Scheduling and Synchronization in Multicore CPU and in Single core CPU - multithreading

From what I am understanding from the top answers of this post (,one%20thing%20at%20a%20time.),
If I am only running one multithreaded program that creates 4 threads on a multicore CPU system with 4 cores, there is no need for scheduling as all 4 threads of my program will be running in individual cores (or microprocessors). But there maybe a need for synchronization since all 4 threads access the memory of the program (or a process) that is stored in the same address space in the main memory.
On the other hand,
on a single core CPU computer. If I run the same program that creates 4 threads, I will need both synchronization and scheduling since all threads must utilize the same core (or a microprocessor).
Please correct my understanding if it is wrong.

there is no need for scheduling as all 4 threads of my program will be running in individual cores
This is not true in practice. The OS scheduler operate in both cases. Unless you pin threads to core, threads can migrate from one core to another. In fact, even if you pin them, there are generally few other threads that can be ready on the machine (eg. ssh daemon, tty session, graphical programs, kernel threads, etc.) so the OS has to schedule them. There will be context-switches though the number will be much lower than with a single processor.
there maybe a need for synchronization since all 4 threads access the memory of the program( or a process) that is stored in the same space in the main memory.
This is true. Note that threads can also work on different memory area (so that there is no need for synchronization except when they are joined). Note also that "main memory" includes CPU caches here.
In a single core CPU computer. If I run the same program that creates 4 threads, I will need both synchronization and Scheduling since all threads must utilize the same Core ( or a microprocessor).
Overall, yes. That being said, the term "scheduling" is unclear. THere are multiple kind of scheduling: preemptive VS cooperative scheduling. Here, as a programmer, you do not need to do anything special since the scheduling is done by the OS. Thus, it is a bit unexpected to say that you "need" scheduling. The OS will schedule the threads on the same core using preemption (by allocating different time-slices for each threads on the same core).


cpu core threads vs process threads [duplicate]

What is the difference between software threads, hardware threads and java threads?
Are software threads, java threads and hardware threads independent or interdependent?
I am asking this because, I know Java threads are created inside a process with in jvm (java.exe).
Also is it true that these different process are executed on different hardware threads?
A "hardware thread" is a physical CPU or core. So, a 4 core CPU can genuinely support 4 hardware threads at once - the CPU really is doing 4 things at the same time.
One hardware thread can run many software threads. In modern operating systems, this is often done by time-slicing - each thread gets a few milliseconds to execute before the OS schedules another thread to run on that CPU. Since the OS switches back and forth between the threads quickly, it appears as if one CPU is doing more than one thing at once, but in reality, a core is still running only one hardware thread, which switches between many software threads.
Modern JVMs map java threads directly to the native threads provided by the OS, so there is no inherent overhead introduced by java threads vs native threads. As to hardware threads, the OS tries to map threads to cores, if there are sufficient cores. So, if you have a java program that starts 4 threads, and have 4 or more cores, there's a good chance your 4 threads will run truly in parallel on 4 separate cores, if the cores are idle.
Software threads are threads of execution managed by the operating system.
Hardware threads are a feature of some processors that allow better utilisation of the processor under some circumstances. They may be exposed to/by the operating system as appearing to be additional cores ("hyperthreading").
In Java, the threads you create maintain the software thread abstraction, where the JVM is the "operating system". Whether the JVM then maps Java threads to OS threads is the JVM's business (but it almost certainly does). And then the OS will be using hardware threads if they are available.
Hardware threads (e.g. Intel Hyperthreading) are a cheaper and slower alternative to having multiple-cores
Software threads are a software abstraction implemented by the (Linux) kernel:
either the kernel runs one software thread per CPU (or hyperthread)
or it fakes it with the scheduler by running a process for a bit, then a timer interrupt comes, then it switches to another process, and so on
Key to their implementation is the hardware provided and kernel configured separation between userland and kerneland: What are Ring 0 and Ring 3 in the context of operating systems?
I will now focus on hardware threads, which is the more obscure hardware question, with a focus on Intel's implementation which it calls Hyperthreading.
The Intel Manual Volume 3 System Programming Guide - 325384-056US September 2015 8.7 "INTEL HYPER-THREADING TECHNOLOGY ARCHITECTURE" describes HT briefly. It contains the following diagram:
TODO it is slower by how much percent in average in real applications?
Hyperthreading is possible because modern single CPUs cores already execute multiple instructions at once with the instruction pipeline
The instruction pipeline is a separation of functions inside of a single core to ensure that each part of the circuit is used at any given time: reading memory, decoding instructions, executing instructions, etc.
Hyperthreading separates functions further by using:
a single backend, which actually runs the instructions with its pipeline.
Dual core has two backends, which explains the greater cost and performance.
two front-ends, which take two streams of instructions and order them in a way to maximize pipelining usage of the single backend by avoiding hazards.
Dual core would also have 2 front-ends, one for each backend.
There are edge cases where instruction reordering produces no benefit, making hyperthreading useless. But it produces a significant improvement in average.
Two hyperthreads in a single core share further cache levels (TODO how many? L1?) than two different cores, which share only L3, see:
Multiple threads and CPU cache
How are cache memories shared in multicore Intel CPUs?
The interface that each hyperthread exposes to the operating system is similar to that of an actual core, and both can be controlled separately. Thus cat /proc/cpuinfo shows me 4 processors, even though I only have 2 cores with 2 hyperthreads each.
Operating systems can however take advantage of knowing which hyperthreads are on the same core to run multiple threads of a given program on a single core, which might improve cache usage.
This LinusTechTips video contains a light-hearted non-technical explanation:
Hardware threads can be thought of as the CPU cores, although each core can run multiple threads. Most of the CPUs mention how many threads can be run on each core (on linux, lscpu command gives this detail). These are the number of cores that can be used in parallel.
Software threads are abstraction to the hardware to make multi-processing possible. If you have multiple software threads but there are not multiple resources then these software threads are a way to run all tasks in parallel by allocating resources for limited time(or using some other strategy) so that it appears that all threads are running in parallel. These are managed by the operating system. Java thread is an abstraction at the JVM level.
I think you are mistaken. I never heard about hardware threads (unless you mean hyper threading on certain intel machines). Every process is a running representation of a program. Threads are simultaneous execution flows with in a process. Java thread definitions are mapped to system threads by JVM. Java used to have a concept of GreenThreads, which is no longer the case.

