How to forward internal Ethernet ip:port to localhost:port on Ubuntu - linux

I have a relatively crude linux machine, with a setup that enables me to use my RPI through it since it's wifi doesn't work.
The RPI's ip is and I can ssh to it just fine through the machine. But I want to also be able to access it on other devices, one thing I though was to forward to something like (the ubuntu's ip) but I can't figure it out to make it work, could someone please help?
Do I make a proxy or something, idk...

Turns out I was right about the proxy part. For anyone that needs it, here's the answer:
Install simpleproxy: sudo apt-get install simpleproxy
Run it: simpleproxy -L 5022 -R
replace the port 5022 with your port or use ip:port and replace with your internal ip:port


docker-searXNG: I cannot start a tor searXNG instance (Debian)

I am kinda new to docker and as for my first project I wanted to try and start a searXNG instance on tor. There have been many people who have accomplished that, yet I cannot figure out whats wrong.
I've installed tor, searxng-docker and docker-compose on my raspberry pi (it is running raspberry pi os lite), got the .onion hostname and put it in .env and then, I got the instance running. But when I checked the link, it gave me a 404.
Can anyone help? I would really appreciate that.
The output of sudo docker ps:
The .env file (I've hide my email:
Do you want your server to be only available on Tor as a hidden service?
This is not supported out of the box.
Here some information that should help:
Add http:// in front of your server name in .env: SEARXNG_HOSTNAME=http://gpfo...onion
In Caddyfile, add bind just before line 10 (tls {$SEARXNG_TLS}).
In torrc, but sure to have HiddenServicePort 80 in addition to HiddenServiceDir.

Linux: Using Proxy

I have some struggles with the proxy settings.
There is a proxy server running which I use. So I've set the proxy urls in the environment based on this tutorial
This works pretty fine if I use the chromium browser, but ping
and apt-get still does not work.
Did I miss something?
I guess ping and so on don't use the proxy settings of env
To answer your problem referring to apt follow this thread:
Ping uses ICMP and not http,https or ftp to do its job.
If you want ping to work you'll need to config the routing table of your machine as the proxy machine and config iptables on the proxy machine to NAT the traffic. To give you an idea follow this thread:
how to transmit traffic from a linux vpn server to another linux server?
Hope this helps.

How to secure memcached on Ubuntu 12.04

Running memcached on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.
My /etc/memcached.conf file is set to only listen to localhost.
i.e. -l
But I can still telnet through to it from the outside even though it is set to only listen to localhost. My site really doesn't host any sensitive data whatsoever but I am a bit stumped that the config file doesn't really seem to do its job. I don't really see the need for IPtables. Any easy fix to secure memcached without having to set up IPtables?
Restart the service, you might have made change without restarting
To make more secure do not use the standard port

