlock
You can modify the speed in the initalization script property, just add something like speed: 500
You can read the documentation to see what all you can do with that carousel.
I have done this multiple times. This is what I would suggest you
Create Page type for your slides Bind it with a repeater (Not basic
For markup use Slick slider. It's one of the best library
to create slider which are responsive too
You can do anything possible using this slider. I have done all sort of crazy things with slick slider. Let me know if you need any more help on this.
Slick Slider

How can I implement dynamic scrolling with ajax / JSF2.2?

I have a list of items that I would like to present. I want to ajax load items as the user scrolls down (I have no problem doing this using JS). The problem that I am experiencing is that I can only re-render the whole ui:repeat and not just a component that contains new items.
Is there an common way to do this? Can I code a bean method that returns only the <li> part of the dom and handle the weaving on the client-side? Should I just write a method that returns raw data and then use JS to handle rendering?
PS .I am sure this has been asked before, but I can't find the relevant posts

jsf popupwindow with a datatable

I have a form which one of it's fields is a code and description, also a button for opening a popup window that contains a list of all of the available codes.
when the user double clickes a row from that table i want to set these values to the code and description. - how can this be done?
Another question, I want to create this popup and table to be initialized dynamically - by that i mean that if i have a few forms in my application, when ever i have a field which has a description i want to be able to open this popup and to see the available list for that field. (every field can be from a diffrent table). is it possible to create something like that? if so, how?
Any help will be appritiated,
Thank's In Advance.
Yes, it is possible. Even more, many component libraries have ready to use popup/dialog components, such as RichFaces with <rich:popupPanel> and PrimeFaces with <p:dialog>.
If you do not want to use a component library for some reason, you would need to create a custom component for this which generates basically an absolutely positioned HTML <div> element with a CSS overlay which get shown/hidden by JS on a particular click/action. The HTML/CSS/JS part should be relatively simple if you are familiar with those languages. The JSF part is somewhat hard if you have never created a custom component before, but it should be possible with a composite component as well, so you could also just create one with pure XHTML. The updating/refreshing can just take place by the usual <f:ajax> means.
