Multilabel classification with null values with scikit-learn - scikit-learn

I'd like to do multilabel classification (with values 0 and 1 per label) for a bunch of text (but that's not really important, the vectorisation already works fine).
However, some of my label columns will also contain null/NaN (whatever representation for "there is no information").
Is this possible with scikit-learn?
My (working) code for a regular dataset: (rough edited snippet)
clf = OneVsRestClassifier(ComplementNB(alpha=.01)), train_labels)
preds = clf.predict(x_val)
f1_score = metrics.f1_score(val_labels, preds, average="micro")
So I'm offloading a lot of the work to scikit-learn. I can't just go about dropping all records that have a null somewhere in their labels, or I'd lose out on a bunch of information.
I guess what I want is "when learning a model for each label separately (which is what OneVsRest does, afaik), then only learn from the records that have actual values". So like a local dropna()? I'm not interested in imputing the missing values, that would make no sense. The information given is "we don't know if this label applies or not, so just ignore it for this record".


Is it possible to get the number of rows of the training set from a LGBMClassifier?

I have trained a model using lightgbm.sklearn.LGBMClassifier from the lightgbmpackage. I can find out the number of columns and column names of the training data from the model but I have not found a way to find the row number of the training data. Is it possible to do so? The best solution would be to obtain the training data from the model but I have not come across anything like that.
# This gives the number of the columns the model is trained with
# Any way to find out the row number of the training data as well?
lgbm_model.n_instances_ # does not exist!
The tree structure of a LightGBM model includes information about how many records from the training data would fall into each node in the tree if that node were a leaf node. In LightGBM's code, this value is called internal_count.
Since all data matches the root node of each tree, in most situations you can use that information to figure out, given a LightGBM model, how many instances were in the training data.
Consider the following example, using lightgbm==3.3.2 and Python 3.8.8.
import lightgbm as lgb
from sklearn.datasets import make_blobs
X, y = make_blobs(n_samples=1234, centers=[[-4, -4], [-4, 4]])
clf = lgb.LGBMClassifier(num_iterations=10, subsample=0.5), y)
num_data = clf.booster_.dump_model()["tree_info"][0]["tree_structure"]["internal_count"]
# 1234
This will work in most cases. There are two special circumstances where this number could be misleading as an answer to the question "how much data was used to train this model":
if you set bagging_fraction<1.0, then at each iteration LightGBM will only use a fraction of the training data to evaluate splits (see the LightGBM docs for details on bagging_fraction)
if you use "training continuation", where you take an existing model and perform additional boosting rounds, and you use a different training set for those additional boosting rounds, then "how much data was used to train this model" will have a complicated answer that depends on which range of boosting rounds you're referring to by "this model"

Training/Predicting with CNN / ResNet on all classes each iteration - concatenation of input data + Hungarian algorithm

So I've got a simple pytorch example of how to train a ResNet CNN to learn MNIST labeling from this link:
It's working great, but I want to hack it a bit so that it does 2 things. First, instead of predicting digits, it predicts animal shapes/colors for a project I'm working on. That's already working quite well already and am happy with it.
Second, I'd like to hack the training (and possibly layers) so that predictions is done in parallel on multiple images at a time. In the MNIST example, basically prediction (or output) would be done for an image that has 10 digits at a time concatenated by me. For clarity, each 10-image input will have the digits 0-9 appearing only once each. The key here is that each of the 10 digit gets a unique class/label from the CNN/ResNet and each class gets assigned exactly once. And that digits that have high confidence will prevent other digits with lower confidence from using that label (a Hungarian algorithm type of approach).
So in my use case I want to train on concatenated images (not single images) as in Fig A below and force the classifier to learn to predict the best unique label for each of the concatenated images and do this all at once. Such an approach should outperform single image classification - and it's particularly useful for my animal classification because otherwise the CNN can sometimes return the same ID for multiple animals which is impossible in my application.
I can already predict in series as in Fig B below. And indeed looking at the confidence of each prediction I am able to implement a Hungarian-algorithm like approach post-prediction to assign the best (most confident) unique IDs in each batch of 4 animals. But this doesn't always work and I'm wondering if ResNet can try and learn the greedy Hungarian assignment as well.
In particular, it's not clear that implementing A simply requires augmenting the data input and labels in the training set will do it automatically - because I don't know how to penalize or dissalow returning the same label twice for each group of images. So for now I can generate these training datasets like this:
print (
print (train_loader.dataset.targets.shape)
torch.Size([60000, 28, 28])
And I guess I would want the targets to be [60000, 10]. And each input image would be [1, 28, 28, 10]? But I'm not sure what the correct approach would be.
Any advice or available links?
I think this is a specific type of training, but I forgot the name.

What do sklearn.cross_validation scores mean?