How does multithreading utilizes multiple cores?

So recently I've learned some basic knowledge about multithreading. What I've understood is that thread is a lightweight process that runs under processes by sharing memory, while one process is running under one CPU core.
Yet by this perspective I couldn't understand some saying that threads utilizes multiple cores and make the whole program executes more effective. From what I've known, threads created by one process should run only under that specific process, which means that it should only run under that very one CPU core. If we want to utilize multiple cores, we should actually use multiprocess to run parallelly. Most of what I've researched is only about the conclusion, i.e multithreading utilizes multiple cores, but none of them explains my question. Did I think anything wrong? Thanks!
Your confusion lies here:
[...] while one process is running under one CPU core.
[...] threads created by one process should run only under that specific process, which means that it should only run under that very one CPU core.
This is not true. I think what the various explanations you have read meant that any process have at least one thread (where a 'thread' is a sequence of instructions ran by a CPU core).
If you have a multithreaded program, the process will have several threads (sequences of instructions ran by a CPU core) that can run concurrently on different CPU cores.
There are many processes executing on your computer at any given time. The Operating System (OS) is the program that allocates the hardware resources (CPU cores) to all these processes and decides which process can use which cores for what amount of time before another process gets to use the CPU. Whether or not a process gets to use multiple cores is not entirely up to the process. More confusing still, multithreaded programs can use more threads than there are cores on the computer's CPU. In that case you can be certain that all your threads do not run in parallel.
One more thing:
[...] threads utilizes multiple cores and make the whole program executes more effective
I am going to sound very pedantic, but it is more complicated than that. It depends on what you mean by "effective". Are we talking about total computation time, energy consumption ..?
A sequential (1 thread) program may be very effective in terms of power consumption but taking a very long time to compute. If you are able to use multiple threads, you may be able to reduce that computation time but it will probably incur new costs (synchronization between threads, additional protection mechanisms against concurrent accesses ...).
Also, multithreading cannot help for certain tasks that fall outside of the CPU realm. For example, unless you have some very specific hardware support, reading a file from the hard-drive with 2 or more concurrent threads cannot be parallelized efficiently.

Who schedules threads?