Can't access tomcat web page from lan

I installed a tomcat7 server on a ubuntu 12.04 box. I simply used "apt-get install tomcat7". I did not install apache2. I can access the default page from localhost:8080,, and, where the latter is the IP address from my LAN. my end goal is to be able to access the web server from outside the LAN with port forwarding. For now, however, I can't even access it inside the LAN.
I can't access the web page from any other computer (windows 7, iPad) on the same LAN! I
get the "connection has timed out" error from the browser.
Question: Can I run tomcat on it's own without installing Apache2 first? This is the current setup and I can access pages hosted on tomcat on the same server, but not over the LAN.
Other information:
I can ping the ubuntu computer from other machines
The ubuntu firewall is disabled (checked via the firewall GUI interface).
I also tried "sudo ufw disable"
I tried: "sudo service iptables stop" and got the message: "iptables: unrecognized service"
I also tried disabling the appArmor firewall:
sudo /etc/init.d/apparmor stop
sudo /etc/init.d/apparmor teardown
sudo update-rc.d -f apparmor remove
I set the router firewall policy to minimum: inbound: accept all; outbount: accept all.
All computers (including ubuntu server) are connected to LAN via wireless
The ubuntu server IP address is static, not DHCP
I checked the SELinux folder and it's empty. I removed it.
Thank you for your help,
I can connect from within the LAN using ssh (I installed OpenSSH on ubuntu).
I found the solution to this problem. It turned out there was a firewall active that was blocking the port. The firewall is called "firestarter". Not sure how this was installed, but it can be downloaded from the ubuntu software center. The default inboud policy blocks all ports except for SSH (22). I opened port 8080 and everything worked just fine. The other firewalls (ufw and SELinux) were disabled.
Thank you all again for your help.
First of all make sure all of the IP addresses are topologically correct, then ping to the your apache server system, If all this succeeds your network is fine.
Now the question are you using the Ubuntu Server edition? if this is the case i believe you can setup apache out of the box.
In case of the Desktop edition you could install it using command line or just install something like XAMP from apache friends.
Make sure your apache Server is started
If you do not already have Apache installed, you can do so now by issuing the following commands:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install apache2
This is all that is necessary to have a working web server.
I think, "apt-get install tomcat7" doesnt works in Ubuntu. You have to manually download the TAR file & then you can install it with the scripts. Please check whether it is properly installed or not. it should show a Apache Tomcat Homepage # localhost:8080
Also if it is installed properly, check whether it is running on the port 8080, or any other port.
If everything is fine, then disable the firewall of the Server, where you have installed the Tomcat. check for the server IP.
Now from other machine, access that server using http://server_ip:port
This should work fine. No issues should be there.
The other thing, you have metioned in your question, UBUNTU BOX. May be this issue arises due to UBUNTU BOX. If possible, make a clean install of Ubuntu.

