send notification only to request initiator? - node.js

First of all I'm an OG bare metal Java server side guy. That means I'm new to Docker, Node.js (JavaScript in general), and trying to learn all these things at once so please pardon me if I've made an obvious mistake. I've been working on a pro-bono project for some time in hope that in exchange I get to learn all of these things and move into the new way of doing things.
Now, having said that, moving along to my question - In the code snippet below (especially the last line)
io.on('connection', function (socket) {
console.log(`connection made from ${}`);
socket.on('disconnect', function () {
console.log(`connection ${} closed`);
socket.on(DOWNSTREAM_MESSAGE, function (msg) {
//console.log(`Received socket payload: ${msg} from ${}`);
iopubClient.publish(DOWNSTREAM_MESSAGE, msg);
iosubClient.subscribe(UPSTREAM_MESSAGE, message => {
//console.log(`Sending socket payload: ${message} to ${}`);
socket.emit(UPSTREAM_MESSAGE, message);
as far as I understand from all the internet sleuthing is that:
broadcasts to all clients the server socket is connected to, and
sends to the call initiator (specifically referring to emit cheat sheet among other sources).
However, with the code snippet above, even when I'm using socket.emit, all subscribing clients receive the message as if it were a broadcast which isn't what I want. I really do want to send the response back to the io that initiated this particular request.
I've tried almost every way of achieving session stickiness from session stickiness (current implementation an attempt via cookie based stickiness with a HAProxy in front of the service).
In case it helps you help me, full code-base is here.
As I mentioned, I'm learning all of this on the fly so I will not be embarrassed (in fact would be quite thankful!) if you point me to something I'm doing wrong, but for the life of me, I cannot get the response to go only to the request initiator.
Please help?!

Related - .on not working on client side

I have some very basic code that uses
var socket = io();
// Do some stuff...
socket.emit('hello', 'please like me');
// Wait for a response
socket.on('hello back!', function(msg) {
console.log('Yay, he replied:', msg);
var app = require('express');
var http = require('http').Server(app);
var io = require('')(http);
io.on('connection', function(socket) {
console.log('a user connected');
socket.on('disconnect', function() {
console.log('user disconnected');
socket.on('hello', function() {
// Code to decide wether or not I like the client
// ...
// I do like the client!
socket.emit('hello back!', 'how are you');
console.log('I said hello back!');
Hopefully you managed to get the picture. So ideally, this would happen:
Client connects
After a while, client emits hello
Server sees this, emits hello back!
Client notices the hello back! event
Everyone is happy!
But this isn't the case for me unfortunately. Instead, steps 1-3 work perfectly. But when you reach step 4 and 5, things start to fall apart. Client never logs anything after hello back! event is emitted.
This is not my full code, I figured it would make it easier for you to understand it. It's very possible that I've made some silly mistake somewhere, maybe without including it in this code. But please let me know if there is anything fundamentally wrong with what I am doing.
This is a few years old, but in case anyone stumbles across this in the future:
My problem had nothing to do with my code shown above. Instead, it was a configuration error.
I was hosting my project on who state that they support websockets, but the error was caused because the server was not able to get across to the client (client never received any data from server at all after websocket connection was opened).
This was an error that I had in 2018 with, and I know that other people have had it too. It also seemed to be related somehow to websockets connecting via a domain name and with SSL, but I can't recall the exact circumstances.

I can't get my head around websockets (via and node.js)

I'm new to websockets/ I'm trying to write a card game app, but pretty much all the example tutorials I've found are creating chat applications. So I'm struggling to get my head around the concepts and how they can be applied to my card game.
Keeping it simple, the card game will involve two players. The game involves moving cards around the table. Each player has to see the other player's moves as they happen (hence the need for constant connections). But the opponents cards are concealed to the other.
So two people browse to the same table then click to sit (and play, when both seats are taken). Using
io.on("connection", function(sock){
//socket events in here
am I creating the one socket ('io', or 'sock'?) that both clients and the server share, or is that two separate sockets (server/clientA and sever/clientB)? I ask, because I'm struggling to understand what's happening when a message is emitted and/or broadcast. If a client emits a message, is that message sent to both the server and the other client, or just the server? And then, further does it also send the message to itself as well?? It seems as though that's the logic... or what is the purpose of the 'broadcast' method?
From a functional perspective, I need the server to send different messages to each player. So it's not like a chatroom where the server sends the chat to everyone. But if it's one socket that the three of us share (clients and server), how do I manage who sees what? I've read about namespaces, but I'm struggling to work out how that could be used. And if it's two separate sockets, then I can more easily imagine sending different data to the separate clients. But how is that implemented - is that two 'io' objects, or two 'sock' objects?
Finally, I've got no idea if this is the sort of long-winded question that is accepted here, so if it's not, can someone direct me to a forum that discussions can occur? Cheers!
(in case it matters I'm also using Expressjs as the server).
Edit to add:
Part of my confusion is regarding the difference between 'io' and 'sock'. This code eg from the page is a good example of methods being applied to either of them:
io.on('connection', function(socket){
socket.emit('request', /* */); // emit an event to the socket
io.emit('broadcast', /* */); // emit an event to all connected sockets
socket.on('reply', function(){ /* */ }); // listen to the event
WebSocket server side listens for incoming socket connections from clients.
Each client upon connection opens its own socket between him and server. The server is the one that keeps track of all clients.
So once client emits the message server is listening for, the server can do with that message whatever. The message itself can contain information about who is the recipient of that message.
The server can pass the message to everyone or broadcast it to specific user or users based on information your client has sent you or some other logic.
For a card game:
The server listens for incoming connections. Once two clients are connected both of them should emit game ID in which they want to participate. The server can join their sockets in one game(Room) and all of the communication between those two clients can continue in that room. Each time one of the clients passes data to the server, that data should contain info about the recipient.
Here is one simple example that could maybe get you going:
Client side
// set-up a connection between the client and the server
var socket = io.connect();
// get some game identifier
var game = "thebestgameever";
socket.on('connect', function() {
// Let server know which game you want to play
socket.emit('game', game);
function makeAMove(move)
socket.emit('madeAMove', {move:move, game:game});
socket.on('move', function(data) {
console.log('Player made a move', data);
Server side
io = socketio.listen(server);
//listen for new connections from clients
io.sockets.on('connection', function(socket) {
// if client joined game get his socket assigned to the game
socket.on('game', function(game) {
socket.on('madeAMove', function(data){
let game =;
let move = data.move;'move', move);