I have a question about scheduling threads. on the one hand, I learned that threads are scheduled and treated as processes in Linux, meaning they get scheduled like any other process using the conventional methods. (for example, the Completely Fair Scheduler in linux)
On the other hand, I also know that the CPU might also switch between threads using methods like Switch on Event or Fine-grain. For example, on cache miss event the CPU switches a thread. but what if the scheduler doesn't want to switch the thread? how do they agree on one action?
I'm really confused between the two: who schedules a thread? the OS or the CPU?
thanks alot :)
The answer is both.
What happens is really fairly simple: on a CPU that supports multiple threads per core (e.g., an Intel with Hyperthreading) the CPU appears to the OS as having some number of virtual cores. For example, an Intel i7 has 4 actual cores, but looks to the OS like 8 cores.
The OS schedules 8 threads onto those 8 (virtual) cores. When it's time to do a task switch, the OS's scheduler looks through the threads and finds the 8 that are...the most eligible to run (taking into account things like thread priority, time since they last ran, etc.)
The CPU has only 4 real cores, but those cores support executing multiple instructions simultaneously (and out of order, in the absence of dependencies). Incoming instructions get decoded and thrown into a "pool". Each clock cycle, the CPU tries to find some instructions in that pool that don't depend on the results of some previous instruction.
With multiple threads per core, what happens is basically that each actual core has two input streams to put into the "pool" of instructions it might be able to execute in a given clock cycle. Each clock cycle it still looks for instructions from that pool that don't depend on the results of previous instructions that haven't finished executing yet. If it finds some, it puts them into the execution units and executes them. The only major change is that each instruction now needs some sort of tag attached to designate which "virtual core" will be used to store results into--that is, each of the two threads has (for example) its own set of registers, and instructions from each thread have to write to the registers for that virtual core.
It is possible, however, for a CPU to support some degree of thread priority so that (for example) if the pool of available instructions includes some instructions from both input threads (or all N input threads, if there are more than two) it will prefer to choose instructions from one thread over instructions from another thread in any given clock cycle. This can be absolute, so it runs thread A as fast as possible, and thread B only with cycles A can't use, or it can be a "milder" preference, such as attempting to maintain a 2:1 ratio of instructions executed (or, of course, essentially any other ratio preferred).
Of course, there are other ways of setting up priorities as well (such as partitioning execution resources), but the general idea remains the same.
An OS that's aware of shared cores like this can also modify its scheduling to suit, such as scheduling only one thread on a pair of cores if that thread has higher priority.
The OS handles scheduling and dispatching of ready threads, (those that require CPU), onto cores, managing CPU execution in a similar fashion as it manages other resources. A cache-miss is no reason to swap out a thread. A page-fault, where the desired page is not loaded into RAM at all, may cause a thread to be blocked until the page gets loaded from disk. The memory-management hardware does that by generating a hardware interrupt to an OS driver that handles the page-fault.

What is the relationship between threads (in a Java or a C++ program) and number of cores in the CPU?

