Keras. figuring out class label encoding - keras

I am doing binary classification with one-output layer. I want to know which class is encoded as 0 and as 1 so that I can interpret probability scores when using model.predict() in Keras (which I think are scores for label1). Does it make sense to use predct_classes for training data to inspect the class label given that training loss is small? Is there any better way to this?

Yes, it makes sense to use predict(trainingData) to study the results, to manually compare the values between the predicted data and the true data.
But it's you who define what 0 and 1 are when you create the true values.
The answer is in your true data, what they usually call "Y". The model will learn what is in Y and that is the classification. Only you (who created the data) can know that.


Training spaCy TextCategorizer with data that belongs to no label?

I'm gathering training data for multilabel classification. Some of the data fed into this project will not have enough information to assign it to one of the labels. If I train the model with data that belongs to no label, will it avoid labelling new data that is unclear? Do I need to train it with an "Unclear" label or should I just leave this type of data unlabelled?
I can't seem to find the answer to this question in the spaCy docs.
Assuming you really want multilabel classification, i.e. an instance can have zero or multiple classes, then it's fine to have some data without any label. If the model performs correctly, it should also predict no label for similar instances. Be careful however that no label doesn't mean unclear for the model, it means that none of the possible classes apply (they are considered independently).
Note that in the case of multiclass classification, i.e. an instance always has exactly one class, it is impossible to assign no label to an instance. But it would also be suboptimal to create a class 'unclear', because in multiclass classification the model predicts the most likely class, i.e. relatively to the others. Semantically 'no label' is not a regular label comparable to the others.
Technically this is not a programming question (for future reference, better ask such questions on or

pos_weight in multilabel classification in pytorch

I am using pytorch for multilabel classification. I have used pos_weights in BCELoss since i have imbalanced data. FOr to use pos_weight, whether we need to take the entire dataset(train, validation, test) or only the training set for calculating the pos_Weight... Thanks...
While not a coding question and better suited for a different SE site, the quick answer is this:
You always assume you have never seen the test set before, so you cannot use it in any way to make decisions about the model design. For the validation set, a similar argument can be made in that you want to validate at regular intervals using unseen data. As such, you want to calculate class weights using the train data only.
Do keep in mind that if the class distribution is not a representation of the class distribution in unseen data (i.e. the real world, or your test set), then the model will optimize for the wrong class distribution. This should be solved by analyzing the task better, not by directly using the test set to determine class distribution.

When doing text classification do the train and test text need to have the same shape after being tokenized

I am revisiting a project I did with the reuters dataset and while my model has some slight overfitting the training accuracy being 99 and validation being around 96. When I evaluate the model on the test data my accuracy is around 27%. So I was wondering if this is because the training and test data have a different shape.
(5485, 10000)
(2189, 10000)
Usually if you have the wrong shape you should get an error rather than just having bad performance.
Whether the shape needs to be the same depends on what kind of model you're using. Some models can take inputs of arbitrary length, some will only handle things with a fixed length and will need to use padding or have some way of combining over-long documents.

Why my LSTM for Multi-Label Text Classification underperforms?

I'm using Windows 10 machine.
Libraries: Keras with Tensorflow 2.0
Embeddings:Glove(100 dimensions)
I am trying to implement an LSTM architecture for multi-label text classification.
My problem is that no matter how much fine-tuning I do, the results are really bad.
I am not experienced in DL practical implementations that's why I ask for your advice.
Below I will state basic information about my dataset and my model so far.
I can't embed images since I am a new member so they appear as links.
Dataset form+Embedings form+train-test-split form
Dataset's labels distribution
My Implementation of LSTM
Model's Summary
Model's Accuracy plot
Model's Loss plot
As you can see my dataset is really small (~6.000 examples) and maybe that's one reason why I cannot achieve better results. Still, I chose it because it's unbiased.
I'd like to know if there is any fundamental mistake in my code regarding the dimensions, shape, activation functions, and loss functions for multi-label text classification?
What would you recommend to achieve better results on my model? Also any general advice regarding optimizing, methods,# of nodes, layers, dropouts, etc is very welcome.
Model's best val accuracy that I achieved so far is ~0.54 and even if I tried to raise it, it seems stuck there.
There are many ways to get this wrong but the most common mistake is to get your model overfit the training data.
I suspect that 0.54 accuracy means that your model selects the most common label (offensive) for almost all cases.
So, consider one of these simple solutions:
Create balanced training data: like 400 samples from each class.
or sample balanced batches for training (exactly the same number of labels on each training batch)
In addition to tracking accuracy and loss, look at precision-recall-f1 or even better try plotting area under curve, maybe different classes need different thresholds of activation. (If you are using Sigmoid on last layer maybe one class could perform better with 0.2 activations and another class with 0.7)
first try simple model. embedding 1 layer LSTM than classify
how to tokenize text , is vocab size enough ?
try dice loss

How do I test my classifier accuracy against random values?

I've set up my first scikit-learn example to play with and I'm trying to gauge accuracy on my predictions. I've got training and test lists set up fine, but I'm getting ~0.95 accuracy even if I give it random values.
This looks to be because I'm checking for 0/1 labels, and 95% of the labels are zero's, so it's guessing on 0's and getting 0.95 accuracy (I think?). Obviously this isn't what I want.
How do I go about deciding if my classifiers are working, and how do I get meaningful accuracy values?
You have a clear class imbalance issue. Your classifier is predicting 0 all the time knowing it will be right 95% of the time. You can inspect this by calling predict(X_test) on your fitted classifier. If all the values are 0 you know this is the case.
To get a better idea on how the model performs you can upsample the data labelled with 1 or down sample the data labelled with 0. You can use this package which builds off scikit-learn and implements a number of resampling methods. Alternatively, you can use scikit learns resampling method. Which will bootstrap new data points for you.