Socket.IO: connection to a non-existing namespace

First post, i'll try to be as clear as possible :)
I'm trying to create on Demand namespaces on my SocketIO/NodeJS App.
Basically, the server create a specific namespace for each client.
I need to handle, server side, the case where the client try accessing a non-existing namespace.
The idea is to avoid any unwanted connection server-side, or at least, handle it to force the disconnection.
But while testing, it seems that when i try this, on client Side :
var socket = io("thisNameSpaceDontExist");
socket.on('connect', function(){
window.console.log('connected to server');
The 'connect' event won't trigger, which seems perfect !
Doing a console.log on socket, it displays this:
connected: false
disconnected: true
But the main problem, is that, Server Side, it's different, there is an active connection...
While doing some research, i found this issue, still, i'm on the last version at this time: 1.3.5
for information, the socketIOHandler code i'm using:
io.on('connection', function (socket) {
console.log("[SocketIOHandler::Connection] +1");
socket.on('disconnect', function () {
console.log("[SocketIOHandler::Disconnection] -1");
Also find some issues and MR claiming the support of dynamic namespaces:, but these are not merged, so i don't really understand the behavior on my code...
Thank you!

Node JS & Advice - Is it better to post information to a database through a route, or through the socket?

I am currently building a new application which, at a basic level, lets users add a task which needs to be completed, and then lets a different group of users pick up the task and complete it.
Previously, I took over building a real-time chat application written with NodeJS and and on that, all the messages were posted to a database over the socket connection.
In the current application I am doing the same, but was thinking if it might be better off to post the information to the database via the route instead, then emitting the socket event on success to update the list of available tasks.
I was just looking for advice, how would you guys do this? Commit info to the database through a route or over the socket?
If you go the route way things are pretty much laid out for you to be sure whether or not your update worked or not. Socket doesn't guarantee neither success nor failure, by default.
But you could program to make it. For e.g.
client: send data
socket.emit('update', data); // send data
server: receive data & send back an update as to whether the operation was successful or not
socket.on('update', function(data){
if(!err) socket.emit('update', null); // send back a "null" on success
else socket.emit('update', err.message); // or send back error message
client: receive update on error/success
socket.on('update', function(err){
if(err) alert(err);

Trying to broadcast message to all connected sockets in e.g. room

I would like to use SailsJS, and be able to join a room, by means of, and receive unsolicited messages from this room, not just when one enters or leaves the room but also receive objects.
So several clients connect to the server.
Afterwards broadcast (initiated from the server) messages/objects to every room and thus everey connected socket in this room.
I maybe could just send every connected socket a message, but dearly would like a example on how to do this with SailsJS 0.10, and a elegant method in the SailsJS 0.10 way.
I am looking at :, but I think this is to close to the models themselves, with like e.g: autosubscribe: ['destroy', 'update']
In my opinion this should be more loosely coupled, and not so tied to the model itself.
Thanks in advance!
The purpose of the SailsChat example is to demonstrate how Sails JS resourceful pubsub can take a lot of hassle out of socket messaging when you are mainly concerned with sending messages about models. The fact that you can make a full-featured chat app in Sails with very little back-end code is what makes it impressive. For situations where resourceful pubsub is not appropriate--or if you just plain don't want to use it--Sails exposes lower-level methods on the sails.sockets namespace. The docs are pretty clear on how they work.
To join a socket to an arbitrary room, do sails.sockets.join(<socket>, <roomName>), where <socket> is either a raw socket (probably from req.socket or a socket ID).
To broadcast a message to all sockets in a room, do sails.sockets.broadcast(<roomName>, <data>).
These and more methods are described in detail in the Sails JS documentation.
I'm just starting with SailsJS, and already a big fan.
I need to find out if this is also scalable with e.g. Heroku or other flavors of SAAS providers, but seems not that hard.
So just a follow up on what I did with SailsJS 0.10:
Made a controller with the following:
join: function (req, res) {
if (req.isSocket === true) {
sails.sockets.join(req.socket, 'mysecretroom');
return res.send(200, 'joined');
return res.send(200);
sendToRoom: function( req, res ) {
if (req.isSocket === true ) {
sails.sockets.broadcast('mysecretroom', 'messageevent', {message:'Listen very carefully, I'll shall say this only once..!'});
return res.send(200);
io.socket.on('messageevent', function (data) {
+1 kudos #sgress454!
