Compile error in hidden module:Module04_ExportToSAPServer - excel

I use the windows10 laptop,and the EXCEL appears this kind of error, can you help me to provide a solution?
Compile error in hidden module:Module04_ExportToSAPServer.This error commonly occurs when code is incompatible with the version, platform, or architecture of this application.


Trying to compile ncat statically gives me errors on nsock dependency

I'm dealing with the following tutorial: but lots of errors are thrown from nsock.
The majority of them are C4430, C2143, and C2238 (I have the IDE in another language so I cannot copy exact messages).
I followed correctly all the steps given from this tutorial and anything seems to work.
I also switch from VS2013 to VS2019, because the v142 build tools were required, but this doesn't seems to do anything new to solve the problem
So can anybody help me with this?

Xcode 4.6 Undefined symbols for architecture armv7 associate with static library

I currently run into a problem after I updated my xcode to 4.6.
At the beginning, I got lots of linking errors. With the help from other posts, I am be able to solve them. However, new problems always come whenever I solved the previous one.
Right now, I am stuck at "Undefined symbols for architecture armv7" when I try to build the game on devices with release mode (release and debug modes work for simulator, and debug mode works for devices). I have already researched this problem online, but none of the solutions could solve my situation. That's why I want to start a new post.
Let me explain the situation in details:
All the errors are happened at calling methods in libraries.
my libraries works fine with architecture armv7 before (xcode 4.5)
The current value for Architectures in project file is "Standard (armv7, armv7s)
The current value for Current Architecture is "armv7 armv7s armv6"
This is a sample error:
Even though I only showed errors related to libReceiptVerification.multi.a, errors actually happen at other libraries.
//************* From this line **************
Undefined symbols for architecture armv7:
"_OBJC_CLASS_$_NSMutableOrderedSet", referenced from:
objc-class-ref in libarclite_iphoneos.a(arclite.o)
"_CFStringCreateWithBytes", referenced from:
-[JKSerializer serializeObject:options:encodeOption:block:delegate:selector:error:] in libReceiptVerification.multi.a(JSONKit.o)
_jk_cachedObjects in libReceiptVerification.multi.a(JSONKit.o)
"_CFStringCreateWithBytesNoCopy", referenced from:
-[JKSerializer serializeObject:options:encodeOption:block:delegate:selector:error:] in libReceiptVerification.multi.a(JSONKit.o)
"_CFDataSetLength", referenced from:
__NSStringObjectFromJSONString in libReceiptVerification.multi.a(JSONKit.o)
// *************** Ending Here ***********
So, does anyone has any clue on this problem?
Thanks for your help in advance.
I am having the same problem Solved by setting
Implicitly link Objective-C Runtime Support to NO
You can find it under Project->Build Settings->Apple LLVM Compiler 4.2-Language.
Or search for Implicitly link Objective-C Runtime Support in project->Build Settings
Check out the library targets for libarclite, JSONKit and everything else and make sure they also have the identical architecture values set for their Release builds.
Also that "Build Active Architecture Only" is checked to NO for Release targets.

Compiling a program without the the Multi Threaded DLL (Visual C++ 2010)

By default, Visual Studio compiles a project to use the Multi Threaded DLL, found in the Visual Studio runtime. I want to compile my program using only /MT instead of /MD. Granted, that most systems already have this installed, and it's also available as a re-distributable.
When I change /MD to /MT, I get an error:
MSVCRTD.lib(MSVCR100D.dll) : error LNK2005: _free already defined in LIBCMT.lib(free.obj)
And four or five similar errors.
To try and fix this I removed LIBCMT.LIB from the default libraries.
I then get the error:
libcpmt.lib(_tolower.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __calloc_crt referenced in function __Getctype
Removing MSVCRTD.lib from the default list leads to similar errors?
It should be noted that:
-This is an OpenGL project, using the glfw library.
-I am using the SOIL image library by lonesock for texture loading.
Without any further precise information, I would say your first problem is that you're somehow mixing release and debug versions of libraries. MSVCRTD.lib is the debug version of MSVCRT.lib.
Either you have some debug settings hanging around in your own projects, or you're linking against debug versions of libraries you're using.
Never ever mix debug and release versions. If you're lucky you get an error like this. In some rare situations all magically seems to work until it doesn't.

fatal error C1084: Cannot read type library file: 'Smegui.tlb': Error loading type library/DLL

