how cost complexity pruning works and how the random_state works inside decisiontreeclassifier - decision-tree

I want to ask about 2 things in a decision tree model:
1- In the Decision Tree I know how it's built, but there is the "data overfitting problem" so I need to work with "Cost complexity pruning" which I have two problems with it, when I request from the model to bring all the values of alpha, I want to know the alpha values that it returns how does the model find those values and also after I find the best value for alpha and built on it the tree how does the model build this tree with those values. This is the first question
2- When using Decisiontreeclassifier(random_state=any int) I don't understand what is the importance of "random_state" and how will it work inside the model, I understand how it works in the "train_test_split". I searched at stackoverflow and found someone saying that the tree uses the "Heuristic" while it is built, I don't get it how this could happen while I am standing on every node, I search for the value of information gain in every feature, taking the highest value and using it to split the next node around this feature , so I don't get how it's used Heuristic where it's obvious it works as a greedy algorithm. Even if we assume that it works with Heuristic, if I gave it a random state to control the randomness so what is it storing ?


Finding powerlines in LIDAR point clouds with RANSAC

I'm trying to find powerlines in LIDAR points clouds with skimage.measures ransac() function. This is my very first time meddling with these modules in python so bear with me.
So far all I knew how to do reliably was filtering low or 'ground' points from the cloud to reduce the number of points to deal with.
def filter_Z(las, threshold):
filtered = laspy.create(point_format = las.header.point_format, file_version = las.header.version)
filtered.points = las.points[las.Z > las.Z.min() + threshold]
print(f'original size: {len(las.points)}')
print(f'filtered size: {len(filtered.points)}')
return filtered
The threshold is something I put in by hand since in the las files I worked with are some nasty outliers that prevent me from dynamically calculating it.
The filtered point cloud, or one of them atleast looks like this:
Note the evil red outliers on top, maybe they're birds or something. Along with them are trees and roofs of buildings. If anyone wants to take a look at the .las files, let me know. I can't put a wetransfer link in the body of the question.
A top down view:
I've looked into it as much as I could, and found the skimage.measure module and the ransac function that comes with it. I played around a bit to get a feel for it and currently I'm stumped on how to continue.
def ransac_linefit_sklearn(points):
model_robust, inliers = ransac(points, LineModelND, min_samples=2, residual_threshold=1000, max_trials=1000)
return model_robust, inliers
The result is quite predictable (I ran ransac on a 2D view of the cloud just to make it a bit easier on the pc)
Using this doesn't really yield any good results in examples like the one I posted. The vegetation clusters have too many points and the line is fitted through it because it has the highest point density.
I tried DBSCAN() to cluster up the points but it didn't work. I also attempted OPTICS() but as I write it still hasn't finished running.
From what I've read on various articles, the best course of action would be to cluster up the points and perform RANSAC on each individual cluster to find lines, but I'm not really sure on how to do that or what clustering method to use in situations like these.
One thing I'm also curious about doing is just filtering out the big blobs of trees that mess with model fititng.
Inadequacy of RANSAC
RANSAC works best whenever your data fits a mono-modal distribution around your model. In the case of this point cloud, it works best whenever there is only one line with outliers, but there are at least 5 lines when viewed birds-eye. Check out this older SO post that discusses your problem. Francesco's response suggests an iterative RANSAC based approach.
Octrees and SVD
Colleagues worked on a similar problem in my previous job. I am not fluent in the approach, but I know enough to provide some hints.
Their approach resembled Francesco's suggestion. They partitioned the point-cloud into octrees and calculated the singular value decomposition (SVD) within each partition. The three resulting singular values will correspond to the geometric distribution of the data.
If the first singular value is significantly greater than the other two, then the points are line-like.
If the first and second singular values are significantly greater than the other, then the points are plane-like
If all three values are of similar magnitude, then the data is just a "glob" of points.
They used these rules iteratively to rule out which points were most likely NOT part of the lines.
If you want to look into published methods, maybe this paper is a good starting point. Power lines are modeled as hyperbolic functions.

