Produce repeating blocks inside a terraform resource - terraform

I am fairly new to terraform and trying to create a google_compute_backend_service using terraform and there are multiple backend blocks inside the resource as shown below:
resource "google_compute_backend_service" "app-backend" {
log_config {
enable = "true"
sample_rate = "1"
name = "app-backend"
port_name = "http-34070"
project = "my-project"
protocol = "HTTP"
session_affinity = "NONE"
timeout_sec = "30"
backend {
group = "insatnce-group1"
backend {
group = "instance-group2"
backend {
group = "instance-group3"
health_checks = []
As seen in the code block above the backend block repeats multiple times. I want to make it dynamic so I do not have to write multiple blocks manually.
I tried the following:
Created a variable in the file that contains all the instance groups:
variable "groups" {
type = list(object({
name = string
default = [{ name = "instance-group1"},
{ name = "instance-group2"},
{ name = "instance-group3"}]
And modified my resource block to this:
resource "google_compute_backend_service" "app-backend" {
log_config {
enable = "true"
sample_rate = "1"
name = "app-backend"
port_name = "http-34070"
project = "my-project"
protocol = "HTTP"
session_affinity = "NONE"
timeout_sec = "30"
dynamic "backend" {
for_each = var.groups
iterator = item
group =
health_checks = []
However, when I execute terraform plan I get the following error:
Error: Unsupported argument
│ on line 15, in resource "google_compute_backend_service" "app-backend":
│ 15: group =
│ An argument named "group" is not expected here.
Where am I going wrong? Is there a better way to achieve this?

You can check the dynamic blocks documentation for the syntax. Otherwise, you had the right idea.
dynamic "backend" {
for_each = var.groups
content {
group =
You can also simplify the variable structure to make this even easier.
variable "groups" {
type = set(string)
default = ["instance-group1", "instance-group2", "instance-group3"]
dynamic "backend" {
for_each = var.groups
content {
group = backend.value


Terraform attach disks dynamic

Point: I need to dynamically attach disks created with a for_each loop to VM
resource "yandex_compute_disk" "volume" {
for_each = var.volumes
name = each.value["name"]
size = each.value["size"]
type = each.value["type"]
resource "yandex_compute_instance" "vps" {
count = var.server_count
name = var.server_count > 1 ? "${var.server_name}${count.index}" : var.server_name
platform_id = var.platform_id
zone =
dynamic "secondary_disk" {
for_each = var.volumes
content {
disk_id = -- here is problem
auto_delete = var.server_volume_auto_delete
│ For example, to correlate with indices of a referring resource, use:
│ yandex_compute_disk.volume[each.key]```
But its not work like that yandex_compute_disk.volume[each.key].id
If the requested attribute is being exported, then this might work:
resource "yandex_compute_instance" "vps" {
count = var.server_count
name = var.server_count > 1 ? "${var.server_name}${count.index}" : var.server_name
platform_id = var.platform_id
zone =
dynamic "secondary_disk" {
for_each = var.volumes
content {
disk_id = yandex_compute_disk.volume[].id
auto_delete = var.server_volume_auto_delete
The important thing to note about using dynamic blocks is the iterator [1] name. If you do not set it, it will default to the label of the dynamic block, i.e., secondary_disk in this case. At a very high level, you could say that iterator name replaces the each object.

