I am trying to change the label size for a plot on a HP7470a pen plotter. This is a economical version of the HP7475a with only 2 pens. There does not seem to be an option in the terminal to change the label size. How do I get my labels to be bigger than just a few millimetres?
I do not see any provision for changing the font size in any of the gnuplot HP printer drivers. They and the printers they support date back to the 1980s when pen plotters were state-of-the-art and gnuplot haad only reached version 1 or 2. The drivers have been carried forward for decades but largely ignored when gnuplot gained additional capabilities for managing font selection, text markup, etc in version 4.
Some time during gnuplot version 4.4 (~2010) the terminal option fontscale was added for new terminals and backported for some of the then-current terminals. But the pen plotter drivers were not included in that set of updates, probably because no users were asking for it and the developers may not have had the relevant hardware to test it on.
I think it would be easy enough to add support for this option to the hpgl terminal, but I don't have a plotter to test it on. If you are willing to test and report back, then please open a Feature Request on the gnuplot tracker site and discussion can continue there.
With the assistance and testing of Quad, support for font scaling on HPGL printers has been added to the gnuplot development version and will in the next release (5.4.5).
I was wondering if there's a way to update the default window color when an image is buffering. Currently it's white.
For example, if I have a workspace open with just vscode, when I switch between workspaces there's a brief moment when the screen is white and I'd prefer the monitor be painted black while the image is buffering.
Sometime this issue also happens when moving windows around but it covers a smaller portion of the screen.
Just the color
There is a setting that may be precisely the answer to your question: change the buffer color to black (Check the section in the manual) Particularly, for i3 version 4.21, the config would be this:
client.background #000000
Getting a Composer
If that does not solve the issue, perhaps you could address it from a different perspective. i3wm is a window manager with no "composing" capability. This, among other things, sometimes produces a loss of performance in some graphical tasks, such as problems with smooth scrolling on the browser, and/or flashing colors before showing the rendering of the desktop. (In your case is white.)
So you could obtain a compositor for i3wm. Compton is an option that seems popular among the community. I haven't tried myself, but the lack of compositor may be the root of your problem. Here there is (an interesting related question) in i3wm FAQs. This is part of the answer:
i3 depends on an external application for compositing and Compton is an excellent choice if you want to improve rendering quality or apply hardware-accelerated translucency effects.
There are two issues I am aware of that affect stock compositing. One is screen tearing, which you may notice with animated effects such as Firefox's smooth scrolling. Another is a flash of partially rendered content when switching workspaces, or opening and closing windows. Using Compton should resolve those issues if it is configured correctly.
I'm experiencing a issue with a printed area size when I change from 203DPI tom 300DPI a Zebra ZT 230 printer.
I used the embedded driver to install this printer over ethernet connection.
My tag has 10X12 cm (Width x Height), and it has two barcodes, one Code 3 of 9 and other Code 128. When I'm using 203 DPI configured the barcode 3 of 9 was printed without resolution enough to be read using any data colector, so I changed the configuration to 300 DPI to fix that resolution issue, for my surprise when I made this change the tag was printed bigger then the paper, is almost 1/2 of my tag has fit into the media paper, as the following images show.
Doesn't matter change the paper sizer, set any margins the result always is the same.
When Configured with 203 DPI with lack of resolution.
When configured with 300DPI with any paper size defined
I hope if that you guys could tell what I have done wrong to have this result, because I've always used CUPS with lots of printers of Intermec(Honeywell) and Argox, both companies have delivered theirs own Linux Drivers, and for the first time I'm installing a Zebra printer on Linux, and the Zebra company has produced a tutorial, zebra official tutorial link, using cups telling that the embedded driver should be enough to print Zebra tags on Linux.
Label printers generally have a fixed DPI setting (i.e. it's hardware), so changing the DPI setting in your printing code will either have no effect, or will cause the coordinate system to be scaled, which would explain why you're seeing your output enlarged.
If you want 300dpi, you need to buy a 300dpi printer.
If you need to use the 200dpi printer you have, you need to think up an alternative solution, such as enlarging the size of the barcode, or using a different symbology that doesn't require as high a resolution.
I'm having some trouble installing openscenegraph. I am currently going through this tutorial but I'm not sure what this particular part of the instruction is saying:
The link above is #3 on the installing instruction that is in this link:
In short, I'm trying to set my XF86Config file to driver TwinView mode for passive stereo. First off, what am I doing here? And secondly how do install this?
TwinView is NVidia's version of Windows' Extend Mode - it makes your software think you have one screen that is twice as wide instead of two regular width screens. If you have an NVidia card, these options should be available. If you don't, you need to find out what your card's equivalent parameters are.