Can someone shed some light on it?
An i7 processor can run 8 threads but I am pretty sure we can create more than 8 threads in a JAVA or C++ program(not sure though). I have an i5 processor and while studying concurrency I have created 10 threads for assignments. I am just trying to understand how Core rating of CPU is related to threads.
The thread you are refering to is called a software thread; and you can create as many software threads as you need, as long as your operating system allows it. Each software thread, or code snippet, can run concurrently from the others.
For each core, there is at least one hardware thread to which the operating system can assign a software thread. If you have 8 cores, for example, then you have a hardware thread pool of capacity 8. You can map tens or hundreds of software threads to this 8-slot pool, where only 8 threads are actually running on hardware at the same time, i.e. in parallel.
Software threads are like people sharing the same computer. Each one can use this computer up to some time, not necessarily have his task completed, then give it up to another.
Hardware threads are like people having a computer for each of them. All of them can proceed with their tasks at the same time.
Note: For i7, there are two hardware threads (so called hyper-threading) in each core. So you can have up to 16 threads running in parallel.
There are already a couple of good answers talking about the hardware side of things, but there isn't much talk about the software side of things.
The essential fact that I believe you're missing is that not all threads have to be executing all the time. When you have thousands of threads on an 8 core machine, only a few of them are actually running at any given time. The others are sitting around doing nothing until some processor time becomes free. This has huge advantages because threads might be waiting on other resources, too. For example, if I have one thread trying to read a file from disk, then there's no reason for it to be taking up CPU time while it's waiting for the hard disk data to load into RAM. Another example is when the thread is waiting for a response from some other machine (such as a web request over the internet). When you have more threads than your processor can handle at once, the operating system and/or runtime (It depends on the OS and runtime implementation.) are responsible for deciding which threads should get available processor time. This kind of set up lets you maximize your machine's productivity because CPU cycles are doing something useful almost all the time.
A "thread" is a software abstraction which defines a single, self-consistent path of execution through the program: in most modern systems, the number of threads is basically only limited by memory. However, only a comparatively small number of threads can be run simultaneously by the CPU. Broadly speaking, the "core count" is how many threads the CPU can run truly in parallel: if there are more threads that want to run than there are cores available, the operating system will use time-slicing of some sort to let all the threads get some time to execute.
There are a whole bunch of terms which are thrown around when it comes to "cores:"
Processor count: the number of physical CPU chips on a system's motherboard. This used to be the only number that mattered, until CPUs with multiple cores became available.
Logical core count: the number of threads that the system hardware can run in parallel
Physical core count: the number of copies of the CPU execution hardware that the system has -- this is not always equal to the logical core count, due to features like SMT ("simultaneous multithreading") which use a single piece of hardware to run multiple threads in parallel
Module count: Recent (Bulldozer-derived) AMD processors have used an architecture which is a hybrid between SMT and the standard one-logical-core-per-physical-core model. On these CPUs, there is a separate copy of the integer execution hardware for each logical core, but two logical cores share a floating-point unit and the fetch-and-decode frontend; AMD calls the unit containing two logical cores a module.
It should also be briefly mentioned that GPUs, graphics cards, have enormous core counts and run huge numbers (thousands) of threads in parallel. The trade-off is that GPU cores have very little memory and often a substantially restricted programming model.
Threads are handled by the OS's scheduler. The number of cores in a CPU determine how many threads it can run at the same time.
Note that threads are constantly switched in and out by the scheduler to give the "illusion" that everything is running at the same time.
More here, if you're interested.
no, no, no... Your I7 has eight execution threads and can run 8 threads at once.
1000 threads or more can be waiting for processor time.
calling thread.sleep moves a thread off the execution core and back into memory where it waits until woken.

Threads vs Cores

Say if I have a processor like this which says # cores = 4, # threads = 4 and without Hyper-threading support.
Does that mean I can run 4 simultaneous program/process (since a core is capable of running only one thread)?
Or does that mean I can run 4 x 4 = 16 program/process simultaneously?
From my digging, if no Hyper-threading, there will be only 1 thread (process) per core. Correct me if I am wrong.
A thread differs from a process. A process can have many threads. A thread is a sequence of commands that have a certain order. A logical core can execute on sequence of commands. The operating system distributes all the threads to all the logical cores available, and if there are more threads than cores, threads are processed in a fast cue, and the core switches from one to another very fast.
It will look like all the threads run simultaneously, when actually the OS distributes CPU time among them.
Having multiple cores gives the advantage that less concurrent threads will be placed on one single core, less switching between threads = greater speed.
Hyper-threading creates 2 logical cores on 1 physical core, and makes switching between threads much faster.
That's basically correct, with the obvious qualifier that most operating systems let you execute far more tasks simultaneously than there are cores or threads, which they accomplish by interleaving the executing of instructions.
A system with hyperthreading generally has twice as many hardware threads as physical cores.
The term thread is generally used as a description of an operating system concept that has the potential to execute independently of other threads. Whether it does so depends on whether it is stuck waiting for some event (disk or screen I/O, message queue), or if there are enough physical CPUs (hyperthreaded or not) to allow it run in the face of other non-waiting threads.
Hyperthreading is a CPU vendor term that means a single core, that can multiplex its attention between two computations. The easy way to think about a hyperthreaded core is as if you had two real CPUs, both slightly slower than what the manufacture says the core can actually do.
Basically this is up to the OS. A thread is a high-level construct holding a instruction pointer, and where the OS places a threads execution on a suitable logical processor. So with 4 cores you can basically execute 4 instructions in parallell. Where as a thread simply contains information about what instructions to execute and the instructions placement in memory.
An application normally uses a single process during execution and the OS switches between processes to give all processes "equal" process time. When an application deploys multiple threads the processes allocates more than one slot for execution but shares memory between threads.
Normally you make a difference between concurrent and parallell execution. Where parallell execution is when you actually physically execute instructions of more than one logical processor and concurrent execution is the the frequent switching of a single logical processor giving the apperence of parallell execution.