Combining/merging variables in terraform

I am working within terraform and I am trying to combine variables.
I have been able to do this previously in the format of
name = "${}-${var.environment}"
or something like
domain = "${var.environment}.${var.domain}"
Now I am trying to accomplish something similar but my module that I would like to do this with is utilizing a for_each.
I am trying to specify a host using variables that would represent utility.environment.domain.
module "aws_alb_listener_rule" {
depends_on = [
source = "../../terraform/modules/aws_lb_listener_rule_https"
listener_rule = module.aws_alb_listener__https.lb_listener
for_each = var.target_group_listener_rule_values
listener_rule_host_header = "${each.value.host_header}.${var.environment}.${var.domain}"
#listener_rule_host_header = each.value["host_header"]
listener_rule_target_group = module.aws_lb_target_group[each.key].arn
listener_rule_action_type = each.value["action_type"]
Where the first host header is what I was hoping to include but the commented out host header is how I currently have it.
My variables:
variable "target_group_listener_rule_values" {
description = "Specify the target group and listener rule settings and it will create on a 1:1 ratio"
type = map(object({
/*--- Listener Rule ---*/
host_header = list(string)
#host_header = string
target_group = string
action_type = string
my tfvars
listener_rule_values = {
Utility1 = {
/*--- Listener Rule ---*/
"host_header" = ["utility"],
#"host_header" = ["utility.environment.domain"],
"action_type" = "forward",
Utility2 = {
/*--- Listener Rule ---*/
"host_header" = ["utility"],
#"host_header" = ["utility.environment.domain"],
"action_type" = "forward",
Where the first host header is what I was hoping to include but the commented out host header is how I currently have it.
Child module:
resource "aws_lb_listener_rule" "static" {
listener_arn = var.listener_rule
action {
type = var.listener_rule_action_type
target_group_arn = var.listener_rule_target_group
condition {
host_header {
values = var.listener_rule_host_header
What I would like to do is shift this over to use variables instead as I am trying to remove the environment from being entered anywhere in the config except for the "environment" variable.
listener_rule_host_header = "${each.value["host_header"]}.${var.environment}.${var.domain}"
the error I am seeing is
Error: Invalid template interpolation value
│ on line 181, in module "module":
│ 181: listener_rule_host_header = "${each.value["host_header"]}.${var.environment}.${var.domain}"
│ ├────────────────
│ │ each.value["host_header"] is list of string with 1 element
│ Cannot include the given value in a string template: string required.
you are very close and your syntax for interpolation is correct. What is not correct is the fact that your each.value["host_header"] is a list, so Terraform complains about that.
I don't know why you want a list, and You did not give your full code, so let me show you a working example with map, that I imagine you want to accomplish:
variable "environment" {
default = "stage"
variable "domain" {
default = ""
variable "sites" {
type = map(any)
default = {
"utils" = {
"host_header" = "utility"
"main" = {
"host_header" = "www"
resource "local_file" "hosts" {
for_each = var.sites
filename = "${each.value.host_header}.${var.environment}.${var.domain}"
content = each.key
You can adjust your code based on this example, I hope.
Now, if you insist on using lists, this would look like this:
variable "sites_with_list" {
type = map(any)
default = {
"utils" = {
"host_headers" = ["utility"]
"main" = {
"host_headers" = ["www"]
resource "local_file" "hosts_list" {
for_each = var.sites_with_list
filename = "${each.value.host_headers[0]}.${var.environment}.${var.domain}"
content = each.key
I did not know how you want to utilize this, so I used a local_file just as an example that will work when copied to empty project.

Terraform - azurerm_frontdoor_custom_https_configuration - 'the given key does not identify an element in this collection value'

