Hopefully a quick question
I was wondering from within Azure Synapse Studio - where can I find the "Managed identity object ID"?
I tried to click around before and was some what able to find it when creating an integration dataset - But I cant seem to find like a high level overview screen with for example the Managed identity object ID or managed ID.
I know these can be found quite easily from within the Azure portal but I cant seem to find the same info easily within Azure Synapse Studio?
Azure portal -> Azure synapse -> properties
Azure synapse studio
If you are trying to create linked service, you will find managed identity object ID.
I have an Azure invoice from Microsoft sponsorship. In that, I can see the details of the usage of Azure services using an identifier called "ResourceGuid". Is it possible to find out the resources in the Azure console using the identifier "ResourceGuid"?
I've checked the normal resource pages and couldn't find a mapping between the identifier in the invoice and the details in the Azure console. Is there a possible way?
How do I add a custom domain name in Azure AD via an automation tool or CLI? I would like to mimic the manual steps in the Azure Portal (Azure AD -> Custom Domain Names -> Add custom domain -> enter domain name -> enter settings for custom domain name -> verify).
I have been scouring Azure Powershell and Azure CLI documentation, but have been unable to find a solution to this problem. Struggling to find a solution in Terraform too. Is it possible to automate this task?
The reason for this is because I am trying to workaround not being able to create an enterprise application programmatically - any help there would also be appreciated.
You only can do it via API REST:
PUT https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.DomainRegistration/domains/{domainName}?api-version=2022-03-01
More Info: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/appservice/domains/create-or-update?tabs=HTTP
Via terraform you only can use the Data Source azuread_domains (https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/azuread/latest/docs/data-sources/domains)
We are implementing row level security in Azure Synapse Analytics and we want to check if user is member of specific Azure AAD group, user can access data. As per [documentation][1]
[1]: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/functions/is-member-transact-sql?view=sql-server-ver15 it says this function only check windows group. Is there any work around or ETA when this features will be available?
We tried using below query but it always returns NULL
The document you have shared clearly mentioned that IS_MEMBER function is not supported for Azure Active Directory Groups.
You can raise the feature request here.
Alternatively, you can check this official document about How to set up access control for your Azure Synapse workspace. This will help you to understand and implement control access to a Microsoft Azure Synapse workspace using Azure roles, Azure Synapse roles, SQL permissions, and Git permissions.
I am about to publish an app on Azure Market Place and I am trying to create a "Test drive".
My application is based on several Azure resources :
App Service (webapp + api)
Azure search index
Azure storage
SQL Database
PowerBI Embedded
My question is: Are these resources all supported via ARM?
(especially the creation of an azure search index and PowerBI Embedded "linked" to a PowerBI account)
Thank you.
The resources except Azure search index are all supported via ARM.(Azure search service is supported)
For the ARM templates of them, you could refer to the Reference in this link. Also, in the portal, you could check them when you creating the resource in Automation options of the creation blade after filling the properties.
I am starting to create Azure Data Factories at my company. Primarily loading data from our on-premise SQL databases to Azure SQL Data Warehouse. However, I am only able to publish them from the Microsoft Azure web portal, and not Visual Studio 2015. When I right-click on the project in Solution Explorer and select the publish button, I am asked to login to MS Visual Studio. After logging in on the Data Factory Configuration page, I cannot see any existing data factories nor create any new ones. The Use existing Data Factory Name, Subscription, Resource Group, and Region drop downs are disabled (see screenshot).
I am the owner of the Data Factory and have not had any other issues publishing or running pipelines in the data factories I create. I am the sole developer on the team working with data factories and the person who set me up and configured our Azure services cannot find the problem either.
I imagine it is a configuration issue or something to do with my account. I have re-installed VS2015 Enterprise from scratch to no avail. Any suggestions?
You need to have co-admin or admin privileges on atleast one subscription to be able to create or use existing Data Factories. The permissions should be granted using the old management azure portal. If co-admin privileges provided using new portal it wont work.
Open View->Other Windows->Data Factory Task List. There should be log of your operations. It looks like this:
Data Factory Task List
If you double click on entry there is more detailed task log