Open Scene Graph will then split the screen in half horizontally (thus the HORIZONTAL_SPLIT mode), drawing one eye's perspective on each half. For a passive projector setup, you would have one projector for each eye, and a different filter for each (CW and CCW filters for circularly polarized, or Red and Blue for anaglyphic polarization, etc.)
My setup:
Microsoft Surface Pro (version 1), Windows 8.1, Netbeans 8.0, Emacs 24
I noticed that with any given font, in this case Consolas 14, the Netbeans text size is not only smaller, but super crisp on the display. On Emacs, Consolas 14 is huge and kinda blurry. On other programs the text is also not as crisp as on Netbeans. I'm aware there is sub-pixel stuff going on with cleartext, dithering, etc.
So what is Netbeans doing, specifically to look this awesome? Can I get Emacs to look the same? Why is the text different size given the same pt size of 14? How can I get the text to look like this in my programs (assuming on JVM)?
On a regular LCD monitor driven by Surface Pro, the Netbeans text looks a bit less crisp, but the size difference remains, so I attribute this to it being a somewhat lower quality monitor.
I can't necessarily answer your question of "what is Netbeans doing" per se, but I can offer one method for improving the appearance of emacs.
After a bit of research (mostly trial and error, honestly), I found the problem to be related to Windows and its "display scaling." There are many discussions about display scaling on the SP[23] in general, including when connecting to an external display that is not high DPI, Windows is not offering independent scaling factors.
The answer to your question is (I think) loosely related to that. I was adjusting Windows compatibility parameters (right-click on the emacs icon and select Properties then go to the Compatibility tab) for another application when I noticed some options that adjusted color modes (no effect) and DPI scaling (big effect). After some comparisons, I found that checking Disable display scaling on high DPI settings provided a considerably better experience on my screen.
Granted, it isn't "as good" as the same text displayed in, say, Microsoft Word, as really-close-up visual inspection may reveal. Additionally, whenever I put emacs on my non-DPI external monitor, the menus and such as huge, but that's something else to deal with.
In the image below, for comparison is some text in Microsoft Word (top 1) followed by three anti-aliasing options each without (middle 3) and with (bottom 3) the display scaling disabled. The Windows Properties window, Compatibility tab are overlaid for quick reference to what is set. (One interesting side-effect is that the text is roughly 4% smaller now in addition to being much clearer.) Though this example is using the Ubuntu Mono font, it appeared to work equally well with Consolas.
(Windows 8.1, SP3, emacs-24.4.1 from vgoulet.)
This is simply an update on the answer by r2evans. In my version of Windows the Disable display scaling on high DPI settings option no longer exists. Instead, there is an option to Override high DPI scaling behaviour. Setting this to Scaling performed by: System clears up the issue for me.
I am definitely puzzled by the capabilities of the existing terminals for gnuplot (wxt, ...). It's quite impossible to edit quickly the chart on the interface (change color of one curve, hide one curve, export in eps with the current rendering (without switching terminals) etc...).
The "windows" term has some nice feature (linestyle editing, etc...) but I am still waiting for something more "complete".
Some operations like "hiding a line" are non-intuitive for the gnuplot command language (actually the only solution that I know is to rewrite the plot command) and that's why I am looking for a terminal that will leverage some specific intermediate representation of the plotted object to allow the user to change quickly the design.
Do you have any information about this kind of tools ?
Note: I can't post more than two links because I'm a new-ish user here...
A quick search reveals several (probably abandoned) projects with similar parity to what you're asking for:
UniGNUPlot -Graphic GNUPlot front-end, last update in 2009-07-17
JAVA gnuplot GUI, last update in 2010-04-19
XGFE, last known update in 1999-01-01 and probably best avoided due to its age...
Honestly, I'd recommend something like QtiPlot (which also has the advantage of being cross platform) which is your typical "data analysis and scientific visualisation solution". I know it's not of the same paradigm as gnuplot, but it's easy to use.
If you would insist on using gnuplot as the backend, then an interesting perl wrapper called gplot (search sourceforge) exists that you can call from the command line. From the website, the syntax seems straightforward
# plot 3 sets of data, specify colors and points
gplot.pl -color green -point uptriangle 1a.data \
-color blue -point box 2a.data \
-color green -point circle 3a.data
but again, this is quite dated (last update 2009-07-17).
The major issue for these older gnuplot front ends is that gnuplot had a change of syntax for a few features (such as line color and style) a few years ago. I can't seem to find the precise version at which it changed at the moment, but the change did happen. Depending on how willing you are to change the source code of these wrappers, I do not imagine much tweaking would be needed.