How to use schedule? - android-studio

I've seen quite a few examples of 'schedule' being used like this:
Timer().schedule(1000) {
// code to execute after delay
However, when I try to use it like this the function needs me to supply some sort of 'TimerTask' and I haven't seen anything about that.
So my question is how do you properly use schedule?


console.log() not appearing in output for express server

I can't for the life of me figure out how to get console.log() to appear with my express server. It's a middle-tier API for our front-end. You'll have to forgive me if I speak about it a little awkwardly, I'm relatively inexperienced with these tools but I'll do my best to explain the issue despite my inexperience. I'm trying to use console.log to get a better idea of a rather complex projects behavior and what might be causing some issues with it in its current state. Unfortunately console.log only seems to work within plainjane examples like so:
export const routerExample = express.Router();
routerExample.use((req, res, next) => {
console.log('Time: ',; // I show up in console just fine
When I try to lookup the problem I'm experiencing all solutions seem to be regarding getting routing examples like the one above to appear in console, I can see such examples just fine. The problem comes from getting anything to show up in examples like:
// routing.ts
import { homeController } from '../controllers/homeController';
const homeEx: HomeExample = new HomeExample();
routerExample.get('/home', homeEx.getHome);
// homeController.ts
export class HomeExample {
public getHome (req: Request, res: Response) : void {
console.log("something is happening");
// do stuff
Any uses of console.log like above never appear anywhere in node's console (or elsewhere as far as I can tell).
What am I missing that is needed to make these log messages appear? This has to be incredibly simple but I've been through numerous similar sounding issues on stackoverflow and elsewhere and everything single of one of them seems to be describing slightly different issues (or misunderstandings) that don't solve my own issue. I've tried numerous versions of node/npm and have added the DEBUG:* flag as well. None of this seems to solve it. If I'm missing any code that'd help give context to the issue let me know. I've obviously cut down parts and renamed some objects as I can't exactly dump work-related code here. What am I missing? Any help would be greatly appreciated :)
Edit 1: since many similar posts to this seem to get this mixed up, no I'm not looking at my front-end's console or something for the output. I'm looking in the terminal window where I start the server from, where the router example does appear.
Edit 2: for reference, my file structure is something like:
homeController.ts (HomeExample stuff is here)
routing.ts (routerExample stuff is here)
Edit 3: the code works overall to be clear. the problem is explicitly that that log.console() isn't appearing, all the code I've wrapped into "// do stuff" is working as expected.
Checkout Express Middlewares
routerExample.get('/home', homeExample);
function homeExample (req: Request, res: Response, next:NextFunction) : void {
console.log("something is happening");
// do stuff
You are also calling a member of a non static or instantiated class see this:
TypeScript - Static
What you are missing is to create a new instance of the homeExample class. What I recommend is to export the new instance on the route file like this:
class HomeRoute {
/* your methods */
export default new HomeRoute();
then you can use it:
import homeRoutes from './routes/home.route';
router.get('/home', homeRoutes.getHome);
See the example:
After a fresh nights sleep I've figured it out. It, of course, was the most obvious problem that managed to slip by me in the overall complexity of the codebase. The /home call was deprecated and replaced with a different call in the front-end without mention in the middle-tier code that I had posted. I didn't even consider checking what was being called any deeper since I was experiencing the same issue with multiple other calls that I didn't include in the original post for brevity. Basically all the tools I'm working with here are completely new to me so my inexperience got the best of me. Thank you to #jfriend00 who made me double-take how /home was being called (it wasn't).
Since I was getting the data I needed without issue on the front-end I assumed these functions were being run, seeing as the data they produced was the same kind of data that was successfully being shown by the front-end, just without the console.log() output I added appearing.
Moral of the story: if every other question related to an issue on Stack Overflow concludes with "I just made a dumb mistake," take absolutely every precaution possible to observe what's happening, even if you feel like you already ruled out certain possibilities. Unfortunately I got a bit caught up with all the weird solutions I saw to the point where I got ahead of myself in debugging the problem.
I'm still a bit confused since the /home call specifically should still be "active" even if not called by the front-end, but console.log() is clearly working on other similar functions I've tested since figuring this out. There's either something hidden deep in the codebase that's breaking/overwriting /home and other old calls, or it's simply not being called right when I'm testing it outside of the front-end.
TLDR: I'm an idiot, every single API call I thought I was testing was not actually being called. Double-check your assumptions before asking for a specific solution.

