Transfer DNS from Azure DNS to different registrar - azure

I am have a couple domains that are using azure as the registrar and Azure DNS to host the zones. I have request from a customer to move these to a different registrar. When I go into the Azure portal, I don't seem to have any option under "App Service Domains" or the DNS zones themselves to unlock the domain for transfer.
I have read on a few places that there should be a link for "advanced dns management" and from there I can unlock the domain which will allow the transfer to be initiated from the new registrar (ie: GoDaddy). However, I don't have any such link.
I originally transferred these domains to azure from a different registrar a few years ago. I used a powershell script to do that. I am wondering if that is why I might not get the normal options as these resources were created a little differently.
Is there a PowerShell script to unlock the domain so I can do this transfer?
Thank you in advance!

I tried to check the Advanced Management Portal option and was able to find it in my environment as below:
Alternatively, try using Domain Manager ( as suggested in this Microsoft QnA by ajkuma-MSFT.
Make sure to have Administrator or Co-Admin role on your subscription.
Try unlocking the domain by selecting your domain-> Advanced settings like below:
If your domain is within 60 days of registration or a previous transfer, you cannot transfer the domain as mentioned in this blog By Yutang Lin.
If the issue still persists, please raise Azure Support Ticket for the same.
To Transfer DNS from Azure DNS to GoDaddy, please try the following:
Go to Advanced Management Portal.
Select the domain name you want to transfer.
Under Additional settings, select the Transfer option based on your requirement.
Select continue to transfer and enter the IPS tag for the new registrar and complete transfer.
Copy the authorization code and select My Domains.
Enter the authorization code for the domain name.
For more in detail, please refer below links:
How to unlock my domain if "Advanced Management portal" in App Service Domain greyed out by Noman Latif
How do i move Azure DNS to godaddy by Pramil Gawande


Configure Azure Traffic Manager over 2 web apps with custom domain and SSL

I have two websites:
I have added a traffic manager called is configured with a custom domain I've also added a wildcard SSL certificate to it (i.e., * If I request it serves the website without any issues.
I need to setup Traffic Manager on top of these two sites. So, if is down/offline, then Traffic Manager can switch to automatically.
Implementation question
I've read these SO answers (SO 1, SO 2) and this docs article, however, I have some doubts. I would really appreciate if someone can confirm my understanding outlined below, please?
Step 1: I understand that I'll have to update DNS records to something like: 60 IN CNAME Remove other DNS/CNAME records that point to
Step 2: I'll need to remove the current custom domain mapping from and then re-add it. Set custom domain to and the CNAME configuration will show the traffic manager endpoint. No DNS changes required in this step?
Step 3: Add a custom domain to set the custom domain to and the CNAME configuration will show the traffic manager endpoint. No DNS changes required in this step?
Step 4: No changes to the SSL certificate added to
Step 5: Add the SSL certificate to
Now, accessing should hit the traffic manager. It will see that is online, so it will direct users to that. If goes down, it will auto redirect users to
Your steps are mostly correct. What you want to do is to follow this document---Configure a custom domain name in Azure App Service with Traffic Manager integration
In step 3 and step 4, the traffic manager domain name will show under CNAME configuration. Select it and click Add custom domain. No other steps are required.
If a record is already in use and you need to preemptively bind your
apps to it, you can create an additional CNAME record. For example, to
preemptively bind to your app, create a CNAME record
from awverify.www to You can then add to your app without the need to change the www
CNAME record. For more information, see Migrate an active DNS name to
Azure App Service.
You also could see the full steps in this blog. In this blog, it uses a second web app in a different subscription, so it selects an external endpoint for that. If your first web app and your Traffic Manager instance are in the same subscription, use an Azure Endpoint, as you would normally, and choose the web app in that subscription.
Let me know if you face any questions.

How to acquire the EPP code for domains registered at Azure?