this code has worked before, all I'm trying to do is add new frontend endpoints, routing rules, backend pools
I've tried only sharing the code snippets that I think are relevant but let me know if there's some key info you need missing
This one has stumped me for a couple days now and no matter what I've tried I cannot seem to make sense of the error. Its like its indexing out of the variable or searching for something that isn't there but there are something like 6 already there and now I'm adding another.
I'm worried that this front door code has not been ran in awhile and something has gotten screwed up in state. Especially given all the alerts on the accompanying TF docs for this resource -
Its been quite awhile but the AzureRM version has gone through several updates - possibly from previous to 2.58 to now past 2.58. I guess I also don't know how to verify/look at the state file and ensure its correct - even looking at the 2.58 upgrade notes its just confusing.
The error
on ..\modules\frontdoor\ line 129, in resource "azurerm_frontdoor_custom_https_configuration" "https_config":
129: frontend_endpoint_id = azurerm_frontdoor.main.frontend_endpoints[each.value]
| azurerm_frontdoor.main.frontend_endpoints is map of string with 8 elements
| each.value is "www-sell-dev-contoso-com"
The given key does not identify an element in this collection value.
provider "azurerm" {
features {}
terraform {
backend "azurerm" {
#the on this module output things like the frontdoor_endpoints
#the with also output similar values
module "coreInfraFrontDoor" {
source = "../modules/frontdoor"
resource_group_name = module.coreInfraResourceGroup.resource_group_name
frontdoor_name = "fd-infra-${terraform.workspace}-001"
enforce_backend_pools_certificate_name_check = lookup(var.enforce_backend_pools_certificate_name_check, terraform.workspace)
log_analytics_workspace_id = module.coreInfraLogAnalytics.log_analytics_workspace_id
tags = local.common_tags
health_probes = lookup(var.health_probes, terraform.workspace)
routing_rules = lookup(var.routing_rules, terraform.workspace)
backend_pools = lookup(var.backend_pools, terraform.workspace)
frontend_endpoints = lookup(var.frontend_endpoints, terraform.workspace)
prestage_frontend_endpoints = lookup(var.prestage_frontend_endpoints, terraform.workspace)
frontdoor_firewall_policy_name = "fdfwp${terraform.workspace}001"
frontdoor_firewall_prestage_policy_name = "fdfwp${terraform.workspace}prestage"
mode = lookup(var.mode, terraform.workspace)
ip_whitelist_enable = lookup(var.ip_whitelist_enable, terraform.workspace)
ip_whitelist = lookup(var.ip_whitelist, terraform.workspace)
key_vault_id =
resource "azurerm_frontdoor" "main" {
name = var.frontdoor_name
location = "global"
resource_group_name = var.resource_group_name
enforce_backend_pools_certificate_name_check = var.enforce_backend_pools_certificate_name_check
tags = var.tags
dynamic "routing_rule {#stuff is here obv}
dynamic "backend_pool {#also here}
#i think this is because there was an issue/needs to be some default value for the first endpoint?
frontend_endpoint {
name = var.frontdoor_name
host_name = "${var.frontdoor_name}"
web_application_firewall_policy_link_id =
#now the dynamic ones from vars
dynamic "frontend_endpoint" {
for_each = var.frontend_endpoints
content {
name =
host_name = frontend_endpoint.value.host_name
session_affinity_enabled = lookup(frontend_endpoint.value, "session_affinity_enabled", false)
web_application_firewall_policy_link_id =
terraform {
required_version = "~> 0.14.7"
required_providers {
azurerm = "~>2.72.0"
variable "frontend_endpoints" {
type = map(any)
description = "List of frontend (custom) endpoints. This is in addition to the <frontend_name> endpoint that this module creates by default."
default = {
dev = [
name = "dev-search-contoso-com"
host_name = ""
name = "dev-cool-contoso-com"
host_name = ""
#this is new below
name = "dev-sell-contoso-com"
host_name = ""
prod = [ #you get the idea ]