I am working on a time-series prediction problem using GradientBoostingRegressor, and I think I'm seeing significant overfitting, as evidenced by a significantly better RMSE for training than for prediction. In order to examine this, I'm trying to use sklearn.model_selection.cross_validate, but I'm having problems understanding the result.
First: I was calculating RMSE by fitting to all my training data, then "predicting" the training data outputs using the fitted model and comparing those with the training outputs (the same ones I used for fitting). The RMSE that I observe is the same order of magnitude the predicted values and, more important, it's in the same ballpark as the RMSE I get when I submit my predicted results to Kaggle (although the latter is lower, reflecting overfitting).
Second, I use the same training data, but apply sklearn.model_selection.cross_validate as follows:
cross_validate( predictor, features, targets, cv = 5, scoring = "neg_mean_squared_error" )
I figure the neg_mean_squared_error should be the square of my RMSE. Accounting for that, I still find that the error reported by cross_validate is one or two orders of magnitude smaller than the RMSE I was calculating as described above.
In addition, when I modify my GradientBoostingRegressor max_depth from 3 to 2, which I would expect reduces overfitting and thus should improve the CV error, I find that the opposite is the case.
I'm keenly interested to use Cross Validation so I don't have to validate my hyperparameter choices by using up Kaggle submissions, but given what I've observed, I'm not clear that the results will be understandable or useful.
Can someone explain how I should be using Cross Validation to get meaningful results?
I think there is a conceptual problem here.
If you want to compute the error of a prediction you should not use the training data. As the name says theese type of data are used only in training, for evaluating accuracy scores you ahve to use data that the model has never seen.
About cross-validation I can tell that it's an approach to find the best training/testing set. The process is as follows: you divide your data into n groups and you do various iterating changing the testing group you pick. If you have n groups you will do n iteration and each time the training and testing set will be different. It's more understamdable in the image below.
Basically what you should do it's kile this:
Train the model using months from 0 to 30 (for example)
See the predictions made with months from 31 to 35 as input.
If the input has to be the same lenght divide feature in half (should be 17 months).
I hope I understood correctly, othewise comment.

Keras. figuring out class label encoding

I am doing binary classification with one-output layer. I want to know which class is encoded as 0 and as 1 so that I can interpret probability scores when using model.predict() in Keras (which I think are scores for label1). Does it make sense to use predct_classes for training data to inspect the class label given that training loss is small? Is there any better way to this?
Yes, it makes sense to use predict(trainingData) to study the results, to manually compare the values between the predicted data and the true data.
But it's you who define what 0 and 1 are when you create the true values.
The answer is in your true data, what they usually call "Y". The model will learn what is in Y and that is the classification. Only you (who created the data) can know that.

Sklearn overfitting

I have a data set containing 1000 points each with 2 inputs and 1 output. It has been split into 80% for training and 20% for testing purpose. I am training it using sklearn support vector regressor. I have got 100% accuracy with training set but results obtained with test set are not good. I think it may be because of overfitting. Please can you suggest me something to solve the problem.
You may be right: if your model scores very high on the training data, but it does poorly on the test data, it is usually a symptom of overfitting. You need to retrain your model under a different situation. I assume you are using train_test_split provided in sklearn, or a similar mechanism which guarantees that your split is fair and random. So, you will need to tweak the hyperparameters of SVR and create several models and see which one does best on your test data.
If you look at the SVR documentation, you will see that it can be initiated using several input parameters, each of which could be set to a number of different values. For the simplicity, let's assume you are only dealing with two parameters that you want to tweak: 'kernel' and 'C', while keeping the third parameter 'degree' set to 4. You are considering 'rbf' and 'linear' for kernel, and 0.1, 1, 10 for C. A simple solution is this:
for kernel in ('rbf', 'linear'):
for c in (0.1, 1, 10):
svr = SVR(kernel=kernel, C=c, degree=4), train_target)
score = svr.score(test_features, test_target)
print kernel, c, score
This way, you can generate 6 models and see which parameters lead to the best score, which will be the best model to choose, given these parameters.
A simpler way is to let sklearn to do most of this work for you, using GridSearchCV (or RandomizedSearchCV):
parameters = {'kernel':('linear', 'rbf'), 'C':(0.1, 1, 10)}
clf = GridSearchCV(SVC(degree=4), parameters), train_target)
print clf.best_score_
print clf.best_params_
model = clf.best_estimator_ # This is your model
I am working on a little tool to simplify using sklearn for small projects, and make it a matter of configuring a yaml file, and letting the tool do all the work for you. It is available on my github account. You might want to take a look and see if it helps.
Finally, your data may not be linear. In that case you may want to try using something like PolynomialFeatures to generate new nonlinear features based on the existing ones and see if it improves your model quality.
Try fitting your data using training data split Sklearn K-Fold cross-validation, this provides you a fair split of data and better model , though at a cost of performance , which should really matter for small dataset and where the priority is accuracy.
A few hints:
Since you have only two inputs, it would be great if you plot your data. Try either a scatter with alpha = 0.3 or a heatmap.
Try GridSearchCV, as mentioned by #shahins.
Especially, try different values for the C parameter. As mentioned in the docs, if you have a lot of noisy observations you should decrease it. It corresponds to regularize more the estimation.
If it's taking too long, you can also try RandomizedSearchCV
As a side note from #shahins answer (I am not allowed to add comments), both implementations are not equivalent. GridSearchCV is better since it performs cross-validation in the training set for tuning the hyperparameters. Do not use the test set for tuning hyperparameters!
Don't forget to scale your data