Updatable nearest neighbor search

I'm trying to come up with a good design for a nearest neighbor search application. This would be somewhat similar to this question:
Saving and incrementally updating nearest-neighbor model in R
In my case this would be in Python but the main point being the part that when new data comes, the model / index must be updated. I'm currently playing around with scikit-learn neighbors module but I'm not convinced it's a good fit.
The goal of the application:
User comes in with a query and then the n (probably will be fixed to 5) nearest neighbors in the existing data set will be shown. For this step such a search structure from sklearn would help but that would have to be regenerated when adding new records.Also this is a first ste that happens 1 per query and hence could be somewhat "slow" as in 2-3 seconds compared to "instantly".
Then the user can click on one of the records and see that records nearest neighbors and so forth. This means we are now within the exiting dataset and the NNs could be precomputed and stored in redis (for now 200k records but can be expanded to 10th or 100th of millions). This should be very fast to browse around.
But here I would face the same problem of how to update the precomputed data without having to do a full recomputation of the distance matrix especially since there will be very few new records (like 100 per week).
Does such a tool, method or algorithm exist for updatable NN searching?
EDIT April, 3rd:
As is indicated in many places KDTree or BallTree isn't really suited for high-dimensional data. I've realized that for a Proof-of-concept with a small data set of 200k records and 512 dimensions, brute force isn't much slower at all, roughly 550ms vs 750ms.
However for large data set in millions+, the question remains unsolved. I've looked at datasketch LSH Forest but it seems in my case this simply is not accurate enough or I'm using it wrong. Will ask a separate question regarding this.
You should look into FAISS and its IVFPQ method
What you can do there is create multiple indexes for every update and merge them with the old one
You could try out Milvus that supports adding and near real-time search of vectors.
Here are the benchmarks of Milvus.
nmslib supports adding new vectors. It's used by OpenSearch as part their Similarity Search Engine, and it's very fast.
One caveat:
While the HNSW algorithm allows incremental addition of points, it forbids deletion and modification of indexed points.
You can also look into solutions like Milvus or Vearch.

How to collapse a RandomForest into an equivalent decision tree?

The way I understand it, in creating a random forest, the algorithm bundles a bunch of randomly generated decision trees together, weighting them such that they fit the training data.
Is it reasonable to say that this average of forests could be simplified into a simple decision tree? And, if so - how can I access and present this tree?
What I'm looking to do here is extract the information in the tree to help identify both the leading attributes, their boundary values and placement in the tree. I'm assuming that such a tree would provide insight to a human (or computer heuristic) as to which attributes within a dataset provide the most insight into determining the target outcome.
This probably seems a naive question - and if so, please be patient, I'm new to this and want to get to a stage where I understand it sufficiently.
RandomForest uses bootstrap to create many training sets by sampling the data with replacement (bagging). Each bootstrapped set is very close to the original data, but slightly different, since it may have multiples of the some points and some other points in the original data will be missing. (This helps create a whole bunch of similar but different sets that as a whole represent the population your data came from, and allow better generalization)
Then it fits a DecisionTree to each set. However, what a regular DecisionTree does at each step, is to loop over each feature, find the best split for each feature, and in the end choose to do the split in the feature that produced the best one among all. In RandomForest, instead of looping over every feature to find the best split, you only try a random subsample at each step (default is sqrt(n_features)).
So, every tree in RandomForest is fit to a bootstrapped random training set. And at each branching step, it only looks at a subsample of features, so some of the branching will be good but not necessarily the ideal split. This means that each tree is a less than ideal fit to the original data. When you average the result of all these (sub-ideal) trees, though, you get a robust prediction. Regular DecisionTrees overfit the data, this two-way randomization (bagging and feature subsampling) allow them to generalize and a forest usually does a good job.
Here is the catch: While you can average out the output of each tree, you cannot really "average the trees" to get an "average tree". Since trees are a bunch of if-then statements that are chained, there is no way of taking these chains and coming up with a single chain that produces the result that's the same as averaged result from each chain. Each tree in the forest is different, even if same features show up, they show up in different places of the trees, which makes it impossible to combine. You cannot represent a RandomForest as a single tree.
There are two things you can do.
1) As RPresle mentioned, you can look at the .feature_importances_ attribute, which for each feature averages the splitting score from different trees. The idea is, while you can't get an average tree, you can quantify how much and how effectively each feature is used in the forest by averaging their score in each tree.
2) When I fit a RandomForest model and need to get some insight into what's happening, how the features are affecting the result, I also fit a single DecisionTree. Now, this model is usually not good at all by itself, it will easily be outperformed by the RandomForest and I wouldn't use it to predict anything, but by drawing and looking at the splits in this tree, combined with the .feature_importances_ of the forest, I usually get a pretty good idea of the big picture.