Because data.zabbix_template.template has "for_each" set, its attributes must be accessed on specific instances

I'm tring to create a zabbix template with applications defined and trigger.
I can create the template, import my hosts and associate to it.
Now when I try to add the trigger to the template, I receive the error in the object.
this is my
data "zabbix_hostgroup" "group" {
name = "Templates"
data "zabbix_template" "template" {
for_each = {
common_simple = { name = "Common Simple" }
common_snmp = { name = "Common SNMP" }
class_template = { name = var.class_names[var.class_id] }
name =
data "zabbix_proxy" "proxy" {
for_each = {
for inst in var.instances :
"${inst.instance}.${}" =>
#host = "zabpxy01.${each.value}.mysite.local"
host = "mon-proxy1.${each.value}.mtsite.local"
and this is my
# create host group for specific to service
resource "zabbix_hostgroup" "hostgroup" {
name = var.class_names[var.class_id]
# create template
resource "zabbix_template" "template" {
host = var.class_id
name = var.class_names[var.class_id]
description = var.class_names[var.class_id]
groups = [
# create application
resource "zabbix_application" "application" {
hostid =
name = var.class_names[var.class_id]
# create snmp disk_total item
resource "zabbix_item_snmp" "disk_total_item" {
hostid =
key = "snmp_disk_root_total"
name = "Disk / total"
valuetype = "unsigned"
delay = "1m"
snmp_oid="HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrStorageSize[\"index\", \"HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrStorageDescr\", \"/\"]"
depends_on = [
# create snmp disk_used item
resource "zabbix_item_snmp" "disk_used_item" {
hostid =
key = "snmp_disk_root_used"
name = "Disk / used"
valuetype = "unsigned"
delay = "1m"
snmp_oid="HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrStorageUsed[\"index\", \"HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrStorageDescr\", \"/\"]"
depends_on = [
# create trigger > 75%
resource "zabbix_trigger" "trigger" {
name = "Disk Usage 75%"
expression = "({${}:${zabbix_item_snmp.disk_used_item.key}.last()} / {${}:${zabbix_item_snmp.disk_total_item.key}.last()}) * 100 >= 75"
priority = "warn"
enabled = true
multiple = false
recovery_none = false
manual_close = false
# create hosts
resource "zabbix_host" "host" {
for_each = {
for inst in var.instances : "${var.class_id}${format("%02d", inst.instance)}.${}" => inst
host = var.ip_addresses[var.class_id][][each.value.instance]["hostname"]
name = var.ip_addresses[var.class_id][][each.value.instance]["hostname"]
enabled = false
proxyid = data.zabbix_proxy.proxy["${each.value.instance}.${}"].id
groups = [
templates = concat ([
# add SNMP interface
interface {
type = "snmp"
ip = var.ip_addresses[var.class_id][][each.value.instance]["mgmt0"]
main = true
port = 161
# Add Zabbix Agent interface
interface {
type = "agent"
ip = var.ip_addresses[var.class_id][][each.value.instance]["mgmt0"]
main = true
port = 10050
macro {
value = var.ip_addresses[var.class_id][][each.value.instance]["mgmt0"]
macro {
name = "{$SNMP_COMMUNITY}"
value = var.ip_addresses[var.class_id][][each.value.instance]["snmp"]
depends_on = [
output "class_template_id" {
value =
description = "Template ID of created class template for items"
When I run "Terraform plan" I receive the error:
Error: Missing resource instance key │ │ on hosts/ line 26,
in resource "zabbix_application" "application": │ 26: hostid = │ │ Because
data.zabbix_template.template has "for_each" set, its attributes must
be accessed on specific instances. │ │ For example, to correlate with
indices of a referring resource, use: │
Where is my error?
Thanks for the support
I tried to use
output "data_zabbix_template" {
value = data.zabbix_template.template
but I don't see any output when I run terraform plan
I tried to modify in:
hostid =
but I continue to receive the same error:
Error: Missing resource instance key on hosts/ line 27, in
resource "zabbix_application" "application": 27: hostid = Because
data.zabbix_template.template has "for_each" set, its attributes must
be accessed on specific instances.
For example, to correlate with indices of a referring resource, use:
Error: Unsupported attribute on hosts/ line 27, in resource
"zabbix_application" "application": 27: hostid = This object has no
argument, nested block, or exported attribute named "class_template".
My script for each host taht I'll add, set two existing template ("Common Simple" and "Common SNMP") and create a new template as below:
# module.mytemplate-servers_host.zabbix_template.template will be created
+ resource "zabbix_template" "template" {
+ description = "mytemplate-servers"
+ groups = [
+ "1",
+ host = "mytemplate-servers"
+ id = (known after apply)
+ name = "mytemplate-servers"
Now my scope is to add on this template an application and set two items and one trigger
When you use for_each in a data source or resource, the output of that data source or resource is a map, where the keys in the map are the same as the keys in the for_each and the values are the regular output of that data/resource for the given input value with that key.
Try using:
output "data_zabbix_template" {
value = data.zabbix_template.template
And you'll see what I mean. The output will look something like:
data_zabbix_template = {
common_simple = {...}
common_snmp = {...}
class_template = {...}
So in order to use this data source (on the line where the error is being thrown), you need to do:
hostid =
And replace common_simple in that line with whichever key in the for_each you want to use. You'll need to do this everywhere that you use data.zabbix_template.template.

Terraform modules azure event subscription optional fields

I am trying to work with terraform modules to create event subscription pointing to storage queue as an endpoint to it.
Below is the module
resource "azurerm_eventgrid_event_subscription" "events" {
name =
scope = var.scope
subject_filter = var.subject_filter
storage_queue_endpoint = var.storage_queue_endpoint
and terraform is
module "storage_account__event_subscription" {
source = "../modules/event"
name = "testevent"
scope = test
subject_filter = {
subject_begins_with = "/blobServices/default/containers/test/blobs/in"
storage_queue_endpoint = {
storage_account_id = test
queue_name = test
Error message:
: subject_filter {
Blocks of type "subject_filter" are not expected here.
Error: Unsupported block type
on line 90, in module "storage_account__event_subscription":
: storage_queue_endpoint {
Blocks of type "storage_queue_endpoint" are not expected here.
How do i parse the optional fields properly in terraform modules ?
In you module:
resource "azurerm_eventgrid_event_subscription" "events" {
name =
scope = var.scope
subject_filter = {
subject_begins_with = var.subject_begins_with
storage_queue_endpoint = var.storage_queue_endpoint
Formatting is off here so make sure to run terraform fmt to account for my poor formatting. Also add the variable to the file.
Your Terraform file:
module "storage_account__event_subscription" {
source = "../modules/event"
name = "testevent"
scope = test
subject_begins_with = "/blobServices/default/containers/test/blobs/in"
storage_queue_endpoint = {
storage_account_id = test
queue_name = test
You create the full structure in the module and then you assign the variables in the terraform file.
Anything that will have the same, or generally the same, value can have a default value set in the as well so that you get smaller chunks in the TF file.