I am trying to build an old version of an application which consists of VC++ projects that were written in Visual Studio 2003.
My OS is Windows 7 Enterprise (64-bit).
When I try and build the solution I get the following errors:
error C4772: #import referenced a type from a missing type library; '__missing_type__' used as a placeholder
fatal error C1084: Cannot read type library file: 'Smegui.tlb': Error loading type library/DLL.
They both complain about the following import statement:
#import "Smegui.tlb" no_implementation
This is not a case of the file path being incorrect as renaming the Smegui.tlb file causes the compiler to throw another error saying it cannot find the library.
Smegui is from another application that this one depends on. I thought perhaps I was missing a dll but there is no such thing as Smegui.dll.
All I know about .tlb files is that they are a type library and you can create them from an assembly using tlbexp.exe or regasm.exe (the later also registers the assembly with COM)
There is also an Apache Ant build script which uses a custom task to invoke to build the projects. This is the same script that the build server originally used to build the application. It gives me the same errors when I try and run it.
The strangest thing about this is that I knew it ought to work seeing as it is all freshly checked out from subversion. I tried many different combinations of admin vs user elevation, VS vs Ant build, cleaning, release.
I have got it to build successfully about 5 times but the build seems to be non-deterministic.
If anyone can shed some light on how this tlb stuff even works or what this error might mean I would greatly appreciate it.
I found a far more reliable solution: open the tlb with oleview.exe and then close it.
Not sure what this actually does but it works every time.
I think oleview is actually one of the samples included with Visual Studio but I haven't had the time to debug it and see what it is doing.
I ran into this error because one type library was trying to load a dependent type library, which it could not find. Even though the dependent type library was in the same directory, and even though that directory was in the searchable path, the compiler would error loading the first type library, but not mention the dependent type library in the error.
To find the pseudo-missing type library, I ran Process Monitor (procman64.exe) during the compile. This showed that after the reported type library had successfully loaded, a dependent type library could not be found. It even showed all of the places that it was looking for the dependent type library, none of which were where it should have been looking (e.g.: ).
The fix was to add a <PreBuildEvent> to the project to copy the dependent .tlb file to one of the directories that was actually being searched.
<Command>copy /Y ..\Lib\Interop\CWSpeechRecLib.tlb .\</Command>
smegui.tlb is referencing some other tlb that the compiler can't find. If you have the .idl for smegui you might be able to figure out what the other is. I suspect the missing tlb is something that original build machine had registered but that your machine doesn't have registered.
A type library is a binary description of a set of interfaces, coclasses and enums. They're usually generated for COM components, in the case of tlbexp and regasm the tlb is created from the assembly metadata. For native COM components they are usually generated from an idl (Interface Description Language) file by the midl tool.
I just noticed you're on x64 Windows. Are you building the project with a new version of Visual Studio? If so, are you targeting x86 or x64? If the latter, it may simply be a 32bit component that the compiler can't find (or less likely, a x64 component the x86 compiler can't find if you are targeting x86), for WOW64 the registry is virtualized for x86 vs. x64 applications.
Well I finally found out why I managed to get it to build sometimes and not others... sort of.
So long as I ran the build script with elevated administrator permissions and let that get as far as it could until that error occurred, then run the build script again as a protected administrator succeeded. Those steps must be done in that exact order with no other steps in between. If I try build in Visual Studio it does not work (although I did get it to succeed once). Probably some kind of virtualisation issue although it still doesn't quite make sense.
Well I don't need help on this any more and I know it's probably impossible to fully answer this question without knowing exactly what the build is doing. However if anyone does have any more thoughts I would happily receive them.

SQLite compiler errors

When including "sqlite3.c" into my project, I get lots of compiler errors:
error C2027: use of undefined type "_ht" d:\...\sqlite3.c line 19556
fatal error C1003: Errors in the program are too numerous to allow recovery. The compiler must terminate.
When inlcuding "sqlite3.c" into an empty test project, I have no problems. I compared project settings and there are no big differences between the two projects.
How can I troubleshoot this problem? Is there anyone who had the same issue?
It looks like you're not including all its header files (or maybe you're trying to build C as C++). Don't Do That. Better yet, build it into a library (or use someone else's build) and just include the built version in your project.
Right click the sqlite3.c file in your project and select Properties. Go to
C/C++ -> Advanced -> Compile As => "Compile as C Code (/TC)"
This solves the issue. Make sure to set that under all of your Configurations and Platforms.
I ran into the same issue. I'm creating a plugin and so compiling in sqlite rather than having to distribute an additional DLL is beneficial, and this is less work than creating an additional project to build a static lib.