ssh: Could not resolve hostname [hostname]: nodename nor servname provided, or not known [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am trying to set up a VPN with a Raspberry Pi, and the first step is gaining the ability to ssh into the device from outside my local network. For whatever reason, this is proving to be impossible and I haven't the slightest clue why. When I try to ssh into my server with user#hostname, I get the error:
ssh: Could not resolve hostname [hostname]: nodename nor servname provided, or not known
However, I can log into the server with,
ssh user#[local IP]
The server is a Raspberry Pi Model B running the latest distribution of Raspbian and the machine I am trying to connect to it with is a Macbook Pro running Mavericks. ssh was enabled on the Raspberry Pi when I set up Raspbian.
I have perused Stack Overflow for hours trying to see if anyone else had this problem and I have not found anything. Every ssh tutorial I find says that I should just be able to set it up on the remote machine and log in from anywhere using a hostname, and I have never had success with that.
If you're on Mac, restarting the DNS responder fixed the issue for me.
sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder
I had the same issue connecting to a remote machine. but I managed to login as below:
ssh -p 22 myName#hostname
ssh -l myName -p 22 hostname
Recently I came across the same issue. I was able to ssh to my pi on my network, but not from outside my home network.
I had already:
installed and tested ssh on my home network.
Set a static IP for my pi.
Set up a Dynamic DNS service and installed the software on my pi.
I referenced these instructions for setting up the static ip, and there are many more instructional resources out there.
Also, I set up port forward on my router for hosting a web site and I had even port forward port 22 to my pi's static IP for ssh, but I left the field blank where you specify the application you are performing the port forwarding for on the router. Anyway, I added 'ssh' into this field and, VOILA! A working ssh connection from anywhere to my pi.
I'll write out my router's port forwarding settings.
(ApplicationTextField)_ssh (external port)_22 (Internal Port)_22 (Protocal)_Both (To IP Address)_192.168.1.### (Enabled)_checkBox
Port forwarding settings can be different for different routers though, so look up directions for your router.
Now, when I am outside of my home network I connect to my pi by typing:
ssh pi#[hostname]
Then I am able to input my password and connect.
In my case I was trying ssh like this
ssh pedro#
when the correct format is:
ssh pedro# -p 22
If you need access to your VPN from anywhere in the world you need to register a domain name and have it point to the public ip address of your VPN/network gateway. You could also use a Dynamic DNS service to connect a hostname to your public ip.
If you only need to ssh from your Mac to your Raspberry inside your local network, do this: On your Mac, edit /etc/hosts. Assuming the Raspberry has hostname "berry" and ip "", add one line:
# ip hostname berry
Now: ssh user#berry should work.
I had the same issue, which I was able to resolve by adding a .local to the host name, ala ssh user#hostname.local
For me, the problem was a typo on my ~/.ssh/config file. I had:
Host host1:
User jlyonsmith
The problem was the : after the host1 - it should not be there. ssh gives no warnings for typos in the ~/.ssh/config file. When it can't find host1 it looks for the machine locally, can't find it and prints the cryptic error message.
I had the same problem: The address shown in Preferences -> Sharing -> Remote Login didn't work and I got a '... nodename nor servname provided, or not known'. However, when I manually edited the settings (in Preferences -> Sharing -> Remote Login -> edit) and enabled "Use dynamic global hostname", it suddenly worked.
If your command is:
$ ssh -p 1122 path/to/pemfile user#[hostip/hostname]
You will also face the same error
ssh: Could not resolve hostname [hostname]: nodename nor servname provided, or not known
when you miss the option -i /path/to/pemfile of ssh
So Command should be:
$ ssh -p 1122 -i path/to/pemfile user#[hostip/hostname]
I needed to connect to remote Amazon server
ssh -i ~/.ssh/test.pem -fN -L 5555:localhost:5678
I was getting the following error.
ssh: Could not resolve hostname <>: nodename nor servname provided, or not known
Solution For Mac OSX
Pinging the host resolved the issue. I am using Mac OSX Seirra.
Now problem resolved. Able to connect to the server.
Note: I tried this solution also. But it didn't work out. Then ping resolved the issue.
It seems that some apps won't read symlinked /etc/hosts (on macOS at least), you need to hardlink it.
ln /path/to/hosts_file /etc/hosts
This was happening to me when trying to access Github. The problem is that I was in the habit of doing:
git remote add <xyz> ssh:\\
But, if you are having this error from the question, removing ssh:\\ may resolve the issue. It solved it for me!
Note that you will have to do a git remote remove <xyz> and re-add the remote url without ssh:\\.
I have the exact same configuration. This answer pertains specifically to connecting to a raspberry pi from inside the local network (not outside). I have A raspberry pi ssh server, and a macbook pro, both connected to a a router. On a test router, my mac connects perfectly when I use ssh danran#mypiserver, however, when I use ssh danran#mypiserver on my main router, i get the error
ssh: Could not resolve hostname [hostname]: nodename nor servname
provided, or not known
Just as you have gotten. It seems, the solution for me at least, was to add a .local extension to the hostname when connecting from my mac via ssh.
So, to solve this, i used the command ssh danran#mypiserver.local (remember to replace the "danran" with your username and the "mypiserver" with your hostname) instead of using ssh danran#mypiserver.
To anyone reading this, try adding a .local as the suffix to your hostname you are trying to connect to. That should solve the issue on a local network.
Try this, considering your allowed ports. Store your .pem file in your Documents folder for instance.
To gain access to it now all you have to do is cd [directory], which moves you to the directory of the allotted file. You can first type ls, to list the directory contents you are currently in:
cd /Documents
chmod 400 mycertificate.pem
ssh -i "mycertificate.pem" -p 80
I got this error by using a .yml inventory file in ansible that was not properly formatted. For multiple hosts in a group, each hostname needs to end in a hard colon ":". Otherwise ansible runs the host names together and produces this ssh error.
I had the same problem after testing Visual Studio Code with remote-ssh plugin. During the setup of the remote host the software did ask me where to store the config-file. I thought a good place is the '.ssh-folder' (Linux-system) as it was a ssh-remote configuration.
It turned out to be a bad idea. The next day, after a new start of the computer I couldn't logon via ssh on the remote server. The error message was 'Could not resolve hostname:....... Name or service not known'.
What happen was that the uninstall from VSC did not delete this config-file and of course it was than disturbing the usual process. An 'rm' later the problem was solved (I did delete this config-file).
