How to open pgadmin4 on Manjaro - linux

I was tried to open pgadmin4 on linux Manjaro but i have an error. I don't know how to fix it. Please help me Error

It seems you have installed the app. This is a community edition and is not supported by the official Pgadmin4 maintainers (by this comment: ArchLinux, PostgreSQL and pgAdmin4). I wasn't able to get it up and running too.
The solution is to follow the official installation, which uses pip. You can find it here: Note that this only runs in a python venv.
You could also run a docker container, which might be even simpler:


Why isn't custom.ini being used by Grafana for APT version on Ubuntu 20.04?

I first tried installing Grafana on Windows and was able to use custom.ini just fine to override [auth.anonymous] in the defaults.ini configuration file.
However when performing the same thing with the Linux APT version on Ubuntu 20.04 I’m having zero luck.
Grafana just steadfastly refuses to read my custom.ini file.
What’s going on here?
The APT version should use the custom.ini file as far as I can make out from the Grafana documentation?
Ok, figured it out. APT versions also use grafana.ini

Installing Anaconda on Linux VM Instance on Google Cloud Platform

I have provisioned a VM (ubuntu-minimal-1804) on google cloud platform. I want to install anaconda3 and run jupyter notebooks on it. I lack the Computer Science/ IT background and hence tried to follow the online resources. I am finding it difficult install the anaconda3 and jupyter on the VM despite following these sources. Can anyone help me with this? I would really appreciate if anyone can provide me with step-by-step guide.
Note: These are the links that I followed but failed to install anaconda
Thank you in advance
The steps that you have followed should be applicable to your Ubuntu 18.04 LTS VM (with the official image and default setup), after locating it in your instances list and clicking on the SSH button.
Despite the "minimal" images lacking some of the commonly-used utilities in Ubuntu, I could test the commands in the guide in a new VM from the ubuntu-minimal-1804-lts image family and managed to successfully install Anaconda3, except for the VSCode installation that seemed to have an outdated server connection check.
I would also recommend trying the latest installer for Anaconda3 that's available in the repo archive instead, as the one in the guide is a bit outdated:
$ curl -O
$ rm -rf ~/anaconda3 # (clear previous attempted installation first, if any)
$ bash
In any case, as suggested by John Hanley, feel free to comment below or edit your question with any errors that you might get.

RHEL 7.6 - Built Python3.6 from Source Broke Network

I have a RHEL system which by default was running Python2.7 and Python3.4
I needed Python3.6 for a project I wanted to work on and so I downloaded it and built it from source. I ran make and make install which hindsight may have been the wrong decision.
Now I do not seem to have any internet connectivity. Does anyone know what I may have over written to cause this or at least where specifically I can look to track this issue down?
Note: I can Putty into the Linux machine but it doesn't seem to have any other connectivity, specifically HTTPS
It's a bit weird that this would break network connectivity. One possible explanation is that the system has networking scripts or a network manager that relies on Python, and it got broken after make install replaced your default Python installation. It may be possible to fix this by reinstalling your RHEL Python packages (sorry, cannot offer more detailed help there, as I don't have access to a RHEL box).
I guess the lesson is "be careful about running make install as superuser". To easily install and manage different Python versions (separate from the system Python), the Anaconda Python distribution would be a good solution.
I suggest to undo that 3.6 installation and use the Software Collections version of python 3.6. See here for python 3.6 installation. Software Collections install "along side" the original versions so as to not affect the OS - and they are included in the subscription.
So after a lot of time slamming my head against the wall I got it worked out. My best guess is that the system (RHEL 7) relied on something from its default Python2.7 installation to handle SSL negotiations. Installing 3.6 alongside must have overwritten some pointer. Had I done this correctly, with altinstall all would have likely been fine.
The most frustrating part of this is that there were no error messages, connections just timed out.
To fix this, I had to uninstall all Python versions and then reinstalled Python2.7 - Once Python2 was back in the system it all seemed to work well.

Anaconda 64bit install has begun to fail

I have been using Anaconda 3-5.0.1 with spyder3. Spyder has begun to fail.
I tried to remove and reinstall but reinstall fails. I removed hidden folder
anaconda3 to no avail. I now have no working spyder. I am installing 64-bit version in Windows 10. There are a variety of error messages including cant create menus. I have run this install many times prior to today (2/8/2018).
I assume continuum changed something.
I would greatly appreciate guidance.
For those of you who still have the same issue, try to follow the link below.
You may need to have a google translate as it's a Japanese blog.
I deleted JDK, JRE and all java related paths in the environment setting as suggested in the blog. Then I could successfully install anaconda3.5.1.0_64bit with no error.

Nodejs - Another installation is in progress

System - Win 7 64 bit.
Nodejs - node-v6.9.4-x64.msi
Installation error - Another installation is in progress. You must complete that installation before continuing this one.
Solutions that did NOT work - Run as admin, Run via commandline as admin, log had same error i saw in installer, don't install online docs option,
Please help me to fix this. Thank you !
This will not be an issue with your NodeJs installation, it might be because of your previous installation (might be any other software) which might be still in progress or not exit properly.
To solve your issue, please try restarting your machine once and install. This will indirectly kill your previous unstable installation and allow you to install NodeJs
I had this issue with '2017-03-21, Version 6.10.1 'Boron' (LTS)'. Restarting my PC solved the issue.
P.S. However, this issue seems to be specific to the NodeJs installer. I tried installing other programs after the NodeJs installation threw up this error and they installed fine (even before the restart).
