How I can add html element in picture-in-picure mode window - picture-in-picture

I am using pip floating video in my video conference platform.
I am showing video in floating window using picture-in-picture feature.
Now I want to :
Add button for close video and end call, so how i can add html element in floating video window. For reference you can see google meet 'open picture in picture' feature added at 3 dot given in call room at bottom.
Style floating window
Inspect floating window


how to customise elementor functionality(how do I find the right bit of code?)

I'm trying to make a web page formatted similar to that of Netflix. Where a list of videos are displayed in a div with two arrows in either direction on each side. When the number of videos are more than the width of the window clicking the arrows moves the displayed videos in the corresponding direction by one video.
And(key part), when a video is clicked, the clicked video gets displayed on another div(main part of the screen) with a text of introduction and an excerpt of the video playing in the background of that section, plus a "play" button to start the video.
I would probably be able to sort it out with vanilla code. But this page is managed by WordPress so I would have to plug in my code with wordpress.
My assumption is that hacking the existing elementor code for the video widget would be the quickest way to do it. But I don't know how to find the code corresponding to the functionality I need to modify to customize it to do what I want. I can locate the video-widget file, but still, it's a huge file with lots of code. How do I find the functionality I need specifically to import into my own code?
Thank you and sorry for the verbose phrasing.

DirectX-based game display always on top. Need solution

You can see the video of the problem below. When I press the Minimize button, the screen disappears, but when you put the other window on top without pressing the Minimize button, the screen will not be covered and it will always float on top. This problem did not occur in Windows 7, but it occurs after upgrading to Windows 10.
Problem video
I would like to know the DirectX initialization code for the function or function argument related to this problem. (As far as I know, this game uses DirectX 9.)
Additional Information
Based on Castorix's advice, I used the Spy ++ program to test it. Below is the result screen.
The problematic program consisted of two windows, a parent window and a child window. The parent window style consists of WS_CAPTION, WS_MINIMIZE, WS_VISIBLE, WS_CPLISIBLINGS, WS_SYSMENU, WS_OVERLAPPED, WS_MINIMIZEBOX, WS_MAXIMIZEBOX, 0x00008000. And the child window style consists of WS_CHILDWINDOW, WS_VISIBLE, WS_BORDER.
Additional Information 2
If you look carefully at the above video, when the game window goes under the notepad window, the game title bar is hidden, but you can see that the game screen is always on top instead of just being covered.

Can I use an image instead of a title in an Apple Watch app?

How can I put an icon in the top left label and make fullscreen? Apple allocates some space on top for the digital clock and back label. I would like to customize it, but I can't find anything in the SDK to enable this.
The top strip of the Watch screen is reserved for displaying the page title, or occasionally links such as "Cancel" by default for modal views, and the clock. It is not possible to hide this.
It is possible to set an empty title for a page. Some settings will alsoplace a background image behind this text (if you set the mode to 'Aspect Fill', at least in the current Xcode 6.2 beta 3). However, the portion of the image at the top of the screen is simply occluded by a black strip, so this does not achieve what you want.
Additionally, Apple have specifically recommended against displaying logos on the Apple Watch screen, with the rationale that the screen is too small to display for the user anything but actual content.
To set the Global tint:
Select the Interface Controller itself in Interface Builder by clicking on the Yellow circle at the top of the view of the screen.
Press Cmd-Opt-1 to display the File Inspector section of the Utilites on the right hand side.
Set the 'Global Tint' option in the section 'Interface Builder Document', as per the screenshot.
Not possible in the first cut but I think it will come later.
It's not actually a back label. The text in the top left of the Watch screen is the title of the current WKInterfaceController. You can change it by using -[WKInterfaceTitle setTitle:], but you are limited to content that is expressible in an NSString (so no UIImages).
It is possible to customise the status bar in watchOS 4.
Select your interface controller in the storyboard
Open the attributes inspector
Check the Full Screen checkbox
After doing this you can add your custom image to the left of the statusbar.

Linux PDF reader which handle speaker notes

I've tried several versions (adobe, evince and foxit) but no one seems to handle speaker notes in pdf presentations.
Edit: for example Google drive presentations or microsoft office powerpoint allow to insert speaker notes that are displayed in separated window and which can, for example, be dragged to the laptop screen while the main presentation is displayed in the datashow screen, both are bounded to each other, when one passes to a new slide in the big screen, its corresponding notes are displayed on the laptop screen.

where is layout of source

if i want get root view,i also by call getWindow().getDecorView().findViewById( or findViewById( i want to know if i can find the layout of could you tell me where is the can give me a link or other.thanks
You can use Hierarchy Viewer tool, See the definitons and Steps of how to use this tool in developer guide as shown below,
It shows visual representation of the layout's View hierarchy (the Layout View) and a magnified inspector of the display (the Pixel Perfect View).
To get the Hierarchy Viewer started:
Connect your device or launch an
emulator. From a terminal, launch
hierarchyviewer from your SDK /tools
directory. In the window that opens,
you'll see a list of Devices. When a
device is selected, a list of
currently active Windows is displayed
on the right. The is
the window currently in the
foreground, and also the default
window loaded if you do not select
another. Select the window that you'd
like to inspect and click Load View
Hierarchy. The Layout View will be
loaded. You can then load the Pixel
Perfect View by clicking the second
icon at the bottom-left of the window.
If you've navigated to a different
window on the device, press Refresh
Windows to refresh the list of
available windows on the right.
Now with the help of this tool, it shows the content is in Frame Layout, pls refer this output given by this tool.