How to use abort method with flask?

I would like to write the second code but I'm not sure of the merit of the first code. Would anyone please tell me the advantage of the first code? Also, can I write the code like the second one instead of the first one?
The first sample that I'm not sure of the advantages and I avoid writing this way:
if not users:
abort(401, {"error_message": "user_id is not defined."})
return user_id, custmer_id
The second sample I would like to use
if not users:
return jsonify({"error_message": "user_id is not defined."}), 401

Does origen support 93k multi_bin feature?

The examples for generating tests in the testflow create stop_bins. However there were no examples of how to generate the 93k multi_bin node. Does this feature exist in the current origen-sdk?
output node looks like this in 93k .tf file
if #FLAG then
There is currently no direct support for creating multi_bin nodes, though in time I do expect that it will be added as a result of this effort to add support for limits tables.
In the meantime though, there is the ability to render any text and this can be used to generate what you want.
To generate the above example you could do:
if_flag :flag do
render 'multi_bin;'
This will also work with in-line conditions, this is the same:
render 'multi_bin;', if_flag: :flag
Additionally, on_pass and on_fail will accept a render option:
func :my_test, on_fail: { render: 'multi_bin;' }
Obviously that is creating something that will not be able to translate to other tester platforms, so the advice is to use render sparingly and only as a get out of jail card when you really need it.
Also note that for these examples to work you need at least OrigenTesters 0.11.1.

Node js - overall structure of a program

Hope you are well.
I need your help to understand how to logically organize a program in Node JS to avoid repetition of code given its asynchronous property (as a beginner ..). Let's take an example to make it easier to explain.
One has some data in a mongo database (let's say a list of name). This list of name can be access thanks to the function readData as below
function readData(criteriaRead,callback) {
callback('data read on mongodb')
I have two actions in my program: one is to print out the list of name, the other is to check if a name is in the list.
For the first case, it's simple, I just need to have a function like this
function printout(data) {console.log(data)}
and to do this
In the second case, let's say I have a function like this
checkIfInIt(array,dataToCheck) {//stuff to check console.log(results)}
Now, I have an issue because if I doreadData(criteriaRead,checkIfInIt) it won't work as checkIfInIt requires two parameters.
I would need a function like this
function readDataBis(criteriaRead,dataToCheck,callback) {
callback('data read on Mongodb','dataToCheck')
and then readDataBis(criteriaRead,dataToCheck,checkIfInIt) would work but I have a huge repetition in my code.
How to avoid that?
There are several solutions for this type of issue, but here's an easy one for your case
Declare your function with the three parameters as such
function readData(callback, criteriaRead, dataToCheck) { ...
Inside, check if dataToCheck is undefined, and continue with the flow of the second function you had if that's the case. (Otherwise just do the read function)
Call them like so
readData(callback, criteriaRead); // Third parameter missing, will be undefined
readData(callback, criteriaRead, dataToCheck);
You could also pass in an object for your parameters like this, if it would make it simpler
function readData(callback, params) { ...
And call like this
readData(callback, { criteriaRead: criteriaRead, dataToCheck: dataToCheck });

Mongoose: How to add multiple plugins

In Mongoose, I've never actually seen an example of setting multiple Mongoose plugins on a schema.
All I ever see is
How does one go about adding another plugin to that? e.g. mongoosePaginatePlugin?
Unfortunately mongoose doesn't support initializing multiple plugins at once. So the only option is to call schema.plugin(...) multiple times.
You can can call the function multiple times to initialize all your plugins like this:
Alternatively, if you store your functions in an iterable (something like an array) you can just iterate over each item and initialize it that way. Something like this:
const myPlugins = [ mongooseSearchPlugin, mongoosePaginatePlugin ];
myPlugins.forEach(plugin => schema.plugin(plugin));
// Or you can you block style
myPlugins.forEach((plugin) => {
Depending on how many plugins you're using this might make your code shorter. Ultimately it's a styling choice.
Hope this explanation helped.
Simply call schema.plugin multiple times