Dummy Coding of Nominal Attributes - Effect of Using K Dummies, Effect of Attribute Selection

Summing up my understanding of the topic 'Dummy Coding' is usually understood as coding a nominal attribute with K possible values as K-1 binary dummies. The usage of K values would cause redundancy and would have a negative impact e.g. on logistic regression, as far as I learned it. That far, everything's clear to me.
Yet, two issues are unclear to me:
1) Bearing in mind the issue stated above, I am confused that the 'Logistic' classifier in WEKA actually uses K dummies (see picture). Why would that be the case?
2) An issue arises as soon as I consider attribute selection. Where the left-out attribute value is implicitly included as the case where all dummies are zero if all dummies are actually used for the model, it isn't included clearly anymore, if one dummy is missing (as not selected in attribute selection). The issue is much easy to understand with the sketch I uploaded. How can that issue be treated?
WEKA Output: The Logistic algorithm was run on the UCI dataset German Credit, where the possible values of the first attribute are A11,A12,A13,A14. All of them are included in the logistic regression model.
Decision Tree Example: Sketch showing the issue when it comes to running decision trees on datasets with dummy-coded instances after attribute selection.
The output is generally more easy to read, interpret and use when you use k dummies instead of k-1 dummies. I figure that is why everybody seems to actually use k dummies.
But yes, as the k values sum up to 1, there exists a correlation that may cause problems. But correlations in data sets are common, you will never completely get rid of them!
I believe feature selection and dummy coding just doesn't fit. It equals dropping some values from the attribute. Why do you insist on doing feature selection?
You really should be using weighting, or consider more advanced algorithms that can handle such data. In fact the dummy variables can cause just as much trouble, because they are binary, and oh so many algorithms (e.g. k-means) don't make much sense on binary variables.
As for the decision tree: don't perform, feature selection on your output attribute...
Plus, as a decision tree already selects features, it does not make sense to do all this anyway... leave it to the decision tree to decide upon which attribute to use for splitting. This way, it can learn dependencies, too.