I'd like to transfer my domain from Azure to another registrar. For that I need to
Unlock the transfer lock
Get the EPP code AKA transfer code AKA authorization code
How can I do these things?
Login to the Azure portal, select the App Service domain that you wish to transfer out, and click on 'Advanced management' for the domain.
This will redirect to an external domain management service. (Azure Domains are hosted by Azure DNS, but domain registration is handled by GoDaddy).
Click on 'Domain Settings' in the menu for the domain you want to transfer.
Under “Additional Settings” you can unlock your domain by clicking on edit for “Domain lock” and turning it Off. You'll then see information about any minimum length of time you need to keep the domain with GoDaddy, or alternatively instructions on how to transfer the domain away from Azure and the codes required.
These instructions are adapted from the Domain FAQ; some of the steps they suggest there are incorrect.

Azure App Service accept all domain names

Is it possible to have an App Service respond to all domain names that it receives? I would really like to be able to deploy to an App Service plan, rather than a VM. Note I am not trying to do wildcard subdomains - these require adding them through the Azure console. I am trying to accept any domain name that the app service receives. Adding and verifying each domain is not practical.
I have a multitenant app, so this is really important to me so that customers can use their own domain names.
I've tried adding the domain * and ., but it fails validation.
I don't think you can do this because Azure requires validation of domain ownership by adding specific records to DNS. Here is a discussion as to why they do that.
The best you might be able to do is to automate or script the binding, but even then you would need assistance from your third party partners/customers to verify their DNS ownership.
An alternative would be to transfer your DNS to Azure and use subdomains. I know you've said you're not looking at that solution, but using the Azure DNS offering would allow you to fully script out the onboarding process for a new customer.
Could you ensure that the changes to your DNS settings have been confirmed and validated from your DNS provider’s end. For certain providers, such as GoDaddy, changes to DNS records don't become effective until you select a separate Save Changes link.
For more details, refer "Map an existing custom DNS name to Azure Web Apps".
You may refer MSDN thread, which addresses similar issue.

How to perform third party Domain setup on Microsoft Azure?

I have set up AD Azure and since I have a domain from a third party hosting provider(re-seller) i needed to assign MX and TX values in order to verify the Domain.
Re-seller refused to manually setup the records in the domain registrar and provided a free shared hosting package for me to setup those values in the control panel which i did with no effort and successfully verified the domain name within Azure portal.
I had made all the wire up within azure portal to use the domain i had verified but when i browse i get responses from the Re-seller server instead of Azure.
The only thing i had left to do is to change the NS records which the Re-Seller refused to do so - so far.
Please provide some details of how the request travels in this kind of Domain name setup and what measures should i take in order to use my domain in Azure hosted environment?
To bind a custom domain for your Azure app, you need to do three main steps to map the custom domain to your app( more detail refer here):
And if you also want to add a custom domain for Azure AD, you can refer this document.

Manage domain name purchased through azure

I purchased a custom domain name through Azure, and it was correctly pointing to my Web App, and it was working. I subsequently deleted and recreated the Web app, and the underlying IP has changed. In order to associate the same domain name with the replacement app, Azure requires the CNAME to be set by the DNS provider. However, Azure is the DNS provider, and I can find no way to do this. I see lots of articles discussing how to manage the domain name once it is associated with the app, but not how do to manage it the gap between creation and association, which is the gap where I need to add the CNAME.
Take a look at this:
and this:
Edit: Also, you could do what you are asking for through Powershell:
The problem occurs because the subscription was changed from a pay-as-you-go subscription to developer benefits subscription. The purchase of the domain name is tied to the subscription with it was purchased. Creating the App under the original subscription enables the management blade.
Did this recently, using "" and "myfunkywebapp" as examples ..
Bought the domain through Azure ("Custom domain and SSL" blade on the WebApp) which you have already done.
The new "DNS preview" service allows you to create DNS Zones and then manage the subdomain recordsets - Create a new zone (I called "" and take note of the 4 DNS servers allocated to the zone.
Then under "Custom domain and SSL" blade of your Web App select the new domain ( under "Managed Domains" and then click the Advanced menu button - this will take you to a seperate site where you can delegate the domain to the 4 DNS servers from step 2. This is what you are missing I think. I took note of the current DNS servers before changing them (but have had no need to change them back)
Once delegated you can create CNAME recordsets under the DNS preview Zone and point the CNAME record to the full domain of your Web App and you are in full control of the domain from the Azure portal. There is a WebApi for managing this whole process which we use to create new tenants of our domain programatically.