Supervised Learning for User Behavior over Time

I want to use machine learning to identify the signature of a user who converts to a subscriber of a website given their behavior over time.
Let's say my website has 6 different features which can be used before subscribing and users can convert to a subscriber at any time.
For a given user I have stats which represent the intensity on a continuous range of that user's interaction with features 1-6 on a daily basis so:
D1: f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6
D2: f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6
D3: f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6
D4: f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6
Let's say on day 5, the user converts.
What machine using algorithms would help me identify which are the most common patterns in feature usage which lead to a conversion?
(I know this is a super basic classification question, but I couldn't find a good example using longitudinal data, where input vectors are ordered by time like I have)
To develop the problem further, let's assume that each feature has 3 intensities at which the user can interact (H, M, L).
We can then represent each user as a string of states of interaction intensity. So, for a user:
Would mean on day one they only interacted significantly with features 5 and 6, but by the third day they were interacting highly with features 3 through 6.
N-gram Style
I could make these states words and the lifetime of a user a sentence. (Would probably need to add a "conversion" word to the vocabulary as well)
If I ran these "sentences" through an n-gram model, I could get the likely future state of a user given his/her past few state which is somewhat interesting. But, what I really want to know the most common sets of n-grams that lead to the conversion word. Rather than feeding in an n-gram and getting the next predicted word, I want to give the predicted word and get back the 10 most common n-grams (from my data) which would be likely to lead to the word.
Amaç Herdağdelen suggests identifying n-grams to practical n and then counting how many n-gram states each user has. Then correlating with conversion data (I guess no conversion word in this example). My concern is that there would be too many n-grams to make this method practical. (if each state has 729 possibilities, and we're using trigrams, thats a lot of possible trigrams!)
Alternatively, could I just go thru the data logging the n-grams which led to the conversion word and then run some type of clustering on them to see what the common paths are to a conversion?
Survival Style
Suggested by Iterator, I understand the analogy to a survival problem, but the literature here seems to focus on predicting time to death as opposed to the common sequence of events which leads to death. Further, when looking up the Cox Proportional Hazard model, I found that it does not event accommodate variables which change over time (its good for differentiating between static attributes like gender and ethnicity)- so it seems very much geared toward a different question than mine.
Decision Tree Style
This seems promising though I can't completely wrap my mind around how to structure the data. Since the data is not flat, is the tree modeling the chance of moving from one state to another down the line and when it leads to conversion or not? This is very different than the decision tree data literature I've been able to find.
Also, need clarity on how to identify patterns which lead to conversion instead a models predicts likely hood of conversion after a given sequence.
Theoretically, hidden markov models may be a suitable solution to your problem. The features on your site would constitute the alphabet, and you can use the sequence of interactions as positive or negative instances depending on whether a user finally subscribed or not. I don't have a guess about what the number of hidden states should be, but finding a suitable value for that parameter is part of the problem, after all.
As a side note, positive instances are trivial to identify, but the fact that a user has not subscribed so far doesn't necessarily mean s/he won't. You might consider to limit your data to sufficiently old users.
I would also consider converting the data to fixed-length vectors and apply conceptually simpler models that could give you some intuition about what's going on. You could use n-grams (consecutive interaction sequences of length n).
As an example, assuming that the interaction sequence of a given user ise "f1,f3,f5", "f1,f3,f5" would constitute a 3-gram (trigram). Similarly, for the same user and the same interaction sequence you would have "f1,f3" and "f3,f5" as the 2-grams (bigrams). In order to represent each user as a vector, you would identify all n-grams up to a practical n, and count how many times the user employed a given n-gram. Each column in the vector would represent the number of times a given n-gram is observed for a given user.
Then -- probably with the help of some suitable normalization techniques such as pointwise mutual information or tf-idf -- you could look at the correlation between the n-grams and the final outcome to get a sense of what's going on, carry out feature selection to find the most prominent sequences that users are involved in, or apply classification methods such as nearest neighbor, support machine or naive Bayes to build a predictive model.
This is rather like a survival analysis problem: over time the user will convert or will may drop out of the population, or will continue to appear in the data and not (yet) fall into neither camp. For that, you may find the Cox proportional hazards model useful.
If you wish to pursue things from a different angle, namely one more from the graphical models perspective, then a Kalman Filter may be more appealing. It is a generalization of HMMs, suggested by #AmaçHerdağdelen, which work for continuous spaces.
For ease of implementation, I'd recommend the survival approach. It is the easiest to analyze, describe, and improve. After you have a firm handle on the data, feel free to drop in other methods.
Other than Markov chains, I would suggest decision trees or Bayesian networks. Both of these would give you a likely hood of a user converting after a sequence.
I forgot to mention this earlier. You may also want to take a look at the Google PageRank algorithm. It would help you account for the user completely disappearing [not subscribing]. The results of that would help you to encourage certain features to be used. [Because they're more likely to give you a sale]
I think Ngramm is most promising approach, because all sequnce in data mining are treated as elements depndent on few basic steps(HMM, CRF, ACRF, Markov Fields) So I will try to use classifier based on 1-grams and 2 -grams.
